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Application for Temporary R. 01/16
Tax Exemption Permit Rule 12A-1.097
Florida Administrative Code
Effective 01/16
This application is to be completed for each project for which exemption from Florida sales and/or use tax is claimed pursuant to
section 212.08(5)(b), Florida Statutes, and Rule 12A-1.096, Florida Administrative Code. See reverse side for mailing adress.
EXEMPTION CLAIMED AS: New Business Expanding Business Spaceport Activity Mining Activity
1. (a) Business Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
(b) Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
(c) Website address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
(d) Florida Sales Tax Number for location listed in (2)(a) (required): ________________________________________________________
(e) FEIN: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(f) Telephone Number: ( ________ ) _________________________ Fax Number:( ________ ) __________________________________
(g) Name, address, position, and telephone number of person or persons to be contacted regarding this project. (Form DR-835,
Power of Attorney, must be submitted if not an officer or employee of the business.)
2. (a) Project Location (Address where the machinery and equipment will be or has been installed):
(b) Did you purchase or buy out another business at the location in 2.(a)? Yes No If yes, when?_____________________
(c) Project Description (Explain in full detail the purpose and scope of work to be accomplished by the project.):
(Attach additional sheet, if necessary)
(d) Is any qualifying machinery and equipment going to be leased? Yes No
If yes, will this be a: Capital Lease Operating Lease Please provide a complete, legible copy of the lease (If available).
(e) List the types of the major machinery and equipment that may be purchased or leased for the project. (DO NOT file a
separate application for each item of machinery and equipment to be purchased, if they are for the same project.)
______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
(Attach additional sheet, if necessary)
(f) Total cost of the machinery and equipment to be purchased or leased for the project: __________________________________
(g) Total cost of the entire project: ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. (a) What is the product or item that will be made for sale by the machinery and equipment listed at the project location?
(b) Is this product or a similar product already being made at the project location in 2.(a)? Yes No
(c) Is this product or a similar product already being made at another Florida location of this company? Yes No If yes,
provide the location or locations: __________________________________________________________________________________
(d) Will production of the product in 3.(a) be closed down at a location listed in 3.(c), or has production been closed down?
Yes No If yes, when will or did production at that location stop? ______________________________________________
(e) What type of businesses or customers will be purchasing the product in 3.(a)? _________________________________________