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DR 0106K (12/08/22)                                                                                                Page 21
                Partnership Instructions for Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K)
Partnerships must complete a Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K)              Part-Year Residents & Nonresidents for additional 
for each of its partners for each tax year. Completed             assistance in determining Colorado residency 
Colorado K-1s must be fi led with the Department, as               for individuals.
described below. On or before the date the Colorado K-1s        • An estate is a Colorado resident if it is the estate of a 
are fi led with the Department, the partnership must furnish       deceased person that is administered in Colorado in a 
each partner with a copy of the Colorado K-1 reporting            proceeding other than an ancillary proceeding.
their income, deductions, modifi cations, and credits.
                                                                • A trust is a Colorado resident if it is 
                                                                  administered in Colorado.
Due Dates
                                                                A C corporation that is a partner in a partnership 
Colorado K-1s due to be fi led the fi fteenth day of the fourth   is a Colorado resident partner if it is organized 
month after the close of the tax year, or after the automatic   under Colorado law.
six-month extension, if applicable. Colorado K-1s for 
                                                                A partnership that is a partner in another partnership is a 
calendar year 2022 are due on April 15, 2023. If the due 
                                                                Colorado resident partner if it is organized under Colorado 
date falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the Colorado 
                                                                law. A limited liability company (LLC) that is treated as a 
K-1s will be due the next business day.
                                                                partnership for federal income tax purposes is treated as a 
                                                                partnership for Colorado income tax purposes.
Filing Colorado K-1s with the Department
Partnerships must submit a copy of each partner’s Colorado      Part-Year Resident Partners
K-1 to the Department. These copies may be submitted in         If a partner was a resident for only part of the tax year, 
spreadsheet or XML form at Colorado.gov/RevenueOnline.          check the box to indicate that they were a resident and 
Partnerships may also enter the data manually at                complete the Colorado K-1 for the partner following the 
Colorado.gov/RevenueOnline.  Finally, paper copies may          instructions for resident partners.
be submitted with the Annual Transmittal of DR 0106K – 
Colorado K-1 Forms cover sheet (form DR 1706) by mail to:       SALT Parity Act Election
Colorado Department of Revenue                                  If the partnership has made an election for the tax year 
Denver, CO 80261-0006                                           pursuant to section 39-22-343, C.R.S., to be subject to tax 
                                                                at the entity level, check the applicable box to indicate the 
Do not submit the copies of the Colorado K-1s issued 
                                                                SALT Parity Act election. A SALT Parity Act election made 
to partners (or the DR 1706 transmittal form) as an 
                                                                by a partnership is binding on all of its partners, regardless 
attachment to the partnership’s income tax return.
                                                                of whether the partner is an individual, corporation, or other 
                                                                legal entity, and regardless of whether the partner is a 
Completing the Colorado K-1                                     resident or nonresident.

Fiscal Year Filers                                              Nonresident Partners 
If the partnership’s tax year is a fi scal year, enter the dates If the partnership did not make a SALT Parity Act election 
the partnership’s fi scal year begins and ends.                  and the partner is a nonresident of Colorado, check the 
                                                                applicable box to indicate whether the partnership is, with 
Information About the Partner                                   respect to the nonresident partner, fi ling a composite return, 
Enter the partner’s name and address.                           fi ling a DR 0107, or remitting payment with a DR 0108. 
Enter the partner’s applicable tax identifi cation number.       Composite Return – A partnership may fi le a 
If the partner is an individual, enter the individual’s social    composite return on behalf of one or more of its 
security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identifi cation       nonresident partners, reporting and remitting the 
number (ITIN). If the partner is an estate, trust, corporation,   Colorado income tax due on the Colorado-source 
partnership, or other legal entity, enter the partner’s federal   income of the nonresident partner(s) included in the 
employer identifi cation number (FEIN).                            composite return. If the nonresident partner has no 
Check the applicable box to indicate whether the partner is       other Colorado-source income, the composite return 
a Colorado resident or nonresident. Check the applicable          satisfi es their Colorado income tax fi ling obligation 
box to indicate the partner is a resident if they were a          for the tax year.
Colorado resident for the entire tax year or for any part       DR 0107 – A nonresident partner may complete and 
of the tax year.                                                  sign form DR 0107 thereby agreeing to fi le a Colorado 
• An individual is a Colorado resident if they are                income tax return, make timely payment of the tax due, 
domiciled in Colorado or if they maintain a permanent             and be subject to personal jurisdiction in Colorado for 
place of abode in Colorado and spend in the aggregate             the purpose of income tax collection. The partnership 
more than six months of the taxable year in Colorado.             must submit a copy of the signed form DR 0107 with its 
See Department publication Income Tax Topic:                      return (form DR 0106). 

