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AB 01-118                      TEXAS SALES AND USE TAX PREPAYMENT REPORT                                                                               PRINT FORM            CLEAR FIELDS
CD (Rev.5-19/18)
a. Taxpayer name                                                                                                                                       b. Taxpayer number

c. Period ending                                                               d. Date due

COMPUTATION OF ESTIMATED TAX DUE                                   ESTIMATED AMOUNT                                                                          ESTIMATED TAX DUE
  (Compute AMOUNTTAXSUBJECTDUE byTOmultiplyingTAX by TAX RATE)     (ReportSUBJECTin wholeTOdollars)TAX                  TAX RATE                         (Multiply estimated amount by tax rate)
1. State tax                                                                                     . 100      X    (6 1/4%)         .062500              = 1a.                          .
2. Local tax                                                                                     . 100      X    (  2%  )         .020000              = 2a.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    . 100      X    (1 7/8%)         .018750              = 2b.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    . 100      X    (1 3/4%)         .017500              = 2c.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    . 10000    X    (1 5/8%)         .016250              = 2d.                          ..
    Local tax                                                                                    . 10000    X    (1 1/2%)         .015000              = 2e.                          ...
    Local tax                                                                                    . 10000    X    (1 3/8%)         .013750              = 2f.                          ...
    Local tax                                                                                    . 100      X    (1 1/4%)         .012500              = 2g.                          ...
    Local tax                                                                                    .     100  X    (1 1/8%)         .011250              = 2h.                          ....
    Local tax                                                                                    .     100  X    (  1%  )         .010000              = 2i.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    . 100      X    ( 7/8% )         .008750              = 2j.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    . 100      X    ( 3/4% )         .007500              = 2k.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    .     100  X    ( 5/8% )         .006250              = 2l.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    . 100      X    ( 1/2% )         .005000              = 2m.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    ..    100  X    ( 3/8% )         .003750              = 2n.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    . 100      X    ( 1/4% )         .002500              = 2o.                          .
    Local tax                                                                                    . 100      X    ( 1/8% )         .001250              = 2p.                          .
     COMPUTATION OF PREPAYMENT                                                                         STATE TAX                                             LOCAL TAX
                                                                                                       (From Item 1a)                                  (Total of Items 2a through 2p)

3. Total estimated tax due for this filing period                                          ,                ,           .                                ,               ,   .

4. Prepayment discount rate                                           (1 3/4%)                                        .01750         (1 3/4%)                                .01750

5. Prepayment discount             (Multiply Item 3 by Item 4)                             ,                ,           .                                ,               ,   .
                                                                      6a. (Enter here and in Item 8.)                                6b. (Enter here and in Item 9.)

6. Prepayment amount (Item 3 minus Item 5)                                                 ,                ,           .                                ,               ,   .

7. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PREPAYMENT                                         (Total of Items 6a and 6b)                                                         ,               ,   .

AB Form 01-118                 TEXAS SALES AND USE 
CD (Rev.5-19/18)
                                 TAX PREPAYMENT                                          JJJJ               e. b                                       *0111800W051918*
                                   . Do not fold, staple or paper clip
f. Taxpayer number                                                 g. Due date                                   8. State prepayment
                                                                                                                      (From Item 6a)                       ,               ,         .
h. Filing period                                                   i.                                                 b 02           b

                                                                                                                                                           ,               ,
I declare that the information in this document and any attachments is true and correct to the                                                                                       .
best of my knowledge and belief.
     Taxpayer or duly authorized agent                                                                                (From Item 6b)9. Local prepayment
                                                                                                                                                           ,               ,         .
AB                                                                                                                    b 04           b
Daytime phone(Area code & no.)                                 Date
j. Taxpayer name and mailing address (Make any necessary name or address changes below.)                                                                   ,               ,         .
                                                                                                                 10. TOTAL 
                                                                                                                        (Total of    $                     ,               ,         .
                                                                                                                        Items 8 & 9)
                                                                                                                      Make amount in Item 10 payable to:     k.
                                                                                                                        STATE COMPTROLLER
                                                                                                                        Our mailing address is:
  bT Code                                 bTaxpayer number                             b Period                            P.O. Box 149354                   b
                                                                                                         xx             Austin, TX  78714-9354

