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I have a Lava Hot Springs City Business License for current year: Yes: ______ No ______
If yes, provide license number: _________________
If no, is your company physical located in the City or have presence in the City: Yes: ______ No ______
(Every person desiring to engage in or physically conduct business within City limits must have a business license)
If yes, a Business license application must be submitted with this application.
Ownership information
Name of Owner _________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address of Owner ________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code of Owner ____________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: (_____)_______________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Preferred method of correspondence Email Postal Service
Type of Ownership: Corporation _________ Association _________ Co-partnership________________
Individual __________ Social Club _________ Fraternal Organization _________
Other (provide description)__________________________________________
If the ownership is other than an individual or sole proprietorship, attach list of partners,
officers, principals, and or authorized agents with address and phone numbers.
The undersigned hereby makes application for a Municipal Non-Property Tax Permit as required under Ordinance
2015-11 of the City of Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. The undersigned agrees to collect a three percent (3%) tax on all rents
or leases for temporary lodging of less than thirty (30) days. The undersigned agrees to collect a two percent (2%) tax
on all liquor by-the-drink which includes alcohol or spirits, beer and wine, sold on the premises for human
consumption. The undersigned agrees to collect a two percent (2%) tax on each sale made at retail exempting only
those sales already exempt by State law under Chapter 36, Title 63, Idaho Code and further exempting groceries and
building materials as defined in Section 2 of Ordinance 2015-11 and further exempting lease purchase agreements or
leases with the option to purchase of motor vehicles. The undersigned further agrees to remit the above three percent
(3%) tax on rents or leases, two percent (2%) tax on liquor by-the-drink and two percent (2%) on retail sales for each
calendar month on or before the 25th day of the succeeding month to the City Clerk of the Lava Hot Springs, Idaho.
Dated this __________ day of ____________________, 20_____.
(Owner or Authorized Agent)
Mail to: City of Lava Hot Springs
PO Box 187
Lava Hot Springs, ID 83246
Office Use Only License #________________
Date Issued: ______________