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                                 Form 41S                                                                                                                                     2022
                                 S Corporation Income Tax Return
                Amended Return? Check the box. See           For calendar year                                                                                                State use only
                                                                                 Mo Day              Year         Mo                                     Day       Year
                page 1 of the instructions for reasons to    2022 or fiscal 
▪               amend and enter the number that applies. ▪   year beginning                            22 ending
Business name                                                               State use only                Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Current business mailing address                                                                                                                                             NAICS Code
City                                                         State   ZIP code                        Foreign country (if not U.S.)

             1.  Check the type of return ▪ Regular        ▪ Composite         ▪ Affected business entity
             2. If a federal audit was finalized this year, enter the latest year audited ...................... ▪
             3.  Is this an inactive corporation or nameholder corporation? .........................................................................                         Yes ▪    No
             4.  a.  Were federal estimated tax payments required? ....................................................................................                       Yes ▪    No
                b.  Were estimated tax payments based on annualized amounts? .............................................................                                    Yes ▪    No
             5. Is this a final return? ....................................................................................................................................  Yes ▪    No
                If yes, check the proper box below and enter the date the event occurred
                Withdrawn from Idaho                       Dissolved        Merged or reorganized                 Enter new EIN
             6.  Is this an electrical or telephone utility? .......................................................................................................          Yes ▪    No
             7.  Did the ownership change during the year?................................................................................................                    Yes ▪    No
             8.  Enter the amount of investment tax credit earned this tax year ..................................................................                           ▪
             9.  Enter the amount of broadband equipment investment credit earned this tax year ....................................                                         ▪
10.  Enter the amount of credit for Idaho research activities earned this tax year .............................................                                             ▪
11.  Reserved .....................................................................................................................................................
12.  Did you claim the property tax exemption for investment tax credit property acquired this tax year? .........                                                            Yes ▪    No
13.  Ordinary income (loss). Form 1120S, page 1 ................................................................................                         ▪ 13 
14.  Net income (loss) from rental real estate activities. Form 1120S, Schedule K ..............................                                         ▪ 14 
15.  Net income (loss) from other rental activities. Form 1120S, Schedule K .......................................                                      ▪ 15 
16.  Portfolio income (loss). Form 1120S, Schedule K .........................................................................                           ▪ 16 
Don’t Staple 17.  Other items. See instructions ........................................................................................................ ▪ 17 
18.  Net distributable income. Add lines 13 through 17 ........................................................................                            18 
19.  Interest and dividends not taxable under Internal Revenue Code. Include a schedule ...............                                                  ▪ 19 
20.  State, municipal, and local taxes measured by net income. Include a schedule ..........................                                             ▪ 20 
21.  Bonus depreciation. Include a schedule .......................................................................................                      ▪ 21 
22.  Other additions .............................................................................................................................       ▪ 22 
23.  Add lines 18 through 22 ................................................................................................................              23 
24.  Interest from Idaho municipal securities ...................................................... ▪ 24 
25.  Interest on U.S. government obligations. Include a schedule .....................               ▪ 25 
26.  Interest and other expenses related to lines 24 and 25................................          ▪ 26 
27.  Add lines 24 and 25, then subtract line 26 ....................................................................................                       27 
28.  Technological equipment donation ................................................................................................                   ▪ 28 
29.  Allocated income. Include a schedule .......................................................... ▪ 29 
30.  Interest and other expenses related to line 29. Include a schedule .............                ▪ 30 
31.  Subtract line 30 from line 29 ..........................................................................................................              31 
32.  Bonus depreciation. Include a schedule ........................................................................................                     ▪ 32 
33.  Other subtractions. See instructions ..............................................................................................                 ▪ 33 
34.  Total subtractions. Add lines 27, 28, 31, 32, and 33 ......................................................................                           34 
35.  Net business income subject to apportionment. Subtract line 34 from line 23 ..............................                                          ▪ 35 
                                            Continue to page 2.
MAIL TO: Idaho State Tax Commission, PO Box 56, Boise ID 83756-0056
