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                                                     DR 1305F (06/14/22) 
                                                     COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 
                                                     Denver CO 80261-0005 
*221305F=19999*                                      Tax.Colorado.gov
                                                     Page 1 of 1

2022 Gross Conservation Easement Credit Pass-Through Schedule
Tax Credit Certificate Number (No dashes or periods) Last Name or Business Name           First Name         Middle Initial

SSN                                                  Colorado Account Number    FEIN                         Tax Year Ending

Part F: Pass-through Of Credit
A pass-through entity must complete this form to report how the credit is passed through to its members. If you are filing 
a composite return, then enter any composite credit on DR 1305G. A disregarded entity not filing a return should only be 
listed parenthetically with its filing taxpayer.

23.   Detail of credit distributed to this entity’s members. If you are a donor, the total of Line 23 plus DR 1305G Line 30
must equal DR 1305 Line 16.
                                                                                                Percent of 
     Name of Member                                   SSN or FEIN                              Credit         Amount of Credit
                                                                                Account Number (nnn.nnnn%)

                                                                                                          % $

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                                                                                                          % $
                                                     Submit additional pages as needed.
                              For additional information regarding the gross conservation easement credit, 
    see FYI Income 39 and Income Tax Topics: Conservation Easement Credit at Tax.Colorado.gov

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