Enlarge image | D5 Rev. 5/18 Instructions for Form D5 Purpose of Form Department of Taxation, the corporation acknowledges that the dissolution/surrender does not relieve the corporation Filing this Notificationof Dissolution or Surrender, form D5, from filing all tax returns administered by the Tax Comm- shall serve as a corporation’s notice to the Ohio Department issioner and payment of all tax liabilities and fees. Domestic of Taxation of the corporation’s intent to dissolve its Ohio nonprofit corporations, domestic nonprofit agricultural coop- charter orsurrenderitsforeignlicensewiththeOhioSecretary eratives, foreign for-profit corporations, foreign nonprofit of State. In addition, in certain situations, a domestic for-profit corporations and foreign nonprofit agricultural cooper- corporation will need to file form D5 for other dissolution/ atives may elect this method or the Certificate method. To surrender scenarios involving a merger, consolidation or use the affidavit method the corporation must fill out form D5 conversion. Form D5 and these instructions apply only to the and submit it to the Department but does not need to receive Certificate of Tax Clearance requirements and affidavit a certificate of tax clearance to file for dissolution/surrender requirements as they pertain to the Ohio Department of with the Secretary of State. Taxation. This form must be submitted to the Ohio Department of Taxation at least 30 days prior to the date Secretary of State that the corporation intends to file for dissolution/ sur- Each domestic corporation, whether organized for-profit or render with the Ohio Secretary of State if a certificate of not-for-profit, seekingtodissolveitsOhiocharterandeachfor- tax clearance is required. For additional information, please eign corporation, whether organized for-profit or not-for- see Ohio Admin. Code 5703-1-05. These instructions donot profit, seeking to surrender its Ohio license is required to file address all other requirements for releases and affidavits for dissolution/surrender with the Ohio Secretary of State. requiredbytheOhioSecretaryofStateandothergovernmental The filing fordissolution/surrenderwiththeOhioSecretaryof agencies. Please visit www.sos.state.oh.us for filing inform- Statemust beaccompaniedbycertainaffidavits, guarantees, ation and requirements. releases or other documents obtained from various Definitions governmental agencies including the Ohio Department of Taxation, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services As used throughout form D5 and these instructions: and the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Visit • Adomestic corporation is either (1) a corporation organized www.sos.state.oh.us for filing information and requirements. under laws of Ohio or (2) a bank, savings bank or savings and loan association chartered under the laws of the United 1.Domestic For-Profit Corporations States, the main office of which is located in Ohio. • Aforeign corporation is (1) a corporation organized under A domestic for-profit corporation seeking to dissolve its the laws of a state other than Ohio, (2) a corporation orga- Ohio charter is required to use the Certificate method. nized under the lawsofthe DistrictofColumbia oranother The corporation must obtain from the Ohio Department of country or (3) a bank, savings bank or savings and loan Taxation a Certificate of Tax Clearance confirming that all association chartered under the laws of the United States, applicable taxes/fees administered by the Tax Com- the main office of which is located in another state. missioner have been paid through the issue date on the • A nonprofit or not-for-profit corporation is a domestic or Certificate of Tax Clearance. The corporation must then file for dissolution or surrender with the Ohio Secretary of foreign corporation or domestic or foreign agricultural State, accompanied by the Certificate of Tax Clearance cooperative corporation that is formed for reasons other issued by the Ohio Department of Taxation and than gain or profit. required documents from the other state agencies • The Certificate of Tax Clearance (Certificate) method is pursuant to R.C. 1701.86(H). the process whereby a corporation obtains a Certificate of Tax Clearance from the Ohio Department of Taxation In addition, the Certificate method must be used by any that confirms all tax returns that are administered by the domestic for-profit corporation that will dissolve as a result Tax Commissioner are filed and all tax liabilities and of a merger, conversion or consolidation into an entity that feesare paid. The Certificate of Tax Clearance must is not a corporation that is chartered/licensed in Ohio. accompany the corporation’s filing of dissolution/ surrender withthe Ohio Secretary of State. This method By example, this includes, but is not limited to the following: is required fordomestic for-profit corporationsto • Domestic for-profit corporation merges into a domestic LLC; voluntarily dissolve withthe Ohio Secretary of State. • Domestic for-profit corporation converts into a foreign LLC; Other corporations may electthis method or the affidavit and method. • Domesticfor-profitcorporation consolidatesinto a foreign • The affidavit method is the process whereby a corporation corporation that is not registered to do business in Ohio. notifies the Ohio Department of Taxation of itsintent to file forNote:ACertificate of Tax Clearance is not required if a do- dissolution/surrender with the Ohio SecretaryofState and inmesticfor-profitcorporationmerges,consolidatesorconverts lieu of obtaining a Certificate of TaxClearance from the Ohio into a foreign licensed corporation that is registered with the Ohio Secretary of State. -1 - |
