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                         Form 39R                                                                                                              2022
                         Resident Supplemental Schedule 
Names as shown on return                                                                            Social Security number

A. Additions. See instructions, page 27.
1.  Federal net operating loss deduction included on Form 40, line 7 ..........................................                           ▪ 1  00
2.  Capital loss carryover incurred outside the state before becoming an Idaho resident ............                                      ▪ 2  00
3.  Non-Idaho state and local bond interest and dividends ...........................................................                     ▪ 3  00
4.  Idaho college savings account withdrawal ..............................................................................               ▪ 4  00
5.  Bonus depreciation. Include federal Form 4562s 
   Check the box if you have a current year loss limitation. See instructions   ▪                    ..................                   ▪ 5  00
6.  Other additions. Include explanation .......................................................................................          ▪ 6  00
7.  Total additions. Add lines 1 through 6. Enter here and on Form 40, line 8 ..............................                              ▪ 7  00
B. Subtractions. See instructions, page 29.
1.  Idaho net operating loss carryover  ▪
   Idaho net operating loss carryback   ▪               Enter total here ..............................                                     1  00
2.  State income tax refund, if included in federal income ............................................................                   ▪ 2  00
3.  Interest from U.S. government obligations ..............................................................................              ▪ 3  00
4. Energy efficiency upgrades .....................................................................................................       ▪ 4  00
5.  Alternative energy device deduction 
            Acquired     Type of Device    Total Cost   Percentage
         a. 2022                           $          X 40% =                                  5a ▪                                 00
         b. 2021                           $          X 20% =                                  5b ▪                                 00
         c. 2020                           $          X 20% =                                  5c ▪                                 00
         d. 2019                           $          X 20% =                                  5d ▪                                 00
         e.  Add lines 5a through 5d. Can’t exceed $5,000 ................................................................                ▪ 5e 00
6.  Child/dependent care. Complete worksheet on page 30, and include federal Form 2441 .....                                              ▪ 6  00
7. Social Security and railroad benefits, if included in federal income ........................................                          ▪ 7  00
8. Retirement benefits deduction
         a. If single, enter $40,140 or if married filing jointly, enter $60,210               ▪ 8a                                 00
         b. Federal Railroad Retirement benefits received ...........................          ▪ 8b                                 00
         c. Social Security benefits received ................................................ ▪ 8c                                 00
         d.  Line 8a minus lines 8b and 8c. If less than zero, enter zero .......                8d                                 00
         e. Qualified retirement benefits included in federal income .............             ▪ 8e                                 00
         f.  Enter the smaller of line 8d or 8e here .............................................................................        ▪ 8f 00
9.  Technological equipment donation ..........................................................................................           ▪ 9  00
10.  Idaho capital gains deduction. Include Form CG ....................................................................                  ▪ 10 00
11.  Active duty military pay earned outside of Idaho .....................................................................               ▪ 11 00
12.  Adoption expenses .................................................................................................................. ▪ 12 00
13.  Idaho medical savings account.  Contributions          Interest
         Financial institution                     Account number                                                                         ▪ 13 00
14.  Idaho college savings program ...............................................................................................        ▪ 14 00
15.  Home for the aged or developmentally disabled. Complete Part E, line 3 .............................                                 ▪ 15 00
16.  Idaho lottery winnings, less than $600 per prize .....................................................................               ▪ 16 00
17.  Income earned on a reservation by an American Indian .........................................................                       ▪ 17 00
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                                                                                                            Form 39R     2022     (continued)
Names as shown on return                                                                                    Social Security number

   18.  Health insurance premiums .....................................................................................................   ▪  18                  00
   19.   Long-term care insurance ....................................................................................................... ▪  19                  00
   20.  Workers’ compensation insurance ..........................................................................................        ▪  20                  00
   21.  Bonus depreciation. Include Form 4562s ................................................................................           ▪  21                  00
   22.  First-time home buyer savings account.       Contributions                            Interest
         Financial institution                         Account number                                                                           
         ▪ By checking the box, I attest that I am a first-time home buyer. See instructions.                                             ▪  22                  00
   23.  Other subtractions. Include explanation ..................................................................................        ▪  23                  00
   24.  Total subtractions. Add lines 1 through 4, 5e through 7, and 8f through 23. 
       Enter here and on Form 40, line 10 ........................................................................................        ▪  24                  00
C. Credit for income tax paid to other states. See instructions, page 37.
   This credit is being claimed for taxes paid to:   ▪                                                                                       (State name)

   1.  Idaho tax, Form 40, line 20. Enter amount here .................................         1                                         00
                                                                                                                                             Include a copy of the 
   2.  Federal adjusted gross income earned in other state adjusted for                                                                      income tax return and 
       Idaho modifications. See instructions ................................................ ▪ 2                                         00 a separate Form 39R 
   3.  Idaho adjusted income. See instructions ...........................................      3                                         00 for each state for which 
                                                                                                                                             a credit is claimed.
   4.  Divide line 2 by line 3. Enter percentage here ...................................       4           %
   5.  Multiply line 1 by line 4. Enter amount here .............................................................................            5                   00
   6.  Other state’s tax due minus its income tax credits. See instructions .......................................                       ▪  6                   00
   7.  Enter the smaller of lines 5 or 6 here and on Form 40, line 22 ................................................                    ▪  7                   00
D. Credits for Idaho educational entity and Idaho youth and rehabilitation
   facility contributions, and live organ donation expenses. See instructions, page 37.
   1.  Credit for Idaho educational entity contributions .....................................................................            ▪  1                   00
   2.  Credit for Idaho youth and rehabilitation facility contributions .................................................                 ▪  2                   00
   3.  Credit for live organ donation expenses ..................................................................................         ▪  3                   00
   4.  Total credits. Add lines 1 through 3. Enter total here and on Form 40, line 23 ........................                               4                   00
E. Maintaining a home for a family member age 65 or older or a family member with a 
   developmental disability. See instructions, page 39.
   1.  Did you maintain a home for an immediate family member age 65 or older (not including 
       you and your spouse) and provide more than one-half of that person’s support? ...................                                        Yes          No
   2.  Did you maintain a home for an immediate family member with a developmental disability 
       (including you and your spouse) and provide more than one-half of that person’s support? ....                                            Yes          No
   3.  List each family member you’re claiming: 
               Family Member’s Name                    Family Member’s  Relationship to Person              Family Member’s                         Check Here if 
    First Name                 Last Name               Social Security                        Filing Return Birthdate                               Developmentally 
                                                       Number                                               (mm/dd/yyyy)                            Disabled

