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DR 5714 (05/20/16)
Tax Files - Room B112
P.O. Box 17087                                 Request For Copy of Tax Returns
Denver, CO 80217-0087
                                   (See Instruction Sheet For Important Information)
                                                                                       Department Use Only
________________________________________________________________             Processed By
________________________________________________________________             Section
________________________________________________________________             Date Processed (MM/DD/YY)

In Accordance With The Provisions of C.R.S. 39-21-113, I Hereby Request That The Department of Revenue Prepare:
                                                                             For Tax Period 
                                   Tax Return (Form Number)                  Beginning                 Tax Period Ending
    A Copy of: 
(For Personal or Non-Legal Use)

    A Certified Copy of: 
(If Required for Legal Use or 
Medical Marijuana Red Card)

    Proof of Filing Return for DL, 
ID or Permit (CO-RCSA SB251)
                                                               Refund Amount                For Tax Year
    A Copy of a Cashed Refund Check
Taxpayer Last Name                                  First Name                                                  Middle Initial

Current Address                                                City                                    State Zip

Social Security, Account Number or ITIN Number                 Phone Number

                         Signature and Notarization Required To Process Request
I declare under the Penalty of perjury in the second degree that I subscribed and filed said tax return(s) either for myself or 
for the taxpayer named above as an officer of the company or an authorized representative thereof and that the signature 
which appears on the tax return and the one that appears below are both my signatures.
Signature of Requester                         Spouse’s Signature (if joint)                Date (MM/DD/YY)

Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me this _____Day of ________________________________,20______In the County of 
___________________ State of_______________________.

Signature of Notary                                                                         My Commission Expires


Please do not remit any payment with this request. The first 10 pages will be provided free of charge. Subsequent pages 
cost $0.25 per page. If payment is required you will be notified prior to your request being processed.

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                                Request For Copy

1.   This form must be filled out accurately and completely. 3.   Be specific when entering the tax period of the 
 It must also be notarized. For security purposes, the       return(s). For example, if you want copies of your 
 Colorado Department of Revenue does everything it           returns for the tax years 2009 through 2012, enter 
 can to keep taxpayer information confidential. These        January 2009 in the Beginning column and December 
 precautions are necessary to ensure against potential       2012 in the Ending column. Do not complete a 
 identity theft. The Tax Files Office cannot accept          separate form for each year you are requesting.
 requests for copies by fax, email or photocopies, 
 because original signatures of both the requester and       4.  To request a copy of a return(s) for another taxpayer, 
 the notary are required for security purposes.              a written authorization (a Power of Attorney or, if 
 Mail the completed form to:                                 applicable, a copy of a death certificate) will be required 
 Colorado Department of Revenue                              before we can release the information.  The individual’s 
 Tax Files - Room B112                                       signature on the front of this form is also acceptable.
 P.O. Box 17087
 Denver, CO 80217-0087                                       5.  It will take from seven to ten days to receive your 
                                                             copies. If your request results in more than 10 pages, 
2.   The Colorado Department of Revenue retains copies       you will be notified of the total cost. Copies will not be 
 of tax returns for nine years plus the first six months     released until we receive payment.
 of the calendar year. For example, a 2014 document 
 is available until June 30, 2024. This copy retention       6.  Please call us at 303-866-5407 if you have any 
 schedule is established by the Colorado Attorney            questions. We do not maintain federal records. To 
 General, the State Archivist and the State Auditor.         obtain federal returns or information, contact the 
                                                             Internal Revenue Service.

                             Common Requests:

                             Form Title                      Form Number
                             Individual Income Tax Return    DR 0104
                             Retail Sales Tax Return         DR 0100

                             If there is a cost for copies you will be notified before 
                                your request will be processed.

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