Include a complete copy of your federal Form 1120S.
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                                                                                                                         Form 41S     2022     (continued)
36. Net business income subject to apportionment. Enter the amount from line 35 .....................                              36 
37. Corporations with all activity in Idaho enter 100%. Multistate/multinational corporations
    complete and include Form 42; enter the apportionment factor from Form 42, Part I, line 21 ..............                                                ▪ 37 %
38. Net business income apportioned to Idaho. Multiply line 36 by the percent on line 37 .........................                                           ▪ 38 
39. Income allocated to Idaho. See instructions ..........................................................................................                   ▪ 39 
40. Affected business entity (ABE) Idaho net operating loss carryover ......................................................                                 ▪ 40 
41. Reserved ...............................................................................................................................................   41 
42. Income reported on entity’s composite return from Form PTE-12. Include Form PTE-12 ....................                                                  ▪ 42 
43. ABE income. Add lines 38 and 39 then subtract line 40 .......................................................................                            ▪ 43 
      Check if ABE has exempt members. See instructions ....................................................            ▪
44. Idaho income tax. 6% of either line 42 or 43 ...............................................................................                             ▪ 44 
45. Credit for contributions to Idaho educational entities ...................................                  ▪ 45 
46. Credit for contributions to Idaho youth and rehabilitation facilities ..............                        ▪ 46 
47. Total business income tax credits from Form 44, Part I, line 10.
    Include Form 44 ...........................................................................................   47 
48. Total credits. Add lines 45 through 47. If ABE has exempt entity members. See instructions .......                                                         48 
49. Subtract line 48 from line 44. If line 48 is greater than line 44, enter zero ....................................                                         49 
Other Taxes
50. Minimum tax. See instructions if the S corporation owes federal tax ............................................                                         ▪ 50 20
51. Permanent building fund tax. See instructions ..............................................................................                             ▪ 51 
52. Total tax from recapture of income tax credits from Form 44, Part II, line 6. Include Form 44 ......                                                       52 
53. Fuels tax due. Include Form 75 .....................................................................................................                       53 
54. Sales/use tax due on untaxed purchases (online, mail order, and other) ..............................                                                    ▪ 54 
55. Tax from recapture of qualified investment exemption (QIE). Include Form 49ER ........................                                                   ▪ 55 
56. Total tax. Add lines 49 through 55. If ABE has exempt entity members. See instructions .............                                                     ▪ 56 
57. Underpayment interest. Include Form 41ESR ...............................................................................                                ▪ 57 
58. Donation to Opportunity Scholarship Program ..............................................................................                               ▪ 58 
59. Add lines 56 through 58 .................................................................................................................                  59 
Payments and Other Credits
60. Estimated tax payments. If made under other EINs, provide EINs, amounts, and rollforwards ..........                                                     ▪ 60 
61. Tax paid by ABE on your behalf ..........................................................................................................                ▪ 61 
62. Specia l fuels tax refundGasoline tax refund                                                                Include Form 75 ....                           62 
63. Tax Reimbursement Incentive credit. Include certificate ................................................................                                 ▪ 63 
64. Total payments and other credits. Add lines 60 through 63 ..........................................................                                       64 
Refund or Payment Due
65. Tax due. If line 59 is more than line 64, subtract line 64 from line 59 ............................................                                     ▪ 65 
66. Penalty ▪                Interest from the due date ▪           Enter total .......................                                                        66 
67. Nonrefundable credit from a prior year return. See Form 44 instructions .....................................                                            ▪ 67 
68. Total Due. Add lines 65 and 66, then subtract line 67 .................................................................      ▪ 68 
69. Overpayment. If line 59 is less than line 64, subtract line 59 from line 64 ...................................                                          ▪ 69 
70. Refund ......... ▪       Apply to 2023 .........      ▪                                                       See instructions.
Amended Return Only. Complete this section to determine your tax due or refund.
71. Total due (line 68) or overpayment (line 69) on this return ...........................................................                                    71 
72. Refund from original return plus additional refunds ..........................................................................                             72 
73. Tax paid with original return plus additional tax paid .....................................................................                               73 
74. Amended tax due or refund. Add lines 71 and 72, then subtract line 73 ......................................                                               74 
    Within 180 days of receiving this return, the Idaho State Tax Commission may discuss this return with the paid preparer identified below. 
▪   Under penalties of perjury, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief this return is true, correct, and complete. See instructions.
     Signature of officer                                   Date
Sign Here Title                                                  Officer phone number

