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                                                                 Rev. 9/22/16

Scan Specifi cations for the 

2016 Ohio IT 4708

Important Note

The following document (2016 Ohio IT 4708) contains grids for place-
ment of information on this specifi c tax form. To accurately print, do not 
reduce the size, rotate or center this document. Doing so will jeopar-
dize the integrity of the grid. When printing from Adobe Reader, please 
select “None” for “Page Scaling,” which is under “Page Handling.”

       Ohio Department of Taxation

                        4485 Northland Ridge Blvd.

                        Columbus, OH 43229


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Grid layout 

with notations

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4                                             Do not use staples. Use only black ink and UPPERCASE letters. 
                      New! The date the return was gener-
5                     ated by the taxpayer (MM DD YY).
6                                                            2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                           Rev. 9/16                     Pass-Through Entity 
8                                                                                                                                                                                                               16160110
   88 88 88
9                                                Composite Income Tax Return
                                                          Placement of the 1D bar code and tax year is critical. 
10                              Check here if amended returnMake sure to followXCheckthe gridherepositionsif nal returnfor layout. Do                                                                         For taxable year ending in
                            X                             not forget to get your bar code(s) assignments for 
11                                                        every form, version and page.                                                                                                                         88/ 2016
12 FEIN                                            Entity Type:    X S corporation                                           X Partnership
                                                   (check only one)
13 88 8888888                                                      X Limited liability company                               X Other
15 Name of pass-through entity
   Address (if address change, check box)
18                                            X
20 City                                                                                  State                     ZIP code
21 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                                  OH                        88888
23 Number of investors included in return     Apportionment ratio, line 6          Ohio charter or license no. (if S corp)
24 888888                                     8.888888                             88888888
   Questionnaire                                                                                                                                                                                                Yes         No   N/A
28 A.  If the pass-through entity is an S corporation, did the pass-through entity pay any compensation or remuneration to any 
     nonresident investors or nonresident members of the investor’s family? If yes, include a list of thoseNew!Doindividualsnot place(includespaces between 
29   SSNs) who received such compensation or remuneration and the amount(s) .....................................................................whole dollar numbers. There is only XXX
30 B.  If the pass-through entity is, or is treated as, a partnership for federal income tax purposes, did the pass-through entity a space between dollar amounts 
31   make any guaranteed payments to any of its partners or equity investors? If yes, include a list ofandthosecentspartnerselds.                                                                   or equity 
     investors (include SSNs and FEINs) who received such guaranteed payments and the amount(s) ....................................
32                                                                                                                                                                                                                  XXX
34 Schedule I – Taxable Income, Tax, Payments and Net Amount Due Calculations
35   1.  Total income (from Schedule II, line 40).............................................................................................For static text use Arial font (black ink) and try to 1.   8888888888 00
36   2.  Total deductions (from Schedule III, line 49).......................................................................................match size. For data entry elds (shown in red 2.          8888888888 00
37                                                        for identifi cation purposes only), also use Arial 
                                                          font (black ink). All the data entry fi elds must fol-
38   3.  Income (loss) to be allocated and apportioned (line 1 minus line 2)low grid layout. When a fi eld refl ects a negative .................................................. 3.                      8888888888 00
39                                                        amount, make sure there is one space between 
40   4.  Net allocable nonbusiness income (loss) everywhere, if any, and gain (loss) described in R.C. the amount and the negative sign. Never hard 
     5747.212. (Include explanation and supporting schedules.)code a negative sign........................................................................... 4.                                         888888888 00
41   5.  Apportionable income (loss) (line 3 minus line 4)....................................................................................... 5.                                                     888888888 00
43   6.  Ohio apportionment ratio (from Schedule IV, line 53)................................................................................. 6.                                                               8.888888
45                                                                                                                                                                                                       888888888 00
     7.  Income (loss) apportioned to Ohio (line 5 times line 6).............................................................................. 7.
47   8.  Net nonbusiness income (loss) allocated to Ohio and gain (loss) apportioned to Ohio per R.C. 
     5747.212. (Include explanation and supporting schedules.) ...................................................................... 8.                                                                 888888888 00
49   9.  Ohio taxable income (sum of lines 7 and 8, but not less than -0-)                                                                                                                               888888888 00
                                                                         ............................................................. 9.
51   10. Tax before credits (multiply the amount on line 9 by .04997)                                                                                                                                    888888888 00
                                                                   ................................................................... 10.
53   11.  Nonrefundable business credits (include Schedule E)                                                                                                                                            888888888 00
55    12. Tax due after nonrefundable business credits. Line 10 minus line 11. If less than -0-, enter -0- ............... 12.                                                                           888888888 00
56       Target marks or registration marks 
57       must measure 6 mm X 6 mm.  The 
58       three target marks or registration 
         marks on every page must follow 
59       grid layout.                                                                                 New! 2D barcode required. Delete 
                                                                                                      this box and replace it with the 2D 
60                                                                                                    barcode.
61                    Do not write in this area; for department use only.
                                                                                                                                                    2016 IT 4708 – pg. 1 of 6

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                                                            2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                       Rev. 9/16                           Pass-Through Entity                                                                                                                                                 16160210
9                                                Composite Income Tax Return
11 88 8888888
13 Schedule I – Taxable Income, Tax, Payments and Net Amount Due Calculations...cont.
14    13. Interest penalty on underpayment of estimated tax (include Ohio IT/SD 2210) ....................................... 13.                                                                                               888888888 00
     14. Ohio IT 4708ES and IT 4708P payments for the taxable year                                                                                  ................................................................. 14.       888888888 00
18    15. Ohio IT 1140ES and IT 1140P payments transferred to this form and any payments made with 
     ...........................................................................................previously led return(s) for this taxable year 15.                                                                            888888888 00
     16. Ohio IT 4708ES and IT 4708P payments transferred to Ohio IT 1140 and overpayments, if any, 
20   ....................................................................................................previously claimed for this taxable year   16.                                                                         888888888 00
22    17. Total net Ohio estimated tax payments for 2016 (sum of lines 14 and 15 minus line 16) ........................ 17.                                                                                                    888888888 00
24    18. Amount of 2015 overpayment credited to 2016 (see 2015 Ohio IT 4708, line 22) ................................... 18.                                                                                                  888888888 00
26   19. Total refundable business credits (from Schedule V, line 60).................................................................... 19.                                                                                   888888888 00
28   20. Total of lines 17, 18 and 19....................................................................................................................... 20.                                                                888888888 00
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                              888888888 00
      21. Overpayment, if any (line 20 minus the sum of lines 12 and 13, but not less than -0-) ............................ 21.
32    22. Amount of line 21 to be credited to year 2017 tax liability (if this is an amended return, enter -0-)
        ................................................................................................................................                     CREDIT TO 2017 22.                                                888888888 00
34   23. Amount of line 21 to be refunded (line 21 minus line 22)                                                                                .......................................... YOUR REFUND 23.                    888888888 00
36    24. Net amount due, if any (sum of lines 12 and 13 minus line 20, but not less than -0-) ............................. 24.                                                                                                888888888 00
38                                                                                                                                                                                                                              888888888 00
       25. Interest and penalty due on late-paid tax and/or late-fi led return, if any ................................................... 25.
40 26. Total amount due, if any (sum of lines 24 and 25). Make check payable to Ohio Treasurer of State, 
       include Ohio IT 4708P and place FEIN on check ..........................................TOTAL  AMOUNT DUE26.                                                                                                            888888888 00
                        If your refund is $1.00 or less, no refund will be issued. If you owe $1.00 or less, no payment is necessary.
43 Sign Here (required):I declare under penalties of perjury that this report, including any ac-
44 companying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge                                                                                                         Do not staple or otherwise attach. 
45 and belief is a true, correct and complete return and report.                                                                                                                            Place any supporting documents, including 
46                                                                                                                                                                                                     K-1’s, after the last page of this return.
47 Pass-through entity offi cer or agent (print name)  

