2016 OHIO IT 1041ES Ohio Estimated Income Tax Payment Coupon For Estates and Trusts If you will be providing taxpayer information on a cartridge tape, please see “Cartridge Tape Ohio IT 1041ES Filing Requirements Defi nition,” which follows the instructions for this payment coupon. Please cut on the dotted line. DO NOT USE PENCIL to complete this form. OHIO IT 1041ES Rev. 8/15 Ohio Estimated Income Tax Do NOT fold For Taxable Year Beginning In For Payment Period (Check Only One) Payment Coupon For Estates and Trusts check 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Federal Employer I.D. Number or coupon. 2016 TRUST Social Security Number of Decedent (estates only) ESTATE Payment Name of trust or estate Amount $ , , . 0 0 Fiduciary name and title DO NOT STAPLE OR OTHERWISE ATTACH YOUR CHECK OR CHECK STUB TO THIS COUPON. DO NOT SEND CASH. Return this coupon with check or money order made payable to OHIO TREASURER OF STATEand mail toOHIO Number, street, P.O. Box, suite or room number DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION, P.O. BOX 2619, COLUMBUS, OH 43216-2619. City, state, ZIP code 419 |
IT 1041ES Rev. 8/15 When is Ohio form IT 1041ES required to be fi led? The estate or trust must fi le estimated tax payments and fi le Ohio form IT 1041ES if the combined estimated 2016 Ohio taxes and credits will be more than $500. Ohio form IT 1041ES payments are due as follows: Due Date Cumulative Amount Due Fifteenth day of the fourth month of the 22.5% of the current year tax due* taxable year Fifteenth day of the sixth month of the 45% of the current year tax due* taxable year Fifteenth day of the ninth month of the 67.5% of the current year tax due* taxable year Fifteenth day after the close of the taxable 90% of the current year tax due* year *In lieu of ratably paying in 90% of this year’s tax, the taxpayer may either (i) ratably pay in 100% of last year’s tax or (ii) use the annualization method to ratably pay in 90% of the tax (use the same periods of time that you would use for computing federal income tax due under the annualization method). Interest Penalty If income taxes are underpaid, the estate or trust must add an interest penalty to the taxes for the taxable year at the rate per annum prescribed by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 5703.47. See Ohio form IT/SD 2210 available on our Web site at tax.ohio.gov. Notes: 1. If for the taxable year beginning in 2016 the trust will distribute income attributable either to tangible personal property in Ohio or real estate in Ohio, the trust may also be liable for the pass-through entity estimated withholding tax (Ohio form IT 1140ES) and may be required to fi le the annual withholding tax return for pass-through entity distributive shares and certain trust distributions (Ohio form IT 1140). 2. Estates will also have to pay school district estimated income tax (Ohio form SD 100ES) if the decedent at the time of death was domiciled in a school district imposing the school district income tax on estates. See Ohio form SD 100E instructions for a listing of those school districts. 3. Under Ohio law, if a due date falls on a weekend or on a legal holiday, the due date will be on the next business day. 4. Make your Ohio extension payment on year 2016 Ohio form IT 1041P, which is available on the department’s Web site. 5. Important: The rates shown in the Ohio tax tables are established by R.C. section 5747.02. Each bracket will be adjusted for infl ation in July 2016, per R.C. section 5747.02. |
IT 1041ES Rev. 8/15 Fiduciary Income Tax 2016 Estimated Worksheet – DO NOT FILE This worksheet is based upon actual income for the entire year. If you prefer to use the “annualization method,” you will need to modify this form accordingly (use the same periods of time that you would use for computing federal taxable income under the annualization method). If you prefer to use the “last year’s tax method,” skip lines 1 through 11 and enter on line 12 of this worksheet 100% of the amount shown on line 11 of your Ohio form IT 1041 for the taxable year beginning in 2015. 1. Federal taxable income (from line 22 of IRS form 1041) ...................................................... 1. 00 2. Net adjustments from Schedule A ......................................................................................... 2. 00 3. Ohio taxable income (line 1 plus or minus line 2). Estates: Skip lines 4, 5 and 6 ................. 3. 00 4. Allocated qualifying trust amount (see Schedule F of Ohio form IT 1041) ............................ 4. 00 5. Apportioned trust income (see Schedule G of Ohio form IT 1041) ....................................... 5. 00 6. Allocated trust income (see Schedule H of Ohio form IT 1041) ............................................ 6. 00 7. Modifi ed Ohio taxable income (trusts add lines 4, 5 and 6) .................................................. 7. 