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IT 4708ES
Ohio IT 4708ES Instructions and Worksheet Rev. 9/14
Estimated Income Tax Payments for Investors in Pass-Through Entities
1. Who may use Ohio form IT 4708ES? of the previous year’s tax after nonrefundable business credits and
grants (see year 2014 Ohio form IT 4708, line 12).
Any entity that (i) is treated as a partnership or an S corporation for
federal income tax purposes, (ii) is electing to fi le a single (com- Example: A pass-through entity has a Nov. 30 fiscal year end.
posite) annual income tax return on behalf of one, some or all of For the fi scal year ending Nov. 30, 2015 the estimates would be
its noncorporate investors and (iii) is required to make estimated due on April 15, 2015, June 15, 2015, Sept. 15, 2015 and Jan. 15,
payments (may use coupon Ohio form IT 4708ES). 2016. These estimates would be based upon either (i) the tax for
Investors included in the annual composite return cannot claim on the fi scal year ending Nov. 30, 2014 or (ii) income (or annualized
that return any personal exemptions or nonbusiness credits and income) for the fi scal year ending Nov. 30, 2015. If the pass-through
must pay at the highest rate, 5.333%. See Ohio Revised Code entity makes payments based upon the fi scal year ending Nov. 30,
section 5747.08. 2014, then the pass-through entity must pay 100% of that year’s
tax due after nonrefundable credits and grants, rather than 90% of
2. When is Ohio form IT 4708ES required to be filed? this year’s tax due.
The pass-through entity must fi le estimated income tax payments All pass-through entities must use payment coupon Ohio form IT
and fi le Ohio form IT 4708ES if the combined 2015 Ohio taxes after 4708ES.
credits will be more than $500. Make checks payable to Ohio Treasurer of State and mail to:
3. Payment amount and time and place for fi ling and payment Ohio Department of Taxation
Each calendar year pass-through entity and each fi scal year pass- P.O. Box 181140
through entity for its fi scal year ending in calendar year 2015 must Columbus, OH 43218-1140
pay by April 15, 2015 at least 22.5% of the tax due for the current 4. Interest penalty
year. Subsequent payments are due as follows:
If income taxes are underpaid, the pass-through entity must add an
June 15, 2015 45% of the current year tax due interest penalty to the taxes for the taxable year at the rate per an-
less previous payments num prescribed by Ohio Revised Code section 5703.47. See Ohio
Sept. 15, 2015 67.5% of the current year tax due form IT/SD 2210 available on our Web site attax.ohio.gov.
less previous payments
5. Completing Ohio form IT 4708ES
Jan. 15, 2016 90% of the current year tax due
less previous payments a. Complete the worksheet below to fi gure the estimated tax for
2015. Alternatively, pay estimated tax equal to the year 2014
For purposes of this payment schedule, “current year” means either tax (see year 2014 Ohio form IT 4708, line 12).
calendar year 2015 or the fi scal year ending in calendar year 2015. b. Enter on Ohio form IT 4708ES the amount shown on line 5 of
When computing the estimated tax due for the current year, the the worksheet and verify the federal employer identification
pass-through entity may annualize income to compute the estimated number (FEIN). Alternatively, pay estimated tax equal to the
tax due for each of the fi rst three payment dates. year 2014 tax (see year 2014 Ohio form IT 4708, line 12).
In lieu of making estimated tax payments based on 90% of the cur- c. Enclose check or money order made payable to the Ohio
rent year tax (or tax computed on current year annualized income), Treasurer of State.
the taxpayer can make four estimated tax payments, each for 25%
2015 Ohio Form IT 4708ES Estimated Income Tax Payment Worksheet
for Taxable Year Ending in 2015
1. Combined 2015 apportioned and allocated distributive shares of income times 90% ................. 1.
2. Tax (multiply line 1 by 5.333%) ..................................................................................................... 2.
3. 90% of the sum of distributive shares of nonrefundable business credits and grant .................... 3.
4. Tax after nonrefundable credits and grant (line 2 minus line 3). Alternatively, 100% of last
year’s tax after nonrefundable business credits and grants. If line 4 is less than $500, do not
make estimated tax payments ..................................................................................................... 4.
5. Multiply the amount on line 4 by 0.25. This is the amount of the quarterly taxes due. If the
composite annual income tax return, Ohio form IT 4708, fi led for the taxable year ending in
2014 refl ected an overpayment carryforward, that amount should be applied to reduce the
first estimated tax payment. .......................................................................................................... 5.
If you have any questions, please contact our service center (listed on the inside back cover of the instructions for Ohio form
IT 1040 or the last page of Ohio form IT 4708) or call either of the following numbers:
Ohio Toll-Free Tax Questions ............................1-800-282-1780 Ohio Relay Sevice ..............................................1-800-750-0750
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