48 Title of offi cer or agent (print name)             Phone number                                                                                                                                                              Mail to: 
49                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ohio Dept. of Taxation
50 Signature of pass-through entity offi cer or agent  Date                                                                                                                                                                P.O. Box 181140
51                                                                                                                                                                                                      Columbus, OH 43218-1140
52 Preparer’s name (print name)                       Phone number
53                                                                                                                                                                                                      Instructions for this form are on 
54 Preparer’s e-mail address                          PTIN                                                                                                                                              our Web site at tax.ohio.gov.
55 Do you authorize your preparer to contact us regarding this return?  Yes                                                                            X No X  
59                                                                                                                                                                                          New! 2D barcode required. Delete For Department Use Only
60                                                                                                                                                                                          this box and replace it with the 2D 
61                      Do not write in this area; for department use only. barcode.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          /     /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Postmark date  Code
                                                                                                                                                                                            2016 IT 4708 – pg. 2 of 6

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123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
                                                                                                                                            2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                            Rev. 9/16                                                                                                    Pass-Through Entity 
9  FEIN                                          Composite Income Tax Return
10 88 8888888
12 Schedule II – Income and Adjustments
   Items refl ected on lines 27-49 are the combined amounts from the federal Schedule K-1(s) for the taxable year for only those investors who are participating 
14 in the fi ling of this return. Include with this return a copy of the applicable federal 1120S or 1065 and K-1(s) of participating investors.
16   27. Ordinary business income (loss)     ...................................................................................................... 27.           8888888888 00
18   28. The investors’ shares of expenses and losses incurred in connection with all direct and indi-
         rect transactions between the pass-through entity and its related members, including certain 
19       investors’ family members                                                                                                                                888888888 00
                                 .................................................................................................................. 28.
21   29. Guaranteed payments that the pass-through entity made to each investor participating in 
         the fi ling of this return if such investor directly or indirectly owns at least 20% of the pass-
22       through entity.................................................................................................................................... 29.   888888888 00
24 30. Compensation that the pass-through entity paid to each investor participating in the fi ling 
25       of this return if such investor directly or indirectly owns at least 20% of the pass-through 
         entity. Reciprocity agreements do not apply........................................................................................ 30.                  888888888 00
27     31. Net income or (loss) from rental activities other than amount shown on line 27 .............................. 31.                                      8888888888 00
     32. Portfolio income (loss). See note below.
29   a.  Interest income............................................................................................................................... 32a.      8888888888 00
30                                                                                                                                                                8888888888 00
    b.  Dividends............................................................................................................................................ b.
31  c.  Royalties ............................................................................................................................................ c. 8888888888 00
32   d.  Net short-term capital gain (loss) ........................................................................................................ d.           8888888888 00
33   e.  Net long-term capital gain (loss). Exclude from this line any capital loss carryforward 
34       amount. Note: If the sum of lines 32d and 32e results in a net loss, the net allowable 
         loss for the sum of these two lines cannot exceed the product of $3,000 and the number 
35    .................................................................................of participating investors included in this return e.                      8888888888 00
37   f.  Other portfolio income (loss) ............................................................................................................... f.         8888888888 00
39   33. Net gain (loss) under I.R.C. 1231..................................................................................................... 33.               8888888888 00
41   34. Adjustment for I.R.C. sections 168(k) and 179 depreciation expense                                                                 X  2/3,X  5/6 
42       or    X  6/6 (check applicable box) and miscellaneous federal income tax adjustments. 
         Include a separate schedule showing calculations .......................................................................... 34.                          8888888888 00
44                                                                                                                                                                8888888888 00
   35. Other income (loss). Include schedule     ............................................................................................. 35.
     36. Pass-through entity and fi nancial institutions taxes paid.................................................................. 36.                          8888888888 00
   37. Non-Ohio state or local government interest and dividends earned by the pass-through 
48       entity but not included above............................................................................................................ 37.            8888888888 00
50   38. State and local income taxes deducted in arriving at income .......................................................... 38.                               8888888888 00
     39. Losses from the sale or other disposition of Ohio public obligations if such losses have 
52       been deducted in determining federal taxable income..................................................................... 39.                             8888888888 00
54                                                                                                                                                                8888888888 00
       40. Total income (loss) (add lines 27 through 39; enter here and on Schedule I, line 1) ........................ 40.
59                                                                                                                                                          New! 2D barcode required. Delete 
60                                                                                                                                                          this box and replace it with the 2D 
61                           Do not write in this area; for department use only.barcode.
                                                                                                                                                                2016 IT 4708 – pg. 3 of 6