00 8. Tax on Ohio taxable income (estates, line 3) or modifi ed Ohio taxable income (trusts, line 7). See tax tables below ................................................................................................. 8. 00 9. Credits for estates (see Schedule B of Ohio form IT 1041) .................................................. 9. 00 10. Resident credit, nonresident credit and business credits (see Schedules C, D and I of Ohio form IT 1041 and Schedule E) ..............................................................................................10. 00 11. Tax after credits (line 8 minus the amount on lines 9 and 10) ...............................................11. 00 12. 90% of line 11 or 100% of the previous year’s tax.................................................................12. 00 13. Withholding payments ...........................................................................................................13. 00 14. Refundable business credits .................................................................................................14. 00 15. Total of withholding and refundable business credits ............................................................15. 00 16. Line 12 less line 15 ................................................................................................................16. 00 17. Multiply line 16 by 25%. This is the amount of each estimate ...............................................17. 00 Ohio Tax Table for Use With the 2016 Ohio Estimated Income Tax Payment Worksheet The rates listed below are established by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 5747.02. Taxpayers with Ohio taxable income of $100,000 or more must use this table. You must round your tax to the nearest dollar. Ohio Taxable Income 2016 Income Tax $ 5,200 or less 0.495% of Ohio taxable income More than $ 5,200 but not more than $ 10,400 $ 25.74 plus 0.990% of the amount in excess of $ 5,200 More than $ 10,400 but not more than $ 15,650 $ 77.22 plus 1.980% of the amount in excess of $ 10,400 More than $ 15,650 but not more than $ 20,900 $ 181.17 plus 2.476% of the amount in excess of $ 15,650 More than $ 20,900 but not more than $ 41,700 $ 311.16 plus 2.969% of the amount in excess of $ 20,900 More than $ 41,700 but not more than $ 83,350 $ 928.71 plus 3.465% of the amount in excess of $ 41,700 More than $ 83,350 but not more than $104,250 $2,371.88 plus 3.960% of the amount in excess of $ 83,350 More than $104,250 but not more than $208,500 $3,199.52 plus 4.597% of the amount in excess of $104,250 More than $208,500 $7,991.89 plus 4.997% of the amount in excess of $208,500 |
IT 1041ES Rev. 8/15 Cartridge Tape Filing: IT 1041ES Payments Requirements Defi nition The Ohio Department of Taxation is providing a “Fast Tax” Send Test Cartridge Tape To: option to replace the manual paper fi ling with a cartridge Ohio Dept. of Taxation – Information Services Division tape(s) for all third-party vendors that fi le Ohio form IT 1041ES S.O.C.C. – 1320 Arthur E. Adams Drive on behalf of their clients. This process will not only eliminate Room 224 – Tape Library paper and manual processing functions, but also increase Columbus, Ohio 43221 the accuracy of the information updated to the taxpayer’s fi le. This requirement’s defi nition will defi ne the requirements Approval Process and specifi cations. The Department of Taxation can revoke Fast Tax will be advised of the test results and informed of changes this option if the user tax is not fully complying with the Fast (if any) that are required before live production begins. Tax requirements. Cartridge Tape Requirements Department of Taxation Contacts A fi le will be required to be sent to the Ohio Department of Contact Russell Strope at (614) 752-1987 if you have any Taxation as follows. questions about the Ohio form IT 1041ES information or Ohio form IT 1041ES documents the cartridge tape. The user must provide the Department 3490 cartridge tape of Taxation with a contact person and phone number for Tape File Specifi cation reporting production transmittal discrepancies. Medium 3490 cartridge tape Test Cartridge Tape Two tapes must be run with the information required. One File name Ohio form IT I041ES data fi le tape will be sent with documentation and the second tape Label: “ODT.IT1041ES.INPUT” will be retained by the vendor as a backup. If the production Record length 260 characters tape is corrupt, the vendor must supply the backup tape within three days. This process should also be continued when Block size 32760 production begins.The external label must indicate that this Record format Fixed block (FB) is a test tape of Ohio form lT 1041ES test data. Cartridge Tape Layout See chart below. Record Layout – IT 1041ES Detail Record (Supplied by Department of Taxation to Vendor) Data Position Field Name Length Type Start End FEIN 9 N 1 9 Tax Year 4 N 10 13 Batch Number 11 N 14 24 Trust Name – 1 35 A/N 25 59 Trust Name – 2 35 A/N 60 94 Fiduciary Name 35 A/N 95 129 Address 35 A/N 165 199 City 20 A 200 219 State 2 A 220 221 ZIP Code 5 N 222 226 Check Amount 11 N 227 237 Receive Date 8 N 238 245 Processing Code 1 A 246 246 Document Type 1 A 247 247 Form Type 2 A/N 248 249 Source ID 2 N 250 251 Filler 9 A/N 252 260 |
