Enlarge image | “I” NHES 0085 R-12/17 IRE OR YPE OF H MPLOYEE E *T “W” FORM ORK TA TE W S ” for W-2 W ONTRACTOR C IRST AY OF ORK P D W ROGRAM *F REPORTING :1-855-253-9072 IRE 03302-2092 H AX IP HIRE EW 2092 NDEPENDENT I NH 224-0825 F *Z -N REE OX B :(603) F 1099 TATE For “Type of Hire” write “ NEW ONCORD AX OLL : *S :NHES PO C F T I” for O T Note or “ *Required Fields OWN ETURN /T R ITY *C DDRESS A OME (NOT PO BOX) *H )_________________________ :___________________________ :______________________________ N (: :_____________________________ O )_______________________________ O O AME N N ERSON N CCOUNT :____________________________________ ( P : A _______________________________________ O : N ELEPHONE AX ONTACT MPLOYEE AME DDRESS T F C DENTIFICATION I N A *E MPLOYER E **(or Independent Contractor) Note: All new hires must be reported within 20 days of the date hired. ** Independent contractors are reportable if contractor operates business as a sole proprietor and you expect to reimburse individual more than $2,500 for services for one or more contracts in a calendar year. (EMP308.02(a)(3)). Indicate contractor’s name, home or business address, social security number and first day of work. Online “New Hire” filing link can be found on homepage http://www.nhes.nh.gov/ EDERAL MPLOYER MPLOYER MPLOYER MPLOYER MPLOYER F NHES E E _____________________________________________________ E E E # OCIAL *S ECURITY S (Not Fein) |