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                         Form 44                                                                                                    2022
                         Business Income Tax Credits, Credit Recapture, 
                         and Nonrefundable Credit From a Prior Year Return
Names as shown on return                                                                               Social Security number or EIN

Part I — Business Income Tax Credits

                                                                                                  Credit Allowed                    Carryover
1. Investment tax credit. Include Form 49 ...........................................           ▪ 1                            ▪
2. Credit for production equipment using post-consumer waste .........                          ▪ 2                            ▪
3. Promoter-sponsored event credit ....................................................         ▪ 3 
4. Credit for Idaho research activities. Include Form 67 ......................                 ▪ 4                            ▪
5. Broadband equipment investment credit. Include Form 68 .............                         ▪ 5                            ▪
6. Small employer investment tax credit. Include Form 83 ..................                     ▪ 6                            ▪
7. Small employer real property improvement tax credit. 
Include Form 84 ............................................................................... ▪ 7                            ▪
8. Small employer new jobs tax credit. Include Form 85 .....................                    ▪ 8                            ▪
9. Credit for employer contributions to employee’s Idaho college 
savings account. Include Form ID-529 ............................................               ▪ 9                            ▪
10. Total business income tax credits allowed. Add lines 1 through 9 ...                        ▪ 10 
Part II — Tax from Recapture of Business Income Tax Credits

Tax from recapture of:
1. Investment tax credit. Include Form 49R .........................................................................         ▪   1 
2. Broadband equipment investment credit. Include Form 68R ...........................................                       ▪   2 
3. Small employer investment tax credit. Include Form 83R ................................................                   ▪   3 
4. Small employer real property improvement tax credit. Include Form 84R .......................                             ▪   4 
5. Small employer new jobs tax credit. Include Form 85R ...................................................                  ▪   5 
6. Total tax from recapture of business income tax credits. Add lines 1 through 5 ..............                             ▪   6 
Part III — Nonrefundable Credit From a Prior Year Return

By completing this section, I am filing my claim for credit.
                         A B        C                             D                                  E                         F    G
Year Nonrefundable 
Credit        ▪
1. Total nonrefundable credit. Add columns A through G .....................................................                 ▪   1 
2. Reserved for tax year 2023 .............................................................................................. ▪   2 
3. Add lines 1 and 2. This is your total credit .......................................................................      ▪   3 
4. Enter tax due, plus penalty and interest from applicable form .........................................                   ▪   4  
5. Credit allowed. If line 4 is less than line 3, this is your allowed credit. 
If line 4 is more than line 3, enter the amount from line 3 ................................................                 ▪   5  
6. Credit remaining for future years. Subtract line 5 from line 3.
If the result is less than zero, enter zero...........................................................................       ▪   6  
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                    Form 44 — Instructions                                                   2022
                    Business Income Tax Credits and Credit Recapture

Part I of Form 44 provides a list of the Idaho        the combined group rather than carried forward 
business credits allowed and the credit carryover     to future years:
amounts.                                              •  Investment tax credit 
Part II of Form 44 provides a list of the tax from    •  Credit for Idaho research activities
recapture of income tax credits.                      •  Broadband equipment investment credit
                                                      •  Small employer income tax credits
You must include Form 44 with your return if 
you’re claiming any business income tax credits       The corporation that earned the credit must 
or have any tax from recapture of income tax          claim the credit to the extent allowable against 
credits.                                              its tax liability before sharing the credit with other 
                                                      members. A corporation that receives the credit 
Forms 41 and 41S
                                                      through unitary sharing computes the applicable 
Carry the total of the business income tax credits 
                                                      limitations based on its tax. Any unused credit 
allowed and the tax from recapture of income tax 
                                                      remains with the member that earned the credit. 
credits to Form 41. 
                                                      Include a schedule identifying the member earning 
If the S corporation pays the tax for one or          the credit and the members using the credit.
more nonresident individual shareholders, carry 
                                                      The broadband equipment investment credit can be 
those shareholders’ proportionate share of the 
                                                      transferred to another taxpayer rather than used by 
total business income tax credits and tax from 
                                                      the taxpayer who earns the credit.
recapture of income tax credits to Form 41S. 
Don’t enter the total credit or tax from recapture    To claim a credit you acquired through a transfer, 
if the S corporation isn’t paying the tax for all the include a copy of the Form 70, Statement of Credit 
shareholders.                                         Transfer, with each return on which you’re claiming 
                                                      a transferred credit.
You can use credits earned by a C corporation 
before becoming an S corporation to offset            Line 1 Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
any tax on excess net passive income or net           If you acquire an asset for use in your business, you 
recognized built-in gains, subject to the credit      may have earned an ITC.
limitations. Include a schedule showing the 
application of the credit carryovers to the S         Credit Allowed. Enter the credit allowed from 
corporation’s tax.                                    Form 49, Part II, line 8.

