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Form 910 — Instructions
Withholding Payment
Payment Requirements. If your account filing Check Payment. Make your check or money order
cycle is monthly, semimonthly, quarterly, or payable to the Idaho State Tax Commission. Don't staple
annually, you must pay the withheld Idaho income your check to your return or send a check stub.
taxes electronically or with a Form 910, Idaho
Withholding Payment Voucher. All payments are Payments of $100,000 or more. Idaho law requires
due on or before the due date as shown in the due you to use ACH Debit or ACH credit (electronic funds
date table below. transfer) when making payments of $100,000 or more.
If you file a paper return, indicate on the return that
Please include the Form 910 with your check or you paid by one of these methods. If you're making an
money order to ensure your account is properly electronic funds transfer for the first time, read more
credited. If you didn’t withhold income taxes, you at tax.idaho.gov/epay. To request our "ACH Credit
must file a "zero" payment. Addenda and Bank Information" form, email us at
Zero Payments. You can file zero payments in eft@tax.idaho.gov or fax (208) 334-7625.
one of the following ways: If the address on your form
Change of Mailing Address.
1. Through our website at tax.idaho.gov/efile, is incorrect, check the "Mailing Address Change" box on
either through quickpay or a Taxpayer Access Form 910 and provide your new address.
Point (TAP) account.
2. By electronic funds transfer (EFT). (See below.) New Owner. If you're a new owner of a business, don't
use a form from a previous owner. Accounts aren't
3. By using a Form 910 and entering a "0" in transferable. You can apply for a new account number
the "Payment Amount" box. Mail it to: Idaho through tax.idaho.gov by clicking on "Apply for a
State Tax Commission, PO Box 76, Boise, ID business permit" under the Online Services heading.
83707-0076. You can also complete the Idaho Business Registration
Electronic payments. There's no fee when paying form available online at tax.idaho.gov or by calling
by ACH Debit. If you pay by credit card or e-check, us at (208) 334-7660 in the Boise area or toll free at
our third-party provider will charge a convenience (800) 972-7660.
fee. American Express, Discover, MasterCard, If you want to cancel your account,
Cancel Account.
and Visa are accepted. To make credit/debit card, check the "Cancel Account" box on your Form 910.
e-check, and ACH Debit payments, use TAP at
tax.idaho.gov. For more information, visit our Signature. You must sign your Form 910.
E-Pay page at tax.idaho.gov/epay.
2023 Form 910 Due Date Table
Monthly Payment Period Due Date Payment Period Due Date Payment Period Due Date
1/1 – 1/31 2/21 2/1 – 2/28 3/20 3/1 – 3/31 4/20
4/1 – 4/30 5/22 5/1 – 5/31 6/20 6/1 – 6/30 7/20
7/1 – 7/31 8/21 8/1 – 8/31 9/20 9/1 – 9/30 10/20
10/1 – 10/31 11/20 11/1 – 11/30 12/20 12/1 – 12/31 1/22/2024
Semimonthly Payment Period Due Date Payment Period Due Date Payment Period Due Date
1/1 – 1/15 1/20 1/16 – 1/31 2/6 2/1 – 2/15 2/21
2/16 – 2/28 3/6 3/1 – 3/15 3/20 3/16 – 3/31 4/5
4/1 – 4/15 4/20 4/16 – 4/30 5/5 5/1 – 5/15 5/22
5/16 – 5/31 6/5 6/1 – 6/15 6/20 6/16 – 6/30 7/5
7/1 – 7/15 7/20 7/16 – 7/31 8/7 8/1 – 8/15 8/21
8/16 – 8/31 9/5 9/1 – 9/15 9/20 9/16 – 9/30 10/5
10/1 – 10/15 10/20 10/16 – 10/31 11/6 11/1 – 11/15 11/20
11/16 – 11/30 12/5 12/1 – 12/15 12/20 12/16 – 12/31 1/5/2024
Quarterly Payment Period Due Date Annual Payment Period Due Date
1/1 – 3/31 5/1 1/1 – 12/31 1/31/2024
4/1 – 6/30 7/31
7/1 – 9/30 10/31
10/1 – 12/31 1/31/2024
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