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                                   Form ID CR-1     Contract Report for Private/Commercial/Federal Projects
                                                  All Subcontractors
Name                                                                                   Federal EIN

Address                                                                                Amount of subcontract
City                                                                                   State             ZIP Code

Description of work

Name                                                                                   Federal EIN

Address                                                                                Amount of subcontract
City                                                                                   State             ZIP Code

Description of work

Name                                                                                   Federal EIN

Address                                                                                Amount of subcontract
City                                                                                   State             ZIP Code

Description of work

List your major suppliers of materials, equipment, and supplies. Include items removed from inventory and items provided to you 
by the project owner for use in this project. 
Name                                                         Federal EIN                     Total value
Address                                                      Materials and equipment purchased and used

City, State, ZIP Code                    Phone number        Please select how sales or use tax was paid.
                                                                  Tax paid to supplier  Tax paid to state*       No tax was paid
Name                                                         Federal EIN                     Total value
Address                                                      Materials and equipment purchased and used

City, State, ZIP Code                    Phone number        Please select how sales or use tax was paid.
                                                                  Tax paid to supplier  Tax paid to state*       No tax was paid
Name                                                         Federal EIN                     Total value
Address                                                      Materials and equipment purchased and used

City, State, ZIP Code                    Phone number        Please select how sales or use tax was paid.
                                                                  Tax paid to supplier  Tax paid to state*       No tax was paid

*If you’re reporting any untaxed materials, equipment, or supplies as “items subject to use tax” on your Idaho return, 
provide the period when you did or will report it:
If you paid tax to a state other than Idaho, write the name of the state next to “total value” boxes, above. For any tax due that 
you haven’t reported yet, include payment with this form. You can make copies of this form if you need more room.
Sign    Authorized signature                      Print name                    Phone number                Date
                      File with the Idaho State Tax Commission, PO Box 36, Boise ID 83722-0410
        For more information, call (208) 334-7618    | Fax: (208) 332-6619    | Email: contractdesk@tax.idaho.gov 
EFO00202    02-02-2023

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