   4.  Total amount claimed ($100 for each qualifying member but not more than $300).
       Enter here and on Form 40, line 44 .........................................................................................          4                   00
F. Dependents: (Continued from Form 40, page 1, line 6)
           First Name                                  Last Name                                  Social Security Number                            Birthdate

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                     Form 39R — Instructions                                                                                                  2022
                     Resident Supplemental Schedule 

Complete Form 39R if you’re filing Form 40. If you’re    Line 2 Capital Loss Carryover
filing Form 43, complete Form 39NR.                      If you claimed a capital loss or carryover from 
                                                         activities not taxable by Idaho or before you 
Part A — Additions                                       became an Idaho resident, enter the amount used 
Line 1 Federal Net Operating Loss (NOL) Deduction        in calculating your net capital gain or loss reported 
Generally the allowable federal NOL carryover isn’t      on your federal Schedule D.
the same amount allowed on the Idaho return. Enter       Use the worksheet below to calculate your Idaho 
any NOL carryover included on your federal return.       capital gain (loss) and capital loss carryover.
You’ll claim the allowable Idaho NOL carryover as a 
subtraction on Part B, line 1.

Tax Year                         Idaho Capital Gain or Loss Adjustment Worksheet                                                              Schedule D
          Don’t complete this worksheet if all of your Idaho gains (losses) are the same as your federal gains (losses).

List the Form 1099-B transactions reported on federal Schedule D, Part I lines 1a through 3 and Part II, lines 8a through 10 
that you sold after you became an Idaho resident. If you don’t have any Form 1099-B transactions for the current tax year, go 
to line 2.
              (a)                   (b)        (c)                      (d)          (e)                                                      (f) 
   Description of property       Date acquired Date sold    Sales price              Cost or other                                            Gain or (loss)
Example: 100 shares of “XYZ” Co. (mm/dd/yyyy)  (mm/dd/yyyy)                          basis

If you have additional transactions, list on a  Supplemental Schedule and enter the total gain or (loss) 
in column (f).
1. Total gain/(loss) ...................................................................................................................... 1 
2.  Enter the total gain/(loss) amounts that are Idaho-source on the following lines:

                                 a. Schedule D, Line 4
                                 b. Schedule D, Line 5
                                 c. Schedule D, Line 11
                                 d. Schedule D, Line 12
   Combine the amounts from a, b, c, and d. Enter the total amount ...........................................                              2 
3. Enter the total capital gain distributions (federal Form 1099-DIV, box 2a) 
   you received as an Idaho resident ...........................................................................................            3 
4.  Idaho capital loss carryover from prior year, if any ..................................................................                 4 
5. Tax year ________. Total Idaho gain (loss). Combine lines 1, 2, 3, and 4. 
   If a (loss), go to line 6. If a gain, go to line 7 ............................................................................          5 
6.  Enter the smaller loss of:
   (a)  the (loss) on line 5; or
   (b)  ($3,000) for married, qualifying widow(er) or head of household.
          ($1,500) if single or married filing separately ...............................................................                   6 
7.  Enter the Idaho gain from line 5 or (loss) from line 6 ...............................................................                  7 
8. Enter the (loss - if any) from federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 7. 
   If no loss is reported, enter zero ..............................................................................................        8 
9. Subtract line 8 from line 7. Enter the difference here and on Form 39R, Part A, line 2 ...........                                       9 

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                                                        Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

Idaho Capital Loss Carryover Worksheet                  Line 5 Bonus Depreciation
                                                        If you claimed bonus depreciation for federal purposes 
Tax Year                                                for property acquired before 2008 or after 2009:
  If the line 5 loss from the Idaho Capital             • Complete a separate federal Form 4562 or 
Gain or Loss Adjustment Worksheet is 
                                                          detailed computation for Idaho depreciation 
more than ($3,000) or ($1,500 for MFS and 
                                                          purposes as if the special depreciation allowance 
Single), subtract line 6 from line 5. This is 
                                                          hadn’t been claimed
your Idaho capital loss carryover ................
                                                        •  Compute the Idaho adjusted basis and any 
Keep these worksheets for your records.                   gains or losses from the sale or exchange of the 
                                                          property using the Idaho depreciation amounts
Example: For the current tax year you reported 
                                                        •  If the federal depreciation (including gains and 
capital loss carryovers totaling $40,000 that were 
                                                          losses) is more than the Idaho depreciation 
incurred before moving to Idaho. These are used 
                                                          (including Idaho gains and losses), include 
to offset $26,000 of Idaho capital gains earned in 
                                                          the difference on this line; otherwise, enter the 
the current year, resulting in a capital loss of $3,000 
                                                          difference on Part B, line 21
allowed on the federal return. For the current 
tax year, you must add back $29,000 on line 2           Include on this line your distributive share of bonus 
($26,000 gain offset plus $3,000 loss allowed). The     depreciation from Form ID K-1, Part IV, Column B, 
remainder of the $11,000 loss carryover must be         line 22.
added back in future years to the extent allowed as     Don’t enter any amounts for property acquired during 
a loss and used to offset gain.                         2008 and 2009.
Line 3 Non-Idaho State and Local Bond Interest          If you have a current year loss limitation for the 
and Dividends                                           following:
Enter the amount of interest and dividends, less        • At Risk (IRC Section 465)
the related expenses, you received from municipal       • Passive Loss (IRC Section 469)
bonds of other state governments, including 
                                                        • Partnership Basis (IRC Section 704(d))
their counties or cities or from obligations of any 
foreign country. This income isn’t reported on your     • Shareholder Basis (IRC Section 1366(d)
federal return.                                         Check the box and include Form DBDA.
This includes your distributive share of interest       Line 6 Other Additions
and dividends not taxable under the IRC from            Retirement Plan Lump-sum Distributions
Form ID K-1, Part IV, Column B, line 21. Don’t          Enter the taxable amount of a lump-sum distribution 
include the interest income from Idaho municipal        from a retirement plan reported on federal 
securities reported on Form ID K-1, Part IV,            Form 4972. The amount taxable by Idaho includes 
Column B, line 24.                                      the ordinary income portion and the amount eligible 
                                                        for the federal capital gain election.
Line 4 Idaho College Savings Account 
Withdrawal                                              Partner and Shareholder Additions
If you made a nonqualified withdrawal from an           Include on this line the state, municipal, and local 
Idaho college savings account, enter the amount         income tax additions from Form ID K-1, Part IV, 
withdrawn less any amounts reported on your             Column B, line 20 and the other additions from 
federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR.                           Form ID K-1, Part IV, Column B, line 23.
Include withdrawals from Idaho college savings          Idaho Medical Savings Account Withdrawals
programs that were transferred to a qualified           If you withdraw funds from an Idaho medical 
program operated by another state or a qualified        savings account and don’t use the funds to 
Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE)               pay eligible medical expenses, Idaho taxes 
program. The amount added back is limited to your       the withdrawal. Report this amount as an other 
contributions deducted in the year of transfer and the  addition. Eligible medical expenses include medical 
previous tax year.                                      care, vision care, dental care, medical insurance 
                                                        premiums, and long-term care expenses.