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DR 0108 – If a nonresident partner is not included in a  Column A that is derived from sources within Colorado as 
  composite return fi led by the partnership and has not    determined pursuant to 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-109(3)
  completed and signed form DR 0107, the partnership       (b)(xii). Enter on lines 1 through 3, lines 5 through 8, 
  must, with form DR 0108, remit payment of the            and line 11 in Column B the portions of the partner’s 
  Colorado income tax due on the nonresident partner’s     distributive shares of income and deduction from Column 
  Colorado source income. The nonresident partner may      A that are derived from sources within Colorado as 
  claim credit on their Colorado income tax return for the determined pursuant to section 39-22-203(1)(a), C.R.S. 
  payment remitted on their behalf by the partnership.     Amounts derived from sources within Colorado are 
                                                           either determined in accordance with the provisions of 
Information About the Partnership                          section 39-22-109, C.R.S., and Rule 39-22-109 or, at the 
Enter the partnership’s name, address, and either          partnership’s election, apportioned or allocated to Colorado 
Colorado account number or federal employer                pursuant to section 39-22-303.6, C.R.S., and the related 
identifi cation number (FEIN).                              rules. See also General Information Letter 22-003.
                                                           Line 9. State income tax addback
Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of                        Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other 
Income and Other items                                     Items (Column A)
On each Colorado K-1, the partnership must report in       For all partners that are not C corporations, enter on line 
Column A (Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income       9 in Column A the partner’s distributive share of any state 
and Other Items) the partner’s distributive share of each  income tax deducted by the partnership on line 14 of IRS 
item listed. In Column B (Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share Form 1065 for the tax year, regardless of the state to which 
of Income and Other Items Attributable to Colorado), the   the income tax was paid or accrued.
partnership must report the portion of each listed item 
                                                           For all partners that are C corporations, enter on line 9 in 
attributed to Colorado. In each column, enter income and 
                                                           Column A the partner’s distributive share of any Colorado 
gains as positive numbers; enter losses and deductions as 
                                                           income tax deducted by the partnership on line 14 of IRS 
negative numbers. For paper returns, put negative amounts 
                                                           Form 1065 for the tax year. 
in parentheses, for example, ($1,234). The following 
instructions provided guidance for determining the amounts The partner’s distributive share of the deduction is 
to enter in each column.                                   determined with the same ratio used to determine the 
                                                           partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income 
Federal Income and Deductions                              or loss generally for federal income tax purposes.
Enter on lines 1 through 8 and line 11 in Column A the     Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other 
income and deduction information about the partner’s       Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B)
share of income and deductions from the partner’s 
                                                           Enter on line 9 in Column B the partner’s distributive 
federal Schedule K-1. Enter income and gains as positive 
                                                           share of any Colorado income tax deducted by the 
numbers. Enter any losses on lines 1, 2, 3, or 8, and any 
                                                           partnership on line 14 of IRS Form 1065 for the tax year. 
federal deductions on line 11, as negative amounts.
                                                           The partner’s distributive share of the deduction claimed 
       Colorado K-1               Partner’s Schedule       by the partnership must be determined in accordance 
       (Form DR 0106K)            K-1 (IRS Form 1065)      with the partner's distributive share, for federal income tax 
1.  Ordinary                                               purposes, of partnership taxable income or loss generally.
                                  Box 1
business income (loss)                                     Line 10. Other Colorado additions
2.  Net rental real                                        Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other 
                                  Box 2
estate income (loss)                                       Items (Column A)
3. Other net rental income (loss) Box 3                    Enter on line 10 in Column A the partner’s distributive 
                                                           share of any required Colorado additions.
4. Total guaranteed payments      Box 4c
                                                           Include on line 10 the partner’s distributive share of any 
                                  Sum of Boxes
5. Interest and dividends                                  addition required for non-Colorado state or local bond interest. 
                                  5 and 6a
                                                           A partner’s distributive share of state and local bond interest 
6. Royalties                      Box 7                    is generally included in the amount reported in box 18 of the 
                                  Sum of Boxes             partner’s Schedule K-1 (IRS Form 1065). The required addition 
7. Net capital gain
                                  8, 9a, and 10            does not include any amortization of the bond premium and 
8. Other income (loss)            Box 11                   is reduced by the amount of the deductions required by the 
                                                           Internal Revenue Code to be allocated to the interest income.
                                  Sum of 
11. Federal deductions                                     Include on line 10 the partner’s distributive share of following 
                                  Boxes 12 and 13
                                                           additions. The partner’s distributive share of any addition 
Enter on line 4 in Column B (Partner’s or Shareholder’s    is determined with the same ratio used to determine the 
Share of Income and Other Items Attributable to Colorado)  partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income or 
the portion of the partner’s guaranteed payments from      loss generally for federal income tax purposes.

