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R 75-BST
M EFO00050
  06-06-2016 Idaho Consumers with Single or Multiple Bulk Storage Tanks

Use this worksheet ONLY IF you use Idaho tax-paid motor fuel from bulk storage tank(s) in Idaho in both a taxable and 
nontaxable manner.  You can also include retail purchases of tax-paid motor fuel used for a nontaxable purpose.

You can't use this worksheet if you only use both tax-paid (clear) diesel and dyed (exempt) Idaho diesel.

Use this worksheet to compute the Idaho tax-paid and nontaxable gallons when:

  y  Fuel is withdrawn from:
           A single bulk storage tank, and/or
           Multiple bulk storage tanks, and
  y  Fuel is purchased from a retail station, cardlock, and/or a bulk plant.

Attach this worksheet to your Form 75.

                                                                                                        A                             B                              C                           D
                           FUELS TAX REFUND                                   Gasoline                   Av Gas                   Jet Fuel          Undyed Diesel


1.  Total Idaho tax-paid gallons purchased for a single 
    bulk storage tank .......................................................

 2.  Authorized percentage for a single bulk storage 
   tank .............................................................................          %                                                                                                     %

 3.  Total allowed nontaxable gallons from a single 
    bulk storage tank ........................................................


 4.  Total tax-paid motor fuel from all bulk fuel storage 
   tanks  ...........................................................................

 5.  Tax-paid gallons from a designated nontaxable use 
    bulk storage tank ........................................................


6.  Actual taxable gallons purchased from retail 
    stations or cardlocks for nontaxable use ..................

 7.  Actual nontaxable gallons claimed from bulk 
    storage tank USING ACTUAL RECORDS ..............


8.  Total nontaxable gallons to report in Section V, 
    line 2, page 2 of Form 75 under the appropriate 
    fuel type (add lines 3 or 5 or 7 and 6 of this 
   worksheet) ..................................................................

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               Instructions for Idaho Form 75-BST Worksheet

This worksheet is intended to help you claim refunds of the   To determine the nontaxable gallons eligible for a refund:
motor fuels tax when Idaho tax-paid fuel is withdrawn from    Line 4.  Enter the total Idaho tax-paid gallons purchased for 
either a single bulk storage tank or multiple bulk storage    all bulk storage tanks.
tanks, and the fuel is used in a taxable and nontaxable 
manner.                                                       Line 5.  Enter the number of Idaho tax-paid gallons 
                                                              withdrawn from the designated nontaxable use bulk fuel 
Who May NOT Use This Worksheet                                storage tank into unregistered equipment.
Don’t use this worksheet if you: 
Are licensed under IFTA.                                    EXAMPLE:  You only buy gasoline.  One tank, 
Have non-IFTA motor vehicles and use a Form 75-IMV          Tank A, is used to fill your car.  The second tank, 
  to claim fuels tax refunds for the nontaxable use of mo-    Tank B, is used to fill your tractors and other 
  tor fuels in those motor vehicles.                          equipment.  Report all the gallons delivered into 
Are claiming a refund for tax-paid undyed diesel and        all bulk fuel storage tanks on line 4 by adding the 
  have separate storage tanks for tax-paid undyed (clear)     gallons delivered into Tank A and Tank B.  Enter the 
  diesel and dyed (exempt) diesel.                            gallons delivered into the designated nontaxable 
                                                              use bulk storage tank (Tank B) on line 5.  You may 
Section 1: Fuel Withdrawn From a Single Storage Tank          not use untaxed fuel in registered motor vehicles or 
If you're using a preapproved authorized percentage to        vehicles required to be registered.
claim your refund, complete this section.  The authorized 
percentage method allows you to use a predetermined           Section 3: Other Fuel Purchased
percentage of the tax-paid gallons purchased for a single     If you purchase fuel from a retail station or cardlock and 
storage tank to calculate the nontaxable gallons of fuel      dispense it into small containers for use in stationary 
for the refund claim.  The Tax Commission must authorize      engines, equipment, commercial motorboats, or vehicles 
your percentage before you can use it to claim a refund.      other than registered motor vehicles, you only need to 
You must base your percentage request on past fuel            use this form if you also have a single bulk storage tank 
consumption rates for each type of unregistered equipment     or multiple bulk storage tanks and use one of the above 
you use.                                                      methods to claim a refund.  You don't need to use this form 
                                                              if you only purchase tax-paid motor fuel for small containers 
Records Required for Authorized Percentage Method             for use in stationary engines, equipment, commercial 
Keep your fuel purchase invoices and equipment lists for at   motorboats, or vehicles other than registered motor 
least three years.  The percentage is only allowed for the    vehicles.
fuel placed into the single bulk storage tank.  The equip-
ment list must be accompanied by supporting documents.        Records Required for Other Fuel Purchased
These documents can be equipment purchase, sale, or           Write the name or type of equipment on the fuel purchase 
rental records.  You can also include depreciation sched-     invoice.  Keep these records for three years.  No other 
ules.                                                         records are required.

To determine the nontaxable gallons eligible for a refund:    To determine the nontaxable gallons eligible for a refund:
Line 1.  Enter the total Idaho tax-paid gallons purchased for Line 6.  Total the fuel purchase invoices for small containers 
a single bulk storage tank.                                   for use in stationary engines, equipment, etc.  Enter the 
                                                              amount on Line 6.
Line 2.  Enter your authorized percentage.
                                                              Line 7.  If you have bulk storage (using the actual use 
Line 3.  Calculate the nontaxable gallons by multiplying line method to claim a refund) and retail fuel purchases for 
1 by line 2 of the worksheet.  Enter the results on line 3.   nontaxable use, enter the total tax-paid gallons you're 
                                                              claiming as nontaxable withdrawals from the bulk storage.
Section 2: Fuel Withdrawn From Multiple Storage Tanks
If you only purchase tax-paid fuel and keep separate bulk     Summary:  Total Nontaxable Gallons
storage tanks for nontaxable and taxable uses, complete       Line 8.  Add the amount from either line 3 or line 5 to the 
this section.                                                 amounts on lines 6 and 7.  Enter the total on line 8 of 
                                                              this worksheet and in Section V, line 2, page 2 of Form 
Records Required for Actual Use Method                        75 under the appropriate fuel type.  Attach a copy of this 
The seller must mark the invoices at the time of delivery to  worksheet to the Form 75 and submit your refund claim by 
identify the storage tanks into which the fuel is delivered.  itself or with your income tax return.
You must keep all fuel purchase invoices.  

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