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                                                    Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

If you make a taxable withdrawal and you’re under   gross income, Form 40, line 7. Examples of U.S. 
age 59 1/2, penalty applies to the withdrawal. The  government obligations include:
penalty is 10% of the amount withdrawn. Report      •  Banks for Cooperatives
the penalty on Form 40, line 52, and check the box 
                                                    • Federal Farm Credit Banks
for an unqualified withdrawal.
                                                    • Federal Financing Bank
First-time Home Buyer Savings Account               • Federal Homeowners Loan Bank
                                                    • Federal Intermediate Credit Bank
If you withdraw funds from an Idaho first-time 
home buyer savings account and don’t use the        • Federal Land Bank
funds to pay eligible home costs, Idaho taxes       •  Guam
the withdrawal. Report this amount as an other      •  Puerto Rico
addition. Eligible home costs include:              • Student Loan Marketing Association
•  Down payment for the purchase of an Idaho        • Tennessee Valley Authority Bonds
         home                                       • Territory of Alaska
•  Costs, fees, taxes, or payments for the 
                                                    • Territory of Hawaii
         purchase of an Idaho home
                                                    • Territory of Samoa
Non-Idaho Passive Losses
                                                    • U.S. Series EE and HH Bonds
If you claimed a passive loss that was incurred 
from activities not taxable by Idaho or before you  • U.S. Treasury Bills and Notes
became an Idaho resident, enter the amount          •  Virgin Islands
reported on your federal return.                    Idaho taxes interest income received from the Federal 
Emergency Rental Assistance                         National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and the 
Include on this line any amounts excluded from      Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA).
taxable income for funds received according to the  If you have interest income from a mutual fund that 
emergency rental assistance program established     invests in both nonexempt securities and exempt 
under Public Law 116-260 for COVID relief.          U.S. government securities, you can deduct the 
                                                    portion of the interest that’s attributable to direct 
Part B — Subtractions                               U.S. government obligations. This amount must be 
                                                    identified by the mutual fund to be deductible.
Line 1 Idaho Net Operating Loss (NOL) Carryover 
and Carryback                                       This includes your distributive share from Form ID K-1, 
Enter the Idaho NOL carryover. Include Form 56 or   Part IV, line 25.
a schedule showing the application of the loss.
                                                    Line 4 Energy Efficiency Upgrade
If this is an amended return to claim an NOL        To qualify for this deduction, your Idaho residence 
carryback, enter the amount of the NOL carryback.   must have existed, been under construction or had a 
Include Form 56 or a schedule showing the           building permit issued on or before January 1, 2002, 
application of the loss.                            and must be your primary residence.
Enter the total of the NOL carryover and carryback  Energy efficiency upgrade means an energy 
amounts.                                            efficiency improvement to your residence’s envelope 
                                                    or duct system that meets or exceeds the minimum 
Line 2 State Income Tax Refund
If you itemized your deductions on federal          value for the improved component established by 
Form 1040, enter the amount of all state income tax the version of the International Energy Conservation 
refunds and state tax rebates included in income on Code (IECC) in effect in Idaho during the tax year 
federal Schedule 1, line 1.                         when the improvement is made. Contact the Idaho 
                                                    Division of Building Safety at dbs.idaho.gov for 
Line 3 Interest from U.S. Government Obligations    more information.
Idaho doesn’t tax interest income you received      Examples of energy efficiency upgrades include:
from U.S. government obligations. Deduct any U.S. 
                                                    •  Insulation that’s added to existing insulation. 
government interest included in federal adjusted 
                                                      Insulated siding doesn’t qualify unless the 

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                                                      Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

  cost of the siding and the insulating material      You must install the natural gas or propane heating 
  is stated separately. The cost of the insulating    unit or the EPA-certified wood stove or pellet stove in 
  material is the only thing that qualifies.          the same tax year that you surrender the nonqualifying 
• Windows that replace less efficient existing        wood stove to the DEQ.
                                                      Lines 5a – 5d
• Storm windows.                                      Complete the lines that apply to the year you acquired 
•  Weather stripping and caulking.                    the device. For example, if you acquired the device 
•  Duct sealing and insulation. Duct sealing          in 2019, complete line 5d. Enter the device type and 
  requires mechanical fastening of joints and         total cost. Multiply the total cost by the appropriate 
  mastic sealant.                                     percentage. Line 5e can’t be more than $5,000.

The amount charged for labor to install the energy    Line 6 Child and Dependent Care
efficiency upgrades also is deductible.               If you claimed the federal Credit for Child and 
                                                      Dependent Care Expenses, you’re allowed an Idaho 
Line 5 Alternative Energy Device Deduction
                                                      deduction for the child care expenses you paid for 
If you install an alternative energy device in your 
                                                      the care of your dependents. The Idaho deduction is a 
Idaho residence, you can deduct a portion of the 
                                                      different amount than the federal credit.
amount actually paid or accrued (billed but not paid).
                                                      Complete this worksheet to determine your Idaho 
In the year the device is placed in service, you can 
                                                      child or dependent care deduction. Refer to federal 
deduct 40% of the cost to construct, reconstruct, 
                                                      Form 2441 to determine amounts to enter on lines 1 
remodel, install, or acquire the device, but not more 
                                                      through 6.
than $5,000.
In the next three years after installation, you can 
deduct 20% of these costs per year, but not more      1. Enter the amount of qualified expenses 
than $5,000 in any year.                                 you incurred and paid in 2022. Don’t 
                                                         include amounts paid by your employer 
Qualifying devices include:
                                                         or excluded from taxable income ...........
•  A system using solar radiation, wind, or           2.  Enter $3,000 for one child or dependent 
  geothermal resource primarily to provide               or $6,000 for more than one child or 
  heating or cooling or produce electrical power         dependent cared for during the year ......
  or any combination thereof
                                                      3. Enter excluded benefits from Part III of 
• A fluid-to-air heat pump operating on a                Form 2441 ..............................................
  fluid reservoir heated by solar radiation or 
                                                      4. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or 
  geothermal resource but not an air-to-air heat 
                                                         less, stop. You can’t claim the 
  pump unless it uses geothermal resources as            deduction ................................................
  part of the system
                                                      5.  Enter your earned income ......................
•  A natural gas or propane heating unit that 
  replaces a noncertified wood stove                  6. If married filing a joint return, enter your 
                                                         spouse’s earned income. All others 
•  An Environmental Protection Agency 
                                                         enter the amount from line 5 ..................
  (EPA)-certified wood stove or pellet stove 
  meeting the most current industry and state         7.  Enter the smallest of lines 1, 4, 5, or 6 
  standards that replaces a noncertified wood            here and on Form 39R, Part B, line 6 .....
                                                      Include federal Form 2441, Child and Dependent Care 
A noncertified wood stove is a wood stove that        Expenses, with your return.
doesn’t meet the most current EPA standards. You 
must take the noncertified wood stove to a site       Line 7 Social Security and Railroad Benefits
authorized by the Idaho Division of Environmental     Idaho doesn’t tax Social Security benefits, benefits 
Quality (DEQ) within 30 days from the date of         paid by the Railroad Retirement Board, or Canadian 
purchase of the qualifying device. The DEQ            Social Security benefits (OAS, QPP or CPP) that 
will give you a receipt to verify it received and     are taxable on your federal return.
destroyed the noncertified wood stove.