IT 1041ES Rev. 8/15 The following section describes how each fi eld on the Ohio Transmittal letter (see sample, next page) form IT I041ES record should be formatted or valued. Send cartridge tape(s) and check(s) (see Document FEIN: This is the federal employer identifi cation number Processing, Check Processing and Balancing identifying the taxpayer. This fi eld is required and must Processing) to the following address: be numeric. State of Ohio – Department of Taxation Tax Year: The year for which the Ohio form lT 1041ES c/o Mike Cardi is being fi led (i.e., 2016). This fi eld is required and must 4485 Northland Ridge Blvd. be numeric. Columbus, OH 43229 Batch Number: For Department of Taxation use. Zero- Document Processing fi ll. Only zero tax liability and tax due liability information is required to be fi led by cartridge tape. It is suggested that a Trust Name – 1, Trust Name – 2, Fiduciary Name: listing of all taxpayers on the cartridge tape be made for ease Names and information identifying the account. Space- of reconciliation. You are not required to fi le this report with fi ll any unused name fi eld. the Department of Taxation. Address, City, State and ZIP Code: Mailing address of Check Processing the account. Space-fi ll address, city or state, if unknown. The requirements for check processing will be as follows: Zero-fi ll ZIP code, if unknown. One check remitted for each cartridge tape Check Amount: The amount of the payment being submitted. sent in dollars and cents. Must be numeric with Each check must be in balance with each cartridge leading zeros and no punctuation. Maximum amount is tape. $999,999,999.99. (i.e., for a payment of $396.45 value 00000039645). Make checks payable to: Ohio Treasurer of State. Receive Date: For Ohio Department of Taxation use. Balancing Processing Zero-fi ll. Once the Ohio Department of Taxation receives the cartridge tape(s) and check(s), the cartridge tape(s) will be run to see if Processing Code: For Ohio Department of Taxation the amount on the transmittal letter matches. If the cartridge use. Space-fi ll. tape(s) do not match, Fast Tax will be notifi ed immediately Document Type: For Ohio Department of Taxation use. by phone that there was a discrepancy, and the tape(s) will Value N. be withheld from further processing. Form Type: Value T2 if the IT 1041ES is fi led for trust Vendor Responsibility tax; value E2 if the IT 1041ES is fi led for estate tax. Fast Tax is responsible for the integrity of the data that they are sending to the Ohio Department of Taxation. Source ID: A code to identify the source of the Transmittal Letter information. Value 05. The following information will need to be included on the Filler: Currently unused. Space-fi ll. Ohio form IT 1041ES transmittal letter for each cartridge tape sent in. Tape Submittal Information The following is the list of requirements for each cartridge Company name tape that is sent in. Data set name (DSN) on cartridge tape (Ex: ‘ODT. IT1041 ES.INPUT’...refer to section 4.1). The external label on the production cartridge tape must refl ect the target agency, content, due date, Tape identifi er (Vol-Ser) for each cartridge tape (Ex: volume number, transmitter’s company name, number ‘213456’) of records, batch tax due amount, batch check amount. Volume numbers must indicate the proper sequence Number of records on each cartridge tape (e.g., Tape: 2 of 3) on each label. Check amount Example Label Signature, date and title of the transmitter. Ohio Department of Taxation Make check(s) (one check per tape) payable to Ohio IT 1041ES: Voucher Due Date: Treasurer of State and send to the following address: Tape:1 of 4 Vol-Ser:213456 Company Name: Fast Tax Ohio Department of Taxation Number of Records: 500 c/o Mike Cardi Batch Tax Due Amount: 456,123.78 4485 Northland Ridge Blvd. Batch Check Amount: 456,123.78 Columbus, OH 43229 |
Ohio IT 1041ES Transmittal Letter Ohio Department of Taxation Remittance of Ohio IT 1041ES Payments Company name: Fast Tax DSN: Check and Make check(s) (one check per tape) pay- Tape Vol-Ser Number of Records Document Amount able to Ohio Treasurer of State and mail to: Ohio Department of Taxation c/o Mike Cardi 4485 Northland Ridge Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 Total Total of all checks enclosed Signature Date $. Title Federal Privacy Act Notice Because we require you to provide us with a Social Security number, the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 requires us to inform you that providing us with your Social Security number is mandatory. Ohio Revised Code sections 5703.05, 5703.057 and 5747.08 authorize us to request this informa- tion. We need your Social Security number in order to administer this tax. |