Enlarge image | Schedule CPITC-1 InstructIons for commercIal patent IncentIves tax credIt (for perIods after January 1, 2015) **the following information, instructions, and forms are not a substitute for tax laws and regulations.** the purpose of the Commercial patent incentives tax a. a corporation established under the laws of this state Credits is to encourage greater development and use in this that meet the requirements of section three, article state of commercial intellectual properties by West Virginia twelve, chapter eighteen-b of this code; or businesses and thereby increase economic opportunity in B. a center for economic development and technological West Virginia. advancement created pursuant to section three, article a Commercial patent incentives tax Credit is available for twelve-a, chapter eighteen-b of this code. the following: “Business activity” means all activities engaged in or caused to be engaged in by a person with the object of • the development, in West Virginia, of plant gain or economic benefit, direct or indirect. For purposes patent, design patent, or patents for direct use in a of this definition, the term “gain or economic benefit, direct manufacturing process or product. or indirect” does not include income realized by any person in the form of wages, salary or income that is reported on • the use of a patent in a manufacturing process federal form W-2. or product in West Virginia when the patent was developed in West Virginia. “Commercial use” means selling, licensing, leasing or available Commercial patent incentives tax Credit may otherwise making patents available to a third party for be applied against tax liability attributable to the personal a price, fee, royalty, commission or other consideration income tax (WV Code §11-21 et seq.), or Corporation net called by whatever name. “Commercial use” also means, income tax (WV Code §11-24 et seq.). no Commercial in the case of patents developed by the developer for patent incentives tax Credit is allowed for any activity, the developer’s own commercial use, the first use of the investment, assets, or expenditures for which any of the tax patents in a manufacturing or other business activity of the credits in the following statutes has been authorized, taken developer. “Commercial use” does not include any selling, or allowed: licensing, leasing or otherwise making patents available to a third party when done by a broker or by any person who • W. Va. Code §11-13D et seq. (industrial expansion does not own the patent sold, licensed, leased or otherwise and revitalization Credit) made available. • W. Va. Code §11-13e et seq. (Coal Loading Facilities Credit) “Copyright” means a copyright that is registered with the United States Copyright Office or with a similar office of a • W. Va. Code §11-13Q et seq. (economic Opportunity foreign country when the foreign copyright is recognized tax Credit) under federal law. • W. Va. Code §11-13r et seq. (strategic research and Development tax Credit) “Development of a patent,” “developing patents” or “development” means the act of inventing or discovering • W. Va. Code §11-13s et seq. (manufacturing any new and useful process, machine, article of investment tax Credit) manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and • W. Va. Code §11-13x et seq. (Film industry investment useful improvement thereto through significant investment tax Credit) of money, performance of research, or application of design also, no Commercial patent incentives tax Credit is allowed or engineering expertise, which culminates in the issuance for any activity, investment, assets, or expenditures for of a patent, as defined in West Virginia Code §11-13AA et which any tax credit authorized under W.Va. Code §18B-13 seq. et seq. has been taken or allowed. “Developer” means a person engaged in this state in the Commercial patent incentives tax Credit is available developing patents for direct use in a manufacturing process for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2011. or product and who has an agreement, as defined in West Virginia Code §11-13aa et seq., with marshall University or West Virginia University. Commercial Patent Incentives Tax Credit Definitions “agreement” means any agreement or contractual Directly used in manufacturing process or product, “and relationship entered into after January 1, 2011 between a “direct use in manufacturing process or product” with person developing patents in this state and either: reference to patents means application or incorporation West Virginia state tax Department CpitC-1 instructions — rev. 10/15 page 1 of 5 |