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• Business expenses deducted in the calculation of           and its possessions. A partner’s distributive share of 
federal taxable income for wages or remuneration paid        U.S. government interest is generally included in the 
to an unauthorized alien for the physical performance        amount reported in box 5 of the partner’s Schedule K-1 
of services in Colorado;                                     (IRS Form 1065). 
• Expenses deducted in the calculation of federal taxable  Include on line 12 the partner’s distributive share of following 
income that were incurred with respect to expenditures       subtractions, The partner’s distributive share of any subtraction 
made at, or payments made to, any club that is               is determined with the same ratio used to determine the 
licensed pursuant to section 44-3-418, C.R.S., that          partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income or 
has a policy to restrict membership on the basis of sex,     loss generally for federal income tax purposes.
sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression,      • If the partnership is licensed under the “Colorado 
marital status, race, creed, religion, color, ancestry, or   Marijuana Code,” any expenditure that is eligible to 
national origin; and                                         be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is 
• An amount equal to a federal deduction claimed for         disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue 
the income tax year for a food and beverage expense          Code because marijuana is a controlled substance 
that exceeds 50% of the amount of the expense and            under federal law;
that was allowed under section 274(n)(2)(D) of the           • If the partnership is an “export taxpayer” as defi ned in 
Internal Revenue Code.                                       section 39-22-206, C.R.S., any partnership income or 
Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other         gain that constitutes foreign source income for federal 
Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B)                    income tax purposes; 
Enter on line 10 in Column B the portions of the partner’s   • For all partners that are not C corporations, the 
distributive shares of the additions from Column A that are  amount of any refund or credit for overpayment of 
attributable to Colorado.                                    income taxes imposed by Colorado or any other taxing 
Include on line 10 in Column B the full amount of any of the jurisdiction to the extent included in the partnership’s 
following additions entered in Column A:                     gross income for federal income tax purposes but not 
• Business expenses deducted in the calculation of           previously allowed as a deduction for Colorado income 
federal taxable income for wages or remuneration paid        tax purposes; and
to an unauthorized alien for the physical performance        • For all partners that are C corporations, the amount 
of services in Colorado; and                                 of any refund or credit for overpayment of income 
• Expenses deducted in the calculation of federal taxable    taxes imposed by Colorado to the extent included in 
income that were incurred with respect to expenditures       the partnership’s gross income for federal income tax 
made at, or payments made to, any club that is licensed      purposes but not previously allowed as a deduction for 
pursuant to section 44-3-418, C.R.S., that has a policy to   Colorado income tax purposes.
restrict membership on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other 
gender identity, gender expression, marital status, race, 
                                                             Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B)
creed, religion, color, ancestry, or national origin.
                                                             Enter on line 12 in Column B the portions of the partner’s 
Include on line 10 in Column B the amount of the             distributive shares of the subtractions from Column A that 
following addition entered in Column A to the extent that    are attributable to Colorado.
the underlying or related expenses were from business 
activity in Colorado:                                        Include on line 12 in Column B the full amount of any of the 
                                                             following subtraction entered in Column A:
• An amount equal to a federal deduction claimed for 
the income tax year for a food and beverage expense          • If the partnership is licensed under the “Colorado 
that exceeds 50% of the amount of the expense and            Marijuana Code,” any expenditure that is eligible to 
that was allowed under section 274(n)(2)(D) of the           be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is 
Internal Revenue Code.                                       disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue 
                                                             Code because marijuana is a controlled substance 
See sections 39-22-104, 39-22-202, and 39-22-203, 
                                                             under federal law;
C.R.S., and 1 CCR 201-2, Rules 39-22-109 and 39-22-110 
for additional information regarding Colorado additions.     Include on line 12 in Column B the amount of the 
                                                             following subtraction entered in Column A to the extent 
Line 12. Colorado subtractions                               the underlying or related income is included on lines 1 
Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other         through 8 in Column A:
Items (Column A)                                             • The amount of any refund or credit for overpayment of 
Enter on line 12 in Column A the partner’s distributive      income taxes imposed by Colorado or any other taxing 
share of any allowable Colorado subtractions. Enter          jurisdiction to the extent included in the partnership’s 
subtractions on line 12 as a negative amount.                gross income for federal income tax purposes but 
Include on line 12 the partner’s distributive share of       not previously allowed as a deduction for Colorado 
any interest income on obligations of the United States      income tax purposes.