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                                                             2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                        Rev. 9/16                      Pass-Through Entity 
9                                            Composite Income Tax Return
   88 8888888
12 Schedule III – Deductions
   List only those deductions that have not already been used to reduce any income items set forth in Schedule II. 
15   41. I.R.C. 179 expense not deducted in calculating line 27 ............................................................................ 41.                  888888888 00
16   42. Adjustment for I.R.C. sections 168(k) and 179 depreciation expense added back in applicable previous 
17   years and miscellaneous federal income tax adjustments. Include a separate schedule showing 
     calculations designating 1/2, 1/5 or 1/6         ................................................................................................ 42.        888888888 00
18                                                                                                                                                                888888888 00
     43. Net federal interest and dividends exempt from state taxation ................................................................. 43.
20   44. Other separately stated K-1 amounts that are allowable as deductions in arriving at federal adjusted gross 
     income and amounts contributed to individual development accounts. (Include a detailed schedule of items.)  .. 44.                                           888888888 00
21                                                                                                                                                                888888888 00
     45. Exempt gains from the sale of Ohio state or local government bonds..................................................... 45.
22    46. Wage and salary expense not otherwise deducted because of a federal work opportunity tax credit     ..... 46.                                           888888888 00
24   47. Interest or income earned on Ohio public obligations and Ohio purchase obligations if such interest 
     or income is included on any of lines 27-35 ............................................................................................. 47.                888888888 00
     48. Net gain included in line 40 resulting from the sale, exchange or other disposition of Ohio public obliga-
26   tions (do not enter amounts shown on line 45) ........................................................................................ 48.                   888888888 00
27    49. Total deductions (add lines 41-48; enter here and on Schedule I, line 2) ................................................. 49.                          888888888 00
29 Schedule IV – Apportionment Worksheet
30 Use this schedule to calculate the apportionment ratio for a pass-through entity that is not a fi nancial institution as defi ned in Ohio Revised Code section 
   (R.C.) 5725.01. If the pass-through entity is a fi nancial institution, refer to the instructions. Note: All ratios are to be carried to six decimal places.
31  50.  Property 
32                                                           Within Ohio                                                                                   Total Everywhere
33     a) Owned (average cost)                        88888888888 00                                                                                       88888888888 00
35                                                           Within Ohio                                                                                   New!Total Everywhere Weight is now a variable data 
                                                      This fi eld requires a leading zero,                                                                  fi eld and must include a leading 
36     b) Rented (annual rental X 8)                  88888888888e.g. .000026 should be00displayed                                                         zero.88888888888See schema for accepted00
37                                                    as 0.000026.                                                                                         characters.
38                                                           Within Ohio                                                                                   Total Everywhere
39     c) Total (lines 50a and 50b)                   88888888888 00                                 ÷                                                     88888888888 00
40                                                                                   Ratio                   Weight                                                   Weighted Ratio
                                                                =                                          x                                               =
41                                                                       8. 888888                           8.88                                                     8. 888888
43                                                           Within Ohio                                                                                   Total Everywhere
44  51.  Payroll                                      88888888888 00                                                                                       88888888888 00
45                                                                                   Ratio                   Weight                                                   Weighted Ratio
                                                                                                             This fi eld requires a leading zero, 
                                                                =                                          x 8.88                                          =
46                                                                       8. 888888                           e.g. .000026 should be displayed 8. 888888
47                                                                                                           as 0.000026.
48                                                           Within Ohio                                                                                   Total Everywhere
49  52.  Sales                                        88888888888 00                                 ÷                                                     88888888888 00
50                                                                                   Ratio                   Weight                                                   Weighted Ratio
51                                                              =        8. 888888                         x 8.88                                               =     8. 888888
53                                                                                                                                                                    Weighted Ratio
54   53.  Total weighted apportionment ratio (add lines 50c, 51 and 52). Enter ratio here and on Schedule I,.line 6.                                                  8. 888888
55   Note: If the denominator of any factor is zero, the weight given to the other factors must be proportionately increased so that the total weight given to the 
56   combined number of factors used is 100%, i.e., if no property/payroll, use 25% and 75%; if no sales, use 50% property/payroll; if only one factor, use 100%.
59                                                                                                 New! 2D barcode required. Delete 
60                                                                                                 this box and replace it with the 2D 
61                Do not write in this area; for department use only.                              barcode.
                                                                                                             2016 IT 4708 – pg. 4 of 6

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                                                      2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                              Rev. 9/16              Pass-Through Entity 
9                                                Composite Income Tax Return
   88 8888888
12 Schedule V – Refundable Business Credits
   Note: Certifi cates from the Ohio Development Services Agency and/or Schedule K-1(s) must be included to verify each refundable credit claimed.
15   54. Ohio historic preservation credit      .............................................................................................................. 54.   888888888 00
17   55. Business jobs credit  ................................................................................................................................. 55. 888888888 00
19   56. Pass-through entity credit  ........................................................................................................................ 56.    888888888 00
21   57. Losses on loans made to Ohio venture capital program .......................................................................... 57.                         888888888 00
23   58.        Motion picture production credit .............................................................................................................. 58.  888888888 00
25 59. Financial Institutions Tax (FIT) credit....................................................................................................... 59.            888888888 00
27       60. Total refundable business credits (enter here and on Schedule I, line 19)..... ......................................... 60.                            888888888 00
30 Schedule VI – Investor Information
31 Provide investor information for all (resident and nonresident) investors in the pass-through entity. List investors by highest to lowest ownership percentage. 
32 Use an additional sheet, if necessary.
34 SSN                                           FEIN                                 Percent of ownership                                                      Amount of PTE tax credit
35 888 88 8888                                   88 8888888                           8.8888               888888888 00
36 First name/entity                                          M.I. Last name
37 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                                            Q    PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
38 Address
40 City                                                                               State ZIP code
41 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                               OH    88888
43 SSN                                           FEIN                                 Percent of ownership                                                      Amount of PTE tax credit
44 888 88 8888                                   88 8888888                           8.8888               888888888 00
45 First name/entity                                          M.I. Last name
46 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                                            Q    PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
47 Address
49 City                                                                               State ZIP code
50 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                               OH    88888
59                                                                                          New! 2D barcode required. Delete 
60                                                                                          this box and replace it with the 2D 
61                             Do not write in this area; for department use only.          barcode.
                                                                                                    2016 IT 4708 – pg. 5 of 6

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123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
                                              2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                    Rev. 9/16                Pass-Through Entity 
9  FEIN                                  Composite Income Tax Return
10 88 8888888
12 Schedule VI – Investor Information...cont.
   Provide investor information for all (resident and nonresident) investors in the pass-through entity. List investors by highest to lowest ownership percentage. 
14 Use an additional sheet, if necessary.
16 SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership  Amount of PTE tax credit
17 888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888               888888888 00
18 First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
19 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
20 Address
22 City                                                    State         ZIP code
23 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH            88888
25 SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership  Amount of PTE tax credit
26 888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888               888888888 00
27 First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
28 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
29 Address
31 City                                                    State         ZIP code
32 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH            88888
34 SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership  Amount of PTE tax credit
35 888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888               888888888 00
36 First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
37 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
38 Address
40 City                                                     State        ZIP code
41 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH            88888
43 SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership  Amount of PTE tax credit
44 888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888               888888888 00
45 First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
46 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
47 Address
49 City                                                     State        ZIP code
50 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH            88888
59                                                                New! 2D barcode required. Delete 
60                                                                this box and replace it with the 2D 
61                   Do not write in this area; for department use only. barcode.
                                                                                 2016 IT 4708 – pg. 6 of 6

