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                                                   2015 Ohio IT BUS – 
                    Rev. 11/15 
                                        Business Income Schedule                                                                                     
Include on this Ohio IT BUS schedule any income included in federal adjusted gross income that constitutes business income. See R.C. 
5747.01(B). On page 2 of this schedule, list the sources of business income and your ownership percentage. Include the IT BUS schedule 
with Ohio IT 1040 if fi ling by paper (see instructions if fi ling electronically). 
                  Social Security no. of primary filer                              Check to indicate which taxpayer earned this income:
                                                                                                                                          Primary Spouse 
Part 1 – Business Income From IRS Schedules 
Note: Do not include amounts listed on these IRS schedules that are nonbusiness income. 
See R.C. 5747.01(C). If the amount on a line is negative, place a negative sign (“-“) in the 
box provided. 
  1. Schedule B – Interest and Ordinary Dividends ........................................................................ 1.                     ,      ,   .
  2. Schedule C Profit or Loss From Business (Sole Proprietorship) ................................                                     ... 2.   ,      ,   .
  3. Schedule D – Capital Gains and Losses........................................................................                       ... 3.   ,      ,   .
  4. Schedule E – Supplemental Income and Loss to include guaranteed payments and/ 
   or compensation from each pass-through entity in which you have at least a 20% 
   direct or indirect ownership interest. Note: Reciprocity agreements do not apply…. ....                                               ... 4.   ,      ,   .
  5. Schedule F Profit or Loss From Farming ....................................................................                        ... 5.   ,      ,   .
  6. Other items of income and gain separately stated on federal Schedule K-1 and 
   miscellaneous federal income tax adjustments, if any ...................................................                              ... 6.   ,      ,   .
  7. Total of business income (add lines 1 through 6) ...........................................................                        ... 7.   ,      ,   .
Part 2 – Business Income Deduction 
  8. All business income (enter the lesser of line 7 above or Ohio IT 1040, line 1; cannot 
   exceed federal adjusted gross income). If -0- or negative, stop here and do not 
   complete Part 3 .............................................................................................................. ...  8.         ,      ,   .
  9. Multiply line 8 by 75% (.75) and enter here.............................................................................. 9.                 ,      ,   .
 10. Enter $187,500 if filing status is single or married filing jointly; OR 
   Enter $93,750 if filing status is married ling separately ........................................................ 10.                               ,   .
 11. Enter lesser of line 9 or line 10. Enter here and on Ohio Schedule A, line 12 ........................11.                                           ,   . 
Part 3 – Taxable Business Income 
Note: If Ohio IT 1040, line 5 = -0-, do not complete Part 3.
 12. Line 8 minus line 11 (if less than -0-, enter -0-) ........................................................................ 12.              ,      ,   . 
 13. Taxable business income (enter the lesser of line 12 above or Ohio IT 1040, line 5). 
   Enter here and on Ohio IT 1040, line 6 .................................................................................. 13.                  ,      ,   . 00 
 14. Business income tax liability (see instructions for business income tax tables). Enter here 
   and on Ohio IT 1040, line 8b .................................................................................................. 14.            ,      ,   . 

                                        Do not write in this area; for department use only. 

                                              2015 Ohio IT BUS – pg. 1 of 2 

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                              2015 Ohio IT BUS – 
                   Rev. 11/15 Business Income Schedule 
                              Social Security no. of primary filer  

Part 4 – Business Entity 
If you have more than 18 entities, complete additional copies of this page and include with your income tax return. 
1.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

