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ET Schedule I
Estate of: Rev. 1/04
Ohio Estate Tax Return
Schedule I – Annuities, Pensions, Retirement and
Other Employer Death Benefi t Plans
(Jointly owned property must be listed on Schedule E)
All annuity interests held by the decedent must be shown. Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA) and
List payments under commercial annuity contracts, IRA’s College Retirement Equity Fund (CREF) benefi ts are not
or similar contracts, all employer bonus plans, deferred exempt from taxation. These funds do not fall into the same
compensation contracts and employer death benefi t plans, category as the State Teachers Retirement System and
unless specifically excluded under O.R.C. Section 5731.09. therefore must be included under this schedule. For further
information, please refer to E.T. Bulletin 1, revised 3/97.
Effective for dates of death on or after March 7, 1997, and
to the extent documentation is provided, the value of the
gross estate shall not include that portion of an annuity or
other death benefi t plan contributed by decedent’s employer.
Item Alternate Alternate Value at Date
Number Description Valuation Date Value of Death
Calculation of Annuity(s)
1. $ $
Total (also enter on Recapitulation of Assets, page 2)
Schedule I