Paid preparer’s signature                               Preparer’s EIN, SSN or PTIN
▪                                                       ▪
Address                                                   Preparer’s phone number

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                         Form 41S — Instructions                                                        2022
                         S Corporation Income Tax Return

Instructions are for lines not fully explained on the form. Question 1 Return Type. Check the appropriate box. 
An S corporation must provide each shareholder              A composite return is a single return filed by an entity 
with an Idaho Form ID K-1. This form shows the              on behalf of its eligible owners. An affected business 
shareholder’s proportionate share of Idaho additions,       entity is an S corporation that elects to be taxed at 
subtractions, and credit information. For shareholders      the entity level. Include Form ABE, Affected Business 
who aren’t individuals, the Form ID K-1 also provides       Entity Election with your return. If the entity checks the 
apportionment factor information that’s needed to           ABE box and an authorized person signs the return, no 
complete their Idaho income tax return. Form ID             election form is necessary. If the person who signs the 
K-1 also identifies the proportionate share of gross        return isn’t authorized by the entity, the signatures of all 
income to help determine Idaho filing requirements of       members must be provided on Form ABE.
individual shareholders.                                    See additional information including Forms PTE-12 and 
Include all Form ID K-1s and a complete copy of             PTE-01 on our Pass-through Entity Guidance page at 
federal Form 1120S, including all federal Schedule          tax.idaho.gov/pte.
K-1s, with the Idaho Form 41S.
                                                            Question 2 Federal Audit. If a federal audit was 
Rounding                                                    finalized during the tax year, enter the most recent tax 
                                                            year covered in the audit.
Round the amounts on the return to the nearest whole 
dollar. Round down if under 50 cents, round up if 50        Question 3 Inactive or Nameholder Corporations. 
cents or more.                                              Check the “Yes” box if the S corporation is authorized to 
                                                            transact business in Idaho but has no business activity 
Heading                                                     and no income attributable to Idaho.
File the 2022 return for calendar year 2022 or a 
fiscal year that begins in 2022. For a fiscal year, fill    Question 4 Estimated Tax Payments. 
in the tax year space at the top of the form.               a. Check the “No” box if the corporation wasn’t 
                                                               required to make federal estimated tax payments 
Write your business name, address, and federal 
                                                               in 2022.
Employer Identification Number (EIN) in the space 
provided. Don’t include the dash when entering your         b. Check the “Yes” box if your estimated tax payments 
EIN. Also, provide your NAICS (North American                  were based on annualized amounts.
Industry Classification System) code, listed as the 
                                                            Question 5 Final Return. If this is the corporation’s 
business activity code on your federal return.
                                                            final return for Idaho, check the box that explains the 
                                                            reason and enter the date the event occurred. Enter 
Amended Return                                              the new federal EIN if the corporation was merged or 
You can use this form as an original return or an           reorganized.
amended return. 
                                                            Question 6 Electrical or Telephone Utility. If this 
If you’re filing this form as an amended return, check 
                                                            return is for an electrical or telephone utility, check the 
the box at the top of the form. Enter the number from 
                                                            “Yes” box. 
the following list that best describes your reason for 
amending.                                                   Question 7 Ownership Change. Check the “Yes” box 
1.  Federal Audit                                           if a shareholder’s interest was terminated or if a new 
2.  Federal Amended                                         shareholder acquired an interest in the corporation.

3.  Other – Include an explanation                          Question 8 Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Enter the 
Complete the entire form using the corrected amounts.       amount from Form 49, Part I, line 6. This is the Idaho ITC 
                                                            the corporation earned for the tax year.
Questions 1 – 12
                                                            Question 9 Broadband Equipment Investment Credit. 
Mark the appropriate boxes and provide the                  Enter the amount from Form 68, line 2. This is the 
requested information. Answer each question or the          broadband equipment investment credit the corporation 
return will be considered incomplete. Incomplete            earned for the tax year.
returns delay processing. Unanswered questions in 
this section will be assumed to be a “no.”

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                                                         Form 41S — Instructions      2022 (continued)         

Question 10 Credit for Idaho Research Activities.        Don’t enter any amounts from property acquired during 
Enter the amount from Form 67, line 16. This is the      2008 and 2009.
credit for Idaho research activities the corporation 
earned for the tax year.                                 Line 22 Other Additions 
                                                         Enter any miscellaneous Idaho additions. If you have 
Question 12 Property Tax Exemption. Check the            separately stated items that must be added back, 
“Yes” box if you elected the property tax exemption      include the amount. Include a schedule identifying each 
on personal property that qualifies for the ITC.         addition.
Include a copy of your Form 49E.                         Include on this line any amounts excluded from 
                                                         taxable income for funds received according to the 
Income                                                   emergency rental assistance program established under 
Line 16 Portfolio Income                                 Public Law 116-260 for COVID-19 relief.
Enter your net portfolio income or loss from 
Form 1120S, Schedule K, lines 4, 5a, 6, 7, and 8a.       Subtractions
Line 17 Other Items                                      Line 24 Interest From Idaho Municipal Securities
Enter your other items from Form 1120S, Schedule K.      Enter interest income from securities issued by the state 
Include any other income, loss, or deductions (such as   of Idaho and its political subdivisions, if included on 
Section 179 or charitable contributions) required to be  line 20.

