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Provider Version of Form 72-200-01-3
                                   Special City Sales Tax Return

This form is not to be used by your taxpayer until the July 2001 tax period that is due by August 20, 2001. The use of the
attached form prior to August 2001, will result in such form being sent back to the taxpayer without processing. A penalty may
be assessed to you or the taxpayer.

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                             MS                     Mississippi
                             Special City Sales Tax Return                                               Form 72-200-01-3-1-000 (Rev. 7/01)         ST
                             IMPORTANT: This form must be filed even if no tax is due.
   722000131000              Photocopies or hand completed forms are NOT acceptable.                                                                DIRECT 030

AD Address Change            ACCOUNT NUMBER         TAX PERIOD                                                               Tax Calculation
   Make changes below
                             AC                                TP                                        1.Taxable Income
FN Final Return                                                                                          2.Rate of Tax                                        1/4 of 1%
   Close account
                             FILING STATUS          DUE ON OR BEFORE                                     3.Amount of Tax Due
AM Amended Return            FS                                DD                                        4.Less: Discount(2% of line 3)
   Replace original return
                                                                                                         5.Net Tax Due
AT Additional Tax                                                                                        6.Late Filing Penalty (See Instructions)
   Supplement original return
                                                                                                         7.Credit Adjustments (See Instructions)
                                                                                                         8.Additional Assessments (See Instructions)
                                                                                                         9.Total Due
                  I declare, under the penalties of perjury, that this return (including any accompanying
                  schedules) has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a
                  true, correct and complete return.

                             Signature of Taxpayer or Agent                                                            Phone                        Date

                                                    Cut on Dotted Line Before Filing

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                                              MS      Mississippi
                               Special City Sales Tax Return                                               Form 72-200-01-3-1-000 (Rev. 7/01)          ST
     722000131000                           IMPORTANT: This form must be filed even if no tax is due.                                               DIRECT 030
                                            Photocopies or hand completed forms are NOT acceptable.

6/8  Address Change            ACCOUNT NUMBER          TAX PERIOD                                                              Tax Calculation
     Make changes below
                               20/9 to 33/9            34/9 to 47/9                                        1.Taxable Income                            70/9 to 79/9
6/10 Final Return                                                                                          2.Rate of Tax                               75/10 to 79/10
     Close account
                               FILING STATUS           DUE ON OR BEFORE                                    3.Amount of Tax Due                         70/11 to 79/11
6/12 Amended Return            20/12 to 33/12          34/12 to 47/12                                      4.Less: Discount(2% of line 3)              70/12 to 79/12
     Replace original return
                                                                                                           5.Net Tax Due                               70/13 to 79/13
6/14 Additional Tax                                                                                        6.Late Filing Penalty (See Instructions)    70/14 to 79/14
     Supplement original return
                                                                                                           7.Credit Adjustments (See Instructions)     70/15 to 79/15
                                                                                                           8.Additional Assessments (See Instructions) 70/16 to 79/16
                                                                                                           9.Total Due                                 70/17 to 79/17
                    I declare, under the penalties of perjury, that this return (including any accompanying
                    schedules) has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a
                    true, correct and complete return.

                                            Signature of Taxpayer or Agent                                               Phone                         Date

                                                       Cut on Dotted Line Before Filing

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                             MS                    Mississippi
                             Special City Sales Tax Return                                              Form 72-200-01-3-1-000 (Rev. 7/01)          ST
                             IMPORTANT: This form must be filed even if no tax is due.
  722000131000               Photocopies or hand completed forms are NOT acceptable.                                                             DIRECT 030

  Address Change             ACCOUNT NUMBER        TAX PERIOD                                                               Tax Calculation
Y Make changes below
                             025-12345-7                    07 01                                       1.Taxable Income                                   80000
  Final Return
N Close account                                                                                         2.Rate of Tax                                      1/4 of 1%
                             FILING STATUS         DUE ON OR BEFORE                                     3.Amount of Tax Due                                5600
  Amended Return
N Replace original return    Monthly               08/20/01                                             4.Less: Discount(2% of line 3)                     50
                                                                                                        5.Net Tax Due                                      5550
  Additional Tax
N Supplement original return John's Road House                                                          6.Late Filing Penalty (See Instructions)           0
                             123 Road House Rd.                                                         7.Credit Adjustments (See Instructions)            0
                             Raymond, Ms 39154                                                          8.Additional Assessments (See Instructions)        0
                                                                                                        9.Total Due                                        5550
                 I declare, under the penalties of perjury, that this return (including any accompanying
                 schedules) has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a
                 true, correct and complete return.