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                                                      Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

Exempt payments from the Railroad Retirement          or widower of a pensioner and receive qualifying 
Board include:                                        survivor benefits, you may be eligible to claim 
•  Retirement, supplemental, and disability           the retirement benefit deduction if you meet the 
  annuities                                           age/disability requirements.
• Unemployment and sickness benefits                  Part Two – Qualified Retirement Benefits
                                                      The recipients must meet the requirements in 
Enter the taxable amount of Social Security benefits 
                                                      Part One, and their qualified retirement benefits must 
from Form SSA-1099 or Social Security equivalent 
                                                      be one of the following:
railroad benefits from Form RRB-1099 included 
on your federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 6b.        Civil Service Employees: Retirement 
Don’t enter the amount reported on Form 1040 or         annuities paid by the United States of America 
1040-SR, line 6a.                                       Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), the 
                                                        Foreign Service Retirement and Disability 
Enter the taxable amount of non-Social Security 
                                                        System (FSRDS), or the offset programs of 
equivalent railroad benefits from Form RRB-1099R 
                                                        these two systems. To qualify for the deduction, 
included on your federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
                                                        the employee must have established eligibility 
line 5b. Don’t enter the amount reported on 
                                                        before 1984. Retirement annuities paid to a 
Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 5a.
                                                        retired federal employee under the Federal 
If subtracting benefits from the Railroad Retirement    Employees Retirement System (FERS) don’t 
Board, you must include Form RRB-1099 or                qualify for the deduction. If you received a 
RRB-1099-R with your return.                            CSA-1099, you can tell if your benefits are 
Disability pension paid by the Federal Railroad         paid under the CSRS or FERS by looking at 
Retirement Act may be included as wages on              the first digit of the account number shown on 
Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 1 if you’re under the        your CSA-1099. If the first digit is 7, the benefits 
minimum retirement age.                                 are paid out of FERS and don’t qualify. If the 
                                                        first digit is 8, look at your Notice of Annuity 
Line 8 Retirement Benefits Deduction for                Adjustment from the Office of Personnel 
Qualified Retirement Benefits                           Management. The notice shows how much of 
You may be able to deduct some of the qualifying        your benefits are paid from CSRS and how 
retirement benefits and annuities you receive.          much are paid from FERS. Only the portion 
The Idaho Retirement Benefits Deduction has a           paid from CSRS qualifies for this deduction. If 
                                                        the first digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, the benefits are 
two-part qualification. You must qualify for both 
parts to receive this deduction.                        paid out of CSRS.
                                                      Idaho Firefighters: Retirement benefits paid by 
Part One – Age, Disability, and Marital/Filing 
                                                        the Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho 
                                                        (PERSI) relating to the Firemen’s Retirement 
The recipients must be at least age 65 or be 
                                                        Fund. If you received a 1099R and your account 
classified as disabled and be at least age 62.
                                                        number includes the FRF (Firemen’s Retirement 
The following individuals are classified as disabled:   Fund) designation, your benefits may qualify for 
•  An individual recognized as disabled by              the deduction. Benefits paid out of the PERSI 
  the Social Security Administration, the               Base Plan don’t qualify for the deduction.
  Railroad Retirement Board, or the Office of         Police Officers of an Idaho City: Retirement 
  Management and Budget                                 benefits paid from the Policemen’s Retirement 
• A veteran of a U.S. war with a service-connected      Fund that no longer admits new members 
  disability rating of 10% or more                      and, on January 1, 2012, was administered 
• A veteran of a U.S. war with a                        by an Idaho city or PERSI. Also, benefits 
  nonservice-connected disability pension               paid by PERSI relating to Idaho police officer 
                                                        employment not included in the federal Social 
• A person who has a physician-certified 
                                                        Security retirement system. For example, 
  permanent disability with no expectation of 
                                                        benefits paid out of the city police retirement 
                                                        funds for the cities of Coeur d’Alene, Lewiston, 
If you’re married, you can’t claim this deduction if    and Pocatello may qualify for the deduction. 
you file separately. If you’re an unremarried widow 

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                                                                  Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