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Grid layout

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123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
4                                         Do not use staples. Use only black ink and UPPERCASE letters. 
6                                                            2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                Rev. 9/16                                Pass-Through Entity 
8                                                                                                                                                    16160110
   88 88 88
9                                                Composite Income Tax Return
10                            Check here if amended return            XCheck here if fi nal return                                                    For taxable year ending in
11                                                                                                                                                   88/ 2016
12 FEIN                                          Entity Type:    X S corporation             X Partnership
                                                 (check only one)
13 88 8888888                                                    X Limited liability company X Other
15 Name of pass-through entity
   Address (if address change, check box)
18                                        X
20 City                                                                     State ZIP code
21 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                     OH    88888
23 Number of investors included in return Apportionment ratio, line 6       Ohio charter or license no. (if S corp)
24 888888                                 8.888888                          88888888
   Questionnaire                                                                                                                                     Yes     No   N/A
28 A.  If the pass-through entity is an S corporation, did the pass-through entity pay any compensation or remuneration to any 
    nonresident investors or nonresident members of the investor’s family? If yes, include a list of those individuals (include 
29  SSNs) who received such compensation or remuneration and the amount(s) .....................................................................     XXX
30 B.  If the pass-through entity is, or is treated as, a partnership for federal income tax purposes, did the pass-through entity 
31  make any guaranteed payments to any of its partners or equity investors? If yes, include a list of those partners or equity 
    investors (include SSNs and FEINs) who received such guaranteed payments and the amount(s) ....................................
32                                                                                                                                                   XXX
34 Schedule I – Taxable Income, Tax, Payments and Net Amount Due Calculations
35   1.  Total income (from Schedule II, line 40)............................................................................................. 1.    8888888888 00
36   2.  Total deductions (from Schedule III, line 49)....................................................................................... 2.     8888888888 00
38   3.  Income (loss) to be allocated and apportioned (line 1 minus line 2).................................................. 3.                    8888888888 00
40   4.  Net allocable nonbusiness income (loss) everywhere, if any, and gain (loss) described in R.C. 
    5747.212. (Include explanation and supporting schedules.).......................................................................... 4.           888888888 00
41   5.  Apportionable income (loss) (line 3 minus line 4)....................................................................................... 5. 888888888 00
43   6.  Ohio apportionment ratio (from Schedule IV, line 53)................................................................................. 6.    8.888888
45                                                                                                                                                   888888888 00
     7.  Income (loss) apportioned to Ohio (line 5 times line 6).............................................................................. 7.
47   8.  Net nonbusiness income (loss) allocated to Ohio and gain (loss) apportioned to Ohio per R.C. 
    5747.212. (Include explanation and supporting schedules.) ...................................................................... 8.              888888888 00
49   9.  Ohio taxable income (sum of lines 7 and 8, but not less than -0-)                                                                           888888888 00
                                                                      ............................................................. 9.
51   10. Tax before credits (multiply the amount on line 9 by .04997)                                                                                888888888 00
                                                                 ................................................................... 10.
53   11.  Nonrefundable business credits (include Schedule E)                                                                                        888888888 00
55    12. Tax due after nonrefundable business credits. Line 10 minus line 11. If less than -0-, enter -0- ............... 12.                       888888888 00
61         Do not write in this area; for department use only.
                                                                                                          2016 IT 4708 – pg. 1 of 6

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                                                            2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                       Rev. 9/16                           Pass-Through Entity                                                                                                                                             16160210
9                                                Composite Income Tax Return
11 88 8888888
13 Schedule I – Taxable Income, Tax, Payments and Net Amount Due Calculations...cont.
14    13. Interest penalty on underpayment of estimated tax (include Ohio IT/SD 2210) ....................................... 13.                                                                                           888888888 00
     14. Ohio IT 4708ES and IT 4708P payments for the taxable year                                                                                  ................................................................. 14.   888888888 00
18    15. Ohio IT 1140ES and IT 1140P payments transferred to this form and any payments made with 
     ...........................................................................................previously led return(s) for this taxable year 15.                                                                        888888888 00
     16. Ohio IT 4708ES and IT 4708P payments transferred to Ohio IT 1140 and overpayments, if any, 
20   ....................................................................................................previously claimed for this taxable year   16.                                                                     888888888 00
22    17. Total net Ohio estimated tax payments for 2016 (sum of lines 14 and 15 minus line 16) ........................ 17.                                                                                                888888888 00
24    18. Amount of 2015 overpayment credited to 2016 (see 2015 Ohio IT 4708, line 22) ................................... 18.                                                                                              888888888 00
26   19. Total refundable business credits (from Schedule V, line 60).................................................................... 19.                                                                               888888888 00
28   20. Total of lines 17, 18 and 19....................................................................................................................... 20.                                                            888888888 00
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                          888888888 00
      21. Overpayment, if any (line 20 minus the sum of lines 12 and 13, but not less than -0-) ............................ 21.
32    22. Amount of line 21 to be credited to year 2017 tax liability (if this is an amended return, enter -0-)
        ................................................................................................................................                     CREDIT TO 2017 22.                                            888888888 00
34   23. Amount of line 21 to be refunded (line 21 minus line 22)                                                                                .......................................... YOUR REFUND 23.                888888888 00
36    24. Net amount due, if any (sum of lines 12 and 13 minus line 20, but not less than -0-) ............................. 24.                                                                                            888888888 00
38                                                                                                                                                                                                                          888888888 00
       25. Interest and penalty due on late-paid tax and/or late-fi led return, if any ................................................... 25.
40 26. Total amount due, if any (sum of lines 24 and 25). Make check payable to Ohio Treasurer of State, 
       include Ohio IT 4708P and place FEIN on check ..........................................TOTAL  AMOUNT DUE26.                                                                                                        888888888 00
                        If your refund is $1.00 or less, no refund will be issued. If you owe $1.00 or less, no payment is necessary.
43 Sign Here (required):I declare under penalties of perjury that this report, including any ac-
44 companying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge                                                                                                         Do not staple or otherwise attach. 
45 and belief is a true, correct and complete return and report.                                                                                                                            Place any supporting documents, including 
46                                                                                                                                                                                                     K-1’s, after the last page of this return.
47 Pass-through entity offi cer or agent (print name)  

48 Title of offi cer or agent (print name)             Phone number                                                                                                                                                          Mail to: 
49                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ohio Dept. of Taxation
50 Signature of pass-through entity offi cer or agent  Date                                                                                                                                                                P.O. Box 181140
51                                                                                                                                                                                                      Columbus, OH 43218-1140
52 Preparer’s name (print name)                       Phone number
53                                                                                                                                                                                                      Instructions for this form are on 
54 Preparer’s e-mail address                          PTIN                                                                                                                                              our Web site at tax.ohio.gov.
55 Do you authorize your preparer to contact us regarding this return?  Yes                                                                            X No X  
59                                                                                                                                                                                                      For Department Use Only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          / /
61                      Do not write in this area; for department use only.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Postmark date Code
                                                                                                                                                                                            2016 IT 4708 – pg. 2 of 6