reported separately to shareholders from the federal     Line 25 Interest on U.S. Government Obligations
Form 1120S, Schedule K.                                  Idaho doesn’t tax interest income from U.S. government 
                                                         obligations. Deduct any U.S. government interest 
Additions                                                included in federal income. Examples of U.S. 
Line 19 Interest and Dividends Not Taxable Under         government obligations include:
Internal Revenue Code (IRC)                              • Banks for Cooperatives
Enter the interest and dividends net of applicable 
                                                         • Federal Farm Credit Banks
amortization received or accrued from obligations of 
any state or political subdivision excluded from federal • Federal Financing Bank
income under the provisions of the IRC.                  • Federal Homeowners Loan Bank
                                                         • Federal Intermediate Credit Bank
Line 20 State, Municipal, and Local Taxes
Enter the total of all state, municipal, and local taxes • Federal Land Bank
measured by net income that have been paid or            •  Guam
accrued during the tax year, minus any refunds that      •  Puerto Rico
have been included in federal income. Include taxes 
                                                         • Student Loan Marketing Association
paid on built-in gains and excess net passive income. 
Include a schedule of all taxes deducted on the          •  Tennessee Valley Authority Bonds
federal return.                                          • Territory of Alaska
                                                         •  Territory of Hawaii
Line 21 Bonus Depreciation 
If you claimed bonus depreciation for federal purposes   •  Territory of Samoa
for property acquired before 2008 or after 2009:         •  U.S. Series EE and HH Bonds
•  Complete a separate federal Form 4562 or              •  U.S. Treasury Bills and Notes
  detailed computation for Idaho depreciation            •  Virgin Islands
  purposes as if the special depreciation allowance 
                                                         Idaho taxes interest income from the Federal National 
  hadn’t been claimed.
                                                         Mortgage Association (FNMA) and the Government 
•  Compute the Idaho adjusted basis and any gains        National Mortgage Association (GNMA).
  or losses from the sale or exchange of property 
  using the Idaho depreciation amounts.                  If you have interest income from a mutual fund that 
                                                         invests in both nonexempt securities and exempt 
• If the federal depreciation (including gains and 
                                                         U.S. government securities, you can deduct the 
  losses) is more than the Idaho depreciation 
                                                         portion of the interest earned that’s attributable to 
  (including gains and losses), include the 
                                                         direct U.S. government obligations. The mutual fund 
  difference as an addition on this line; otherwise, 
                                                         must identify the amount for it to be deductible.
  enter the difference on line 32.

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                                                                          Form 41S — Instructions      2022 (continued)         

Line 26 Interest Expense Offset                                               1.  Expenses directly related to 
Complete the following computation to calculate the                           nonbusiness income ..............................
interest expense offset.                                                  2 a. Interest expense. Total interest 
  1a.  Interest expense. Total interest                                       expense deducted in determining 
         expense deducted in determining                                      federal income ........................................
         federal income ........................................            b. Interest expense disallowed under 
                                                                              IRC Sections 265 and 291 .....................
    b. Interest expense disallowed under IRC 
         Sections 265 and 291 ............................                    c. Interest expense from a pass-through 
                                                                              entity .......................................................
    c. Interest expense from a pass-through 
         entity .......................................................       d. Subtotal. Add lines a through c ..............
    d. Intercompany interest expense .............                          e. Interest expense included in line 1 ........
    e. Total interest expense. Add lines a                                  f. Interest expense on line 26 attributable 
         through c and subtract line d .................                      to tax-exempt income .............................
 2.      Total tax-exempt income (interest on                               g. Intercompany interest expense .............
         qualifying obligations of the United                              h. Total interest expense. Subtract 
         States and the state of Idaho, its cities,                           lines e, f, and g from line d .....................
         and political subdivisions) ......................                3. Total nonbusiness income .....................
 3.      Total income. Refer to Rule 115, Idaho                            4. Total income. Refer to Rule 115, Idaho 
         Income Tax Administrative Rules ..........                           Income Tax Administrative Rules ..........
 4.      Divide line 2 by line 3 .............................          %                                                                   %
                                                                           5. Divide line 3 by line 4 .............................
 5.      Multiply line 1e by line 4. Enter                                 6. Multiply line 2h by line 5. This is 
         amount on line 26 .................................                  the interest expense prorated to 
                                                                              nonbusiness income ..............................
Line 28 Technological Equipment Donation
                                                                           7. Other indirect expenses related to 
Enter the lesser of cost or fair market value of 
                                                                              both business and nonbusiness 
technological equipment donated to one or more 
                                                                              income ....................................................
of the following Idaho educational institutions or 
libraries located in Idaho:                                                8. Multiply line 7 by line 5 ...........................
                                                                           9. Add lines 1, 6, and 8. Enter amount 
•   Public or nonprofit private elementary or 
                                                                              on line 30 ................................................
    secondary school 
•   Public or nonprofit private college or university
                                                                          Line 32 Bonus Depreciation
•  Public library or library district                                     If you claimed bonus depreciation for federal purposes 
Items that qualify for this deduction are limited                         for property acquired before 2008 or after 2009:
to computers, computer software, and scientific                           •  Complete a separate federal Form 4562 or detailed 
equipment or apparatus manufactured within five                               computation for Idaho depreciation purposes as 
years of the date of donation. The amount deducted                            if the special depreciation allowance hadn’t been 
can’t reduce Idaho taxable income to less than zero.                          claimed.
Any unused deduction can’t be carried to another                          •  Compute the Idaho adjusted basis and any gains 
year.                                                                         or losses from the sale or exchange of property 
                                                                              using the Idaho depreciation amounts.
Line 29 Allocated Income
Enter the amount of nonbusiness income. Include                           •   If the federal depreciation (including gains and 
a schedule detailing the source of the income                                 losses) is less than the Idaho depreciation 
and explaining why the income was classified as                               (including gains and losses), include the difference 
nonbusiness.                                                                  as a deduction on this line; otherwise, enter the 
                                                                              difference on line 21.
Line 30 Nonbusiness Expense Offset                                        Don’t enter any amounts for property acquired during 
Add back expenses included in computing federal 
                                                                          2008 and 2009.
income that are related to the production of allocated 
nonbusiness income listed on line 29.