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See sections 39-22-104, 39-22-202, and 39-22-203,              Partner’s or Shareholder’s 
C.R.S., and 1 CCR 201-2, Rules 39-22-109 and 39-22-110 
for additional information regarding Colorado subtractions.    Share of Credits
                                                               Enter on lines 16 through 33 the partner’s distributive share 
Lines 13 and 14. Partner’s Share of Total Receipts and         of any credits allowed to the partnership for the tax year. 
Non-Apportionable Income                                       Do not include any credits allowed in prior tax years.
Lines 13 and 14 of the Colorado K-1 must be completed for 
any partner that is a C corporation or that is treated as a C  Line 16. Advanced Industry Investment credit
corporation for Colorado income tax purposes, but is not       Information regarding the advanced industries investment 
required for any other partner, unless the partner needs the   tax credit is available online at OEDIT.Colorado.gov/ad-
information reportable on these lines for the preparation of   vanced-industries-investment-tax-credit. 
their Colorado income tax return.                              Line 17. Business Personal Property credit
Enter on line 13 in Column A the partner’s distributive        Please see section 39-22-537.5, C.R.S., for information 
share of the total receipts from line 8 in the “Everywhere”    about the business personal property tax credit.
column of the partnership’s form DR 0106, part V. Enter 
                                                               Line 18. Child care center family care home 
on line 13 in Column B the partner’s distributive share 
                                                               investment credit
of the total receipts from line 8 in the “Colorado” column 
                                                               For information about the credit, please see FYI Income 7, 
of the partnership’s form DR 0106, part V. The partner’s 
                                                               available online at Tax.Colorado.gov/individual-income-tax-
distributive shares of receipts entered in both columns 
are determined with the same ratio used to determine the 
partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income     Line 19. Child care contribution credit
or loss generally for federal income tax purposes.             For information about the child care contribution credit, 
Enter on line 14 in Column A the partner’s distributive share  please see FYI Income 35, available online at tax.
of the total income directly allocable to any state from line  Colorado.gov/individual-income-tax-guidance-publications. 
10 of the partnership’s form DR 0106, part V. Enter on line 
                                                               Line 20. Colorado job growth incentive credit
14 in Column B the partner’s distributive share of the total   Information regarding the advanced industries 
income directly allocable to Colorado from line 13 of the      investment tax credit is available online at 
partnership’s form DR 0106, part V. The partner’s distributive OEDIT.Colorado.gov/job-growth-incentive-tax-credit. 
shares of directly allocable income entered in both columns 
are determined with the same ratio used to determine the       Line 21. Preservation of Historic Structures credit
partner's distributive share of partnership taxable income or  For information about the credit, please visit
loss generally for federal income tax purposes.                OEDIT.Colorado.gov/commercial-historic-preservation-tax-
                                                               credit and historycolorado.org/preservation-tax-credits.
Line 15. Partner’s or shareholder’s share of tax paid 
with SALT Parity election                                      Line 22. SALT Parity credit from lower-tier partnership
If the partnership has made an election for the tax year       If the partnership is a partner (an “upper-tier partnership) 
pursuant to section 39-22-343, C.R.S., to be subject to tax    in another partnership (a “lower-tier partnership”) that 
at the entity level, enter on line 15 the partner’s share of   made an election for the tax year pursuant to section 
the tax calculated and paid by the partnership pursuant to     39-22-343, C.R.S., to be subject to tax at the entity level, 
section 39-22-344(1), C.R.S. The partner’s share of the tax    enter on line 22 the partner’s distributive share of the 
calculated and paid depends on whether the partner is a        upper-tier partnership’s share of the tax calculated and 
resident or nonresident of Colorado for the tax year.          paid by the lower-tier partnership pursuant to section 
• In the case of a resident partner, including a partner       39-22-344(1), C.R.S. 
who is a part-year resident for the tax year, sum the          Lines 23 through 32. Enterprise Zone Tax Credits
amounts on lines 1 through 3 and lines 5 through 12            For information about enterprise zone tax credits, please 
in Column A, multiply the sum by 4.4% (0.044), and             see the Enterprise Zone Tax Guide and Income Tax Topics: 
enter the result on line 15. If the sum of the amounts on      Enterprise Zone Contribution Credits, both of which are 
lines 1 through 3 and lines 5 through 12 is a negative         available online at Tax.Colorado.gov/individual-income-tax-
amount, enter 0 (zero) on line 15.                             guidance-publications.
• In the case of a nonresident partner, sum the amounts 
                                                               Line 33. Other Credits
on lines 1 through 3 and lines 5 through 12 in Column 
                                                               Please visit Tax.Colorado.gov/individual-income-tax-guid-
B, multiply the sum by 4.4% (0.044), and enter the 
                                                               ance-publications for information about any other Colorado 
result on line 15. If the sum of the amounts on lines 1 
                                                               income tax credits.
through 3 and lines 5 through 12 is a negative amount, 
enter 0 (zero) on line 15.
Do not enter on line 15 any amount that the partnership has 
not remitted to the Department. The total amounts entered on 
all Colorado K-1s must equal the total amounts tax calculated 
and paid by the partnership making the SALT parity election.

