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Department of Rev. 3/06
hio Taxation
P.O. Box 182857
Columbus, OH 43218-2857 Tax Year
Request for Permission to File
or to Amend a Combined Corporation Franchise Tax Report
Name of Ohio taxpayer corporation making request
Mailing address
Federal employer identifi cation number (FEIN)
Ohio franchise tax ID number Ohio charter number
Name of individual to contact concerning this request
Telephone number Fax number
Who must fi le form FT COM: flecting the requested combination (also attach Ohio form
FT HELP). Please attach the following information on a
In order to receive tentative permission to fi le a combined separate sheet:
Ohio franchise tax report, an Ohio taxpayer corporation (the
“lead” corporation) must fi le Ohio form FT COM to: 1. A list of the new corporations to be included in, or exist-
1. Add additional franchise taxpayers to a previously exist- ing corporations to be deleted from, the Ohio franchise
ing Ohio franchise tax combined group, or tax combined group:
2. Delete franchise taxpayers from a previously existing a) Name of corporation
Ohio franchise tax combined group, or b) Address
c) Federal employer identifi cation number (FEIN)
3. Include in an Ohio franchise tax combined group pursu- d) Ohio franchise tax ID number
ant to Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 5733.052(A) e) Ohio charter number
a corporation that is not subject to the franchise tax.
2. Fully explain the ownership percentage of voting stock
Form FT COM is not required if: that exists among the corporations in the Ohio franchise
tax combined group (attaching Ohio form FT OTAS will
1. Two or more Ohio taxpayer corporations timely “elect” satisfy this requirement).
to fi le a combined Ohio Corporation Franchise Tax
Report pursuant to R.C. section 5733.052(B) (see the 3. Fully explain the reasons why the requested combina-
department’s information release dated May 15,1991); tion more properly refl ects the income of the corpora-
or tions in the requested combination. (See the depart-
ment’s information release dated June 23, 2000.)
2. A corporation is no longer eligible to be included in a
previously existing Ohio franchise tax combined group Upon receipt of form FT COM, the Corporation Franchise
because of a merger, withdrawal, dissolution or change Tax Audit Division will review your request for tentative ap-
in ownership. proval, pending audit. If a refund is requested as a result of
this requested combination, please attach Ohio form FT REF,
How to fi le Ohio form FT COM: Request for Corporation Franchise Tax Refund.
Ohio form FT COM must be fi led by the lead corporation
along with its Ohio Corporation Franchise Tax Report re-