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                                                      Form 41S — Instructions      2022 (continued)         

Line 33 Other Subtractions                            Credits
Enter any miscellaneous Idaho deductions. Include     Except for the Tax Reimbursement Incentive credit and 
any deductions from separately stated items           the investment tax credit earned by an S corporation 
you’re required to report except for deductions not   while a former C corporation, credits earned by the S 
allowed to S corporations when paying the tax for     corporation pass through to each shareholder based on 
shareholders. Include a schedule identifying each     that shareholder’s proportionate share of S corporation 
deduction.                                            income or loss. When an S corporation has a fiscal 
Include any amounts included in net distributable     year-end other than that of the shareholder, the credit 
income, line 18 for funds received or loans forgiven  passes through in the same period that the shareholder 
according to Public Laws 116-136, 116-139, and        reports the S corporation income or loss for federal tax 
116-142 for COVID-19 relief.                          purposes.
                                                      The S corporation must provide each shareholder 
Line 37 Apportionment Factor                          with an Idaho Form ID K-1. This form shows the 
If all the activity is in Idaho, enter 100%. If the S shareholder’s proportionate share of credits earned, 
corporation has multistate/multinational operations,  credits subject to recapture, and contribution information 
enter the apportionment factor from Form 42, Part I,  needed to calculate certain credits. Each shareholder 
line 21. Include Form 42.                             uses this information to determine the amount of Idaho 
Line 38 Net Business Income Apportioned to Idaho      credit allowed, recapture required, and credit carryovers 
Multiply line 36 by the percent on line 37.           to report on the shareholder’s Idaho income tax return. 
                                                      Credits reported by each shareholder are subject to the 
Line 39 Income Allocated to Idaho                     limitations applicable to that shareholder. Include copies 
Enter the amount of nonbusiness income allocated      of Form ID K-1 with this return for the year when the 
to Idaho minus the nonbusiness expense offset         credit is earned.
from line 30 that applies to this income. Include a 
                                                      If an individual shareholder’s portion of the income 
schedule detailing the source of the income allocated 
                                                      is taxed on the S corporation’s return, the tax can be 
to Idaho.
                                                      offset by that shareholder’s proportionate share of 
Line 40 Affected Business Entity (ABE) Idaho Net      credits. Credits applied to this tax are computed based 
Operating Loss (NOL) Carryover                        on the credit limitations applicable to corporations. 
Enter the total Idaho NOL carryover amount for the    For example, if an S corporation pays the tax for 
ABE. Include Form 56 or a schedule showing the        three individual shareholders, the amount of credit for 
application of the loss.                              contributions to educational institutions is the lesser of 
If the S corporation isn’t making the ABE election,   the following amounts:
don’t enter anything on this line. Any unused NOL     •  50% of the three shareholders’ share of the amount 
flows through to the shareholders.                    donated
                                                      •  10% of the tax computed for the three 
Line 42 Income Reported on Entity’s Composite         shareholders, or
Return from Form PTE-12
Enter the total composite income reported on          •  $5,000
Form PTE-12 for all nonresident individual owners.    Credits allowed to a shareholder that aren’t used to 
This amount should be the total Idaho distributable   offset that shareholder’s tax can’t be used to offset the 
income for all shareholders on Form PTE-12 with       tax computed for other shareholders. The broadband 
filing code “C”.                                      equipment investment credit can be transferred to 
                                                      another taxpayer rather than used by the taxpayer who 
Line 43 ABE Income                                    earns the credit.
Check the box if the ABE has any exempt entity 
members and subtract their share of Idaho income      To claim a credit you acquired through a transfer, 
from the total affected business income reported on   include a copy of the Form 70, Idaho Statement of 
lines 38 and 39 minus line 40. Enter the difference   Credit Transfer, with each return you’re claiming a 
on this line. An exempt entity means an entity that’s transferred credit on.

a member of the ABE and is exempt from income tax     Line 45 Credit for Contributions to Idaho 
under Idaho Code.                                     Educational Entities
                                                      Donations made by an S corporation to a qualified 
                                                      educational entity can qualify for a tax credit. Donations 
                                                      of goods or services don’t qualify.
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                                                         Form 41S — Instructions      2022 (continued)         