- 12 -
123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
                                                                                                                                            2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                            Rev. 9/16                                                                                                    Pass-Through Entity 
9  FEIN                                          Composite Income Tax Return
10 88 8888888
12 Schedule II – Income and Adjustments
   Items refl ected on lines 27-49 are the combined amounts from the federal Schedule K-1(s) for the taxable year for only those investors who are participating 
14 in the fi ling of this return. Include with this return a copy of the applicable federal 1120S or 1065 and K-1(s) of participating investors.
16   27. Ordinary business income (loss)     ...................................................................................................... 27.           8888888888 00
18   28. The investors’ shares of expenses and losses incurred in connection with all direct and indi-
         rect transactions between the pass-through entity and its related members, including certain 
19       investors’ family members                                                                                                                                888888888 00
                                 .................................................................................................................. 28.
21   29. Guaranteed payments that the pass-through entity made to each investor participating in 
         the fi ling of this return if such investor directly or indirectly owns at least 20% of the pass-
22       through entity.................................................................................................................................... 29.   888888888 00
24 30. Compensation that the pass-through entity paid to each investor participating in the fi ling 
25       of this return if such investor directly or indirectly owns at least 20% of the pass-through 
         entity. Reciprocity agreements do not apply........................................................................................ 30.                  888888888 00
27     31. Net income or (loss) from rental activities other than amount shown on line 27 .............................. 31.                                      8888888888 00
     32. Portfolio income (loss). See note below.
29   a.  Interest income............................................................................................................................... 32a.      8888888888 00
30                                                                                                                                                                8888888888 00
    b.  Dividends............................................................................................................................................ b.
31  c.  Royalties ............................................................................................................................................ c. 8888888888 00
32   d.  Net short-term capital gain (loss) ........................................................................................................ d.           8888888888 00
33   e.  Net long-term capital gain (loss). Exclude from this line any capital loss carryforward 
34       amount. Note: If the sum of lines 32d and 32e results in a net loss, the net allowable 
         loss for the sum of these two lines cannot exceed the product of $3,000 and the number 
35    .................................................................................of participating investors included in this return e.                      8888888888 00
37   f.  Other portfolio income (loss) ............................................................................................................... f.         8888888888 00
39   33. Net gain (loss) under I.R.C. 1231..................................................................................................... 33.               8888888888 00
41   34. Adjustment for I.R.C. sections 168(k) and 179 depreciation expense                                                                 X  2/3,X  5/6 
42       or    X  6/6 (check applicable box) and miscellaneous federal income tax adjustments. 
         Include a separate schedule showing calculations .......................................................................... 34.                          8888888888 00
44                                                                                                                                                                8888888888 00
   35. Other income (loss). Include schedule     ............................................................................................. 35.
     36. Pass-through entity and fi nancial institutions taxes paid.................................................................. 36.                          8888888888 00
   37. Non-Ohio state or local government interest and dividends earned by the pass-through 
48       entity but not included above............................................................................................................ 37.            8888888888 00
50   38. State and local income taxes deducted in arriving at income .......................................................... 38.                               8888888888 00
     39. Losses from the sale or other disposition of Ohio public obligations if such losses have 
52       been deducted in determining federal taxable income..................................................................... 39.                             8888888888 00
54                                                                                                                                                                8888888888 00
       40. Total income (loss) (add lines 27 through 39; enter here and on Schedule I, line 1) ........................ 40.
61                           Do not write in this area; for department use only.
                                                                                                                                                                2016 IT 4708 – pg. 3 of 6

- 13 -
123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
                                                             2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                        Rev. 9/16                      Pass-Through Entity 
9                                            Composite Income Tax Return
   88 8888888
12 Schedule III – Deductions
   List only those deductions that have not already been used to reduce any income items set forth in Schedule II. 
15   41. I.R.C. 179 expense not deducted in calculating line 27 ............................................................................ 41.      888888888 00
16   42. Adjustment for I.R.C. sections 168(k) and 179 depreciation expense added back in applicable previous 
17   years and miscellaneous federal income tax adjustments. Include a separate schedule showing 
     calculations designating 1/2, 1/5 or 1/6................................................................................................ 42.     888888888 00
18                                                                                                                                                    888888888 00
     43. Net federal interest and dividends exempt from state taxation ................................................................. 43.
20   44. Other separately stated K-1 amounts that are allowable as deductions in arriving at federal adjusted gross 
     income and amounts contributed to individual development accounts. (Include a detailed schedule of items.)  .. 44.                               888888888 00
21                                                                                                                                                    888888888 00
     45. Exempt gains from the sale of Ohio state or local government bonds..................................................... 45.
22    46. Wage and salary expense not otherwise deducted because of a federal work opportunity tax credit     ..... 46.                               888888888 00
24   47. Interest or income earned on Ohio public obligations and Ohio purchase obligations if such interest 
     or income is included on any of lines 27-35 ............................................................................................. 47.    888888888 00
     48. Net gain included in line 40 resulting from the sale, exchange or other disposition of Ohio public obliga-
26   tions (do not enter amounts shown on line 45) ........................................................................................ 48.       888888888 00
27    49. Total deductions (add lines 41-48; enter here and on Schedule I, line 2) ................................................. 49.              888888888 00
29 Schedule IV – Apportionment Worksheet
30 Use this schedule to calculate the apportionment ratio for a pass-through entity that is not a fi nancial institution as defi ned in Ohio Revised Code section 
   (R.C.) 5725.01. If the pass-through entity is a fi nancial institution, refer to the instructions. Note: All ratios are to be carried to six decimal places.
31  50.  Property 
32                                                           Within Ohio                                                                           Total Everywhere
33     a) Owned (average cost)                        88888888888 00                                                                               88888888888 00
35                                                           Within Ohio                                                                           Total Everywhere
36     b) Rented (annual rental X 8)                  88888888888 00                                                                               88888888888 00
38                                                           Within Ohio                                                                           Total Everywhere
39     c) Total (lines 50a and 50b)                   88888888888 00                                 ÷                                             88888888888 00
40                                                                       Ratio                             Weight                                     Weighted Ratio
                                                                =                                     x                                            =
41                                                                       8. 888888                         8.88                                       8. 888888
43                                                           Within Ohio                                                                           Total Everywhere
44  51.  Payroll                                      88888888888 00                                                                               88888888888 00
45                                                                       Ratio                             Weight                                     Weighted Ratio
46                                                                       8. 888888                                                                    8. 888888
                                                                =                                     x    8.88                                    =
48                                                           Within Ohio                                                                           Total Everywhere
49  52.  Sales                                        88888888888 00                                 ÷                                             88888888888 00
50                                                                       Ratio                               Weight                                   Weighted Ratio
51                                                              =        8. 888888                         x 8.88                                   = 8. 888888
53                                                                                                                                                    Weighted Ratio
54   53.  Total weighted apportionment ratio (add lines 50c, 51 and 52). Enter ratio here and on Schedule I,.line 6.                                  8. 888888
55   Note: If the denominator of any factor is zero, the weight given to the other factors must be proportionately increased so that the total weight given to the 
56   combined number of factors used is 100%, i.e., if no property/payroll, use 25% and 75%; if no sales, use 50% property/payroll; if only one factor, use 100%.
61                Do not write in this area; for department use only.
                                                                                                           2016 IT 4708 – pg. 4 of 6

- 14 -
123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
                                                      2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                              Rev. 9/16              Pass-Through Entity 
9                                                Composite Income Tax Return
   88 8888888
12 Schedule V – Refundable Business Credits
   Note: Certifi cates from the Ohio Development Services Agency and/or Schedule K-1(s) must be included to verify each refundable credit claimed.
15   54. Ohio historic preservation credit      .............................................................................................................. 54.   888888888 00
17   55. Business jobs credit  ................................................................................................................................. 55. 888888888 00
19   56. Pass-through entity credit  ........................................................................................................................ 56.    888888888 00
21   57. Losses on loans made to Ohio venture capital program .......................................................................... 57.                         888888888 00
23   58.        Motion picture production credit .............................................................................................................. 58.  888888888 00
25 59. Financial Institutions Tax (FIT) credit....................................................................................................... 59.            888888888 00
27       60. Total refundable business credits (enter here and on Schedule I, line 19)..... ......................................... 60.                            888888888 00
30 Schedule VI – Investor Information
31 Provide investor information for all (resident and nonresident) investors in the pass-through entity. List investors by highest to lowest ownership percentage. 
32 Use an additional sheet, if necessary.
34 SSN                                           FEIN                                 Percent of ownership                                                      Amount of PTE tax credit
35 888 88 8888                                   88 8888888                           8.8888               888888888 00
36 First name/entity                                          M.I. Last name
37 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                                            Q    PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
38 Address
40 City                                                                               State ZIP code
41 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                               OH    88888
43 SSN                                           FEIN                                 Percent of ownership                                                      Amount of PTE tax credit
44 888 88 8888                                   88 8888888                           8.8888               888888888 00
45 First name/entity                                          M.I. Last name
46 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                                            Q    PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
47 Address
49 City                                                                               State ZIP code
50 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                               OH    88888
61                             Do not write in this area; for department use only.
                                                                                             2016 IT 4708 – pg. 5 of 6

