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         Illinois Department of Revenue

         PST-1               Instructions

                                                 General Information

What is prepaid sales tax?                                               Can I file this return and pay the tax due electronically?
“Prepaid sales tax” is a tax that you (a distributor of motor fuel)      Yes, you can use MyTax Illinois on our website at tax.illinois.gov 
must collect on the motor fuel you sell for resale to a retailer who     to file your Form PST-1. MyTax Illinois also allows for electronic 
is not also an Illinois licensed motor fuel distributor or a supplier of payment of any tax due. 
diesel and dieselhol.                                                    What is motor fuel?
What rate of tax should I collect?                                       For the purposes of this form, “motor fuel” means all volatile and 
Tax is due on a per gallon basis and is subject to change                inflammable liquids (e.g., gasoline, gasohol, diesel fuel) that are 
January 1 and July 1 of each year.                                       produced, blended, or compounded for the purpose of, or which 
The prepaid sales tax rates will be calculated as follows:               can be used for, operating motor vehicles.
For motor fuel, the rate will be calculated by multiplying the         Note: Aviation fuel and liquid propane gas are not subject to 
  average of the previous six months selling price per gallon by         the prepayment requirement found in the Retailers’ Occupation 
  6.25 percent (.0625).                                                  Tax Act. You should not report the sales of these products on 
For biodiesel blends with no less than 1 percent and no                Form PST-1.
  more than 10 percent biodiesel, the rate will be calculated by         Are there any types of fuel for which I am not required 
  multiplying the established motor fuel rate by 80 percent.             to remit prepaid sales tax?
Rates are published on our website at tax.illinois.gov at least          Yes. The following types of motor fuel are exempt from sales tax 
20 days prior to January 1 and July 1 each year.                         and are therefore not subject to prepaid sales tax requirements:
Note: Effective July 1, 2017, gasohol (i.e., motor fuel containing       Majority blended ethanol fuel — “Majority blended ethanol 
no more than 90 percent gasoline and at least 10 percent                   fuel” is motor fuel that contains not less than 70 percent and 
denatured ethanol) is taxable at the rate established for motor            no more than 90 percent denatured ethanol, and not less 
fuel. Prior to July 1, 2017, gasohol was taxed the same as                 than 10 percent and no more than 30 percent gasoline. 
biodiesel blends with no less than 1 percent and no more than            100 percent biodiesel — “Biodiesel” is a renewable diesel 
10 percent biodiesel.                                                      fuel derived from biomass (i.e., a non-fossil organic material 
Who must file Form PST-1?                                                  such as soybean oil, other vegetable oils, or ethanol, that has 
If you are engaged in the business of selling motor fuel to                an intrinsic chemical energy content) that is intended for use 
retailers, you must file Form PST-1 and pay the tax you have               in diesel engines.
collected. You must attach to your Form PST-1 a copy of                  Qualifying biodiesel fuel blends — “Biodiesel blend” is a 
Form PST-2, Statement of Tax Paid, for each retail sale made               blend of biodiesel and petroleum-based diesel fuel in which 
during the liability period.                                               the final product contains no less than 1 percent and no 
What is Form PST-2?                                                        more than 99 percent biodiesel. Note: Only biodiesel blends 
Form PST-2 is a four-part form, which allows the department                with more than 10 percent but no more than 99 percent 
to verify that the information reported by retailers and resellers         biodiesel are exempt from prepaid sales tax requirements. 
matches. The retailer is required to file Copy A with Form ST-1            If the biodiesel blend is at least 1 percent but no more than 
and keep Copy B as a file copy. The reseller is required to file           10 percent biodiesel, you must collect and report prepaid 
Copy C with Form PST-1 and keep Copy D as a file copy.                     sales tax.
When must I file Form PST-1?                                             What if I need help?
You must file this return along with any payment you owe, on or          Visit our website attax.illinois.gov or call weekdays between 
before the 20th day of the month following the end of the liability      8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336. Call 
period.                                                                  1 800 544-5304, our TDD (telecommunications device for the 
Note: If the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, your return 
and payment are due the next business day.

                                                 Specific Instructions
Step 1: Figure your gallonage information                                Line 2g - Enter the total gallons of majority blended ethanol fuel, 
Line 1 - Enter the total number of gallons of motor fuel, including      100 percent biodiesel fuel, or biodiesel fuel blends (with more than 
gasohol, you sold, delivered, or transferred during this period.         10 percent but no more than 99 percent biodiesel) that you sold.
Include deliveries that you made to your company-owned outlets.          Line 2h - Enter the total gallons you sold to customers other than 
Line 2e - If the organization is a retailer of motor fuel, you may not   retailers. Include deliveries made to your company-owned (and 
deduct the gallons sold.                                                 not leased) outlets. Do not include amounts reported on Lines 2a 
Line 2f - Enter the number of gallons you sold to out-of-state           through 2g.
retailers who take delivery in Illinois and certify that they will 
always resell and deliver the fuel to their customers outside 

PST-1 Instructions (R-07/17)                                                                                                   Page 1 of 2

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Line 4a - Enter the total number of gallons of biodiesel blends       Step 3: Sign below
(1% - 10%) subject to prepaid sales tax for this reporting period.    An owner, partner, officer, or authorized agent of the business 
For periods ending June 30, 2017, and prior, also include gallons     must sign the return. 
of gasohol subject to prepaid sales tax. This is the total from       Penalty and Interest Information
Line 8a of the PST-2 forms you attached.                              You owe a late filing penalty if you do not file a processable 
Line 4b - Enter the total number of gallons of motor fuel subject to  return by the due date, a late payment penalty if you do not pay 
prepaid sales tax for this reporting period. For periods ending after the amount you owe by the original due date of the return or were 
July 1, 2017, also include gallons of gasohol subject to prepaid      required to make quarter-monthly payments and failed to do so, 
sales tax. This is the total from Line 9a of the PST-2 forms you      a bad check penalty if your remittance is not honored by your 
attached.                                                             financial institution, and a cost of collection fee if you do not 
Step 2: Figure your payment due                                       pay the amount you owe within 30 days of the date printed on a 
Line 8 - Enter the total amount of quarter-monthly payments you       notice or bill. For more information, see Publication 103, Penalties 
have made. Include both cash and credit memoranda payments            and Interest for Illinois Taxes, which is available on our website at 
made on Form PST-3, Prepaid Sales Tax Quarter-monthly                 tax.illinos.gov. 
Line 9 - If we have notified you that you have a credit and you 
wish to use it towards what you owe, enter the amount you are 
using here. 
Line 11 - Subtract Line 10 from Line 7.  Enter the result on 
Line 11. This is the amount due.

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