Composite Return                                         Line 46 Credit for Contributions to Idaho Youth 
If the S corporation pays the tax for one or more        and Rehabilitation Facilities
nonresident individual shareholders, determine each      An S corporation can claim this credit if it donated cash 
shareholder’s proportionate share of the following       or goods to the following:
amounts and enter the total of these amounts on          • Qualified center for independent living
this line.
                                                         •  Youth or rehabilitation facility or its foundation, or
The credit is limited to the smallest of:                • Nonprofit substance abuse center licensed by the 
•  One-half of the amount donated                          Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
•  10% of the tax on line 44, or                         Composite Return
•  $5,000                                                If the S corporation is paying the tax for one or more 
Don’t enter the total credit earned by the S corporation nonresident individual shareholders, determine each 
if the S corporation isn’t paying the tax for all        shareholder’s proportionate share of the following 
shareholders.                                            amounts and enter the total of these amounts here.
                                                         The credit is limited to the smallest of:
ABE Return
The credit is limited to the smallest of:                •  One-half of the amount donated
•  One-half of the amount donated                        •  10% of the tax on line 44
•  10% of the tax on line 44, or                         •  $500, or
•  $5,000                                                •  The tax on line 44 minus the amounts on line 45 
                                                           and Form 44, Part I, line 1
Enter the total credit earned by the ABE
                                                         Don’t enter the total credit earned by the S corporation if 
A qualified educational entity includes:
                                                         the S corporation isn’t paying the tax for all shareholders.
• A nonprofit corporation, fund, foundation, 
  research park, trust, or association organized         ABE Return
  and operated exclusively for the benefit of Idaho      The credit is limited to the smallest of:
  colleges and universities                              •  One-half of the amount donated
• A nonprofit, private, or public Idaho school           •  10% of the tax on line 44 
  (elementary, secondary, or higher education) or        •  $500, or
  its foundation                                         •  The tax on line 44 minus the amounts on line 45 
•  Idaho education public broadcast system                 and Form 44, Part I, line 1
                                                         Enter the total credit earned by the ABE
•  The Idaho State Historical Society or its 
  foundation                                             The qualified youth or rehabilitation facilities and their 
                                                         foundations are:
•  An Idaho public library or its foundation
                                                         •  Anchor House
•  An Idaho library district or its foundation
                                                         •  The Arc, Inc., Boise
• An Idaho public or private nonprofit museum
                                                         •  The Children’s Home Society of Idaho, Inc., Boise
•  The Idaho Commission for Libraries
                                                         •  The Children’s Village, Inc., Coeur d’Alene
• Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs
                                                         • Dawn Enterprises, Inc., Blackfoot
•  Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually 
  Impaired                                               • Development Workshop, Inc., Idaho Falls
•  Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities           •  Gem Youth Services, Emmett
•  Idaho State Independent Living Council                •  Hope House, Inc., Nampa
•  Idaho STEM Action Center                              •  Idaho Drug Free Youth, Inc., Coeur d’Alene
•  Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing        • Idaho Elks Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc., Boise
•  Medical residency programs or support                 •  Idaho Youth Ranch
  organizations devoted to training residents in         •  Kinderhaven, Sandpoint
  Idaho                                                  •  Learning Lab, Inc., Boise
                                                         •  Magic Valley Rehabilitation Services, Inc.,Twin Falls
                                                         •  New Day Products, Inc., Pocatello

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                                                        Form 41S — Instructions      2022 (continued)         

• Northwest (North Idaho) Children’s Home               This includes an S corporation. The $20 minimum 
•  Opportunities Unlimited, Inc., Lewiston              tax isn’t required to be paid by a:
•  Panhandle Special Needs, Inc., Sandpoint             •  Nonproductive mining corporation
• Project P.A.T.C.H. (Planned Assistance for            • Corporation not organized for profit that isn’t 
  Troubled Children)                                      required to pay federal tax on unrelated business 
•  Shepherd’s Home, Inc., McCall
                                                        • Homeowners’ association filing Form 1120-H and 
•  Transitional Employment Services for the 
                                                          having no federal taxable income
  Handicapped, Coeur d’Alene
                                                        •  Corporation under the protection of Public 
• Walker Center, Gooding
                                                          Law 86-272
• Winchester Occupational Workshop, Winchester
                                                        If the S corporation owes federal tax on excess net 
•  Witco Inc., Caldwell
                                                        passive income or net recognized built-in gains, 
•  Women’s and Children’s Alliance                      compute the Idaho tax using the following instructions:
The following are the qualified centers for             •  Compute the Idaho tax on excess net passive 
independent living:                                       income by multiplying 6% by the lesser of Idaho 
•  Disability Action Center Northwest, Moscow and         apportioned excess net passive income or 
  Coeur d’Alene                                           Idaho apportioned taxable income. See federal 
                                                          Form 1120S instructions. Include a copy of the 
• Living Independence Network Corporation, Boise 
  and Twin Falls
                                                        •  Compute the Idaho tax on net recognized built-in 
• Living Independently For Everyone, Inc., Blackfoot, 
                                                          gains by multiplying 6% by the Idaho apportioned 
  Idaho Falls and Pocatello
                                                          net recognized built-in gain. See federal 
Line 47 Total Business Income Tax Credits                 Form 1120S, Schedule D instructions. Include a 
                                                          copy of the computations.
Composite Return
If the S corporation pays the tax for one or more       •  If the corporation was previously a C corporation 
nonresident individual shareholders, determine            with credit carryover, the credit can be used to 
each shareholder’s proportionate share of the total       offset all or part of the tax.
business income tax credits allowed from Form 44,       If the total tax computed is more than $20, draw a line 
Part I, line 10 and enter the total of these amounts    through the 20 printed on the form. Enter on this line the 
here. Don’t enter the total credit earned by the        total Idaho tax on excess net passive income and net 
S corporation if the S corporation isn’t paying the tax recognized built-in gains minus applicable income tax 
for all shareholders. Include Form 44.                  credit carryovers. Credit limitations apply. The total tax 
ABE Return                                              before credits can’t be less than $20.
Enter the total credits earned by the ABE.              If the ABE tax computed is more than $20, draw a line 
                                                        through the 20 printed on the form. Enter on this line 
Line 48 Total Credits                                   the total ABE tax minus applicable income tax credits. 
If the ABE has any exempt entity members, subtract      Credit limitations apply. The total ABE tax before credits 
their share of Idaho credits from the total ABE credits can’t be less than $20.
reported on lines 45 through 47. Enter the difference 
on this line.                                           An S corporation electing to be an ABE must pay the 
                                                        PBF tax for each member that is an Idaho nonresident.