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S corporation Instructions for Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K)
S corporations must complete a Colorado K-1 (DR 0106K)               assistance in determining Colorado residency 
for each of its shareholders for each tax year. Completed            for individuals.
Colorado K-1s must be fi led with the Department, as                • An estate is a Colorado resident if it is the estate of a 
described below. On or before the date the Colorado K-1s             deceased person that is administered in Colorado in a 
are fi led with the Department, the S corporation must furnish        proceeding other than an ancillary proceeding.
each shareholder with a copy of the Colorado K-1 reporting 
                                                                   • A trust is a Colorado resident if it is 
their income, deductions, modifi cations, and credits.
                                                                     administered in Colorado.
Due Dates
                                                                   Part-Year Resident Shareholders
Colorado K-1s due to be fi led the fi fteenth day of the fourth      If a shareholder was a resident for only part of the tax year, 
month after the close of the tax year, or after the automatic      check the box to indicate that they were a resident and 
six-month extension, if applicable. Colorado K-1s for              complete the Colorado K-1 for the shareholder following 
calendar year 2022 are due on April 15, 2023. If the due           the instructions provided below for resident shareholders.
date falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the Colorado 
K-1s will be due the next business day.                            SALT Parity Act Election
                                                                   If the S corporation has made an election for the tax year 
Filing Colorado K-1s with the Department                           pursuant to section 39-22-343, C.R.S., to be subject to tax 
S corporations must submit a copy of each shareholder’s            at the entity level, check the applicable box to indicate the 
Colorado K-1 to the Department. These copies                       SALT Parity Act election. A SALT Parity Act election made 
may be submitted in spreadsheet or XML form at                     by a S corporation is binding on all of its shareholders, 
Colorado.gov/RevenueOnline. S corporations may also                regardless of whether the shareholder is an individual, 
enter the data manually at Colorado.gov/RevenueOnline.             estate, or trust, and regardless of whether the shareholder 
Finally, paper copies may be submitted with the Annual             is a resident or nonresident.
Transmittal of DR 0106K – Colorado K-1 Forms cover 
sheet (form DR 1706) by mail to:                                   Nonresident Shareholders 
                                                                   If the S corporation did not make a SALT Parity Act election, 
Colorado Department of Revenue
                                                                   and the shareholder is a nonresident of Colorado, check the 
Denver, CO 80261-0006
                                                                   applicable box to indicate whether the S corporation is, with 
Do not submit the copies of the Colorado K-1s issued               respect to the nonresident shareholder, fi ling a composite 
to shareholders (or the DR 1706 transmittal form) as an            return, fi ling a DR 0107, or remitting payment with a DR 0108. 
attachment to the S corporation’s income tax return.
                                                                   Composite Return – An S corporation  may fi le 
                                                                     a composite return on behalf of one or more of its 
Completing the Colorado K-1                                          nonresident shareholders, reporting and remitting the 
                                                                     Colorado income tax due on the Colorado-source 
Fiscal Year Filers                                                   income of the nonresident shareholder(s) included in 
If the S corporation’s tax year is a fi scal year, enter the          the composite return. If the nonresident shareholder 
dates the S corporation’s fi scal year begins and ends.               has no other Colorado-source income, the composite 
                                                                     return satisfi es their Colorado income tax fi ling 
Information About the Shareholder                                    obligation for the tax year.
Enter the shareholder’s name and address.
                                                                   DR 0107 – A nonresident shareholder may complete 
Enter the shareholder’s applicable tax identifi cation number.        and sign form DR 0107 thereby agreeing to fi le a 
If the shareholder is an individual, enter the individual’s social   Colorado income tax return, make timely payment of 
security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identifi cation          the tax due, and be subject to personal jurisdiction in 
number (ITIN). If the shareholder is an estate or trust, enter the   Colorado for the purpose of income tax collection. The 
shareholder’s federal employer identifi cation number (FEIN).         S corporation  must submit a copy of the signed form 
Check the applicable box to indicate whether the shareholder is      DR 0107 with its return (form DR 0106). 
a Colorado resident or nonresident. Check the applicable box       DR 0108 – If a nonresident shareholder  is not included 
to indicate the shareholder is a resident if they were a Colorado    in a composite return fi led by the S corporation  and 
resident for the entire tax year or for any part of the tax year.    has not completed and signed form DR 0107, the S 
• An individual is a Colorado resident if they are                   corporation  must, with form DR 0108, remit payment 
domiciled in Colorado or if they maintain a permanent                of the Colorado income tax due on the nonresident 
place of abode in Colorado and spend in the aggregate                shareholder’s  Colorado source income. The 
more than six months of the taxable year in Colorado.                nonresident shareholder  may claim credit on their 
See Department publication Income Tax Topic:                         Colorado income tax return for the payment remitted 
Part-Year Residents & Nonresidents for additional                    on their behalf by the S corporation.

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Information About the S corporation                              For all nonresident shareholders, enter on line 9 in Column 
Enter the S corporation’s name, address, and either              A the shareholder’s pro rata share of any Colorado income 
Colorado account number or federal employer                      tax deducted by the S corporation on line 12 of IRS Form 
identifi cation number (FEIN).                                    1120-S for the tax year. 
                                                                 The shareholder’s pro rata share of the deduction 
Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of                              claimed by the S corporation is determined in the manner 
                                                                 provided in, and subject to any election made under, 
Income and Other items                                           section 1377 (a) or 1362 (e), as the case may be, of the 
On each Colorado K-1, the S corporation must report in Column 
                                                                 Internal Revenue Code.
A (Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other Items) 
the shareholder’s pro rata share of each item listed. In Column  Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other 
B (Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other          Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B)
Items Attributable to Colorado), the S corporation must report   Enter on line 9 in Column B the shareholder’s pro rata 
the portion of each listed item attributed to Colorado. In each  share of any Colorado income tax deducted by the S 
column, enter income and gains as positive numbers; enter        corporation on line 12 of IRS Form 1120-S for the tax 
losses and deductions as negative numbers. For paper returns,    year. The shareholder’s pro rata share of the deduction 
put negative amounts in parentheses, for example, ($1,234).      claimed by the S corporation is determined in the manner 
The following instructions provided guidance for determining the provided in, and subject to any election made under, 
amounts to enter in each column.                                 section 1377 (a) or 1362 (e), as the case may be, of the 
                                                                 Internal Revenue Code.
Federal Income and Deductions
Enter on lines 1 through 8 and line 11 in Column A the           Line 10. Other Colorado additions
income and deduction information about the shareholder’s         Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other 
share of income and deductions from the shareholder’s            Items (Column A)
federal Schedule K-1. Enter income and gains as positive         Enter on line 10 in Column A the shareholder’s pro rata 
numbers. Enter any losses on lines 1, 2, 3, or 8, and any        share of any required Colorado additions. 
federal deductions on line 11, as negative amounts.              Include on line 10 the shareholder’s pro rata share of any 
                                  Shareholder’s                  addition required for non-Colorado state or local bond 
       Colorado K-1               Schedule K-1                   interest. A shareholder’s pro rata share of state and local 
       (Form DR 0106K)            (IRS Form 1120-S)              bond interest is generally included in the amount reported 
                                                                 in box 16 of the shareholder’s Schedule K-1 (IRS Form 
1.  Ordinary 
                                          Box 1                  1120-S). The required addition does not include any 
business income (loss)
                                                                 amortization of the bond premium and is reduced by the 
2.  Net rental real                                              amount of the deductions required by the Internal Revenue 
                                          Box 2
estate income (loss)                                             Code to be allocated to the interest income.
3. Other net rental income (loss)         Box 3                  Include on line 10 the shareholder’s pro rata share of the 
4. Total guaranteed payments              N/A                    following additions. The shareholder’s pro rata share of 
5. Interest and dividends         Boxes 4 and 5a                 any addition is determined with the same ratio used to 
                                                                 determine the shareholder’s pro rata shares of items of 
6. Royalties                              Box 6
                                                                 income, loss, deduction, or credit for federal income tax 
7. Net capital gain                                              purposes. See section 39-22-321(4), C.R.S., and sections 
                                  7, 8a, and 9                   1377(a) and 1362(e) of the Internal Revenue Code.
8. Other income (loss)                    Box 10                 • Any income, war profi ts, or excess profi ts taxes paid 
11. Federal deductions            Boxes 11 and 12                or accrued to any foreign country or to any possession 
                                                                 of the United States deducted by the S corporation on 
Enter on lines 1 through 8 and line 11 in Column B the           line 12 of IRS Form 1120-S for the tax year;
portions of the shareholder’s pro rata shares of income and 
deduction from Column A that are apportioned or allocated        • Business expenses deducted in the calculation of 
to Colorado pursuant to section 39-22-303.6, C.R.S., and,        federal taxable income for wages or remuneration paid 
if applicable section 39-22-303.7, C.R.S.                        to an unauthorized alien for the physical performance 
                                                                 of services in Colorado;
Line 9. State income tax addback                                 • Expenses deducted in the calculation of federal taxable 
Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other             income that were incurred with respect to expenditures 
Items (Column A)                                                 made at, or payments made to, any club that is 
For all resident shareholders, enter on line 9 in Column         licensed pursuant to section 44-3-418, C.R.S., that 
A the shareholder’s pro rata share of any state income           has a policy to restrict membership on the basis of sex, 
tax deducted by the S corporation on line 12 of IRS Form         sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, 
1120-S for the tax year, regardless of the state to which the    marital status, race, creed, religion, color, ancestry, or 
income tax was paid or accrued.                                  national origin; and