2.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

3.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

4.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

5.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

6.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

7.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

8.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

9.  Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

10. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

11. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

12. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

13. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

14. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

15. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

16. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

17. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 

18. Name of entity            FEIN/Social Security no.            Percentage of ownership 


                              2015 Ohio IT BUS – pg. 2 of 2 

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                                                                                                                                         IT BUS 
                                                                                                                                         Rev. 12/15 
                        Ohio Schedule IT BUS is solely for use in determining taxable business income and 
                   business income tax liability for purposes of completing the Ohio IT 1040 individual income 
                  tax return. See Ohio Revised Code sections (R.C.) 5747.01(A)(31), 5747.01(B) and 5747.01(HH). 
This schedule and instructions apply to all individual taxpayers              Line 2 – Schedule C, Profi t or Loss from Business 
who have business income. This schedule is used for recording all             Enter on this line the amount on your federal 1040, line 12. If the 
business income that is reported on IRS schedules B, C, D, E and              amount entered is negative, place a negative sign (“-“) in the box 
F as well as any other items of business income and gain sepa-                provided. 
rately stated on federal Schedule K-1 and miscellaneous federal 
income tax adjustments, if any.                                               Line 3 – Schedule D, Capital Gains and Losses 
                                                                              Enter on this line only capital gains or losses reported on federal 
Enter on this schedule the combined business income amounts                   Schedule D that qualify as business income. Gains or losses re-
from all sources. List the separate business entities on Part 4 on            ported on this line must be those that are generated in the ordinary 
the back of the schedule.                                                     course of business, from assets integral to the taxpayer’s business 
                                                                              operation, or from working capital and reinvested into the busi-
Submit the IT BUS with the paper-fi led Ohio IT 1040. If you are               ness. Gains or losses, from a partial or complete liquidation of a 
  filing electronically, the IT BUS will be included in your software          business, including, but not limited to, gain or loss from the sale or 
package.                                                                      other disposition of goodwill should also be included on this line. 
                                                                              If the amount entered is negative, place a negative sign (“-“) in the 
This schedule is only used for individual taxpayers lingthe Ohio IT 
                                                                              box provided. 
1040. Pass-through entities and trusts should not use this schedule. 
                                                                              Example:  A farmer sells a tractor used in his wheat farming operation  
                                                                              that generates a capital gain. The wheat cannot be harvested without  
Business Income and Nonbusiness Income                                        use of the tractor. Since the tractor was integral to the taxpayer’s busi-
“Business income” means income, including gain or loss, arising               ness operations, the capital gain can be reported on this line. 
from transactions, activities and sources in the regular course           
                                                                              Line 4 – Schedule E, Supplemental Income and Loss 
of a trade or business and includes income from real, tangible            
                                                                              Enter on this line your net business income or loss reported on 
and intangible property if the acquisition, rental, management            
                                                                              federal Schedule E. Also include guaranteed payments and/or 
and disposition of the property constitute integral parts of the          
                                                                              compensation paid to you by a pass-through entity (S corporation, 
regular course of a trade or business operation. Also, “business          
                                                                              partnership, limited liability company treated as a partnership for 
income” consists of income, including gain or loss, from a partial        
                                                                              income tax purposes, etc.) in which you have at least a 20% direct 
or complete liquidation of a business, including, but not limited to, 
                                                                              or indirect ownership interest. I.R.C. section 318 attribution rules 
gain or loss from the sale or other disposition of goodwill (R.C.         
                                                                              do not apply. Reciprocity agreements do not apply. If the amount 
                                                                              entered is negative, place a negative sign (“-“) in the box provided. 
In general, income, deductions, gains and losses recognized by a  
                                                                              If your net amount from federal Schedule E includes guaranteed 
sole proprietorship or a pass-through entity are items of business  
                                                                              payments from a pass-through entity in which you have less than 
                                                                              a 20% direct or indirect ownership interest, those payments must 
“Nonbusiness income” means all income other than business income              be deducted from the amount entered on this line. 
and may include, but is not limited to, compensation, rents and roy-
                                                                              Line 5 – Schedule F, Profi t or Loss From Farming 
alties from real or tangible personal property, capital gains, interest,  
                                                                              Enter on this line the amount on your federal 1040, line 18. If the 
dividends, distributions, patent or copyright royalties, and lottery win-
                                                                              amount entered is negative, place a negative sign (“-“) in the box 
nings, prizes and awards (R.C. 5747.01(C)). Nonbusiness income  
should be excluded from the fi gures reported on this schedule. 
                                                                              Line 6 – Other Business Income 
See Kemppel v. Zaino, 91 Ohio St.3d 420 (2001). 
                                                                              Enter on this line any items of business income or loss included in 
        Business Income From IRS Schedules (Part 1)                           your federal adjusted gross income that were not entered on lines 
                                                                              1 through 5. Include on this line any amounts reported on federal 
Important: Include on all lines only those items of business in-              4797 that constitute business income. If the amount entered is 
come that are included in the calculation of federal adjusted gross           negative, place a negative sign (“-”) in the box provided. 
income. For example, losses that must be carried forward to future 
years due to federal rules should not be included on this schedule            For information about miscellaneous federal tax adjustments, see 
for the current year. A taxpayer cannot simply list the amounts on            our Web site at www.tax.ohio.gov/other/Update.aspx. 
these federal schedules on Ohio IT BUS. 
                                                                                           Business Income Deduction (Part 2) 
Line 1 – Schedule B, Interest and Ordinary Dividends 
                                                                              Line 8 – All Business Income 
Enter on this line only taxable interest and ordinary dividends           
                                                                              Enter on this line the lesser of line 7 from this schedule or your 
reported on federal Schedule B that qualify as business in-
                                                                              federal adjusted gross income (Ohio IT 1040, line 1). 
come. Generally, interest and dividend income can only qualify            
as business income if it is generated from the regular course of              If the amount entered on line 8 of this schedule is -0- or nega-
trade or business (i.e., the primary business purpose is invest-              tive, stop here and do not complete the rest of the schedule. 
ing) or if it is generated from working capital and reinvested into           You do not have a business income deduction or any taxable 
the business.                                                                 business income. 

