APPLICATION FEE: $125.00 Sign Permit: +$75.00 BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION OVERVIEW • The average processing time for Business License Applications is approximately two weeks. • The City will do its best to expedite applications, but changes in occupancy, alterations, hazardous materials, or fire and life safety concerns may require additional time.- • For best satisfaction, it is advisable that Applicants receive approval of their Application prior to leasing or purchasing a unit or building. • A Business License will be issued when each City Department has given its approval for the Application. • The previous tenant of the proposed location/space for the new business was a____________________. • To help expedite, potential Business License Applicant(s) should meet with the following prior to submittal of their Business License Application to discuss specifics as they pertain to: Community Development Assistant: (208) 788 9815 ext. - 2027 o Discuss whether zoning and proposed use is appropriate for proposed location/space. Building Official: (208) 788 9815 ext. 16- 20 o Discuss whether proposed use is a change of occupancy, remodel or alteration. Any of these may require upgrades to meet Code Requirements. o Discuss whether proposed improvements/upgrades (permanent walls or built in fixtures) require a Building Permit. Fire Marshall: (208) 788 3147- o Discuss whether proposed building/use satisfies Fire Code Requirements, such as fire extinguishers/inspections, exit routes and doors/locks, and whether the Hailey Fire Department will need to issue an Operation Permit. WWW.HAILEYCITYHALL.ORG ● 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET ● HAILEY, ID 83333 ● (208) 788 4221 ● FAX: (208) 788 2924- - |
APPLICATION FEE: $125.00 Sign Permit: +$75.00 Account #: ___________ BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION Official use only NOTE: IT IS ADVISABLE THAT APPLICANTS RECEIVE APPROVAL OF THEIR APPLICATION(S) PRIOR TO LEASING OR PURCHASING A UNIT OR BUILDING. ▪ Incomplete Applications will not be processed and will be returned to the Applicant. ▪ A separate license is required for each distinct physical location of your business. ▪ If your Business moves to a new location, a new Business License will be required. ▪ Additional information may be requested by a City Department as required. ▪ If your Business is a Food Service Business, a copy of the Idaho South Central health District Permit must be attached. BUSINESS BASICS Business Name: ______________________________________DBA_____________________________________ Physical Address: _________________________________ Unit/Suite #:____________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone No._________________________ Fax No : _________________________________________________ . Email Address: _________________________Website Address: ________________________________________ Owner Name: Telephone No. _________________________ Manager Name: Telephone No. _________________________ Business hours: ____ a.m./p.m. ____ a.m./p.m., M ○ T W TH ○ ○ ○ F ○ SA ○ SU ○ Description of type of business being conducted: _______________ _______________________________________ Square footage of the building/unit/space your business will occupy? _______________ Total Employees: _______ Total FTE _________ Estimated Gross Monthly Payroll: $___________________ *For economic development figures. Target Opening Date: ____________ NOTE: an approved Business License is required prior to opening. The review process takes at least two (2) weeks. Submit Application at least 3-4 weeks prior to target opening date. Would you like to be listed on our website? No Yes EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME: _________________________PHONE:______________ Official use only RPH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Legal Description: _______________________ Sub , Block____, Lot___________ Property Owner:_________________________________Address____________________________________ Zoning District:_______ Applicable use category listed in Zoning District:______________________________ Business Activity: (NAICS 6 digit) _____________NAICS Activity Description __________________________ Use is : Permitted Conditional Use (Permit Req’d) Prohibited Parking: On site parking required for specific use: _______ # of parking provided______- Sign Permit : Approved and on file Required N/A WWW.HAILEYCITYHALL.ORG ● 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET ● HAILEY, ID 83333 ● (208) 788 4221 ● FAX: (208) 788 2924- - |
PARKING, SIGNS AND USE OF SIDEWALKS Contact:Community Development, Jessie Parker at (208) 788 9815 ext. - 2027 1. How many parking spaces are located on the property where your business is located? _______ 2. How many other businesses are located in the same building/complex? ____________________ 3. Number of existing signs, including other businesses, on the building? _____________________ 4. Size of existing signs on the building(s)? ______________________________________________ 5. Length of the front the building that your business will occupy? ___________________________ 6. If you are adding a new sign or changing an existing sign for your business, please attach the following (including this information along with an additional $50 fee, will constitute a Sign Permit Application). o A picture of the building or simple drawing showing the length of the front of the building and the location of the sign on the building property. o A color rendering or drawing, including: color(s) of sign, dimensions of all sign faces, descriptions of materials to be used, and manner of construction and method of attachment. o For Portable Signs, dimensions of sign and method of weighting/anchoring the sign. o For Portable Signs to be located within the Public Right of Way, a site plan- - specifying the Right of Way, the adjacent property, and the location of the- - proposed Portable Sign. o A lighting plan for the sign, if applicable. 7. Will any outdoor areas of your business premises or the sidewalk in front of your business be used for sales, displaces, vending stands, tables, seating or storage? If yes, please attach a diagram of the business property showing the location of these areas in relationship to pedestrian traffic, parking, ingress, egress, disability access and structures (fences, sheds, building, tents, etc.). Please have property owner sign below for any permanent signs to be attached to the principal building. Signature: _______________________________ Date: ________________ WWW.HAILEYCITYHALL.ORG ● 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET ● HAILEY, ID 83333 ● (208) 788 4221 ● FAX: (208) 788 2924- - |
