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                                                   DR 0104AMT (12/01/22)
                                                   COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE

                           Instructions for Alternative Minimum Tax

Individual taxpayers are subject to a Colorado alternative         Part-Year and Nonresidents
minimum tax equal to the amount by which 3.47% of their            In the case of a nonresident, the Colorado alternative 
Colorado alternative minimum taxable income exceeds                minimum tax shall be apportioned in the ratio of the modified 
their Colorado normal tax.                                         federal alternative minimum taxable income from Colorado 
Colorado alternative minimum taxable income is the                 sources to the total modified federal alternative minimum 
federal alternative minimum taxable income modified by             taxable income. In the case of a part-year resident, the 
any applicable additions and subtractions. Enter on line 2         Colorado alternative minimum tax shall be apportioned in 
of form DR 0104AMT the sum of lines 3 through 6, form              the ratio of the modified federal alternative minimum taxable 
DR 0104. Enter on line 4 of form DR 0104AMT the sum                income applicable to that part of the year the taxpayer was 
of all subtractions entered on the DR 0104AD excluding             a resident plus the modified federal alternative minimum 
the State Income Tax Refund (line 1, DR 0104AD) and                taxable income from Colorado sources, if any, during that 
any interest paid by the State of Colorado or any political        part of the year the taxpayer was a nonresident over the 
subdivision thereof that is in federal alternative minimum         total modified federal alternative minimum taxable income.
taxable income. On DR 0104AMT - Computation Schedule,              Adjustments relative to the standard deduction and 
do not enter any amount on line 2 or line 4 that duplicates        itemized deductions would be Colorado adjustments to 
any income or adjustment made in arriving at federal               the extent of the Colorado adjusted gross income ratio 
alternative minimum taxable income.                                as determined on line 34 of form DR 0104PN. Other 
For additional information about calculating Colorado              adjustments would be Colorado adjustments to the extent 
alternative minimum tax, please review the Individual              they relate to items of income from Colorado sources. Tax 
Income Tax Guide at Tax.Colorado.gov                               preference items are Colorado items to the extent they 
                                                                   relate to a business being carried on in Colorado.
Ordinarily, you will have a Colorado alternative minimum 
tax if you have a federal alternative minimum tax.                 Use the worksheet below to calculate the apportionment 
                                                                   percentage if you are a part-year resident or nonresident 
                                                                   individual.  Carry the amount from line 6 of the worksheet 
                                                                   to line 6 of the DR 0104AMT. 

Calculation of Apportionment Percentage Worksheet
Do not return this worksheet with your return, submit the form on page 2.

                                                                                                Total Colorado

1. Amount from line 1 of Federal Form 6251                                           1

2. Adjustments on Federal Form 6251 relative to itemized deductions                  2

3. Other adjustments on Federal Form 6251                                            3

4. Tax preference items on Federal Form 6251                                         4
5. Total of lines 1 through 4, equal to alternative minimum taxable income on line 4 
of Fed Form 6251                                                                     5
6. Amount on line 5 in Colorado column divided by amount on line 5 in total 
column. Use the resulting percentage to apportion the tax calculated on line 6, 
form DR 0104AMT.                                                                     6

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                               DR 0104AMT (12/01/22)
                               COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
*220104AM19999*                Page 1 of 1

                               2022 Colorado Alternative
                        Minimum Tax Computation Schedule

Last Name                      First Name                                         Middle Initial SSN or ITIN

                                                                                         Round to the nearest dollar
1. Amount from line 6 Federal Form 6251. If line 5 on form 6251 is larger than line 4 on 
   form 6251, subtract line 5 from line 4 and enter the resulting negative amount here.  1                  0 0

2. The sum of lines 3 through 6, form DR 0104, see instructions on page 1                2                  0 0

3. Sum of lines 1 and 2                                                                  3                  0 0
4. Subtractions from the DR 0104AD excluding the State Income Tax Refund        
   (line 1, DR0104AD)                                                                    4                  0 0

5. Subtract line 4 from line 3                                                           5                  0 0
6. Amount on line 5 multiplied by 3.47%. In the case of 
   nonresident or part-year resident taxpayer apportioned at:                   %        6                  0 0

7. Colorado normal tax from line 10, form DR 0104                                        7                  0 0

8. Colorado alternative minimum tax, the amount by which line 6 exceeds line 7           8                  0 0
Submit this form with your paper form DR 0104, Colorado Income Tax Return, or submit electronically at  
Colorado.gov/RevenueOnline using the E-file Attachment option.

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