- 15 -
123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
                                              2016 Ohio IT 4708 
7                    Rev. 9/16                Pass-Through Entity 
9  FEIN                                  Composite Income Tax Return
10 88 8888888
12 Schedule VI – Investor Information...cont.
   Provide investor information for all (resident and nonresident) investors in the pass-through entity. List investors by highest to lowest ownership percentage. 
14 Use an additional sheet, if necessary.
16 SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership Amount of PTE tax credit
17 888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888              888888888 00
18 First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
19 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
20 Address
22 City                                                    State        ZIP code
23 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH           88888
25 SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership Amount of PTE tax credit
26 888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888              888888888 00
27 First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
28 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
29 Address
31 City                                                    State        ZIP code
32 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH           88888
34 SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership Amount of PTE tax credit
35 888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888              888888888 00
36 First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
37 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
38 Address
40 City                                                     State       ZIP code
41 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH           88888
43 SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership Amount of PTE tax credit
44 888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888              888888888 00
45 First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
46 JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
47 Address
49 City                                                     State       ZIP code
50 CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH           88888
61                   Do not write in this area; for department use only.
                                                                        2016 IT 4708 – pg. 6 of 6

- 16 -

without grid

- 17 -
                                       Do not use staples. Use only black ink and UPPERCASE letters. 

                                                          2016 Ohio IT 4708 
              Rev. 9/16                                Pass-Through Entity 
88 88 88
                                              Composite Income Tax Return
              X Check here if amended return                      XCheck here if fi nal return                                                     For taxable year ending in
                                                                                                                                                  88/ 2016
FEIN                                          Entity Type:    X S corporation             X Partnership
                                              (check only one)
88 8888888                                                    X Limited liability company X Other
Name of pass-through entity
Address (if address change, check box)
City                                                                     State ZIP code
CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                     OH    88888

Number of investors included in return Apportionment ratio, line 6       Ohio charter or license no. (if S corp)
888888                                 8.888888                          88888888

Questionnaire                                                                                                                                     Yes     No   N/A
A.  If the pass-through entity is an S corporation, did the pass-through entity pay any compensation or remuneration to any 
 nonresident investors or nonresident members of the investor’s family? If yes, include a list of those individuals (include 
 SSNs) who received such compensation or remuneration and the amount(s) .....................................................................     XXX
B.  If the pass-through entity is, or is treated as, a partnership for federal income tax purposes, did the pass-through entity 
 make any guaranteed payments to any of its partners or equity investors? If yes, include a list of those partners or equity 
 investors (include SSNs and FEINs) who received such guaranteed payments and the amount(s) ....................................
Schedule I – Taxable Income, Tax, Payments and Net Amount Due Calculations
  1.  Total income (from Schedule II, line 40)............................................................................................. 1.    8888888888 00
  2.  Total deductions (from Schedule III, line 49)....................................................................................... 2.     8888888888 00

  3.  Income (loss) to be allocated and apportioned (line 1 minus line 2).................................................. 3.                    8888888888 00
  4.  Net allocable nonbusiness income (loss) everywhere, if any, and gain (loss) described in R.C. 
 5747.212. (Include explanation and supporting schedules.).......................................................................... 4.           888888888 00
  5.  Apportionable income (loss) (line 3 minus line 4)....................................................................................... 5. 888888888 00

  6.  Ohio apportionment ratio (from Schedule IV, line 53)................................................................................. 6.    8.888888

  7.  Income (loss) apportioned to Ohio (line 5 times line 6).............................................................................. 7.    888888888 00
  8.  Net nonbusiness income (loss) allocated to Ohio and gain (loss) apportioned to Ohio per R.C. 
 5747.212. (Include explanation and supporting schedules.) ...................................................................... 8.              888888888 00

  9.  Ohio taxable income (sum of lines 7 and 8, but not less than -0-)............................................................. 9.           888888888 00

  10. Tax before credits (multiply the amount on line 9 by .04997)................................................................... 10.         888888888 00
  11.  Nonrefundable business credits (include Schedule E) ...............................................................................11.     888888888 00
   12. Tax due after nonrefundable business credits. Line 10 minus line 11. If less than -0-, enter -0- ............... 12.                       888888888 00

                                                                                                       2016 IT 4708 – pg. 1 of 6

- 18 -
                                                          2016 Ohio IT 4708 

                      Rev. 9/16                           Pass-Through Entity                                                                                                                                           16160210
                                               Composite Income Tax Return
88 8888888

Schedule I – Taxable Income, Tax, Payments and Net Amount Due Calculations...cont.
   13. Interest penalty on underpayment of estimated tax (include Ohio IT/SD 2210) ....................................... 13.                                                                                          888888888 00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        888888888 00
   14. Ohio IT 4708ES and IT 4708P payments for the taxable year                                                                                 ................................................................. 14.
   15. Ohio IT 1140ES and IT 1140P payments transferred to this form and any payments made with 
  ...........................................................................................previously led return(s) for this taxable year 15.                                                                       888888888 00
  16. Ohio IT 4708ES and IT 4708P payments transferred to Ohio IT 1140 and overpayments, if any, 
  ....................................................................................................previously claimed for this taxable year   16.                                                                    888888888 00

   17. Total net Ohio estimated tax payments for 2016 (sum of lines 14 and 15 minus line 16) ........................ 17.                                                                                               888888888 00
   18. Amount of 2015 overpayment credited to 2016 (see 2015 Ohio IT 4708, line 22) ................................... 18.                                                                                             888888888 00
  19. Total refundable business credits (from Schedule V, line 60).................................................................... 19.                                                                              888888888 00

  20. Total of lines 17, 18 and 19....................................................................................................................... 20.                                                           888888888 00

   21. Overpayment, if any (line 20 minus the sum of lines 12 and 13, but not less than -0-) ............................ 21.                                                                                           888888888 00
   22. Amount of line 21 to be credited to year 2017 tax liability (if this is an amended return, enter -0-)
      ................................................................................................................................                    CREDIT TO 2017 22.                                           888888888 00

  23. Amount of line 21 to be refunded (line 21 minus line 22)                                                                                .......................................... YOUR REFUND 23.               888888888 00

   24. Net amount due, if any (sum of lines 12 and 13 minus line 20, but not less than -0-) ............................. 24.                                                                                           888888888 00

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        888888888 00
     25. Interest and penalty due on late-paid tax and/or late-fi led return, if any ................................................... 25.
26. Total amount due, if any (sum of lines 24 and 25). Make check payable to Ohio Treasurer of State, 
     include Ohio IT 4708P and place FEIN on check ..........................................TOTAL  AMOUNT DUE26.                                                                                                      888888888 00
                      If your refund is $1.00 or less, no refund will be issued. If you owe $1.00 or less, no payment is necessary.
Sign Here (required):I declare under penalties of perjury that this report, including any ac-
companying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge                                                                                                                       Do not staple or otherwise attach. 
and belief is a true, correct and complete return and report.                                                                                                                            Place any supporting documents, including 
                                                                                                                                                                                                    K-1’s, after the last page of this return.
Pass-through entity offi cer or agent (print name)  

