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Illinois Department of Revenue
EZ-1 Certificate of Exempt Purchase for Building Materials
Use of this form requires the purchaser to have a valid Building Materials Exemption Certificate from the Illinois Department of Revenue.
Step 1: Identify the seller
The seller must keep this certificate.
Name _______________________________________________ Address __________________________________________
Number and street
Phone (_______)______________________________________ ________________________________________________
City State ZIP
Step 2: Identify the purchaser and purchaser’s certificate number
Name _______________________________________________ Phone (_______)___________________________________
Address _____________________________________________ Date of purchase ___ ___/___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___
Number and street Month Day Year
___________________________________________________ Purchaser’s Building Materials Exemption Certificate Number:
City State ZIP
Step 3: Location or address of the real estate into which building materials will be
permanently incorporated
Name of Zone or High Impact / REV / MICRO Business __________________________________________________________
Project Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Location _____________________________________________ Address ________________________________________
Number and street
___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
City State ZIP
Step 4: Identify the building materials you are purchasing
Description of building materials purchased ____________________________________________________________________
Step 5: Sign below
I certify that the building materials described above are being purchased for incorporation into the real estate at the
address or location indicated above.
___________________________________________________________________________________ __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __
Purchaser’s signature Date
For more information about Building Materials Exemptions, visit the Illinois Department of Revenue’s (IDOR) website at tax.illinois.gov.
Select the “Businesses” link under the “Tax Resources” drop-down menu on the homepage and then select the “Business Incentives
Reporting” quick link.
Note to seller: It is the seller’s responsibility to verify that the purchaser’s building materials exemption certificate number isvalid and active.
You can confirm this by using the “Verify the validity of a Building Material Exemption Certificate” tool on our website at tax.illinois.gov.
EZ-1 (R-04/23) This form is authorized by the Illinois Retailers’ Occupation Tax Act. Disclosure of this information is required.
Printed by the authority of the state of Illinois Failure to provide information may result in this form not being processed and may result in a penalty. *14604231W*
one copy, electronic only
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