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What is the definition of an "employer"               netic medium or electronically (if the state is 
under the "New Hire" Program?                         equipped to receive transmissions this way).               RepoRting
The legislation provides that an "employer" for       New Hampshire will make an exception and 
"new hire" reporting purposes is the same for         allow a multi state employer to file reports 
Federal Income Tax purposes (as defined by            on paper if, for the reporting period, you are            independent
Section 3401(d) of the Internal Revenue Code          reporting data on fifteen (15) individuals or 
of 1986), including any governmental entity,          less. If you are a multi state employer who has 
labor organization, limited liability company,        opted to report to one state, you must provide            ContRaCtoRs 
or employing unit as defined in RSA 282 A:7.          notification of the state you have chosen to: 
                                                      Secretary, Department of Health & Human                   Under the "New Hire" 
My contract with the independent contractor           Services, Multi state Employer Registration, 
totals more than $2500, but part of it is for materi- Box 509, Randallstown, Maryland 21133.
als, is it reportable? 
Maybe, but only if the contract clearly delin-        If you are a multi state employer who chooses 
eates the portion for labor or services apart         to report to each respective state, make sure 
from any other aspect such as parts or ma-            you know the specific filing requirements of 
terials, and the portion for labor or services        each state as they are not all the same. Many 
exceeds  $2500.  If,  for  example  you  have  a      states  do  not  have  a  requirement  to  report 
contract with an independent contractor for           independent contractors like New Hampshire 
a  total  of  $3000  and  the  contract  is  broken   does. If you choose to report all of your "new 
down as $1000 for labor and $2000 for parts           hire" activity to New Hampshire, you must 
and materials, it isn't reportable. If however,       include  all  independent  contractors  who 
$2600 was for labor and $400 was for parts and        fall  within  the  New  Hampshire  guidelines 
                                                      whether or not the work is performed in New               This brochure highlights an 
materials, it would be reportable.
                                                      Hampshire.                                                employer's requirement to report 
If the independent contractor uses subcontrac-                                                                  independent contractors. For 
tors, am I responsible for reporting them too? 
                                                                                                                information regarding the reporting 
No. Actually, the independent contractor, as          For More Information
the  employer  of  the  subcontractors,  would        Tel: (603) 229-4371                                       of employees under the "New Hire 
be responsible for reporting his or her "subs"        or 1-800-803-4485 or                                      Reporting Program," please call 
once they exceed $2500.
                                                      Visit our website:                                         (603) 229-4371 or 
What do I do if I am an employer who conducts         www.nhes.nh.gov/                                          1-800-803-4485, and ask for the 
business in more than one state?                      forms/employers.htm                                       "New Hire" Brochure (NHES 0082).
If you have employees performing work in 
more than one state, or you conduct business 
in more than one state, you are a "multi state" 
employer. If you are a multi state employer,          NH Employment Security is an Equal Opportunity Employer 
you have the option to report the "new hire"          and complies with the Americans 
activity  relative  to  each  particular  state,  or             With Disabilities Act. 
                                                      Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request of 
you may choose one state to report all of your        individuals with disabilities.                                               NHES 0083
"new hire" activity. If one state is chosen, your     TDD/TTY ACCESS: RELAY NH 1-800-735-2964.                                     R-10/13
"new hire" reports must be submitted by mag-

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What is "New Hire Reporting"?                      When must I report the independent con-         Can I report the individual as a "New Hire" 
Welfare reform legislation requires all employers  tractor as a "New Hire"?                        even if the total amount for contracts 
to report certain information on "new hires" to a  The independent contractor is reportable as     is $2500 or less, or the amount of the 
designated state agency. In New Hampshire that     a "new hire" within 20 days of any of the fol-  contract is unknown?
agency is NH Employment Security (NHES).           lowing events:                                  Yes. Some employers have chosen to report all 
When "new hire" data is matched against the                                                        independent contractors as "new hires" rather 
names  of  child  support  debtors  on  the  state   •You enter into a contract with the indivi-   than monitor these contracts for amount antici-
and national levels, the Office of Child Support    dual and the contract amount for labor or      pated or paid.
Enforcement is able to locate and collect child     services exceeds $2500 (regardless of the 
support from non-custodial parents living here      amount of time the contract covers). For       Filing New Hire Reports Online
and in other states. This is child support which    example, you enter into a two-year con-        The easiest and fastest way to report your new 
might have otherwise come from public assis-        tract with an individual on December 1         hires is online through our New Hire Reporting 
tance dollars supported through our taxes.          and the contract amount for labor or serv-     System. You must have an active state account 
                                                                                                   number to use this online system. Access to the 
                                                    ices is $3000. You have until December 21 
                                                                                                   online New Hire Reporting can be found on our 
Which independent contractors are                   to report the individual as a "new hire".
                                                                                                   homepage at http://www.nhes.nh.gov/
reportable under the "New Hire" 
                                                     •You enter into two or more contracts with 
Program?                                                                                           Filing by Mail or Fax
                                                    the same individual, within a calendar 
An independent contractor is reportable                                                            You may file "New Hire" Reports by mailing or 
                                                    year, and the cumulative amount for labor 
under the New Hire Program if:                                                                     faxing a copy of each employees' W-4 form, or 
                                                    or services exceeds $2500. For example,        an equivalent form approved or provided by 
1. The individual operates his or her business      you enter into a contract with an indivi-      NH Employment Security. Call (603) 229-4371 
as a sole proprietorship, and                       dual on March, 1 and the contract amount       or 1-800-803-4485 for a copy of the Department's 
                                                    is for $1500. At this point, the individual is form, or for approval of a
2. You expect to reimburse the individual           not reportable. You enter into another         form you've created. To report independent 
more than $2500 for services for one or more        contract with the same individual on           contractors,you may use, a "Request for Tax-
contracts in a calendar year's time. ("Contract     December 1 of that same year and the con-      payer Identification Number and Certification," 
for services" include oral, written, formal and     tract amount is $1200. Since the cumula-       also known as a W-9.
informal agreements.)                               tive amount in a calendar year's time now 
                                                                                                   MAIL TO: NH Employment Security
                                                    exceeds $2500, you have until December 
                                                                                                   PO Box 2092 Concord, NH 03302-2092
What information do I report?                       21 to report the individual as a "new hire".
                                                                                                   Attn: New Hire Program
  •Independent Contractor's Complete Name
                                                                                                   Tel: (603) 229-4371 or 1-800-803-4485
  •Independent Contractor's Home or                  •You enter into one or more contracts with 
                                                                                                   Fax: (603) 224-0825
 Business Address: Street Address,                  an individual not expecting the total pay-
                                                                                                   Toll Free Fax: 855-253-9072
 (not PO Box)                                       ments for labor or services to exceed $2500 
                                                                                                   You may also file "New Hire" Reports by mag-
  •Social Security Number (not his or               in a calendar year's time. For example, the 
                                                                                                   netic media (CD or 3.5" diskette). If you decide 
 her FEIN #)                                        contract was based upon "as needed" ser-       and/or are required to file your "New Hire"  
  •The Name of Your Company                         vices. You find, however, that with a pay-     Reports by magnetic media, you must make two 
  •The Address of Your Company                      ment you are making to the individual on       monthly transmissions which are not less than 
  •Your Federal Employer Identification             September 1, that this payment takes you       12 days nor more than 16 days apart. For more 
 Number (FEIN)                                      over the $2500 threshold. You have until       information about filing reports magnetically, 
  •Your NHES Tax Identification Number              September 21 to report the individual as a     contact the NHES Supervisor of "Data 
                                                    "new hire".                                    Preparation" at (603) 228-4011

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