Other Taxes                                             Line 51 Permanent Building Fund (PBF) Tax
Line 50 Minimum Tax                                     The following are required to pay the $10 PBF:
The minimum tax of $20 is required for each             • A corporation required to file an Idaho income tax 
corporation:                                              return. This includes:
•  That transacts business in Idaho                       ‚  Homeowners’ associations
•  Is registered with the Idaho Secretary of State        ‚  Inactive or nameholder corporations, and
  to do business in Idaho, or
                                                          ‚  Nonproductive mining corporations registered 
•  Is exercising its corporate franchise in Idaho          with the Idaho Secretary of State to do 
                                                           business in Idaho

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                                                         Form 41S — Instructions      2022 (continued)         

•  Each corporation in the unitary group that’s          Line 56 Total Tax
  required to file an Idaho income tax return            If the ABE has any exempt entity members, subtract their 
• An S corporation required to pay tax on excess         share of Idaho total tax from recapture of income tax 
  net passive income or net recognized built-in          credits from the total ABE tax from recapture of income 
  gains. An S corporation must pay for each              tax credits reported on line 52. Enter the difference plus 
  individual included in the composite return.           the amounts on lines 49, 50, 51, 53, 54 and 55 on this 
A corporation under the protection of Public 
Law 86-272 isn’t required to pay the PBF tax.            Line 57 Underpayment Interest
An S corporation electing to be an ABE must pay          Use Form 41ESR, Part I, Underpayment of Estimated 
the PBF tax for each member that is an Idaho             Tax, to determine if there’s an underpayment of 
nonresident.                                             any estimated tax payments. Enter the amount of 
                                                         underpayment interest from Form 41ESR, Part II, 
Line 52 Total Tax From Recapture of Income Tax           line 24. Include Form 41ESR.
Credits                                                  If this is an amended return, enter the amount from the 
Composite Return                                         original return.
If the S corporation is paying the tax for one or more 
nonresident individual shareholders, include on this     Line 58 Donation to Opportunity Scholarship 
line those shareholders’ proportionate share of the      Program
total tax from recapture of income tax credits from      You can make a voluntary donation to the Idaho 
Form 44, Part II, line 6. Include Form 44.               Opportunity Scholarship Program. The amount 
                                                         designated will either reduce your refund or increase 
ABE return                                               your tax due. Your choice to donate can’t be changed; 
Enter the total tax from recapture of income tax         you can’t get a refund later.
credits from Form 44, Part II, line 6. Include Form 44.
                                                         Contributions help provide need-based scholarship 
Line 53 Fuels Tax Due                                    funds to Idaho high school graduates who attend 
If you buy gasoline, aircraft fuel or special fuels      approved higher education institutions in Idaho. 
(diesel, propane, or natural gas) without paying the     For more information visit the Idaho Opportunity 
fuels tax and later use this fuel in licensed vehicles   Scholarship Program website at boardofed.idaho.gov/
or aircraft, you owe fuels tax. Add the amounts on       scholarships/Idaho-opportunity-scholarship.
Form 75, Section IV, lines 3 and 4 and enter the total 
here. Include Form 75.                                   Payments and Other Credits
Line 54 Sales/Use Tax Due                                Line 60 Estimated Tax Payments
If you purchased an item from an out-of-state seller     Enter the total amount of estimated tax payments made 
(including internet, catalog, radio, and TV purchases)   for tax year 2022 from the following forms:
and the seller didn’t collect sales tax on that          •  Form 41ES, Estimated Tax Payment/Extension 
purchase, you must pay the use tax directly to the            of Time Payment and
Tax Commission. Multiply the total amount of those 
                                                         •  The amount applied from your 2021 return
purchases by 6% (.06).
                                                         •  Don’t include PTE-01 payments here
If you computed use tax on Form 75, add it to the use 
tax on other purchases and enter the total here.         Line 61 Tax Paid by ABE on Your Behalf 
If you have an Idaho sales or use tax account, don’t     If the S corporation is a member in an ABE, enter 
enter your sales or use tax on this line, but continue   the amount of tax paid by the ABE (upper entity) 
to report the tax on these purchases on your sales       on this S corporation’s behalf. Include a copy of 
and use tax returns.                                     Form ID K-1s with your return.

