Enlarge image | (Do not write in this space) Account # Subject Retroactive Successor 45 South Fruit Street Acquisition Concord, New Hampshire 03301-4857 Not Subject Phone (603) 228-4142 Fax (603) 225-4323 www.nhes.nh.gov NAICS EMPLOYER STATUS REPORT PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS THEN COMPLETE ALL ITEMS (TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY) To establish its status under the provisions of the New Hampshire Unemployment Compensation Law, each employing unit is required by the law to fi le with this department an Employer Status Report (RSA 282-A). 1. 2. Federal Identifi cation Number - BUSINESS NAME OR TRADE NAME 3. For your employment in NH, describe in Address of principal place of business in NH, if none, indicate other state. (Do NOT use PO detail your principal activity box) If more than one NH location, attach a separate sheet and list all. CITY STATE ZIP CODE 3a. For your employment in NH, describe in detail your principal products, processes, or services. PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER E-MAIL 4. Check (x) type of business Sole LLC MAILING ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE Proprietorship (Single member) Partnership LLC (Partnership) STREET ADDRESS OR POST OFFICE BOX Corporation LLC (Corporation) CITY STATE ZIP CODE Other PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER 5. If a corporation or LLC, enter the following: Date of Registration / / State of Registration Full corporate or LLC name: 6. Is your business a nonprofi t organization described in Section 501(c)(3) and exempt under 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code? Yes No If Yes, attach a copy of your letter of exemption. 7. Enter date on which employment was fi rst furnished in New Hampshire / / Enter date wages were fi rst paid in New Hampshire / / 8. Ceased to furnish employment in NH on / / Reason: 9. Are or will you be subject to the Federal Unemployment Tax Act in the current year? Yes No 10. Has employment been furnished in NH in preceding years during which you were subject to the Federal Unemployment Tax Law? No Yes, list years: 11. Did you acquire the organization, trade, business, workforce, or any of the New Hampshire assets of any other employing unit or employer? Yes If Yes, date of acquisition: / / , % of assets acquired , then complete questions 11a thru 11d. No If No, skip to item 12. 11a. Please provide the name and address of prior owner. (OVER) NHES 0037 R-10/15 |
Enlarge image | 11b. Check (x) the type of change: Reorganization Purchase Assets of business Transfer of trade of business Merger Change of entity (e.g. proprietorship to corporation) Lease of business Transfer of workforce (employees) If checked, must complete Trade, Business, and Workforce Transfer Report. 11c. Were there any business assets not acquired? Yes No If yes, list business assets not acquired: 11d. Will the prior owner remain in business in NH? Yes No If yes, please explain: 12. Enter the gross payroll of your business for the current and two prior calendar years. (New Hampshire Payroll Only) Calendar Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13. Do you expect to have a gross payroll of at least $1,500 in a calendar quarter? Yes Enter the earliest quarter and year this occurred (or will occur) No If No, have you or do you expect to employ at least one worker in 20 different weeks in a calendar year? If so, when did this occur (or will occur)? 14. Enter by week the number of workers to whom you furnished employment in New Hampshire. Show current calendar year employment f rst, followed by employment in all preceding calendar years. Note: A week is seven consecutive calendar days beginning at 12:01 am Sunday and ending as 12:00 midnight on the next succeeding Saturday. (Emp 101.01) CALENDAR YEAR: __________ CALENDAR YEAR: __________ CALENDAR YEAR: __________ 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th JAN JAN JAN FEB FEB FEB MAR MAR MAR APR APR APR MAY MAY MAY JUN JUN JUN JUL JUL JUL AUG AUG AUG SEP SEP SEP OCT OCT OCT NOV NOV NOV DEC DEC DEC 15. In addition to the employment shown under item 14, did you engage in any “self employed individuals”, “sub-contractors”, consultants”, etc? No Yes, furnish name, trade, and address below (use block 19 or a separate sheet if necessary) Domestic-Household Employment Section 16. Have you had or do you expect to have a $1,000 quarterly payroll for domestic service? Yes No If Yes, give the earliest quarter and year this occurred (or will occur). Quarter ________ Year _________ 17. If this report is prepared by other than a sole proprietor, this item must be completed. I (we) declare under penalty of law (RSA 282-A:166) that I (we) prepared this report for the employing unit named herein and that this report, includ- ing any accompanying schedules and statements, is to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief, a true, correct, and complete report based on all the information relating to the matters required to be reported in this report of which I (we) have any knowledge. NAME FIRM NAME DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE 18. This report must be signed by owner, all partners, authorized corporate off cers, and authorized members of limited liability companies. It is hereby certif ed that the information in this report, including any attached sheets, is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief and is signed under penalty of law (RSA 282-A:166). Name (Type or Print) Social Security Number Resident Address Title Signature 19. Remarks |