Form 65                                               Carryover. Enter the credit available minus the 
If the partnership pays the tax for one or more       credit allowed: Form 49, Part II, line 7 minus line 8.
nonresident individual partners, those partners’ 
distributive share of the total business credits and  Line 2 Credit for Production Equipment Using 
tax from recapture of income tax credits is carried   Post-consumer Waste
to the Form 65. Don’t include the total credit or     If you bought equipment that manufactures a 
tax from recapture if the partnership isn’t paying    product from post-consumer or post-industrial 
the tax for all the partners.                         waste, you may be eligible for a tax credit. 
                                                      The credit is 20% of your cost to buy qualified 
Part I — Business Income Tax Credits                  equipment.
Part I has two columns: the Credit Allowed 
                                                      Qualified equipment is machinery or equipment 
column for the amount of credit allowed for 
                                                      in Idaho with a useful life of three years or more. 
the tax year and the Carryover column for the 
                                                      In addition, 90% of the equipment’s production 
amount of carryover that exists at the end of the 
                                                      must result in products using post-consumer or 
tax year.
                                                      post-industrial waste.
If the corporation files a combined return, the 
                                                      Product is any manufactured material that’s 
following credits can be shared with members of 
                                                      composed of at least 50% of post-consumer 
                                                      or post-industrial waste and offered for sale. 
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                                                         Form 44 — Instructions     2022     (continued)         

Product doesn’t include shredded material unless       •  Tax available:
it’s incorporated directly into the manufacturing      ‚ If filing Form 41, the tax on line 38 minus 
process.                                                 the amounts on lines 39, 40, and Form 
Post-consumer or post-industrial waste includes          44, Part I, lines 1 and 2
only glass, paper, or plastic that has been or         ‚ If filing Form 41S, the tax on line 44 
would have been disposed of as solid waste. It           minus the amounts on lines 45, 46, and 
doesn’t include radioactive or hazardous waste.          Form 44, Part I, lines 1 and 2
Include a schedule showing your computations,          ‚ If filing Form 65, the tax on line 42 minus 
listing the qualified equipment, identifying the         the amounts on lines 43, 44, and Form 
post-consumer or post-industrial waste products,         44, Part I, lines 1 and 2
and identifying the newly manufactured products.       ‚ If filing Form 66, the tax on line 11 minus 
Credit Allowed. Enter the smallest of:                   the amounts on Schedule B, lines 2, 3, 
•  $30,000                                               and 4 and Form 44, Part I, lines 1 and 2

20% of the cost to purchase qualified                Line 4 Credit for Idaho Research Activities
  equipment plus the amount of credit carried          If you incurred expenses for research conducted 
  forward, or                                          in Idaho, you may have earned the credit for Idaho 
•  Tax available:                                      research activities.
         ‚ If filing Form 41, the tax on line 38 minus Credit Allowed. Enter the credit allowed from 
           the amounts on lines 39, 40, and Form       Form 67, line 29. Include Form 67.
           44, Part I, line 1                             Enter the amount of credit carryover to 
         ‚ If filing Form 41S, the tax on line 44      future years from Form 67, line 30.
           minus the amounts on lines 45, 46, and 
           Form 44, Part I, line 1                     Line 5 Broadband Equipment Investment Credit 
                                                       If you acquired qualified broadband equipment to 
         ‚ If filing Form 65, the tax on line 42 minus 
                                                       use in your Idaho business, you may qualify for 
           the amounts on lines 43, 44, and Form 
                                                       the broadband equipment investment credit. You 
           44, Part I, line 1
                                                       also may claim this credit if you acquired the credit 
         ‚ If filing Form 66, the tax on line 11 minus through a transfer.
           the amounts on Schedule B, lines 2, 3, 
           and 4 and Form 44, Part I, line 1           Credit Allowed. Enter the credit allowed from Form 
                                                       68, line 18. Include Form 68.
Carryover. Enter the amount of credit available 
minus the amount allowed. Include a schedule           Carryover. Enter the amount of credit carryover to 
showing your computations. You may carry               future years from Form 68, line 19.
forward the unused portion of the credit up to 
seven years.                                           Line 6 Small Employer Investment Tax Credit 
                                                       You can claim this credit if you’ve certified by filing 
Line 3 Promoter-sponsored Event Credit                 Form 89SE that you’ve met or will meet the tax 
If you issued temporary sales tax permits to           incentive criteria for this credit, and you’ve acquired 
participants of a promoter-sponsored event on          an asset for use in your business that otherwise 
behalf of the Tax Commission, you can claim a          qualifies for the ITC.
$1 credit for each temporary permit issued during 
the tax year. Promoter-sponsored events include        Credit Allowed. Enter the credit allowed from 
swap meets, flea markets, gun shows and fairs.         Form 83, line 28. Include Form 83.
You must have filed Form ST-124 with the Tax 
                                                       Carryover. Enter the amount of credit carryover to 
Commission to qualify for the credit.
                                                       future years from Form 83, line 29.
Credit allowed. Enter the smaller of:
•  $1 for each temporary permit issued during 
  the tax year, or