Line 55 Tax From Recapture of Qualified                  Line 62 Special Fuels and Gasoline Tax Refund
Investment Exemption (QIE)                               The special fuels (diesel, propane, or natural gas) tax 
If you’ve claimed the QIE for property tax on property   refund is available to those who use the fuel for heating 
that no longer qualifies before the end of the five-year or in off-highway equipment and have paid the tax on 
recapture period, you must recapture part or all         the special fuels purchased. Enter the amount from 
of the property tax benefit. Enter the amount from       Form 75, Section IV, line 2. Include Form 75. 
Form 49ER, Part III, line 18. Include Form 49ER.

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                                                          Form 41S — Instructions      2022 (continued)         

The gasoline tax refund is available to those who buy     Amended Return Only
and use gasoline in off-highway equipment or auxiliary    Complete lines 71 through 74 only if you’re filing this 
engines. Enter the amount from Form 75, Section IV,       return as an amended return.
line 1. Include Form 75.
                                                          Line 71 Total Due or Overpayment on This Return
Line 63 Tax Reimbursement Incentive Credit                If the total due shown on line 68 is greater than zero, 
Enter the total credit allowed from the Idaho             enter the amount here as a positive amount.
Reimbursement Incentive Certificate. Include a copy 
of the certificate with the return.                       If line 68 is zero, enter the amount of overpayment from 
                                                          line 69 here as a negative amount.
Refund or Payment Due                                     Line 72 Refund from Original Return Plus Additional 
Line 66 Penalty and Interest                              Refunds
Penalty and interest are computed on the tax on           Enter the total refund amount from previous returns for 
line 65 minus the underpayment interest on line 57        this tax year here as a positive amount.
and the donation amount on line 58.
                                                          Line 73 Tax Paid with Original Return Plus 
Penalty: Idaho law provides penalties for not filing      Additional Tax Paid
tax returns by the due date, not paying tax due           Enter the total due paid from previous returns for this tax 
on time, and not prepaying enough on extension            year here as a positive amount. Don’t include penalty, 
returns. For more information or to calculate a           interest, Form 51 estimated payments, withholding, or 
penalty, see our Penalties and Interest page at           unpaid tax.
                                                          Line 74 Amended Tax Due or Refund
Interest: We charge interest on the amount of tax         Add lines 71 and 72 then subtract line 73. A positive 
due from the due date until paid in full. The rate for    amount is your amended tax due. A negative amount is 
2023 is 5%.                                               your amended refund.
Line 67 Nonrefundable Credit From a Prior Year 
Return                                                    Signature
If you were denied a refund from an overpayment of        An authorized individual must sign the return on behalf 
tax on a prior year return because of the three-year      of the corporation.
statute of limitations, you may be eligible to take 
a credit for the amount. See Idaho Form 44 for            Tax Preparer
calculation of your credit and include it with your       Check this box if you paid a tax preparer to complete 
return.                                                   your return, and you’re authorizing the Tax Commission 
Line 70 Refund/Apply to 2023                              to discuss your return with the paid preparer identified 
Refund                                                    on your return.
Enter the amount of your overpayment from line 69         You’re also authorizing the paid preparer to:
that you want refunded to you. Refunds of less than       •  Give the Tax Commission any information that’s 
$1 won’t be issued. You have three years from the              missing from your return, and
return’s due date (not including extensions) to claim a 
                                                          •  Call the Tax Commission for information about 
refund. Refunds will be reduced by unpaid Idaho tax 
                                                               the processing of your return or the status of your 
liabilities and can be applied to unpaid liabilities owed 
                                                               refund or payments
to other agencies.
                                                          You’re not authorizing the paid preparer to receive 
The agency or party seizing the refund must send you 
                                                          any refund check, bind you to anything including any 
notice of the action. Questions about a refund seizure 
                                                          additional tax liability or otherwise represent you before 
should be directed to the agency or party that initiated 
                                                          the Tax Commission. This authorization is valid for 
the claim for seizure.
                                                          up to 180 days from the date the Tax Commission 
Apply to 2023                                             receives the return. If you want the Tax Commission 
If you’re filing an original return, subtract the amount  to contact you instead of your preparer, leave the box 
you want to refund from line 69. Any difference will      blank.
be applied to your 2023 tax and won’t be refunded.

                                                    Contact us:
                        In the Boise area: (208) 334-7660  |Toll free: (800) 972-7660
                                    Hearing impaired (TDD) (800) 377-3529
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