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• An amount equal to a federal deduction claimed for              be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is 
the income tax year for a food and beverage expense               disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue 
that exceeds 50% of the amount of the expense and                 Code because marijuana is a controlled substance 
that was allowed under section 274(n)(2)(D) of the                under federal law;
Internal Revenue Code.                                            • For all resident shareholders, the amount of any refund 
Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other              or credit for overpayment of income taxes imposed by 
Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B)                         Colorado or any other taxing jurisdiction to the extent 
Enter on line 10 in Column B the portions of the                  included in the S corporation’s gross income for federal 
shareholder’s pro rata shares of the additions from Column        income tax purposes but not previously allowed as a 
A that are attributable to Colorado.                              deduction for Colorado income tax purposes;
Include on line 10 in Column B the full amount of any of the      • For all nonresident shareholders, the amount of any 
following additions entered on line 10 in the in Column A:        refund or credit for overpayment of income taxes 
                                                                  imposed by Colorado to the extent included in the 
• Business expenses deducted in the calculation of 
                                                                  S corporation’s gross income for federal income tax 
federal taxable income for wages or remuneration paid 
                                                                  purposes but not previously allowed as a deduction for 
to an unauthorized alien for the physical performance 
                                                                  Colorado income tax purposes; and
of services in Colorado; and
                                                                  • Any portion of wages or salaries paid or incurred by 
• Expenses deducted in the calculation of federal taxable 
                                                                  the S corporation for the tax year, but which are not 
income that were incurred with respect to expenditures 
made at, or payments made to, any club that is licensed           deductible for federal income tax purposes due to 
pursuant to section 44-3-418, C.R.S., that has a policy to        section 280C of the Internal Revenue Code.
restrict membership on the basis of sex, sexual orientation,      Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other 
gender identity, gender expression, marital status, race,         Items Attributable to Colorado (Column B)
creed, religion, color, ancestry, or national origin.             Enter on line 12 in Column B the portions of the 
Include on line 10 in Column B the amount of the following        shareholder’s pro rata shares of the subtractions from 
addition entered in Column A to the extent that the underlying    Column A that are attributable to Colorado.
or related expenses were from business activity in Colorado:      Include on line 12 in Column B the full amount of any of the 
• An amount equal to a federal deduction claimed for              following subtraction entered on line 12 in the in Column A:
the income tax year for a food and beverage expense               • If the S corporation is licensed under the “Colorado 
that exceeds 50% of the amount of the expense and                 Marijuana Code,” any expenditure that is eligible to 
that was allowed under section 274(n)(2)(D) of the                be claimed as a federal income tax deduction but is 
Internal Revenue Code.                                            disallowed by section 280E of the Internal Revenue 
See sections 39-22-104, 39-22-304, 39-22-322, and                 Code because marijuana is a controlled substance 
39-22-323, C.R.S., and 1 CCR 201-2, Rules 39-22-109               under federal law.
and 39-22-110 for additional information regarding                Include on line 12 in Column B the amount of the following 
Colorado additions.                                               subtraction entered on line 12 in Column A to the extent 
Line 12. Colorado subtractions                                    the underlying or related income is included on lines 1 
Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income and Other              through 8 in Column A:
Items (Column A)                                                  • The amount of any refund or credit for overpayment of 
Enter on line 12 in Column A the shareholder’s pro rata           income taxes imposed by Colorado or any other taxing 
share of any allowable Colorado subtractions. Enter               jurisdiction to the extent included in the S corporation’s 
subtractions on line 12 as a negative amount.                     gross income for federal income tax purposes but 
Include on line 12 the shareholder’s pro rata share of any        not previously allowed as a deduction for Colorado 
interest income on obligations of the United States and its       income tax purposes.
possessions. A shareholder’s pro rata share of U.S. government  Include on line 12 in Column B the amount of the following 
interest is generally included in the amount reported in box 4 of subtraction entered on line 12 in Column A to the extent the 
the shareholder’s Schedule K-1 (IRS Form 1120-S).                 underlying or related expenses or losses are from business 
Include on line 12 the shareholder’s pro rata share of            activity in Colorado:
following subtractions. The shareholder’s pro rata share          • Any portion of wages or salaries paid or incurred by 
of any subtraction is determined with the same ratio used         the S corporation for the tax year, but which are not 
to determine the shareholder’s pro rata shares of items of        deductible for federal income tax purposes due to 
income, loss, deduction, or credit for federal income tax         section 280C of the Internal Revenue Code.
purposes. See section 39-22-321(4), C.R.S., and sections          See sections 39-22-104, 39-22-304, 39-22-322, and 
1377(a) and 1362(e) of the Internal Revenue Code.                 39-22-323, C.R.S., and 1 CCR 201-2, Rules 39-22-109 
• If the S corporation is licensed under the “Colorado            and 39-22-110 for additional information regarding 
Marijuana Code,” any expenditure that is eligible to              Colorado subtractions.

