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R EFO00059
M 12-07-06
Name / DBA SSN / EIN
A fuel distributor may use this worksheet to
calculate a refund of special fuels tax if the
(Check One)
distributor delivers dyed diesel fuel, as well
as undyed diesel fuel, to customers from the Standard 5-Gallon Allowance
same fuel delivery truck. These “mixed”
Actual Documented Gallons
deliveries may cause undyed, tax-paid, diesel
fuel to be contaminated with red dye and have
Both Methodologies Used
to be put into the truck’s dyed diesel fuel
tank. This situation occurs when:
The fuel distributor must keep records in
1) dyed diesel fuel is used to flush undyed accordance with the methodology checked above
diesel fuel from the truck’s pressurized line, as follows:
Standard Allowance
2) undyed diesel fuel is used to flush dyed
diesel fuel from the truck’s pressurized line. Logs prepared by the delivery truck driver indicating
the truck number, date, number of flushes, and
Two methods are available to calculate the the type of each flush.
total nontaxable gallons used to flush lines
for the filing period: Actual Gallons
1) the Standard Allowance of 5 gallons Delivery tickets or totalizer log readings for each
multiplied by the number of flushes; or flush.
2) the Actual Gallons used to flush the lines. Records supporting this claim should not be
submitted with this claim, but must be retained
by the claimant. All fuels tax refund claims are
Both methods may be used throughout the
subject to review and/or audit by the Idaho State
filing period, but only one method may be used
Tax Commission.
to account for each separate flush.
1. Total number of times the pressurized line was flushed during the filing period. ...........
2. Number of times flushed using Standard Allowance. .......................................................
3. Number of gallons flushed using the Standard Allowance. (Line 2 x 5 gallons) ............
4. Number of times flushed using Actual Gallons. ................................................................
5. Number of gallons flushed using Actual Gallons. (Delivery tickets / totalizer log
readings) .............................................................................................................................
6. Nontaxable gallons to be reported on Form 75. (Add Line 3 and Line 5.)
(Enter on Line 2, Section V, Column D of Form 75) ...............................................................