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                         Form 967 — Instructions
                         Annual Withholding Report

General Instructions                                          available at tax.idaho.gov/taxpros. If you withheld Idaho 
Use Form 967, Idaho Annual Withholding Report – to            income tax or have an active withholding account, you must 
report the total taxable wages and reconcile the total        include Form 967 with the file you upload. Report only the 
amount of Idaho taxes you withheld during the calendar        withholding amounts from the 1099s included in the file on 
year to the amount you paid to the Idaho State Tax            the Form 967 (RV Record).
Commission for the same calendar year. Also use               If you choose to file your 1099s by the last day of February, 
Form 967 to submit the state copy of the Forms W-2,           you must still file a Form 967 by the last day of January.
Wage and Tax Statements – and any Forms 1099 with 
Idaho income tax withheld to the Tax Commission.              If you e-file, don’t send paper returns, W-2s, or 1099s.
                 If you had an active Idaho withholding       Paper
Who Must File.
                                                              When you file your Form 967 by paper, you must include 
account for any part of the year or withheld Idaho income 
                                                              paper W-2s and any 1099s with Idaho income tax withheld 
taxes during the year, you must file Form 967. You must 
                                                              to the form. Please make sure all copies of W-2s and 1099s 
file Form 967 even if you withheld no income tax from 
                                                              are legible, especially any carbon copies.
employees’ wages or if you cancelled your account 
during the year.                                              If you choose to wait until February to file your 1099s with 
                                                              Idaho withholding, include a copy of the Form 967 filed in 
When to File Form 967. Form 967 and W-2s are due on           January and write “Amended” across the top. Send it along 
or before the last day of January, whether you’re filing      with your paper 1099s to the Tax Commission.
electronically or by paper. The due date for filing 1099s is 
on or before the last day of February.                        Combined Federal/State Filing Program for 1099s and 
You have two options to file your 1099s with Idaho            Information Returns
                                                              Idaho participates in and encourages the use of the 1099 
                                                              Combined Federal/State Filing Program. If your information 
1.       Complete and submit them with Form 967               returns have Idaho income tax withheld or you have an 
         and W-2s by the last day of January. For             active withholding account, you must complete Form 967. 
         reconciliation purposes, this is the easiest option. Include all Idaho wages and withholding information from 
2.  Wait until the last day of February to file them.         1099s, and any W-2s. Check the combined federal/state 
         However, you must still complete and submit          filing box on line 9. Send the Form 967, and any W-2s, to 
         Form 967 and any W-2s by the last day of             the Tax Commission by the last day of January.
         January. You must also include in the Form 967 
                                                              If you file your 1099s and other information returns through 
         totals the amounts from any 1099s with Idaho 
                                                              the Combined/State Filing Program, don’t file them 
                                                              electronically through our website and don’t submit paper 
Ways to File. You can file electronically at                  copies with your Form 967.
tax.idaho.gov/efile, or send the signed and completed 
                                                              Rounding Amounts. Round down if under 50 cents, 
Form 967 with W-2s and/or 1099s to:
                                                              round up if 50 cents or more.
Idaho State Tax Commission
PO Box 76                                                     Records and Forms Needed to Complete the 
Boise ID  83707-0076                                          Reconciliation Process:
                                                              •  Payroll records
You can file the following online through our website at      Completed W-2 forms and any 1099s with Idaho 
tax.idaho.gov/efile:                                            income tax withheld
                                                              Record of Idaho Withholding Payments
W-2s with Form 967. You can file your W-2s 
                                                              Form 967, Idaho Annual Withholding Report
electronically by either entering the 967 and W-2 detail 
online or uploading a file. If you choose a file upload, the  Required Information for State W-2s and 1099s:
specifications are available at tax.idaho.gov/taxpros.        Employer’s name and address
Idaho requires electronic filing of W-2 forms for 
employers who meet the Internal Revenue Service               Employer’s EIN (federal Employer Identification 
(IRS) requirements to file electronically, and have 50 or       Number assigned to you by the IRS)
more employees working in Idaho. If you meet these            Employer’s 9-digit Idaho withholding account number 
requirements but don’t file electronically, we may return       from the top of Form 967 (don’t include the “–W” 
your W-2 statements to you and charge a penalty.                or “–09” at the end of the number and don’t enter 
                                                                “applied for”)
1099s and Information Returns. You can file your 1099         Employee’s name and address
and information returns electronically by uploading a file 
or by participating in the combined Federal/State Filing      Employee’s Social Security number
Program. Specifications for filing 1099s electronically are   State abbreviation (ID)