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Lines 13 and 14. Partner’s Share of Total Receipts and            Partner’s or Shareholder’s 
Non-Apportionable Income
The completion of lines 13 and 14 is not required on a            Share of Credits
Colorado K-1 prepared for any S corporation shareholder,          Enter on lines 16 through 33 the shareholder’s pro rata 
unless the shareholder needs the information reportable           share of any credits allowed to the S corporation for the tax 
on these lines for the preparation of their Colorado              year. Do not include any credits allowed in prior tax years.
income tax return.                                                Line 16. Advanced Industry Investment credit
Enter on line 13 in Column A the shareholder’s pro rata share     Information regarding the advanced industries investment 
of the total receipts from line 8 in the “Everywhere” column of   tax credit is available online at OEDIT.Colorado.gov/ad-
the S corporation’s form DR 0106, part V. Enter on line 13 in     vanced-industries-investment-tax-credit. 
Column B the shareholder’s pro rata share of the total receipts 
                                                                  Line 17. Business Personal Property credit
from line 8 in the “Colorado” column of the S corporation’s 
                                                                  Please see section 39-22-537.5, C.R.S., for information 
form DR 0106, part V. The shareholder’s pro rata shares of 
                                                                  about the business personal property tax credit.
receipts entered in both columns are determined with the 
same ratio used to determine the shareholder’s pro rata           Line 18. Child care center family care home 
shares of items of income, loss, deduction, or credit for federal investment credit
income tax purposes. See section 39-22-321(4), C.R.S., and        For information about the credit, please see FYI Income 7, 
sections 1377(a) and 1362(e) of the Internal Revenue Code.        available online at Tax.Colorado.gov/individual-income-tax-
Enter on line 14 in Column A the shareholder’s pro rata           guidance-publications. 
share of the total income directly allocable to any state 
                                                                  Line 19. Child care contribution credit
from line 10 of the S corporation’s form DR 0106, part V.         For information about the child care contribution credit, 
Enter on line 14 in Column B the shareholder’s pro rata           please see FYI Income 35, available online at tax.
share of the total income directly allocable to Colorado from     Colorado.gov/individual-income-tax-guidance-publications. 
line 13 of the S corporation’s form DR 0106, part V. The 
shareholder’s pro rata shares of directly allocable income        Line 20. Colorado job growth incentive credit
entered in both columns are determined with the same ratio        Information regarding the advanced industries investment 
used to determine the shareholder’s pro rata shares of items      tax credit is available online at OEDIT.Colorado.gov/job-
of income, loss, deduction, or credit for federal income tax      growth-incentive-tax-credit. 
purposes. See section 39-22-321(4), C.R.S., and sections 
                                                                  Line 21. Preservation of Historic Structures credit
1377(a) and 1362(e) of the Internal Revenue Code.
                                                                  For information about the credit, please visit OEDIT.
Line 15. Partner’s or shareholder’s share of tax paid             Colorado.gov/commercial-historic-preservation-tax-credit 
with SALT Parity election                                         and historycolorado.org/preservation-tax-credits.
If the S corporation has made an election for the tax year 
                                                                  Line 22. SALT Parity credit from lower-tier partnership
pursuant to section 39-22-343, C.R.S., to be subject to 
                                                                  If the S corporation is a partner in a partnership (a 
tax at the entity level, enter on line 15 the shareholder’s 
                                                                  “lower-tier partnership”) that made an election for the tax 
share of the tax calculated and paid by the S corporation 
                                                                  year pursuant to section 39-22-343, C.R.S., to be subject 
pursuant to section 39-22-344(1), C.R.S. The shareholder’s 
                                                                  to tax at the entity level, enter on line 22 the shareholder’s 
share of the tax calculated and paid depends on whether 
                                                                  pro rata share of the S corporation’s share of the tax 
the shareholder is a resident or nonresident of Colorado 
                                                                  calculated and paid by the lower-tier partnership pursuant 
for the tax year.
                                                                  to section 39-22-344(1), C.R.S. 
• In the case of a resident shareholder, including a 
shareholder who is a part-year resident for the tax year,         Lines 23 through 32. Enterprise Zone Tax Credits
sum the amounts on lines 1 through 12 in Column A,                For information about enterprise zone tax credits, please 
multiply the sum by 4.4% (0.044), and enter the result            see the Enterprise Zone Tax Guide and Income Tax Topics: 
on line 15. If the sum of the amounts on lines 1 through          Enterprise Zone Contribution Credits, both of which are 
12 is a negative amount, enter 0 (zero) on line 15.               available online at Tax.Colorado.gov/individual-income-tax-
• In the case of a nonresident shareholder, sum the 
amounts on lines 1 through 12 in Column B, multiply               Line 33. Other Credits
the sum by 4.4% (0.044), and enter the result on line             Please visit Tax.Colorado.gov/individual-income-tax-guid-
15. If the sum of the amounts on lines 1 through 12 is a          ance-publications for information about any other Colorado 
negative amount, enter 0 (zero) on line 15.                       income tax credits.
Do not enter on line 15 any amount that the S corporation 
has not remitted to the Department. The total amounts 
entered on all Colorado K-1s must equal the total amounts 
tax calculated and paid by the S corporation making the 
SALT parity election.