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                                                              Form 44 — Instructions     2022     (continued)         

Line 7 Small Employer Real Property                  Line 2 Tax From Recapture of Broadband 
Improvement Tax Credit                               Equipment Investment Credit 
You can claim this credit if you’ve certified by     If you’ve claimed a broadband equipment 
filing Form 89SE that you’ve met or will meet the    investment credit on property that no longer 
tax incentive criteria for this credit, and you’ve   qualifies before the end of the five-year recapture 
acquired real property improvements for use in       period, you must compute the broadband equipment 
your business at the project site during the project investment credit recapture. This includes property 
period.                                              that no longer qualifies for the ITC.
Credit Allowed. Enter the credit allowed from        Enter the amount from Form 68R, Part III, line 15. 
Form 84, line 26. Include Form 84.                   Include Form 68R.

Carryover. Enter the amount of credit carryover      Line 3 Tax From Recapture of Small Employer 
to future years from Form 84, line 27.               Investment Tax Credit 
                                                     If you’ve claimed a small employer investment tax 
Line 8 Small Employer New Jobs Tax Credit            credit on property that no longer qualifies before 
You can claim this credit if you’ve certified by     the end of the five-year recapture period, you must 
filing Form 89SE that you’ve met or will meet the    compute the small employer investment tax credit 
tax incentive criteria for this credit, and you have recapture. This includes property moved outside 
qualified new employees at the project site during   of Idaho.
the project period.                                  You also must compute recapture if you didn’t meet 
Credit Allowed. Enter the credit allowed from        the tax incentive criteria required to qualify for this 
Form 85, line 35. Include Form 85.                   credit at the project site during the project period.
                                                     Enter the amount from Form 83R, Part III, line 15. 
Carryover. Enter the amount of credit carryover      Include Form 83R.
to future years from Form 85, line 36.
                                                     Line 4 Tax From Recapture of Small Employer 
Line 9 Employer Contributions to Employee’s          Real Property Improvement Tax Credit 
Idaho College Savings Account                        If you’ve claimed a small employer real property 
If you contributed to an employee’s Idaho college    improvement tax credit on property that no longer 
savings account, you may qualify for the credit for  qualifies before the end of the five-year recapture 
employer contributions to an employee’s Idaho        period, you must compute the small employer real 
college savings account.                             property improvement tax credit recapture. 
Credit Allowed. Enter the credit allowed from        You also must compute recapture if you didn’t meet 
Form ID-529, line 17. Include Form ID-529.           the tax incentive criteria required to qualify for this 
                                                     credit at the project site during the project period.
Carryover. Enter the amount of credit carryover 
                                                     Enter the amount from Form 84R, Part III, line 15. 
to future years from Form ID-529, Part III, line 3.
                                                     Include Form 84R.
Part II — Tax From Recapture of Income 
                                                     Line 5 Tax From Recapture of Small Employer 
Tax Credits                                          New Jobs Tax Credit 
Line 1 Tax From Recapture of ITC                     If you’ve claimed a small employer new jobs tax 
If you’ve claimed an ITC on property that no         credit and you didn’t maintain the required level of 
longer qualifies before the end of the five-year     new employees for the entire five-year recapture 
recapture period, you must compute the ITC           period, you must compute the small employer new 
recapture. This includes property moved outside      jobs tax credit recapture. 
of Idaho.
Enter the amount from Form 49R, Part III, line 15. 
Include Form 49R.

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                                                                Form 44 — Instructions     2022     (continued)         

You also must compute recapture if you didn’t meet      The credit allowed is limited to tax due on a timely 
the tax incentive criteria required to qualify for this filed return or tax due plus penalty and interest on 
credit at the project site during the project period.   a late filed return.

Enter the amount from Form 85R, line 13. Include        Report the credit allowed on one of the following 
Form 85R.                                               forms:
Part III — Nonrefundable Credit From a                  •  Form 40, line 53
Prior Year Return                                       •  Form 43, line 73
                                                        •  Form 41, line 60
If you were denied a refund from an overpayment 
of tax on a prior year return because of the            •  Form 41S, line 67
three-year statute of limitations, you may be           •  Form 65, line 63
eligible to take a credit for that amount. Use this     •  Form 66, line 32
form to calculate the credit and include it with 
your return.                                            The remaining credit is the nonrefundable credit 
                                                        amount minus the credit allowed. The remaining 
Claiming a credit on this form is treated as filing     credit may be used in subsequent years against 
a claim for credit in lieu of filing an amended         tax due.
return. The credits claimed in this section can 
be reviewed as if they were being claimed on an 
amended return.

Enter the year of the denied refund in the year row 
and the amount in the nonrefundable credit row. 
Generally, you have 10 years from the original due 
date of the tax return to file a claim for credit.

                                                  Contact us:
                    In the Boise area: (208) 334-7660  |Toll free: (800) 972-7660
                           Hearing impaired (TDD) (800) 377-3529
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