                             Signature of Taxpayer or Agent                                                           Phone                         Date

                                                   Cut on Dotted Line Before Filing

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      Key to Data Fields for the Mississippi Special City Sales Tax Return 72-200-01-3

Key to the data fields for the sales tax coupon form version for 2001/2002, Form Number 72-200-01-3. All grid locations are presented as: x/y
the beginning location to x/y as the ending location on the 10/6 grid.

Page 1
      The top left corner of the barcode is located at position 6/4 to 20/4.
      The top right registration mark is located at the top right corner at grid 80/4.
      The lower left registation mark is located at the lower left corner at grid 6/25.
      "MS" to the left of the header must begin at grid 27/4 and end at grid 28/4 and is in a Courier 12pt.
      The "ST" in the right corner begins at grid space 70/4 and ends at grid 73/4 and is Arial 18 pt.

If a draft version of this form is released in your software, the print function must be disabled. If a draft version is filed, it will be returned to
the taxpayer and a penalty may apply to you or your customer.

Provider forms are only accepted after approval. It is not acceptable for a taxpayer to print out a blank copy of the form and hand complete it.
A hand completed version of a provider form will be sent back to the taxpayer and a penalty may apply to you or your customer. All forms
must be original laser printed forms. Photocopies are NOT acceptable.

The following is the labeling and the description of the items to be included in this form. The beginning and ending data positions are included
in one of the templates for this form. The field length is included in this key for each data position. Grid positioning given is from the first grid
space and through the last grid space included in a data field. (Example 27/10 to 36/10 is 10 grid spaces). Use this information to position the
data on the returns. Do not use a grid overlay to determine the positions from a printed paper form. The field length specified assumes using a
Courier 12pt. font or OCR-A 12pt. font, which are the required fonts. All data fields should be right justified. All fields must be filled. If the
field is blank a "0" should be used for numeric field, an "N" should be used for an alpha field.

The money fields should not contain any commas, cents, decimals or other formatting information except for the negative signs (-) as a leading
indicator for any negative amount.

Front (Page 1) of the form:
Field Name              Description
      AC                Account Number - The account number field should be 11 digits long and contain leading zeros. The last digit in the
                        account number is a check digit. This will be part of the account number funished to the taxpayer. Data position is
                        20/9 to 33/9.

      TP                Tax Period - Taxpayer may file monthly, quarterly, or annual. Example - July of 2001 should appear as 07 01. The
                        third quarter of 2001 sales tax year should appear as 07 09 01. Allowable periods are: Quarterly - July thru Sept.,
                        2001, Oct. thru Dec., 2001, Jan. thru Mar., 2002 and Apr. thru June, 2002. Annual Jan. thru Dec., 2001 and should
                        appear as 01 12 01. This field is 5 to 8 characters long. Data position is 34/9 to 47/9.

      AD                Address Change - Y or N in the form. If this is Y, then the new address should be entered in the address field in the
                        body of the form. An N if there is no change. This field is 1 character long. Data position is 6/8.

      FN                Final Return - Y or N in the form. This should be Y if this is the last return and the account should be closed. An N if
                        there is no change. This field is 1 character long. Data position is 6/10.

      AM                Amended Return - Y or N in the body of the form. If Y, this return should replace the original return, not supplement
                        it. An N if there is no change. This field is 1 character long. Data position is 6/12.

      AT                Additional Tax - Y or N in the form. If Y, this is additional tax that should supplement the original return. An N if
                        there is no change.This field is 1 character long. Data position is 6/14.

      FS                Filing Status - This should be monthly, quarterly, or annual. This field is 14 characters long. Data position is 20/12
                        to 33/12.

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DD Due Date - The due date should always be the 20th of the month following the period for which the tax is due.
   Example - January 2002 will be due on February 20, 2002. This field is 14 characters long. Data Position is
   34/12 to 47/12.

1  This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data position is 70/9 to 79/9.

2  Rate of tax- This field should always have 1/4 of 1% in it. This can be a permanent part of the form. Do not put
   variable in this field. This field is five characters long. Data position is 75/10 to 79/10.

3  This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data position is 70/11 to 79/11.

4  This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data position is 70/12 to 79/12.

5  This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data position is 70/13 to 79/13.

6  This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data position is 70/14 to 79/14.

7  This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data position is 70/15 to 79/15.

8  This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data position is 70/16 to 79/16.

9  This is a money field and is 10 characters long. Data position is 70/17 to 79/17.

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