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Form 01-118 (Back)(Rev.5-19/18)
                               GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS                                        SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS
FOR  ASSISTANCE  -             If  you  have  any  questions  regarding     Items b and f. If the return  is not preprinted  and  you are a
sales  tax,  you  may  contact  the  Texas  State  Comptroller's            sole  owner,  enter  your  Social  Security  number.  For  other
field  office  in  your  area  or  call  (800)  252-5555,  toll  free,      types  of organizations,  enter  the  Federal  Employer's  Identi-
nationwide. The Austin number is (512) 463-4600.                            fication Number (FEIN) assigned to your organization.
REQUIREMENTS  FOR  PREPAYMENT  -                         If  you  meet  the Disclosure  of your social  security  number is  required and authorized
following  requirements,  you  will  receive  a  prepayment                 under law,  for  the purpose  of  tax  administration  and identification  of
                                                                            any  individual  affected  by  applicable  law.  42  U.S.C.  sec.
discount of 1 1/4 percent (.0125) in addition to the timely filing          405(c)(2)(C)(i);  Tex. Govt. Code secs. 403.011 and 403.078. Release
discount  of  1/2  percent  (.005)  for  a  total  discount  of  1  3/4     of information on this form in response to a public information request
percent (.0175). Your estimated amount of prepayment (Item                  will  be  governed  by  the  Public  Information  Act,  Chapter  552,
6) must be at least 90% of the total tax that will be due for the           Government Code, and applicable federal law. 
reporting period.
                               OR                                           Item h. If the return is not preprinted, enter the filing period of
Your prepayment of tax must be equal to or greater than the                 this report (month or quarter) and the last day of the period in
total tax that was due and paid in the same reporting period                the  space  provided.  Examples:  "Quarter  Ending  09-30-96"
of  the  preceding  year,      (This  amount  does  NOT  include            "Month Ending 10-31-96."
discounts on your previous year's payment.)
                               AND                                          Item 2. Estimated Amount Subject to Tax is the total amount
Your  prepayment  report  and  payment  must  be  postmarked                that is taxed at the same tax rate or combined tax rate.
on or before the due date for the period.                                   Local  tax  rate  represents  a  local  tax  or  any  combination  of
In either instance, your regular sales and use tax return must              local taxes. For example, a city tax of 1% and a transit tax of
be filed on time.                                                           1% will equal to a 2% local tax (2a).
DUE  DATES  OF  PREPAYMENT  REPORTS  -                    Monthly           Multiply  Estimated  Amount  Subject  to  Tax  by  the  Tax  Rate
prepayment  reports  are  due  on  the  15th  of  each  month.              and enter the result in the Estimated Tax Due column.
Quarterly prepayment reports are due as follows:                            Item 3. State tax due is equal to Item 1a. Local tax due is the
                               1st quarter - February 15                    total of Items 2a through 2p.
                               2nd quarter - May 15
                               3rd quarter - August 15                      Item 5. Multiply Item 3 by Item 4 (prepayment credit amount
                               4th quarter - November 15.                   only) and enter the result.

NOTE:   I If  the  due  date  falls  on  a  Saturday,  Sunday  or           Item 6. Subtract Item 5 from Item 3 and enter the result.
legal  holiday,  the  next  business  day  will  be  the
due date.                                                                   Item 7. Add Items 6a and 6b, and enter the result here and in
                                                                            Item 10.
I Payments postmarked or transmitted after the due
date will not be  eligible for the additional prepay-
ment discount.                                                              Item 8. Enter your state prepayment amount (Item 6a).
I If you prepaid on time but filed your return late, no                     Item 9. Enter your local prepayment amount (Item 6b).
discounts  will  be  allowed.  Penalty  will  be
assessed  only  on  the  tax  due  that  exceeds  the                       You have certain rights                                                       under Chapters 552 and 559, 
amount you prepaid.                                                         Government Code, to review, request, and correct information 
                                                                            we have on file about you.  Contact us at the address or 
                                                                            toll-free number listed on this form. 

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