  Similarly, benefits paid by PERSI relating to the               Line 9 Technological Equipment Donation
  old Idaho Falls Policemen’s Retirement Fund                     Enter the lesser of cost or fair market value of 
  may qualify for the deduction. If you received                  technological equipment donated to one or more of 
  a 1099R and your account number includes                        the following Idaho educational institutions or libraries 
  the IFP (Idaho Falls Police) designation, your                  located in Idaho:
  benefits may qualify for the deduction. Benefits                •   Public or nonprofit private elementary or 
  paid out of the PERSI Base Plan don’t qualify                       secondary school
  for the deduction.
                                                                  •   Public or nonprofit private college or university
Service Members: Retirement benefits paid 
                                                                  •  Public library or library district
  by the United States to a retired member of the 
  U.S. military.                                                  Items that qualify for this deduction are limited 
                                                                  to computers, computer software, and scientific 
Disability pension paid by the Federal Railroad 
                                                                  equipment or apparatus manufactured within five 
Retirement Act may not be included on your 
                                                                  years of the date of donation. The amount deducted 
Form RRB-1099 or RRB-1099-R, if you’re under the 
                                                                  can’t reduce Idaho taxable income to less than zero. 
minimum retirement age. Instead it may be included 
                                                                  Any unused deduction can’t be carried to another year.
on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 1 as wages.
                                                                  Include your distributive share from the appropriate 
Line 8a The maximum amounts that can be 
                                                                  column of Form ID K-1, Part IV, line 26. The deduction 
deducted for 2022 are:
                                                                  from a pass-through entity can’t be more than the 
Married filing jointly:                                           amount of pass-through income minus deductions of 
•   Recipient age 65 or older ....................... $60,210     the entity making the contribution.
•   Recipient age 62 or older and disabled ... $60,210
Single:                                                           Line 10 Idaho Capital Gains Deduction
                                                                  You may be able to deduct 60% of the capital gain net 
•   Age 65 or older ...................................... $40,140
                                                                  income reported on federal Schedule D from the sale 
•   Age 62 or older and disabled .................. $40,140
                                                                  of qualified Idaho property described below.
These amounts must be reduced by retirement                       (a)  Real property held for at least 12 months, or
benefits received by you and your spouse under the 
Federal Social Security Act and the Federal Railroad              (b) Tangible personal property used in a 
Retirement Act.                                                       revenue-producing enterprise and held for at 
                                                                      least 12 months. A revenue-producing enterprise 
The amount deducted can’t be more than the                            means:
amount of qualified benefits included in federal 
                                                                       •  Producing, assembling, fabricating, 
                                                                         manufacturing, or processing any agricultural, 
Line 8b. Enter the amount of retirement benefits                         mineral, or manufactured product
you (and your spouse) received under the Federal                       • Storing, warehousing, distributing, or selling 
Railroad Retirement Act.                                                 at wholesale any products of agriculture, 
Include on this line:                                                    mining, or manufacturing
• The net Social Security equivalent benefit                           • Feeding livestock at a feedlot
  portion from federal Form RRB-1099, Box 5                            •  Operating laboratories or other facilities for 
• The “total gross paid” amount from federal                             scientific, agricultural, or animal husbandry, or 
  Form RRB-1099-R, Box 7, minus any                                      industrial research, development, or testing
  repayment from Box 8; and                                       (c)  Cattle and horses held for at least 24 months and 
• Any railroad retirement disability benefit                          other livestock used for breeding held for at least 
  included as wages on federal Form 1040 or                           12 months
  1040-SR, line 1                                                 (d) Timber held for at least 24 months
Line 8c. Enter the amount of retirement benefits you              (e) Certain sales of partnership interests. See Idaho 
(and your spouse) received under the Federal Social                   Code 63-3022H(3)(f) for more information.
Security Act, Box 5 of your Form SSA-1099s. If you 
or your spouse received Canadian Social Security                  Note: Gains from the sale of stocks and other 
                                                                  intangibles don’t qualify.
benefits that you included in your federal taxable 
income, include those amounts received.
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- 9 -
                                                       Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

Complete Idaho Form CG to compute your capital         An Idaho medical savings account is generally 
gains deduction.                                       established with a bank, savings and loan, or credit 
                                                       union. The account is established to pay eligible 
Line 11 Active Duty Military Pay Earned                medical expenses of the account holder and the 
Outside of Idaho                                       account holder’s dependents.
If you’re serving in the United States military on 
active duty that’s continuous and uninterrupted for    Include interest earned on the account on line 13 but 
120 days, Idaho doesn’t tax your active duty military  only if included on Form 40, line 7. Add your qualifying 
wages for service outside of Idaho. The continuous     contributions to the interest earned on the account. 
120 days don’t have to be in the same tax year.        Enter the name of the financial institution and your 
Enter your nontaxable military wages.                  account number in the spaces provided.

Don’t include military wages earned while stationed    Line 14 Idaho College Savings Program
in Idaho. Your W-2 doesn’t show this amount            You can deduct up to $6,000 ($12,000 if married filing 
separately, and you may have to compute the            a joint return) per year in contributions to accounts 
amount of income earned outside of Idaho. You          in the Idaho College Savings Program (IDeal). 
should see your unit of assignment or use your         Contributions to an out-of-state qualified tuition 
orders in making the computation. Include a copy of    program aren’t eligible for the deduction. Designate 
your worksheet.                                        the account owner and beneficiary at the time you 
National Guard or Reserve pay, including annual        establish the account. The account owner can make 
training pay, generally doesn’t qualify as active duty withdrawals for a qualified eligible education expense 
pay unless you’ve been called into full-time duty for  for the beneficiary as provided in 26 U.S.C. section 
120 days or more. If you’re a commissioned officer     529. The person who withdraws the funds must report 
of the Public Health Service or of the National        the amounts withdrawn as income. More information is 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration militarized     available at idsaves.org or by calling (866) 433-2533.
by the President of the United States and attached 
                                                       Line 15 
to the armed forces, your active duty military wages 
earned outside Idaho qualify for this deduction.       Home for the Aged 
Enter these wages on this line.                        You can deduct $1,000 for each family member, not 
                                                       including yourself or your spouse, who:
Line 12 Adoption Expenses                              •  Is age 65 or older
If you adopt a child, you can deduct some of the       •  You maintain a household for, and
expenses incurred in the adoption. You can claim 
                                                       •  You provide more than one-half of the family 
legal and medical expenses incurred up to a 
                                                            member’s support for the year
maximum of $10,000 per adoption. Travel expenses 
don’t qualify. If you incur expenses in two or more    Developmentally Disabled
years, deduct the costs in the year paid until you     You can deduct $1,000 for each family member, 
meet the $10,000 limit. The expenses related to an     including yourself and your spouse, who:
unsuccessful attempt to adopt aren’t deductible.       •  Is developmentally disabled 
If you claim expenses in a year before such a          •  You maintain a household for, and
determination, file an amended return to add back 
                                                       •  You provide more than one-half of the family 
any deduction claimed for the unsuccessful attempt.
                                                            member’s support for the year
Line 13 Idaho Medical Savings Account                  No more than three deductions of $1,000 are allowed. 
Contributions and Interest                             If you claim this deduction, you can’t claim the $100 
You can contribute up to $10,000 ($20,000 if           credit in Part E.
married filing a joint return) to an Idaho medical 
                                                       Developmental disability means a chronic disability 
savings account and deduct the contribution. 
Deductible contributions don’t include 
reimbursements that were redeposited into your         •  Is attributable to an impairment such as:
Idaho medical savings account. Don’t include                ‚  Intellectual disability
amounts deducted on federal Form 1040 or                    ‚  Cerebral palsy
1040-SR.                                                    ‚

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- 10 -
                                                        Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

