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Information for Filing Florida Form F-7004 F-7004
R. 01/17
When to file — File this application on or before the original due date of the A. If applicable, state the reason you need the extension:
taxpayer’s corporate income tax or partnership return. Do not file before the end ____________________________________________________________
of the tax year. ____________________________________________________________
To file online go to www.floridarevenue.com B. Type of federal return filed:_____________________________________
Penalties —If you are required to pay tax with this application, failure to pay all Contact person for questions: __________________________________
taxes due will void any extension of time and subject the taxpayer to penalties Telephone number: (________) _________________________________
and interest. There is also a penalty for a late-filed return when no tax is due. Contact person email address: _________________________________
Signature — A person authorized by the taxpayer must sign Florida Form F-7004.
They must be: an officer or partner of the taxpayer; a person currently enrolled
to practice before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); or an attorney or Certified
Public Accountant qualified to practice before the IRS under Public Law 89-332. Extension of Time Request Florida Income/
The Florida Form F-7004 must be filed – To receive an extension of time to file Franchise Tax Due
your Florida return, Florida Form F-7004 must be timely filed, even if you have 1. Tentative amount of Florida tax for the taxable year 1.
already filed a federal extension request. A federal extension by itself does not
extend the time to file a Florida return. 2. LESS: Estimated tax payments for the taxable year 2.
An extension for Florida tax purposes may be granted, even though no federal 3. Balance due — You must pay 100% of the tax 3.
extension was granted. See Rule 12C-1.0222, F.A.C., for information on the tentatively determined due with this extension request.
requirements that must be met for your request for an extension of time to be valid. Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Tentative tax due on reverse side.
Information for Filing Florida Form F-7004 F-7004
When to file — File this application on or before the original due date of the A. If applicable, state the reason you need the extension: R. 01/17
taxpayer’s corporate income tax or partnership return. Do not file before the end ____________________________________________________________
of the tax year. ____________________________________________________________
To file online go to www.floridarevenue.com B. Type of federal return filed:_____________________________________
Penalties —If you are required to pay tax with this application, failure to pay all Contact person for questions: __________________________________
taxes due will void any extension of time and subject the taxpayer to penalties Telephone number: (________) _________________________________
and interest. There is also a penalty for a late-filed return when no tax is due. Contact person email address: _________________________________
Signature — A person authorized by the taxpayer must sign Florida Form F-7004.
They must be: an officer or partner of the taxpayer; a person currently enrolled
to practice before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); or an attorney or Certified
Public Accountant qualified to practice before the IRS under Public Law 89-332. Florida Income/
The Florida Form F-7004 must be filed – To receive an extension of time to file Extension of Time Request Franchise Tax Due
your Florida return, Florida Form F-7004 must be timely filed, even if you have 1. Tentative amount of Florida tax for the taxable year 1.
already filed a federal extension request. A federal extension by itself does not
extend the time to file a Florida return. 2. LESS: Estimated tax payments for the taxable year 2.
An extension for Florida tax purposes may be granted, even though no federal 3. Balance due — You must pay 100% of the tax 3.
extension was granted. See Rule 12C-1.0222, F.A.C., for information on the tentatively determined due with this extension request.
requirements that must be met for your request for an extension of time to be valid. Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Tentative tax due on reverse side.
Information for Filing Florida Form F-7004 F-7004
R. 01/17
When to file — File this application on or before the original due date of the A. If applicable, state the reason you need the extension:
taxpayer’s corporate income tax or partnership return. Do not file before the end ____________________________________________________________
of the tax year. ____________________________________________________________
To file online go to www.floridarevenue.com B. Type of federal return filed:_____________________________________
Penalties —If you are required to pay tax with this application, failure to pay all Contact person for questions: __________________________________
taxes due will void any extension of time and subject the taxpayer to penalties Telephone number: (________) _________________________________
and interest. There is also a penalty for a late-filed return when no tax is due. Contact person email address: _________________________________
Signature — A person authorized by the taxpayer must sign Florida Form F-7004.
They must be: an officer or partner of the taxpayer; a person currently enrolled
to practice before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); or an attorney or Certified
Public Accountant qualified to practice before the IRS under Public Law 89-332. Florida Income/
The Florida Form F-7004 must be filed – To receive an extension of time to file Extension of Time Request Franchise Tax Due
your Florida return, Florida Form F-7004 must be timely filed, even if you have 1. Tentative amount of Florida tax for the taxable year 1.
already filed a federal extension request. A federal extension by itself does not
extend the time to file a Florida return. 2. LESS: Estimated tax payments for the taxable year 2.
An extension for Florida tax purposes may be granted, even though no federal 3. Balance due — You must pay 100% of the tax 3.
extension was granted. See Rule 12C-1.0222, F.A.C., for information on the tentatively determined due with this extension request.
requirements that must be met for your request for an extension of time to be valid. Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Tentative tax due on reverse side.