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                                                                                                                         ST 3C
                                                                                                                         Rev. 11/09

                                         Please detach here – DO NOT USE PENCIL to complete this form.

                  Department of                                                                                          ST 3C
                                         Vendor’s License/Account Number                                                 Rev. 11/09
hio               Taxation
                  P.O. Box 182215
                  Columbus, OH 43218-2215

                                         Update Information
Please review your current business information in area A. If corrections are necessary, complete form ST 3C per instructions 
provided on the form and enter the corrected information in area B.
                  A: Current Information                                             B: New Information
Employer Identifi cation Number           Social Security Number           NAICS Code

Ohio Charter or License Number           NAICS Code             NAICS description

                                                                Change of ownershipYes No If yes, see reverse side.
NAICS description                                               Legal name only

                                                                DBA only
Name and Mailing Address:
                                                                Mailing address

                                                                Should this change also be made to your:  Yes      No
Name and Business Location:                                     1) Corporate account                             
                                                                2) Employer withholding account                    
                                                                3) School district withholding account             

                                                                To cancel account, enter last day of business. M M   D D Y  Y

                                         See reverse side for instructions.

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                     Please detach here – DO NOT USE PENCIL to complete this form.

                                        Instructions for ST 3C
Please review the information as refl ected in our records          license. If you need a new license, you can apply online at 
that is shown on form ST 3C. If any information needs to be        the Ohio Business Gateway (obg.ohio.gov). Holders of Ohio 
updated, write the correct information in the corresponding        Direct payment permits must follow special provisions as-
section of the form.                                               sociated with the permit. 
One section to review closely is the box that contains the         If you have moved the business and have a regular county 
NAICS code. NAICS stands for North American Industry               vendor’s license (account numbers beginning 1 to 88), you 
Classifi cation System. These codes are used to identify the        may transfer the license location if the business is in the 
type of business that is being conducted. The Department           same county. Complete form ST3 TL found in this packet. 
of Taxation uses this information to notify taxpayers when         If the business moved into another county, please cancel 
changes in the law address certain business types, and to          the current license and apply for a new one from the county 
compile statistics related to specifi c sales activity. Please look auditor or through the Ohio Business Gateway.  
at the code and description of the code to verify it pertains 
to your business activity. If a change is necessary, review        Address changes to all other types of accounts may be made 
the list of NAICS codes in this packet to select a code that       using form ST 3C.
applies to your business. If you cannot fi nd a code to match       If no changes need to be made, you do not need to complete 
your business, just write a short description in Box B and we      and send this form.
will select the best code that applies. 
                                                                   If changes are made, please submit the form to:
If the business is sold or discontinued, the vendor’s license 
must be cancelled. Complete the line with the last day of          Ohio Department of Taxation
business. Any changes in ownership (sole proprietor to             Taxpayer Support Services Division
partnership, partnership to corporation, corporation to sole       P.O. Box 182215
proprietor, partnership to sole proprietor, etc.) requires a new   Columbus, OH  43218-2215    

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