         ‚  Autism                                      Line 17 Income Earned on a Reservation by an 
         ‚  Other condition found to be closely related American Indian
           to or similar to, one of these impairments,  You can deduct all your income from working on the 
           and                                          reservation only when all these criteria are met:
•  Results in substantial functional limitation in      •  You’re enrolled in a federally recognized tribe
  three or more of the following areas of life          •  You live and work on the reservation
  activity:                                             • The income is included on Form 40, line 7 of 
         ‚ Self-care                                      your tax return
         ‚  Receptive and expressive language           If you have no other income, you aren’t required to file.
         ‚  Learning                                    Income earned off the reservation can’t be deducted. 
         ‚  Mobility                                    Income earned on the reservation can’t be deducted if 
         ‚ Self-direction                               you live off the reservation.
         ‚  Capacity for independent living
                                                        Line 18 Health Insurance Premiums
         ‚ Economic self-sufficiency, and               Deduct premiums you paid for health insurance for 
• Reflects the need for a combination and               yourself, your spouse, and your dependents if those 
  sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic    premiums haven’t already been deducted or excluded 
  care, treatment, or other services which are of       from your income.
  lifelong or extended duration and individually        If you claimed a deduction for health insurance 
  planned and coordinated.                              premiums on your federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
If you maintain the home for the family member for      Schedule A, use the worksheet on page 35 to 
less than a full year, the deduction is allowed at      calculate the deduction allowed for health insurance 
the rate of $83.33 for each month the home was          premiums. The worksheet follows the priority that 
maintained.                                             itemized deductions first apply to health insurance 
                                                        premiums then to long-term care insurance.
A family member is any person who meets the 
relationship test to be claimed as a dependent on       Idaho Medical Savings Account
income tax returns. Refer to the federal Form 1040      If you take money out of your Idaho medical savings 
instructions for more information.                      account to pay medical insurance premiums, no 
                                                        deduction is allowed. Since the health insurance costs 
Maintaining a household means paying more than 
                                                        are already deducted or accounted for, they can’t be 
one-half of the expenses incurred for the benefit 
                                                        deducted a second time.
of all the household’s occupants. Social Security 
benefits aren’t support provided by you but must be     Salary Reduction Plans
included in the computation of total support provided.  Premiums paid through a cafeteria plan or other 
Some examples of expenses of maintaining a              salary-reduction arrangement can’t be included in 
household include:                                      the Idaho deduction for health insurance costs. For 
                                                        example, if your health insurance payments are 
•  Property taxes
                                                        deducted from your paycheck pretax, they don’t qualify 
•  Mortgage interest                                    for the deduction.
•  Rent
                                                        Business Deductions
•  Utility charges                                      Premiums deducted as a business expense can’t be 
•  Upkeep and repairs                                   included in the Idaho deduction for health insurance 
•  Property insurance, and                              costs, since these amounts are already deducted. This 
                                                        includes amounts of self-employed health insurance 
• Food consumed on the premises
                                                        premiums deducted in arriving at federal adjusted 
Line 16 Idaho Lottery Winnings                          gross income.
You can deduct Idaho lottery prizes of less than        Social Security Medicare A and B
$600 per prize included in federal adjusted gross       No deduction is allowed for the amount paid for 
income on Form 40, line 7. You can’t deduct lottery     employer-required Social Security Medicare A. This 
prizes from other states.                               is the amount listed as a deduction on almost every 
                                                        federal Form W-2.

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- 11 -
                                                        Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

If you voluntarily enroll in Medicare B or Medicare D   Worksheet
or aren’t covered under Social Security and voluntarily The following worksheet shows how the federal 
enroll in Medicare A, you can deduct the premiums       limitation affects the amount of health insurance 
you paid.                                               costs deductible for Idaho purposes.
Idaho Standard Deduction                                If you aren’t itemizing deductions for Idaho, skip lines 
If you use the Idaho standard deduction instead of      1-6 and enter zeros on lines 8, 12, and 13.
itemizing your deductions for Idaho purposes, you 
don’t have to reduce your health insurance costs by     Health Insurance and Long-term Care Insurance 
                                                        Deduction Limitations
any amount claimed as a federal itemized deduction.
                                                        1.  Amount claimed for health insurance 
Federal Itemized Deduction Limitations                     costs on federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
Reduce the amount of medical expenses allowed              Schedule A  .............................................
as a deduction on federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
                                                        2.  Amount claimed for long-term care 
Schedule A, by 7.5% of adjusted gross income.
                                                           insurance on federal Form 1040 or 
Line 19 Long-term Care Insurance                           1040-SR, Schedule A ...............................
You can deduct the amount you paid in premiums          3.  Additional medical expenses claimed 
for qualified long-term care insurance that isn’t          on federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
otherwise deducted or accounted for. If you claimed        Schedule A ..............................................
a deduction for long-term care insurance on your        4. Total medical expenses. Add lines 1, 
federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, Schedule A, use the          2, and 3 ...................................................
following worksheet to calculate the long-term care     5.  Enter 7.5% of federal adjusted gross 
insurance allowed as a deduction.                          income ....................................................
Qualified long-term care insurance includes any         6.  Medical expense deduction allowed 
insurance policy that provides coverage for at least       on federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
12 consecutive months for yourself, your spouse,           Schedule A. (Subtract line 5 from line 4. If 
or your dependents for one or more necessary               less than zero, enter zero.) .........................
diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative,    Health Insurance
maintenance, or personal care services provided in      7.  Enter the total paid for health insurance .....
a setting other than an acute care unit of a hospital. 
                                                        8.  Portion of health insurance deduction 
Group and individual annuities and life insurance 
                                                           allowed on federal Form 1040 or 
policies that directly provide or supplement long-term 
                                                           1040-SR, Schedule A. Enter the lesser of 
care insurance qualify. This includes a policy that        lines 1 or 6 ...............................................
provides for payment of benefits based on cognitive 
                                                        9.  Enter the total health insurance costs 
impairment or loss of functional capacity.
                                                           deducted elsewhere on the federal return ....
Qualified long-term care insurance doesn’t include      10. Idaho health insurance deduction 
any insurance policy that’s offered primarily to           allowed. Subtract lines 8 and 9 from line 7. 
provide coverage for:                                      Enter this amount on Form 39R, line 18 ....
•  Basic Medicare supplement                            Long-term Care Insurance
•  Basic hospital expense                               11.  Enter the total paid for long-term care 
•  Basic medical surgical expense                          insurance .................................................
• Hospital confinement indemnity                        12. Medical expense deduction not 
•  Major medical expense                                   allocated to health insurance costs. 
                                                           Subtract ine 1 from line 6. If less than 
•  Disability income or related asset protection           zero, enter zero .......................................
•  Accident only                                        13. Portion of long-term care insurance 
• Specified disease or specified accident, or              deduction allowed on federal Form 1040 or
• Limited benefit health                                   1040-SR, Schedule A. Enter the lesser 
                                                           of lines 2 or 12 .........................................
Life insurance policies that accelerate death 
benefits generally don’t qualify.