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                                         DR 0106K (12/08/22)
                                         COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
*220106K=19999*                          Page 1 of 2

                                         2022 Colorado K-1
 Fiscal Year Beginning (MM/DD/22)                         Fiscal Year Ending (MM/DD/YY)

 Name of Partner or Shareholder                           Partner’s or Shareholder’s SSN, ITIN, FEIN, or Colorado Account Number

 Address                                                     City                         State  ZIP

         Resident                     Non-Resident          Composite                    DR 0107 Included

                                                            DR 0108 Filed                SALT Parity Election

 Name of Partnership or S Corporation                     Partnership’s or S Corporation’s Colorado Account Number or FEIN

 Address                                                     City                         State  ZIP

                                                                                         B.  Share of Income 
                                                         A.  Share of Income 
         Partner’s or Shareholder’s:                                                     and Other Items 
                                                         and Other items
                                                                                         Attributable to Colorado

1.  Ordinary business income (loss)                 1                                 00                                  00

2.  Net rental real estate income (loss)            2                                 00                                  00

3.  Other net rental income (loss)                  3                                 00                                  00

4.  Total guaranteed payments                       4                                 00                                  00

5.  Interest and dividends                          5                                 00                                  00

6.  Royalties                                       6                                 00                                  00

7.  Net capital gain                                7                                 00                                  00

8.  Other income (loss)                             8                                 00                                  00

9.  State income tax addback                        9                                 00                                  00

10. Other Colorado additions                        10                                00                                  00

11. Federal deductions                              11                                00                                  00

12. Colorado subtractions                           12                                00                                  00
13. Partner’s share of total receipts from line 8 of the 
    DR 0106, part V.                                13                                00                                  00
14. Partner’s share of non-apportionable income from 
    the DR 0106, part V.                            14                                00                                  00
    15.  Partner’s or shareholder’s share of tax paid 
         with SALT Parity election                  15                                                   00

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                                                DR 0106K (12/08/22)
                                                COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
*220106K=29999*                                 Page 2 of 2
Name of Partner or Shareholder                                  Partner’s or Shareholder’s SSN, ITIN, FEIN, or Colorado Account Number

Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Credits                                        Amount

16. Advanced Industry Investment credit                                         16       00

17. Business Personal Property credit                                           17       00

18. Child care center family care home investment credit                        18       00

19. Child care contribution credit                                              19       00

20. Colorado job growth incentive credit                                        20       00

21. Preservation of Historic Structures credit                                  21       00

22. SALT Parity credit from lower-tier partnership (see instructions)           22       00

23. Enterprise zone agricultural processing new employee credit                 23       00

24. Enterprise zone commercial vehicle investment tax credit                    24       00

25. Enterprise zone contribution credit                                         25       00

26. Enterprise zone employee health insurance credit                            26       00

27. Enterprise zone enhanced rural agricultural processing new employee credit  27       00

28. Enterprise zone enhanced rural new employee credit                          28       00

29. Enterprise zone investment tax credit                                       29       00

30. Enterprise zone job training investment tax credit                          30       00

31. Enterprise zone research and experimental activities credit                 31       00

32. Enterprise zone vacant commercial building rehabilitation credit            32       00

33. Other Credits, explain below:                                               33       00

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