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                                                  DR 0020A (07/27/21)
                                                  COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
                                                  Denver CO 80261-0006
*DO=NOT=SEND*                                     Tax.Colorado.gov

                   Instructions for Metallic Minerals Severance Tax
                                               Schedule DR 0020A
Filing Requirements                                                Ad Valorem Tax
Every individual, corporation, business trust, partner in  The ad valorem tax must be reported on the same basis  
a partnership, association, estate, trust or any other legal  (accrual or cash) used for filing federal income tax returns. For 
entity liable for the payment of Colorado severance tax must  the accrual basis taxpayer, the accrual/assessment date is the 
file a severance tax return. This return must be made for the  date the actual amount of the ad valorem tax is determined 
same tax year used for federal income tax purposes and is  based upon the mill levy set by the counties.  For the cash 
due on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following  basis filer, the ad valorem tax is paid when it is actually paid 
the end of the taxable year.                                       to the county assessor.
Controlled Group                                                   Impact Assistance Credit
In case of a controlled group of corporations as defined in  A credit against the severance tax is allowed with respect 
section 613A of the Internal Revenue Code or of a family (an  to contributions of property or money to units of local 
individual, the individual's spouse, and their minor children)  government for the amount of the credit must be certified by 
where more than one member of  the group or family are  the Executive Director of the Department of Local Affairs.
subject to the severance tax, the tax must be jointly computed 
                                                                   Estimated Tax
and the severance tax return must be jointly filed under the       Every corporation subject to Colorado severance tax must 
name of the principal taxpaying corporation,  the married          file  a  declaration  of  estimated  tax,  the  DR  0021PA,  if  its 
couple or the single adult. The DR 0021AS, available upon          severance tax liability for the current tax year can reasonably 
request from the Department of Revenue, must be attached           be expected to exceed its Colorado severance tax credits by 
in case of a controlled group of corporations.                     $5,000 or more.
Metallic Minerals Defined                                          Interest and Penalty
Metallic minerals means all minerals except molybdenum,            If the return is filed after the due date, interest at the current 
oil and gas, carbon dioxide, coal, oil shale, rock, gravel,        statutory rate is due on any balance of tax due until paid. A 
stone products, earths, limestone, and dolomite. Minerals          penalty of the larger of $30 or 30% of the balance of tax due 
associated with molybdenum and oil shale production are            is  due  on  any  delinquently  filed  return.  A  corporation  that 
not excluded from the definition of metallic minerals.             underpays its estimated tax may owe an estimated tax penalty.
Taxpayer                                                           Direct Deposit
The tax is levied against every mining operation engaged in        The Department can deposit your refund directly into your 
the severance of metallic minerals.                                account at a U.S. bank or other financial institution (such 
Tax                                                                as  a  mutual  fund,  brokerage  firm,  or  credit  union)  in  the 
The  tax  is  2.25%  of  the  gross  income  from  the  mining  United States. 
operations in excess of $19,000,000 per year. The $19,000,000 
                                                                   Extension of Time for Filing
exemption need not be prorated for a taxable period of less        An  automatic  six-month  extension  of  time  for  filing  the 
than twelve months.                                                severance tax return is allowed. This is an extension of time 
Gross Income                                                       for filing your severance tax return, not an extension of time 
Gross income means the value of the ore immediately after          for paying your tax. If you owe additional tax, use the DR 
its removal from the mine, and does not include any value          0021SA to submit an extension payment.
added subsequent to mining by any treatment processes, 
                                                                   Amended Return
such as crushing, grinding or concentration, by transportation     If you find it necessary to amend your Colorado severance 
from the mine, or by marketing of such ore or any products         tax return, you are required to file the 
derived therefrom.                                                 DR 0020AX with the Department of Revenue.
Income from the extraction or processing of ores or minerals 
from mine waste or residue of previously processed ores is         Forms and additional information can be accessed on the 
not subject to tax. Ores that are processed and abandoned          Web site at Tax.Colorado.gov
and subsequently reclaimed by an unrelated economic interest 
shall be generally considered as waste or residue.
The tax applies to the value of the ore at the time it is severed, 
not to the sale of the ore. Ore severed during a year is taxed 
for that year even if it remains unsold at the end of the year.

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                                                      DR 0020A (07/27/21)
                                                      COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
                                                      Denver CO 80261-0006
*140020A=19999*                                       Tax.Colorado.gov
                                                      Page 1 of 2

                Colorado Metallic Minerals Severance Tax Return
Taxable Year Beginning  (MM/DD/YY)              Taxable Year Ending  (MM/DD/YY) Colorado Account Number FEIN

Last Name or Business Name                                                      First Name                       Middle Initial


Foreign Country                                 City                            State      ZIP          Phone Number

Name of facility as identified with the Colorado Department of Natural Resources

County or counties in which operation is located

                                                                                                        Round To The 
If this is a final return, check this box 
                                                                                                        Nearest Dollar

1.  Gross income from mining operation                                                           1                    0 0

2.  Specific exemption (see instructions)                                                        2               19,000,000 0 0

3.  Taxable income, line 1 minus line 2. If line 2 is larger, enter zero                         3                    0 0

4.  Tax on gross income, 2.25% of amount on line 3                                               4                    0 0

5.  Ad valorem tax                   Accrual basis or               Cash basis

Check accounting method (Check Instructions)                                                     5                    0 0

6.  50% of the tax on line 4                                                                     6                    0 0

7.  Ad valorem tax credit, the smaller of lines 5 or 6                                           7                    0 0

8.  Tax, line 4 minus line 7                                                                     8                    0 0

9.  Impact assistance credit                                                                     9                    0 0

10. Net tax, line 8 minus line 9 but not less than zero                                          10                   0 0

11. Estimated tax and extension payments                                                          11                  0 0

12. If line 11 is larger than line 10, enter your overpayment                                    12                   0 0

13. Enter amount from line 12 you want refunded                                                   13                  0 0

                                     Routing Number                                        Type:        Checking    Savings
            Deposit                  Account Number

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                                                DR 0020A (07/27/21)
                                                COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
*140020A=29999*                                 Page 2 of 2

14.  Enter amount from line 12, if any you want credited to estimated tax for next year  14                  0 0

15.  If line 10 is larger than line 11, enter the balance of tax due                      15                 0 0

16.  Interest on balance of tax due                                                      16                  0 0

17.  Penalty on balance of tax due                                                       17                  0 0

18.  Estimated tax penalty                                                               18                  0 0

19.  Total Amount Owed. Add lines 15 through 18                      Paid by EFT
                                                                                         19   $              .0 0
The State may convert your check to a one time electronic banking transaction. Your bank account may be debited as early as the same day received by the State. If converted, your check will 
not be returned. If your check is rejected due to insufficient or uncollected funds, the Department of Revenue may collect the payment amount directly from your bank account electronically.
Under penalty of perjury in the second degree, I declare that I have examined this return and to the best of my knowledge 
and belief it is true, correct, and complete.
Signature of Taxpayer or Corporate Officer                                                    Date (MM/DD/YY)

Preparer Last Name                              Preparer First Name                                          Middle Initial

Address                                                                                         Phone Number

City                                                                                    State   ZIP

Mail to and make checks payable to: Colorado Department of Revenue
                                           Denver CO 80261-0006

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