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- 12 -
                                                         Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

14. Enter the total long-term care                       Include interest earned on the account on line 22 but 
  insurance costs deducted elsewhere                     only if included on Form 40, line 7. Interest earned 
  on the federal return ................................ on the account is tax deferred if the funds are used 
                                                         for a qualified home purchase. Enter the name of the 
15. Long-term care insurance deduction 
  allowed. Subtract lines 13 and 14 from line            financial institution and your account number in the 
  11. Enter the amount on Form 39R, line 19              spaces provided.
                                                         Check the box to attest that you’re a first-time home 
Line 20 Workers’ Compensation                            buyer. A first-time home buyer means an individual 
Insurance                                                who:
A self-employed individual can deduct the actual 
                                                         •  Resides in Idaho
amount paid for workers’ compensation insurance 
coverage in Idaho, if the cost isn’t deducted            •   Has filed an Idaho income tax return for the most 
elsewhere.                                                   recent tax year
                                                         •  Doesn’t own, either individually or jointly, a 
Line 21 Bonus Depreciation                                   single-family or multi-family residence; and
If you claimed the bonus depreciation for federal 
                                                         •  Has never owned or purchased, either individually 
purposes for property acquired before 2008 or after 
                                                             or jointly, a single-family residence in any location
• Complete a separate federal Form 4562 or               Line 23 Other Subtractions
  detailed computation for Idaho depreciation            Identify any other subtraction you’re eligible for, and 
  purposes as if the special depreciation                claim the amount on this line. 
  allowance hadn’t been claimed                          Include:
•  Compute the Idaho adjusted basis and any              •  Your distributive share of other subtractions from 
  gains or losses from the sale or exchange                  Form ID K-1, Part IV, Column B, line 28
  of the property using the Idaho depreciation 
  amounts                                                •  Charitable contributions not allowed on the 
                                                             federal return because of federal NOL limitations
•  If the federal depreciation (including gains and 
  losses) is less than the Idaho depreciation            •  Interest from Idaho Build America Bonds that 
  (including gains and losses), include the                  was included in federal adjusted gross income, 
  difference on this line; otherwise, enter the              Form 40, line 7
  difference on Part A, line 5                           •  Any Domestic Production Activities Deduction 
Include on this line your distributive share of bonus        (DPAD) under Section 199A(g) allocated from an 
depreciation from Form ID K-1, Part IV, Column B,            agricultural or horticultural cooperative
line 27.                                                 •  Amounts included in taxable income for funds 
Don’t enter any amounts for property acquired                received or loans forgiven according to Public 
during 2008 and 2009.                                        Laws 116-136, 116-139, and 116-142 for COVID 
Line 22 First-time Home Buyer Savings Account            Don’t include:
You can contribute up to $15,000 ($30,000 if 
                                                         •  Income earned in another state as a subtraction
married filing a joint return) to a first-time home 
buyer savings account and deduct the contribution.       •   Foreign taxes as a subtraction, since they’re 
Deposits into a first-time home buyer savings                claimed as part of the Idaho itemized deduction, 
account can’t exceed $100,000 for the lifetime of            if allowable 
the account.                                             •  Any interest from non-Idaho Build America Bonds
A first-time home buyer savings account is               See the instructions for Itemized or Standard 
established in Idaho with a bank, savings and            Deductions. 
loan association, credit union, or trust company 
authorized to act as a fiduciary. The account is 
established to pay the eligible home costs of 
the account holder or to reimburse the account 
holder’s eligible home costs in connection with a 
qualified home purchase.
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- 13 -
                                                      Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

Part C — Credit for Income Tax Paid to                an S corporation or partnership composite or group 
Other States                                          return, enter your federal adjusted income from 
                                                      Form 40, line 7.
When Idaho and another state tax the same 
income, you may qualify for a credit for tax paid     Line 4. Divide line 2 by line 3. Round to four digits 
to the other state. Use this section to compute       to the right of the decimal point. For example, .66666 
the credit. Include a complete copy of the other      is rounded to .6667 and is entered as 66.67%. The 
state’s income tax return and Idaho Form 39R          percentage can’t be more than 100%.
with your income tax return. If your S corporation 
or partnership paid income tax to another state on    Line 6. Enter the other state’s tax due from its tax 
your behalf, include a copy of Form ID K-1 or the     table or rate schedule less its income tax credits. 
schedule you received from the S corporation or       State and local tax (SALT) workaround payments 
partnership that paid the tax. If credit applies to   or credits aren’t subtracted. If your income derived 
more than one state, use a separate Form 39R for      in the other state was reported on a composite or 
each state.                                           group return filed by an S corporation or partnership, 
Examples of income that both Idaho and another        enter your proportionate share of the tax paid by the 
state may tax include:                                S corporation or partnership minus your proportionate 
                                                      share of the income tax credits. Income tax credits 
•  Wages earned in another state that has an          are those credits that relate to income tax excluding 
income tax, such as Oregon or Utah, while             SALT workaround payments or credits. An example of 
living in Idaho                                       a credit that isn’t an income tax credit is a special fuels 
•  Income from a business or profession earned        or gasoline tax credit or refund.
in another state that has an income tax, while 
a resident of Idaho                                   Line 7. Your allowable credit for tax paid to other 
                                                      states is the smaller of lines 5 or 6. Enter this amount 
Line 1. Enter the tax shown on Form 40, line 20.      on Form 40, line 22.

