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Form 49ABE — Instructions 2022
Affected Business Entity Investment Tax Credit
General Instructions Column A
Enter the amount of qualified new investments
Use this form to calculate the investment tax the entity claimed the property exemption on.
credit (ITC) earned or allowed of the ABE.
Column B
Qualified Depreciable Property and Enter the amount of qualified used investments
Nonqualifying property. the entity claimed the property exemption on.
See Form 49 for the definition of qualifying
property and examples of both qualifying property Line 2. Include a list of all ITC investments being
and nonqualifying property. passed through by S corporations, partnerships,
trusts, or estates that the entity has an interest in.
Other Information This amount is reported on Form ID K-1, Part X.
For information regarding property used both Identify each entity by name, EIN, and the share of
in and outside of Idaho, carryover periods, new and used qualified investments being passed
the election to claim the two-year property tax through. Don’t include anything on this line for S
exemption instead of ITC, and recapture see the corporations or partnerships that are ABE entities.
general instructions for Form 49.
Line 3. Used property is limited to $150,000. If the
Specific Instructions total qualified used investments is greater than
$150,000, enter $150,000 in Column B.
Instructions are for lines not fully explained on the
form. Line 5. Enter the ITC carryover from prior years.
Part I — Credit Available Subject to Limitation Compute the amount on Form 49C or on a separate
schedule. Include a copy of Form 49C or the
Line 1a. Include a list of all property the entity schedule. See General Instructions for Form 49 for
acquired and placed in service during the tax year the carryover period allowed.
that qualifies for the ITC. The list should identify:
• Each item of property and its location Line 6. Include a list of all ITC that’s being passed
through by other ABE entities that the entity has an
• The entity’s basis in the item
interest in. This amount is reported on Form ID K-1,
• Whether the item is new or used, and Part X. Identify each ABE entity by name, EIN, and
• The date placed in service the share of the credit being passed through.
The basis of qualified property is the Idaho
Part II - Limitation
adjusted basis computed without bonus
depreciation. Don’t include any investments the The ITC is limited to the smallest of the following:
entity is expensing under IRC section 179. • Tax available after credit for contributions to
Column A Idaho educational entities
Enter the amount of qualified new investments • ITC available
placed in service in the current year.
Line 1. Enter the amount of the entity’s Idaho
Column B income tax. This is the computed tax before adding
Enter the amount of qualified used investments the permanent building fund tax or any other taxes,
placed in service in the current year. or subtracting any credits.
Line 1b. This exemption is allowed instead of Line 6. Enter the smallest amount from lines 3, 4,
earning the ITC. Include applicable Form 49Es. or 5. Carry this amount to Form 49, Part II, line 8.
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In the Boise area: (208) 334-7660 Toll free: (800) 972-7660|
Hearing impaired (TDD) (800) 377-3529
EIN00109 08-18-2022