Enlarge image | of a patented process, machine, article of manufacture and which is treated as a partnership for federal income tax or composition of matter, in manufacturing operations or purposes for the taxable year. processes, or in manufactured products, in circumstances where United states or foreign patent laws require that “pass-through entity” means a partnership, limited liability the specific patent for the process, machine, article of company, small business corporation (s corporation) or manufacture or composition of matter be owned by other entity treated as a partnership for federal income tax the manufacturer, or purchased, leased, licensed or purposes for the taxable year. authorized by contract to be applied or incorporated in the manufacturing operation, processes or product, and “patent” means a United states patent issued pursuant to where such lawful ownership, purchase, lease, licensure or 35 U.s.C. §101, et seq. or the patent Cooperation treaty contractual authorization is in effect. done at Washington, on June 19, 1970 and is limited to plant patents, design patents and patents developed in this “Manufacturing” means any business activity classified as state for direct use in a manufacturing process or product, or having a sector identifier, consisting of the first two digits of both developed for use and directly used in a manufacturing the six-digit North American Industry Classification System process or product in this state. For purposes of this article, code number of thirty-one, thirty-two or thirty-three. patents do not include copyrights, trademarks, mask works, trade secrets or any intellectual property that is not a patent. “mask work” means a series of related images, however fixed or encoded: “person” includes a natural person, corporation, limited liability company or partnership. a single member liability a. Having or representing the predetermined, three- company that is treated as a disregarded entity for federal dimensional pattern of metallic, insulating or income tax purposes is be treated as a disregarded entity semiconductor material present or removed from the for purposes of this article. layers of a semiconductor chip product; and B. in which series the relation of the images to one another “purchase” means a transaction under which title to an is that each image has the pattern of the surface of one item is transferred for consideration, or a license or lease form of the semiconductor chip product. contract for at least three years is executed, regardless of whether title to the item is transferred at the end of the lease “Net profits” means West Virginia taxable income as or license period. determined for purposes of West Virginia Code §11-24 et seq. before application of this credit and after application of “taxpayer” means any person subject to the tax imposed all credits allowable under Chapter 11 of the West Virginia by article twenty-three or twenty-four of Chapter 11 of the Code except this credit. in the case of taxpayers that are West Virginia Code or to both taxes. in the case of a sole not subject to the tax imposed by article twenty-four, “net proprietorship that is not subject to either the tax imposed profits” means West Virginia taxable income as determined by article twenty-three or twenty-four, the term “taxpayer” for purposes of article twenty-one of Chapter 11 of the West means a natural person who owns a disregarded entity and Virginia Code, before application of this credit and after who is subject to the tax imposed by article twenty-one of application of all credits allowable under this Chapter 11 Chapter 11 on his or her income from business activity in except this credit. In circumstances where net profit is not this state, or any sole proprietor who is subject to the tax solely attributable to and the exclusive result of the direct imposed by article twenty-one. use of a patent in a manufacturing process or product in this state, the taxpayer shall determine net profit solely attributable to and the exclusive result of the direct use “trademark” means any trademark, trade name, service of a patent in a manufacturing process or product in this mark or other identifying symbol or name that is registered state, and net profit for purposes of determining the amount with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or of credit allowable under this article shall be the net profit with a similar office of a foreign country when the foreign solely attributable to and the exclusive result of the direct registration is recognized under federal law. use of a patent in a manufacturing process or product in this state. “trade secret” means information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program device, method, technique or “Owner”, when used in reference to a pass-through entity, process, that: means a person who owns an equity interest in the pass- through entity. a. Derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and “partnership” includes a syndicate, group, pool, joint venture not being readily ascertainable by proper means, by or other unincorporated organization through or by means other persons who can obtain economic value from its of which any business, financial operation or venture is disclosure or use; and carried on, which is not a sole proprietorship, trust or estate, West Virginia state tax Department CpitC-1 instructions — rev. 10/15 page 2 of 5 |