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                                                                                                                            IT BUS 
                                                                                                                            Rev. 12/15 
Line 11 – Business Income Deduction                                    Line 14 – Business Income Tax Liability 
Enter on this line the lesser of line 9 or line 10. This is your busi- Using the income tax table below, calculate your tax on your tax-
ness income deduction. Enter this amount on Ohio Schedule A,           able business income (line 13). This table refl ects the maximum 
line 12.                                                               3% rate applicable to business income. Enter here and on Ohio 
                                                                       IT 1040, line 8b. 
         Taxable Business Income (Part 3) 
                                                                                         Business Entity (Part 4) 
Line 13 – Taxable Business Income 
Enter on this line the lesser of line 12 from this schedule or Ohio    List the name, FEIN/SSN, and your ownership percentage of each 
adjusted gross income less exemptions (Ohio IT 1040, line 5). En-      entity from which you received business income or loss. If you 
ter here and on Ohio IT 1040, line 6.                                  have more than 18 sources of business income, attach additional 
                                                                       pages to this schedule. 

                                      2015 Income Tax Table 3 
                    The business income tax table refl ects the maximum 3% rate. 
                                      You must round your tax to the nearest dollar. 

  Ohio Taxable Business Income                                          2015 Ohio Business Income Tax 
         (Ohio IT BUS, line 13)                                        (enter on Ohio IT BUS, line 14 and IT 1040, line 8b) 
         0        $  5,200                                                0.495%       of Ohio taxable business income 
         $  5,200 $ 10,400                $  25.74                   plus 0.990%       of the amount in excess of $  5,200 
         $ 10,400 $ 15,650                 $ 77.22                   plus 1.980%       of the amount in excess of $ 10,400 
         $ 15,650 $ 20,900                 $ 181.17                  plus 2.476%       of the amount in excess of $ 15,650 
         $ 20,900 $ 41,700                 $ 311.16                  plus 2.969%       of the amount in excess of $ 20,900 
         $ 41,700 or more                 $  928.71                  plus 3.000%       of the amount in excess of $ 41,700 

                                          Federal Privacy Act Notice 
                    Because we require you to provide us with a social security ac-
                    count number, the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 requires us to 
                    inform you that your providing us your Social Security number 
                    is mandatory. Ohio Revised Code sections 5703.05, 5703.057 
                    and 5747.08 authorize us to request this information. We need 
                    your Social Security number in order to administer this tax. 

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