Enlarge image | D5 Rev. 5/18 To apply for a Certificate of Tax Clearance, select the “Cer- certified checks or money orders. Failure to do so may tificate of Tax Clearance” box as the dissolution/surrender result in the issuance of bills and assessments. method on line 3 of form D5 and submit the form to the Ohio Department of Taxation at least 30 days prior to 3.Requirements for Closing Accounts with the Ohio the date that such Certificate of Tax Clearance is Department of Taxation desired. Upon receipt of form D5, the Ohio Department of There are certain tax responsibilities that must be followed Taxation will review all business tax accounts associated when closing a business in Ohio. Please see below for in- with the corporation to verify that all tax returns have been structions or visit www.tax.ohio.gov and click on Business. filed and all liabilities and fees paid. If the Ohio Department of Taxation ascertains that there are any outstanding tax A. Sales and Use Tax liabilities and fees owed or any tax returns that have not • Abusiness withavendor’s license is required tofileafinal been filed, a notice will be sent to the corporation detailing sales tax return. This return would be filed for the period what is owed. All outstanding liabilities and fees or filings in which the final sale was made. The vendor’s license that are due and detailed in this notice must be paid with can be closed while filing the final return through the Ohio certified checks or money orders before a Certificate of Tax Business Gateway by selecting “Cancel my account” or Clearance will be issued. through the TeleFile system. To avoid delay, any delinquent tax returns or reports B.Employer Withholding Tax should accompany form D5 together with separate certified • The business must file form IT 941, Ohio Employer’s checks or money orders in payment of each of the taxes/ Annual Reconciliation, no later than 15 days after the fees due thereon. Failure to do so may necessitate the discontinuation of business. This form must be filed issuance of billsandassessments,andwilldelayissuance online through Ohio Business Gateway. ofthedesired CertificateofTaxClearance. Seesection3for • EFTfilers must file form IT942, Ohio Employer’s 4th Quar- instructions on filing requirements and how to close the ter/Annual Reconciliation,through Ohio Business Gateway. various tax-types accounts of a corporation with the Ohio • If the business has more than 250 employees, form IT 3 DepartmentofTaxation. and all W-2s are required to be filed no later than 60 days Upon determining that all applicable taxes/fees have been from the last date of payroll. paid, the Ohio Department of Taxation will issue a C.School District Employer Withholding Tax Certificate of Tax Clearance to the corporation. • A business that withholds school district income from its 2. All Corporations Other than Domestic For-Profit employee(s),andisclosing,must alsofileformSD141,Ohio Corporations School District Employer’s Annual Reconciliation, no later than 15 days after the discontinuation of business. Thisform A. Certificate Method must be filed online through Ohio Business Gateway. If the corporation chooses the Certificate method, the process • If the business has more than 250 employees, form IT 3 for obtaining the Certificate of Tax Clearance from the Ohio and all W-2s are required to be filed no later than 60 days Department of Taxation is the same as described in section 1. from the last date of payroll. B. Affidavit Method D.Commercial Activity Tax If a corporation, other than a domestic for-profit corporation, • Taxpayers who do not anticipate taxable gross receipts chooses the affidavit method to dissolve its Ohio charter or exceeding $150,000 mustcancel their account on or be- surrender its foreign license, the corporation must file form D5 fore May 10th of the current calendar year to avoid being to satisfy the requirementsunderR.C.sections1703.17(D), subject to the annual minimum tax for that calendar year. 1729.55(H)(6)and1702.47(G)(3). The corporation should • Taxpayers that are registered as a combined or consolidated select the “Affidavit” boxas the dissolution/surrender method elected taxpayergroup should complete formCAT-AR and on line 3 of form D5 and submit the form to the Ohio provide documentation detailing the value of ownership Department of Taxationprior tothe date that suchcorp - interest and registration statusof the remaining members orationintends tofilefor dissolution/surrender with the of the group. It may be necessary for the group to remain Ohio Secretary of State. intact if some of the members remain subject to CAT. Eventhoughunderthismethodthecorporationwillnotobtain • The taxpayer is required to file and pay all tax periods a Certificate of Tax Clearance from the Ohio Department of through the cancellation date. Taxation, the department will still ascertain if there are any outstanding tax liabilities and fees owed or any tax E.Excise/Energy Tax returns that have not been filed. If a deficiency exists, a • The taxpayer is required to file and pay all required taxes notice will be sent to the corporation detailing what is owed. up through the cancellation date. If the taxpayer cancels All outstanding liabilities and fees or filings that are due and in the middle of a reporting period, the taxpayer must file detailed in this notice must be paid by the corporation with a return and payment for the partial period. -2 - |