BUILDING / FIRE Contact:Building Official, (208) 788 9815 ext. - 2016 and Fire Marshall, (208) 788 3147- 1. Number of employees? 2. Do you intend to remodel or alter the exterior or interior space in any manner? Yes No If yes, please briefly describe the proposed improvements: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: A Building Permit will be required for improvements. 3. Please provide a simple floor plan showing the Attached proposed placement of merchandising stands, Unknown at this Time racks, furnishings (i.e., desks), temporary walls, etc. NOTE: Permanent walls or built-in fixtures will require a Building Permit. 4. Are you a new tenant in an existing building? Yes No If yes, what type of business are you replacing? _________________________________________ NOTE: A change of occupancy (for example, retail clothing to restaurant), remodel or alteration, may require upgrades to meet Code Requirements. The following Fire Code Requirements must be met: 1. A fire extinguisher having a minimum rating of 2A:20B; C must be installed in a visible and accessible location not to exceed 75 feet of travel distance. All fire extinguishers must be inspected and tagged annually; visual inspections of fire extinguishers are available free of charge through the Hailey Fire Department. 2. All exits and halls leading to the exit must be kept free of all obstructions. All exit door locking devices must be a single action type and cannot require keys or special knowledge to open the exit. 3. Some businesses involving industrial occupations such as welding, painting, etc., require an operational permit. Permits may be obtained through the Hailey Fire Department. WWW.HAILEYCITYHALL.ORG ● 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET ● HAILEY, ID 83333 ● (208) 788 4221 ● FAX: (208) 788 2924- - |
WASTEWATER Contact:Wastewater Department, (208) 578 2211- 1. Do you or will you discharge anything other than domestic wastewater to the City wastewater system? Yes No 2. Will you be manufacturing a product that will produce metal or wood shavings, liquid or solid residues, or require a cooling bath or batch cleaning as part of the process? Yes No 3. Please check all applicable uses existing currently in your business: Barber or Beauty Shop: # of chairs ______ # of stations _______ Cafe or Restaurant: total # of dining seats _______ Dentist: # of practitioners’ _______ Laundry: # of washing machines _______ Manufacturing: type Hotel / Boarding House: # of rooms with cooking facilities ___________ Service Station: # of fuel pumps ________ # of restrooms _________ Car Wash: # of bays __________ School / Daycare: # of students __________ 4. List the # of the following: toilets ______ sinks _______ floor drains _______ If floor drains are present, please describe where they are located: Are floor drains connected to sewer _______ or dry (shallow injection) well _______ 5. Does your business use a dishwasher or sterilizer? Yes No If yes, what is the operating temperature? __________ 6. Does your business use a waste food grinder? Yes No 7. Do you or will you use fats, oils or greases (FOGs) in your business? Yes No If yes, describe how the spent FOGs are disposed of: 8. Are grease, oil or sand traps and/or interceptors present? a) If yes, how often are they cleaned? ________________________ b) By whom? ____________________________________________ c) Size of traps/interceptors? _______________________________ d) Location of traps/interceptors? ___________________________ e) If additives are used to dissolve fats, oils and greases, please list chemicals used ______________________________________________________ 9. Do you or will you use chemicals/solvents in your business? _______________ a) Are these chemicals/solvents store on site? _________________ b) Are any of these chemicals/solvents store in containers exceeding five (5) gallon capacity? ________________________________________________________________________ c) Is there secondary containment provided for these chemicals/solvents? _____________ WWW.HAILEYCITYHALL.ORG ● 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET ● HAILEY, ID 83333 ● (208) 788 4221 ● FAX: (208) 788 2924- - |
Note: If chemicals are stored in five (5) gallon or larger containers, a copy of the MSDS (Materials Safety Data Sheet) must be provided to the City of Hailey Wastewater Department. 10. Do you have an Accidental Spill Prevention Plan? _______________ (if yes, please attach). I certify that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision, and the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate and complete. Furthermore, I certify that all Fire Code requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment, and/or revocation of City of Hailey Business License, for knowing violation. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ Other Items: If you are a food related business or childcare business, please contact: South Central Health District: (208) 788 4335- State of Idaho Plumbing Inspector: Vern “Pewee” Thomas (208) 358 3583- State of Idaho Electrical Inspector: Larry Wharton (208) 481 0069- WWW.HAILEYCITYHALL.ORG ● 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET ● HAILEY, ID 83333 ● (208) 788 4221 ● FAX: (208) 788 2924- - |
