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Form 70 — Instructions
Statement of Credit Transfer
General Instructions Any credit not claimed on the tax return filed during the
Use Form 70 to report the credit being transferred year of the transfer can be claimed on the transferee’s
and the number of years it can be carried forward. returns for the carryforward period approved on
Send this form to the Tax Commission at least 60 Form 70.
days before the transfer date.
Specific Instructions
Which Credits Can Be Transferred File a separate Form 70 to identify each transferee
Only the broadband equipment investment credit you’ll be transferring the credit to.
can be transferred. You can transfer all or a part of
the credit you earn. Part I — Transferor Information. If you’re transferring
the credit, enter your name as it appears on your tax
Who Can Transfer Credits return for the tax year when the transfer takes place.
You can transfer the broadband equipment Provide the additional identifying information. Enter the
investment credit if you originally earned the credit date the transfer will take place.
or you’re an intermediary. If you’re an intermediary,
you can either use all or part of the credit or resell If you’re an intermediary selling the credit to another
all or part of it to another taxpayer. The credit can’t taxpayer, complete Part I with your identifying
be transferred more than two times. information.
You can’t transfer the broadband equipment Part II — Transferee Information. Provide the
investment credit to another taxpayer if you name, address and Social Security number or
received the credit through unitary sharing. Employer Identification Number of the taxpayer you’re
transferring the credit to. This can be an intermediary.
Information You Must Provide
For each tax year the credit being transferred Part III — Credit Information. Enter the amount
was earned, you must provide copies of all of the to be transferred and the tax years the broadband
following: equipment investment credit was earned.
• Idaho Form 68 The Tax Commission will review the information
• Schedules that list the property the credit was provided and identify the credit available for transfer
earned on and the carryover period available to the transferee.
• The Idaho Public Utilities Commission The form will then be returned to the transferor.
approval authorizing the credit The Tax Commission may examine the transferor’s
books and records to verify that the credit claimed
When to Claim the Transferred Credit by the transferor was correct. If the Tax Commission
The transferee can claim transferred credits determines that the credit claimed was overstated or
on the original return filed in the calendar year that recapture of credit is necessary, any tax due from
of the transfer. For example, if the broadband an overstated or recaptured credit will be due from the
equipment investment credit was transferred on transferor.
June 1, 2021, the transferee can claim the credit on
their original return for calendar year 2020 filed on
October 15, 2021.
If you don’t claim the transferred credit on your
original return filed during the calendar year when
the transfer takes place, you can’t amend the return
for that tax year to claim the credit.
Contact us:
In the Boise area: (208) 334-7660 |Toll free: (800) 972-7660
Hearing impaired (TDD) (800) 377-3529
EIN00086 06-01-2023