Enlarge image | B. is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the line 4 enter any Commercial patent incentives tax circumstances to maintain its secrecy. Credit earned or allocated in a previous year that was not used or allocated from the total on part cpItc-1 Instructions e. amounts not supported by completed part e information will be denied. taxpayers desiring to claim the Commercial patent incentives tax Credit for Developing patents in West Virginia line 5 add the amounts on lines 1 through 4. this is the for Direct Use in a manufacturing process or product must total Commercial patent incentives tax Credit complete parts a and B of schedule WV/CpitC-1. no credit available to you for the current tax period. is allowed for patents developed before January 1, 2011. For purposes of the tax credit, a patent was developed for direct use in a manufacturing process or product before January line 6 adjusted personal income tax. Compute the 1, 2011, if it was sold, leased or licensed to a third party amount of personal income tax against which prior to January 1, 2011, or before January 1, 2011 it was the Commercial patent incentives tax Credit can reduced to practice for purely commercial purposes by the be applied by subtracting any other tax credit developer or a person related to the developer, as defined amounts applied from the personal income tax in subsection (b) section 267 of the internal revenue Code as calculated before application of the other tax of 1986, as amended. credits. if the adjusted personal income tax is less than zero, enter $0. taxpayers desiring to claim the Commercial patent incentives tax Credit for Use of a patent in a manufacturing line 7 Compute the Commercial patent incentives process or product in West Virginia must complete parts tax Credit for application against the personal a and C of schedule WV/CpitC-1. no credit is allowed income tax as the smaller of the amount on Line for using a patent in West Virginia when the person began 5 and the amount on Line 6c. using the patent before January 1, 2011. no credit is allowed for any patent acquired from, by or between, leased from, by or between, licensed from, by or between, or otherwise line 8 Compute the remaining Commercial patent authorized to be used from by or between related person, incentives tax Credit by subtracting the amount as defined in subsection (b) Section 267 of the Internal on Line 7 from the amount on Line 5. revenue Code of 1986, as amended. adjusted Corporation net income tax. Compute line 9 the amount of Corporation net income tax against an owner taxpayer desiring to claim Commercial patent which the Commercial patent incentives tax incentives tax Credit allocated by a pass-through entity Credit can be applied by subtracting any other tax subsidiary must complete parts a and D of schedule WV/ credit amounts applied from the Corporation net CpitC-1. income tax as calculated before application of the other tax credits. if the adjusted Corporation cpItc-1 part a - commercial patent Incentives tax net income tax is less than zero, enter $0. credit summary line 1 enter the total Commercial patent incentives tax line 10 Compute the Commercial patent incentives tax Credit for Developing patents in West Virginia for Credit for application against the Corporation net Direct Use in a manufacturing process or product income tax as the smaller of the amount on Line as shown on part B Line 9. a completed part B 8 and the amount on Line 9c. must be attached for each qualifying patent. amounts not supported by completed part B line 11 Compute the remaining Commercial patent information will be denied. incentives tax Credit by subtracting the amount on Line 10 from the amount on Line 8. line 2 enter the total Commercial patent incentives tax Credit for Use of a patent in a manufacturing if you are a pass-through entity and any of the line 12 process or product in West Virginia as shown amount on Line 11 is to be allocated to the owners on part C Line 5. amounts not supported by of the pass-through entity complete part F and completed part C information will be denied. enter the total amount of credit to be allocated. line 3 enter the amount of Commercial patent incentives tax Credit as shown in part D, allocated to you as line 13 enter the amount of unused, unallocated an owner of a pass-through entity that earned Commercial patent incentives tax Credit for the credit. a completed part D must be attached. carry forward to subsequent years. subtract the amounts not supported by completed part D amount on Line 12 from the amount on Line 11. information will be denied. West Virginia state tax Department CpitC-1 instructions — rev. 10/15 page 3 of 5 |
Enlarge image | cpItc-1 part B line 2 Enter the net profit attributable to the use of the patent described on Line 1. commercial patent Incentives tax credit for developing patents in West virginia for direct use in a line 3 Compute the portion of previous tax year manufacturing process or product Commercial patent incentives tax Credit for Use line 1 enter the indicated information for the patent of a patent in a manufacturing process or product developed in West Virginia for which the in West Virginia that was reinvested in the current Commercial patent incentives tax Credit for tax year. Developing patents in West Virginia for Direct enter the credit percentage. line 4 Use in a manufacturing process or product is to be claimed. (a separate part B must be line 5 Compute the amount of Commercial patent completed for each patent for which credit is to incentives tax Credit for Use of a patent in a be claimed). manufacturing process or product in West Virginia for the current year by multiplying the amount on line 2 enter the total amount of royalties, license fees, or Line 2 by the decimal value on line 4. also, enter other consideration from sale, lease or licensing the value on part a Line 2. of the patent described on Line 1. cpItc-1 part d – commercial patent Incentives tax line 3 enter the direct costs of developing the