Title of offi cer or agent (print name)             Phone number                                                                                                                                                         Mail to: 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ohio Dept. of Taxation
Signature of pass-through entity offi cer or agent  Date                                                                                                                                                               P.O. Box 181140
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Columbus, OH 43218-1140
Preparer’s name (print name)                       Phone number
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Instructions for this form are on 
Preparer’s e-mail address                          PTIN                                                                                                                                                               our Web site at tax.ohio.gov.
Do you authorize your preparer to contact us regarding this return?  Yes                                                                            X No X  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   For Department Use Only

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      / /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Postmark date Code

                                                                                                                                                                                         2016 IT 4708 – pg. 2 of 6

- 19 -
                                                                                                                                         2016 Ohio IT 4708 
                          Rev. 9/16                                                                                                    Pass-Through Entity 
FEIN                                          Composite Income Tax Return
88 8888888

Schedule II – Income and Adjustments
Items refl ected on lines 27-49 are the combined amounts from the federal Schedule K-1(s) for the taxable year for only those investors who are participating 
in the fi ling of this return. Include with this return a copy of the applicable federal 1120S or 1065 and K-1(s) of participating investors.

  27. Ordinary business income (loss)   ...................................................................................................... 27.                                                                    8888888888 00
  28. The investors’ shares of expenses and losses incurred in connection with all direct and indi-
      rect transactions between the pass-through entity and its related members, including certain 
      investors’ family members.................................................................................................................. 28.                                                                 888888888 00
  29. Guaranteed payments that the pass-through entity made to each investor participating in 
      the fi ling of this return if such investor directly or indirectly owns at least 20% of the pass-
      through entity.................................................................................................................................... 29.                                                          888888888 00
30. Compensation that the pass-through entity paid to each investor participating in the fi ling 
      of this return if such investor directly or indirectly owns at least 20% of the pass-through 
      entity. Reciprocity agreements do not apply........................................................................................ 30.                                                                         888888888 00

    31. Net income or (loss) from rental activities other than amount shown on line 27 .............................. 31.                                                                                             8888888888 00
  32. Portfolio income (loss). See note below.
  a.  Interest income............................................................................................................................... 32a.                                                             8888888888 00
 b.  Dividends............................................................................................................................................ b.                                                         8888888888 00
 c.  Royalties ............................................................................................................................................ c.                                                        8888888888 00
  d.  Net short-term capital gain (loss) ........................................................................................................ d.                                                                  8888888888 00
  e.  Net long-term capital gain (loss). Exclude from this line any capital loss carryforward 
      amount. Note: If the sum of lines 32d and 32e results in a net loss, the net allowable 
      loss for the sum of these two lines cannot exceed the product of $3,000 and the number 
   .................................................................................of participating investors included in this return e.                                                                             8888888888 00

  f.  Other portfolio income (loss) ............................................................................................................... f.                                                                8888888888 00

  33. Net gain (loss) under I.R.C. 1231..................................................................................................... 33.                                                                      8888888888 00

  34. Adjustment for I.R.C. sections 168(k) and 179 depreciation expense                                                                 X  2/3,X  5/6 
      or    X6/6 (check applicable box) and miscellaneous federal income tax adjustments. 
      Include  a separate schedule showing calculations                                                                                .......................................................................... 34. 8888888888 00

35. Other income (loss). Include schedule   ............................................................................................. 35.                                                                         8888888888 00
  36. Pass-through entity and fi nancial institutions taxes paid.................................................................. 36.                                                                                 8888888888 00
37. Non-Ohio state or local government interest and dividends earned by the pass-through 
      entity but not included above............................................................................................................ 37.                                                                   8888888888 00

  38. State and local income taxes deducted in arriving at income .......................................................... 38.                                                                                      8888888888 00
  39. Losses from the sale or other disposition of Ohio public obligations if such losses have 
      been deducted in determining federal taxable income..................................................................... 39.                                                                                    8888888888 00

    40. Total income (loss) (add lines 27 through 39; enter here and on Schedule I, line 1) ........................ 40.                                                                                              8888888888 00

                                                                                                                                                             2016 IT 4708 – pg. 3 of 6

- 20 -
                                                            2016 Ohio IT 4708 
                            Rev. 9/16                 Pass-Through Entity 
                                          Composite Income Tax Return
88 8888888

Schedule III – Deductions
List only those deductions that have not already been used to reduce any income items set forth in Schedule II. 

  41. I.R.C. 179 expense not deducted in calculating line 27 ............................................................................ 41.      888888888 00
  42. Adjustment for I.R.C. sections 168(k) and 179 depreciation expense added back in applicable previous 
   years and miscellaneous federal income tax adjustments. Include a separate schedule showing 
   calculations designating 1/2, 1/5 or 1/6................................................................................................ 42.    888888888 00
                                                                                                                                                   888888888 00
   43. Net federal interest and dividends exempt from state taxation................................................................. 43.
  44. Other separately stated K-1 amounts that are allowable as deductions in arriving at federal adjusted gross 
   income and amounts contributed to individual development accounts. (Include a detailed schedule of items.)  .. 44.                              888888888 00
  45. Exempt gains from the sale of Ohio state or local government bonds..................................................... 45.                  888888888 00
   46. Wage and salary expense not otherwise deducted because of a federal work opportunity tax credit     ..... 46.                               888888888 00
  47. Interest or income earned on Ohio public obligations and Ohio purchase obligations if such interest 
   or income is included on any of lines 27-35 ............................................................................................. 47.   888888888 00
  48. Net gain included in line 40 resulting from the sale, exchange or other disposition of Ohio public obliga-
   tions (do not enter amounts shown on line 45) ........................................................................................ 48.      888888888 00
   49. Total deductions (add lines 41-48; enter here and on Schedule I, line 2) ................................................. 49.              888888888 00
Schedule IV – Apportionment Worksheet
Use this schedule to calculate the apportionment ratio for a pass-through entity that is not a fi nancial institution as defi ned in Ohio Revised Code section 
(R.C.) 5725.01. If the pass-through entity is a fi nancial institution, refer to the instructions. Note: All ratios are to be carried to six decimal places.
 50.  Property 
                                                            Within Ohio                                                                          Total Everywhere
     a) Owned (average cost)                        88888888888 00                                                                               88888888888 00

                                                            Within Ohio                                                                          Total Everywhere
     b) Rented (annual rental X 8)                  88888888888 00                                                                               88888888888 00
                                                            Within Ohio                                                                          Total Everywhere
     c) Total (lines 50a and 50b)                   88888888888 00                                ÷                                              88888888888 00
                                                                      Ratio                             Weight                                     Weighted Ratio
                                                             =        8. 888888                    x    8.88                                     = 8. 888888

                                                            Within Ohio                                                                          Total Everywhere
 51.  Payroll                                       88888888888 00                                                                               88888888888 00
                                                                      Ratio                             Weight                                     Weighted Ratio
                                                             =        8. 888888                    x    8.88                                     = 8. 888888
                                                            Within Ohio                                                                          Total Everywhere
 52.  Sales                                         88888888888 00                                ÷                                              88888888888 00
                                                                      Ratio                               Weight                                   Weighted Ratio
                                                             =        8. 888888                         x 8.88                                   = 8. 888888
                                                                                                                                                   Weighted Ratio
  53.  Total weighted apportionment ratio (add lines 50c, 51 and 52). Enter ratio here and on Schedule I,.line 6.                                  8. 888888
   Note: If the denominator of any factor is zero, the weight given to the other factors must be proportionately increased so that the total weight given to the 
   combined number of factors used is 100%, i.e., if no property/payroll, use 25% and 75%; if no sales, use 50% property/payroll; if only one factor, use 100%.