Online Business Directory This service is provided exclusively to businesses holding a valid City of Hailey business license. If you are not already listed on the City of Hailey’s online business directory or if you would like to make changes to existing information, please fill out this form and fax it to (208) 788 2924, email it to - or mail it to the address at the bottom of the page. Business Name: License No.: Website Address (for linking): Email Address: 1. Check the category for your listing (choose up to three). Accounting/Bookkeeping Landscape Services Arts Organizations/Professional Theater Legal Services Auto, Rentals, Repair & Maintenance Medical, Dental & Wellness Auto, Transportation & Shipping Nightlife & Entertainment Banks & Financial Services Pharmacies Communications & Technology Companies Photography & Film Development Community & Civic Organizations Pool & Spa Suppliers Construction & Related Services Property Management, Maintenance, Inspections Copy & Office Supplies Real Estate & Real Estate Appraisals Custom Furniture and Finishing Recreation & Fitness Day Care/Preschools Religious Organizations Dining Salons, Spas & Beauty Services Dry Cleaning, Laundry & Alterations Shopping Florists Sporting Goods Funeral Services Thrift Stores Galleries, Art Studios & Framing Utilities Groceries & Convenience Stores Welding & Repair Hotels/Motels/Inns/Bed & Breakfasts Wholesalers & Distributors Insurance Other:___________________________________ 2. (Optional) Write a description of your business in 25 words or less. 3. (Optional) Email a digital image of your business to Please reference your business name or license number in the email. Authorized Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: WWW.HAILEYCITYHALL.ORG ● 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET ● HAILEY, ID 83333 ● (208) 788 4221 ● FAX: (208) 788 2924- - |
REMINDER LOCAL OPTION TAX ADDITIONAL 1% BEGINS JANUARY 1, 2014 What is the Local Option Tax (LOT)? Voters approved an additional 1 percent in the November 5, 2013 election (Ordinance No. 1133) in 2 categories, hotel rooms and car rentals. The additional 1% is for 5 years and begins January 1, 2014. An additional 5 year period was passed by voters May 16, 2017 extending from January 1, 2019: • A four percent (4%) tax on the rental vehicle charge for each rental vehicle rented or leased within the city. • A four percent (4%) tax on the room occupancy charge for each hotel/motel room or living unit rented or leased within the city, for temporary lodging of thirty (30) days or less. • A two percent (2%) tax on the sales price of each retail sale of alcohol by the drink within the city. • A one percent (1%) tax on the sales price of each retail sale of restaurant food within the city. When are taxes paid? • Taxes should be paid on the same schedule you pay your State of Idaho sales taxes–if you pay state taxes monthly, your LOT taxes should be paid monthly. If you pay state taxes quarterly, your LOT taxes should be paid quarterly. th • Taxes are paid either monthly or quarterly, and are due on the 25 of each month for the previous month or quarter (for example, July’s taxes are due August 25; third quarter taxes are due October 25). How do I send tax payments? • Returns must be filed even if no tax is due. • Use a Municipal Non-Property Tax Return form. • Reference your LOT tax permit # on the form. • Include a copy of your Idaho State Sales Tax Return. What is the history of Local Option Tax in Hailey? • May 23, 2006 voters passed the first Local Option Tax with Ordinance No. 950 for 4 years, effective July 1, 2006. • November 3, 2009 voters passed and additional 20 years of Local Option Tax with Ordinance No. 1035 beginning July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2030. • November 5, 2013 voters passed an additional 1 percent for Hotels and Car rentals for 5 years beginning January 1, 2014. • May 16, 2017 voters passed the additional 1% percent for Hotels and Car rentals for another 5 years beginning January 1, 2019. |
Office Use Only: MUNICIPAL NON-PROPERTY Assigned Permit No.: ____________ SALES TAX PERMIT Assigned Account No.: ____________ Required under Ordinance Nos. 950, 1035, and 1212 of the City of Hailey. Business Name: Business Location: Business Mailing Address: Owner Name: Phone: Owner Residence Address: Owner Mailing Address: Owner Email Address: Ownership Type: Sole Proprietorship Corporation Partnership Other (specify) If the ownership is other than sole proprietorship, list below all partners, officers, and directors, principals and/or authorized agents. (Use back of form if more space is required.) Name: Mailing Address: Type of Business: The undersigned agrees to collect the following applicable taxes (check all that apply): A four percent (4%) tax on the rental vehicle charge for each rental vehicle rented or leased within the city. A four percent (4%) tax on the room occupancy charge for each hotel/motel room or living unit rented or leased within the city, for temporary lodging of thirty (30) days or less. A two percent (2%) tax on the sales price of each retail sale of alcohol by the drink within the city. A one percent (1%) tax on the sales price of each retail sale of restaurant food within the city. The undersigned further agrees to remit the above municipal tax using the same schedule as required for remittance of taxes to the Idaho State Tax Commission. Tax will be remitted for each calendar month or each calendar quarter th on or before the 25 day of the succeeding month to the City Clerk’s Office, 115 Main St. S, Suite H, Hailey, ID 83333. Proposed Opening Date: Dated this _______ day of _______________________, 20_______. Applicant Signature: THIS PERMIT IS NONTRANSFERABLE BY SALE, LEASE, ASSIGNMENT OR OTHERWISE. CITY OF HAILEY 115 MAIN ST. S., SUITE H HAILEY, IDAHO 83333 208-788-4221 (05/16/18)F:BUSINESSLICENCE/LOT/TAX PERMIT APPLICATION |