credit from patent described on Line 1 that were pass-through entity. incurred in West Virginia. Enter the name and Employer Identification Number (EIN) line 4 enter the direct costs of developing the patent of the pass-through entity and the amount of Commercial described on Line 1 that were incurred at all patent incentives tax Credit allocated to you as an owner locations. of the pass-through entity. the pass-through entity line 5 Compute the West Virginia development cost must establish original entitlement to Commercial patent ratio by dividing the amount on Line 3 by the Incentives Tax Credit through the filing of their own form amount on Line 4. WV/CpitC-1. line 6 Compute the West Virginia allocation of patent enter the total of credit allocated on part a Line 3. royalties, license fees, and other consideration by multiplying the amount on Line 1 by the decimal cpItc-1 part e – unused commercial patent value from Line 5. Incentives tax credit from prior years. line 7 Compute the portion of previous tax year Unused credit may be carried forward until the earlier of the Commercial patent incentives tax Credit for tax year when the credit is used up or the ninth consecutive Developing patents in West Virginia for Direct tax year after the first tax year in which the taxpayer is Use in a manufacturing process or product that eligible to claim the credit. was reinvested in the current tax year. Complete the table in part e to determine the amount of any line 8 enter the credit percentage. prior year credit that is unused in the current tax year. line 9 Compute the amount of Commercial patent enter the total on part a Line 4. incentives tax Credit for Developing patents in West Virginia for Direct Use in a manufacturing Wv/cpItc-1 part f – unused commercial patent process or product for the current tax year by Incentives tax credit allocation to owners. multiplying the amount on Line 6 by the decimal value from Line 8. also enter the amount on part When the taxpayer that earns original entitlement to a Line 1. Commercial patent incentives tax Credit is a pass-through entity, any credit unused to offset the tax liability of the pass- cpItc-1 part c – commercial patent Incentives tax through entity is to be allocated to the owners of the pass- credit for use of a patent in a manufacturing process through entity in the same manner that distributive share or product in West virginia flows through to the equity owners. line 1 enter the indicated information for the patent Enter the name, identification number (EIN/SSN), ownership used in a manufacturing process or product in percentage, and amount of unused credit allocated for each West Virginia for which the tax credit is to be equity owner. claimed. (a separate part C must be completed for each patent for which credit is to be claimed). enter the total allocated credit on part a Line 12. West Virginia state tax Department CpitC-1 instructions — rev. 10/15 page 4 of 5 |
Enlarge image | required records 1. each and every item of depreciable property purchased every developer of a patent in this state for direct use in for purposes of claiming the enhanced credit; a manufacturing process or product and every person 2. The date the depreciable property identified in who uses a patent directly in a manufacturing process or subdivision (1) of this subsection was purchased, its product in this state who claims a credit under this article cost and its estimated useful life determined using shall maintain sufficient records to establish the following straight-line method of depreciation; facts for each item of a patent for which a credit is allowed 3. The date the depreciable property identified in under this article: subdivision (1) of this subsection was placed in service 1. its identity; or used in the person’s business activity in this state; 2. The amount of net profit attributable to the patent; 4. The date the depreciable property identified in subdivision (1) of this subsection was taken out of 3. the month and taxable year in which the patent was service or use in the person’s business activity in this first used, placed in service or directly used in the state and the reason why the property was taken out person’s manufacturing process or product in this of service or use; and state; 5. Other information that the tax Commissioner may 4. the amount of credit taken; and reasonably require by rule promulgated as provided in 5. the date the patent was disposed of or otherwise section eleven of this article. ceased to be directly used in the person’s manufacturing New jobs. -- every person who claims a Commercial patent process or product in this state. Incentives Tax credit shall also maintain sufficient records to establish the number and types of new jobs, if any created, Enhanced credit. -- any person who claims the enhanced the wages and benefits paid to employees filling the new credit for reinvestment of prior year tax credit shall maintain jobs and the duration of each job. sufficient records to clearly establish entitlement to claim the amount of the enhanced credit. at a minimum those Exception. – the records requirements section do not apply records shall identify: to an owner of a pass-through entity that develops or uses a patent for which a credit is earned. West Virginia state tax Department CpitC-1 instructions — rev. 10/15 page 5 of 5 |