                                                                                                        2016 IT 4708 – pg. 4 of 6

- 21 -
                                                   2016 Ohio IT 4708 
                            Rev. 9/16              Pass-Through Entity 
                                              Composite Income Tax Return
88 8888888

Schedule V – Refundable Business Credits
Note: Certifi cates from the Ohio Development Services Agency and/or Schedule K-1(s) must be included to verify each refundable credit claimed.

  54. Ohio historic preservation credit      .............................................................................................................. 54.   888888888 00
  55. Business jobs credit  ................................................................................................................................. 55. 888888888 00
  56. Pass-through entity credit  ........................................................................................................................ 56.    888888888 00
  57. Losses on loans made to Ohio venture capital program .......................................................................... 57.                         888888888 00
  58.        Motion picture production credit .............................................................................................................. 58.  888888888 00

59. Financial Institutions Tax (FIT) credit....................................................................................................... 59.            888888888 00
      60. Total refundable business credits (enter here and on Schedule I, line 19)..... ......................................... 60.                            888888888 00

Schedule VI – Investor Information
Provide investor information for all (resident and nonresident) investors in the pass-through entity. List investors by highest to lowest ownership percentage. 
Use an additional sheet, if necessary.

SSN                                           FEIN                                 Percent of ownership                                                      Amount of PTE tax credit
888 88 8888                                   88 8888888                           8.8888               888888888 00
First name/entity                                          M.I. Last name
JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                                            Q    PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
City                                                                               State ZIP code
CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                               OH    88888

SSN                                           FEIN                                 Percent of ownership                                                      Amount of PTE tax credit
888 88 8888                                   88 8888888                           8.8888               888888888 00
First name/entity                                          M.I. Last name
JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                                            Q    PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
City                                                                               State ZIP code
CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                               OH    88888

                                                                                          2016 IT 4708 – pg. 5 of 6

- 22 -
                                           2016 Ohio IT 4708 
                  Rev. 9/16                Pass-Through Entity 
FEIN                                  Composite Income Tax Return
88 8888888

Schedule VI – Investor Information...cont.
Provide investor information for all (resident and nonresident) investors in the pass-through entity. List investors by highest to lowest ownership percentage. 
Use an additional sheet, if necessary.

SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership Amount of PTE tax credit
888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888              888888888 00
First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
City                                                    State  ZIP code
CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH     88888

SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership Amount of PTE tax credit
888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888              888888888 00
First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
City                                                    State  ZIP code
CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH     88888

SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership Amount of PTE tax credit
888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888              888888888 00
First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
City                                                     State ZIP code
CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH     88888

SSN                                   FEIN              Percent of ownership Amount of PTE tax credit
888 88 8888                           88 8888888         8.8888              888888888 00
First name/entity                          M.I.  Last name
JOHNXXXXXXXXXXX                            Q     PUBL I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
City                                                     State ZIP code
CITYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                    OH     88888

                                                                2016 IT 4708 – pg. 6 of 6

- 23 -
General information 

regarding this form

- 24 -
            General Information (2016 IT 4708):
1) Dimensions: 
  Target or registration marks - 6 mm X  6 mm. Follow grid layout for positioning.

  1D barcode (2 of 5 interleaved) - .375”H x 1.5”W. Follow grid layout for positioning. Center the barcode number 
  directly under the barcode.

  2D barcode (PDF 417) - See 2D instructions and schema. Follow grid layout for positioning. There is one 2D 
  barcode on each page of the IT 4708.

2) 1D barcode - The last two numbers of the 1D barcode represent the vendor number. Use the same vendor 
number as you did for last year’s return. If you have a question about your barcode assignment, e-mail the Forms 
Unit at Forms@tax.state.oh.us. The fi rst six numbers are constant for this form (161601XX - 161606XX). 

  16 = tax year
  16 = IT 4708 
  01-06 = page number 
  XX = vendor number (assigned to you by the Ohio Dept. of Taxation, Forms Unit).

  NOTE: The vendor number also serves as the fi rst two digits of the SSN and FEIN fi elds in the test 

3) Use Arial font for the static text on the form.

4) Use monospaced Arial or similar monospaced san serif font for the variable data fi elds on the form.

5) Follow the grid layout for the variable data fi elds shown in red. Ensure that the tax year, target or reg-
istration marks, “For Department Use Only” area and the 1D and 2D barcodes follow grid layout.

6) Do not use commas, hyphens or decimals in the variable data fi elds except where shown in specs.

7)  All monetary fi elds must always show “00” in the cents fi eld even though there may not be a value for that line.

8) You must include a leading zero on ratio fi elds. For example, if the ratio is .000026, it should display as 0.000026.

9) When a variable data fi eld refl ects a negative amount, make sure there is no space between the negative sign 
and the amount (for example: -888888888 00). The possible negative fi elds for this return are Schedule I, lines 1, 
3, 4, 5, 7 and 8; and Schedule II, lines 27, 28, 31, 32d, 32e, 32f, 33, 35 and 40. Do not hard-code negative signs.

10) Provide guidance to customers regarding duplex printing that instructs them to print pages 1 and 2 together; 
pages 3 and 4 together; and pages 5 and 6 together. Taxpayers have fi led returns with pages 2 and 3 duplexed 
or a worksheet or software receipt on the back of a page of the return. This slows the processing of the tax return.

11) Generate the following message for customers: “Do not enclose other documentation unless it is specifi ed 
on the tax return or instructions.” Taxpayers often submit worksheets and receipts from the vendor product, 
which slows the processing of tax returns.

12) IMPORTANT NOTE: Add this statement to your software programs. It should print out with the taxpayer’s 
return. “Do not hand write in any corrections on the printed paper return. Hand writing in corrections will 
result in capturing incorrect data and delaying the processing of this income tax return. Make any cor-
rections to this income tax return within [the software program name], then print and mail.”

13) See the 2D barcode instructions for submission details.

- 25 -
2016 Ohio IT 4708

Recent Updates

9/22/16- The revised date has been changed from “8/16” to “9/16”; On 
page 4 of 6, Schedule IV, the text “; if only one factor, use 100%” was 
added to the note under line 53. The note now reads: Note: If the denomi-
nator of any factor is zero, the weight given to the other factors must be 
proportionately increased so that the total weight given to the combined 
number of factors used is 100%, i.e., if no property/payroll, use 25% and 
75%; if no sales, use 50% property/payroll; if only one factor, use 100%.

       Ohio Department of Taxation

       4485 Northland Ridge Blvd.

       Columbus, OH 43229


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