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                                                                                Form 967 — Instructions    (continued)

•  Federal and state taxable wages                           the tax due x the daily rate x the number of days late.
•  Idaho income tax withheld                                 Example: Additional tax due of $250 is paid 100 days late.
Tax year                                                         $250 x .00013699 (2023 rate) x 100 days
                                                                   $250 x .00013699 = .0342475/day
All copies of W-2s and 1099s must be legible and                   X 100 days = $3.42 Interest
                                                             Line 7. Enter the total of lines 4, 5, and 6.
Specific Instructions
                                                             Statements Submitted
Wages and Withholding
Complete the Record of Idaho Withholding Payments            Line 8. Enter the number of W-2s attached to the Form 967.
Worksheet before completing Form 967. You don’t 
need to mail it to the Tax Commission. You can find the      Line 9. Enter the number of 1099s with Idaho income tax 
worksheet at tax.idaho.gov (click on Withholding Forms       withheld attached to the Form 967 or submitted with the 
under Forms/Guides).                                         Combined Federal/State Filing Program.
                                                             Check the box if you filed 1099s using the Combined 
Line 1. Enter the total Idaho taxable wages shown on the     Federal/State Filing Program.
                                                             Line 10. Add lines 8 and 9. Enter the total number of 
Line 2. Enter the total Idaho tax withheld included on       statements submitted. 
your W-2s (Box 17) and 1099s.
                                                             Line 11. The penalty for late filing of W-2s and 1099s is 
Line 3. Enter the total of Idaho income tax withholding      $2 per month (or part of a month) for each W-2 and 1099 
payments you made during the calendar year.                  (minimum $10 – maximum $2,000). Penalty is due if W-2s 
                                                             aren’t received by the last day of January and if the 1099s 
Line 4. Subtract line 3 from line 2. This is your remaining  aren’t received by the last day of February.
tax due (or overpayment).
If line 2 is larger than line 3, you have underpaid your     Line 12. Add lines 7 and 11. Enter the tax due on line 12a 
Idaho withholding and will owe additional tax. If line 3 is  or the refund amount on line 12b. Don’t enter information on 
larger than line 2, you have overpaid your withholding       both lines.
and may be entitled to a refund.                             You must sign your return to make it valid. Unsigned returns 
                                                             may result in the delay or denial of credits or refunds.
Line 5. Enter the penalty on the balance due. If line 4 is 
zero or a credit, enter 0.                                   If you had an active withholding account for any part of the 
                                                             year, you must file Form 967 even if you had no employees, 
If you file your Form 967 late, a penalty will be calculated paid zero wages, or withhold zero tax.
on any unpaid withholding tax due at five percent (5%) 
per month after the due date of the return.
                                                             Amending the Form 967 and Correcting W-2s
If you file your Form 967 on time, but don’t pay all or part 
of any unpaid withholding tax due, a penalty of one-half     Amended 967s and corrected W-2s can’t be filed electronically.
percent (0.5% or .005) per month will be charged until 
paid in full.                                                Amending the Form 967:
                                                                  Complete a new Form 967 using the correct amounts. 
The minimum penalty is $10. The maximum penalty is 
                                                                    If you don’t have a copy of your Form 967, please call 
25% of the tax due.
                                                                    the Tax Commission to request one.
Line 6. Enter the interest on the balance due. If line 4 is       Check the “Amended” box.
zero or a credit, enter 0.
                                                             Correcting Form W-2s:
Interest accrues on the unpaid tax balance from the due      If you issued an incorrect W-2, you must issue the employee 
date of the Form 967 to the date paid. Interest rates are:   a correct W-2 using federal Form W2c, and send all copies 
01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023, 5% per year .00013699 daily         to all required government agencies.
01/01/2022 – 12/31/2022, 3% per year .00008219 daily         Send the amended Form 967 and correct W-2s to:
01/01/2021 – 12/31/2021, 2% per year .00005479 daily               Idaho State Tax Commission
01/01/2020 – 12/31/2020, 4% per year .00010959 daily               PO Box 76
If payment of the tax is received after the due date of the        Boise ID  83707-0076
Form 967, interest will be computed on the balance due at 
the appropriate rate. To complete the computation, multiply 

                                                         Contact us:
                           In the Boise area: (208) 334-7660  |Toll free: (800) 972-7660
                                   Hearing impaired (TDD) (800) 377-3529
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