Line 2. Enter the total portion of federal adjusted 
                                                      Part D — Credits for Idaho Educational 
gross income derived in the other state, modified 
                                                      Entity and Idaho Youth and Rehabilitation 
to reflect Idaho additions and subtractions. In 
computing the income derived in the other state,      Facility Contributions, and Live Organ 
you must reverse any adjustments to federal           Donation Expenses
taxable income allowed by the other state that 
                                                      Line 1 Credit for Idaho Educational Entity 
aren’t applicable to Idaho.
Enter your adjusted gross income from the other       If you donated cash to a qualified educational 
state restated to a basis comparable to Idaho         entity, you can claim a tax credit. Donation of goods 
adjusted income. For example, if the other state      or services don’t qualify. Include amounts from 
taxes interest received from U.S. obligations,        Form ID K-1, Part VIII, line 55 to calculate the credit 
deduct this amount from the other state’s adjusted    amount.
gross income since Idaho doesn’t tax this interest.
                                                      The credit is limited to the smallest of:
If your income derived in the other state includes    •  One-half of the amount donated
income from an S corporation, partnership, trust, 
                                                      • 50% of the tax on Form 40, line 21
or estate, enter your share of the entity’s taxable 
income correctly reported to the other state plus any •  $500 ($1,000 on a joint return)
other Idaho adjusted gross income from sources in     • The tax on Form 40, line 21 less the amount on 
the other state.                                        Form 40, line 22
Line 3. Enter your Idaho adjusted income from         After calculating the credit amount, you can add any 
Form 40, line 11, if you reported the double-taxed    amounts reported on Form ID K-1, Part XI, line 63 
income on an individual income tax return in the      to that amount. The total credit can’t exceed $500 
other state. However, if the double-taxed income      ($1,000 on a joint return).
was reported to the other state and taxed as part of  A qualified educational entity includes:
                                                      • A nonprofit corporation, fund, foundation, 
                                                        research park, trust, or association organized 
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- 14 -
                                                          Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

  and operated exclusively for the benefit of Idaho       •  Anchor House, Coeur d’Alene
  colleges and universities                               • The Arc, Inc., Boise
• A nonprofit, private, or public Idaho school            • The Children’s Home Society of Idaho, Inc., 
  (elementary, secondary, or higher education)              Boise
  or its foundation                                       •  Children’s Village, Inc., Coeur d’Alene
•  Idaho education public broadcast system                •  Dawn Enterprises, Inc., Blackfoot
                                                          • Development Workshop, Inc., Idaho Falls
• The Idaho State Historical Society or its               • Gem Youth Services, Inc., Emmett
                                                          •  Hope House, Inc., Nampa
•  An Idaho public library or its foundation
                                                          • Idaho Drug Free Youth, Inc., Coeur d’Alene
•  An Idaho library district or its foundation
                                                          •  Idaho Elks Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc., Boise
• An Idaho public or private nonprofit museum             •  Idaho Youth Ranch
• The Idaho Commission for Libraries                      • Kinderhaven, Sandpoint
• Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs                    •  Learning Lab, Inc., Boise
•  Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually            • Magic Valley Rehabilitation Services, Inc., 
  Impaired                                                  Twin Falls
•  Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities            •  New Day Products, Inc., Pocatello
• Idaho State Independent Living Council                  •  Northwest (North Idaho) Children’s Home, Inc.
•  Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing         •  Opportunities Unlimited, Inc., Lewiston
• Idaho STEM Action Center                                • Panhandle Special Needs, Inc., Sandpoint
•  Medical residency programs or support                  • Project P.A.T.C.H., Planned Assistance for 
  organizations devoted to training residents in            Troubled Children
  Idaho                                                   • Shepherd’s Home, Inc., McCall
                                                          • Transitional Employment Services for the 
Line 2 Credit for Idaho Youth and Rehabilitation 
                                                            Handicapped, Coeur d’Alene
Facility Contributions
You can claim this credit if you donated cash or          •  Walker Center, Gooding
goods to the following:                                   •  Winchester Occupational Workshop, Winchester
• Qualified center for independent living                 •  Witco Inc., Caldwell
•  Youth or rehabilitation facility or its foundation, or •  Women’s and Children’s Alliance
• Nonprofit substance abuse center licensed by            The following are the qualified centers for 
  the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare              independent living:
Include amounts from Form ID K-1, Part VIII, line 56      •  Disability Action Center Northwest, Moscow and 
to calculate the credit amount.                             Coeur d’Alene
The credit is limited to the smallest of:                 •  Living Independence Network Corporation, Boise 
                                                            and Twin Falls
•  One-half of the amount donated
                                                          •  Living Independently for Everyone, Inc., 
• 20% of the tax on Form 40, line 21                        Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, and Pocatello
•  $100 ($200 on a joint return)
• The tax on Form 40, line 21 less the amounts            Line 3 Credit for Live Organ Donation Expenses
  on Form 40, line 22 and Form 39R, Part D,               A living taxpayer who donates (or whose dependent 
  line 1                                                  donates) a qualified organ that’s transplanted into 
                                                          another individual can claim a credit for expenses 
After calculating the credit amount, you can add          related to the donation.
any amounts reported on Form ID K-1, Part XI, 
line 65 to that amount. The total credit can’t exceed     The credit can’t be more than the taxpayer’s tax 
$100 ($200 on a joint return).                            liability and is limited to the smaller of:
                                                          • The amount of live organ donation expenses paid 
The qualified youth or rehabilitation facilities and 
                                                            by the taxpayer during the tax year, or
their foundations are:

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- 15 -
                                                      Form 39R — Instructions    2022    (continued)         

•  $5,000                                             •  You provide more than one-half of the family 
Any unused credit can be carried over for five years.     member’s support for the year
To claim the credit, you must donate one or more of   If the home was maintained for the family member 
the following organs:                                 less than a full year, the credit is allowed at the rate of 
                                                      $8.33 for each month the home was maintained.
•  Human bone marrow
                                                      You can claim this credit if your gross income is less 
•  Any part of an:
                                                      than the filing requirement. File Form 40 and include 
         ‚  Intestine
                                                      Form 39R.
         ‚ Kidney
                                                      Only residents, including Idaho residents on active 
         ‚  Liver                                     military duty outside Idaho, can claim this credit.
         ‚  Lung
         ‚  Pancreas                                  Lines 1 and 2. Answer the two questions. If you 
                                                      answer yes to either question, you qualify.
Qualified expenses are those incurred by the 
taxpayer or dependent for travel, lodging, or lost    Line 3. Enter the family member’s name, Social 
wages and aren’t reimbursed to the taxpayer. The      Security number, relationship, and date of birth for 
expenses must be directly related to the live organ   whom you maintain a home and provide more than 
donation by the taxpayer or a dependent of the        one-half of their support. If the claim is for a family 
taxpayer.                                             member with a developmental disability, check the 

Part E — Maintaining a Home for a Family                   Enter the total on Form 40, line 44.
                                                      Line 4.
Member Age 65 or Older or a Family Member 
with a Developmental Disability

If you didn’t claim the $1,000 deduction on Part B, 
line 15, you can claim a $100 credit for each family 
member, not including yourself or your spouse who:
•  Is age 65 or older
•  You maintain a household for, and

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