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Estate of:

          Schedule F – Miscellaneous Property
          (Jointly owned property must be listed on Schedule E)

All property not reported on any other schedule is reported on chinery, stored and/or growing crops and collections (such 
this schedule. Include partnership interests, sole proprietor- as coins and stamps).
ship or other business interests with supporting information 
for valuation including goodwill. Also include claims of dece- Qualifi ed terminable interest property (QTIP) is included in 
dent, rights, royalties, reversionary or remainder interests,  the estate of a surviving spouse when either a full or partial 
tax refunds, judgments, unpaid wages, household goods,         QTIP deduction was previously allowed on the estate or gift 
personal effects, automobiles, trailers, farm products, ma-    tax return of the fi rst spouse to die.

Item                                                           Alternate            Alternate        Value at Date
Number    Description                                          Valuation Date       Value            of Death

Total from continuation schedule(s)

Total (also enter on Recapitulation of Assets, page 2)

                                   Schedule F

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