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        Illinois Department of Revenue

        ST-6 Claim for Sales and Use Tax Overpayment /

                          Request for Action on a Credit Memorandum

General information
Everyone must complete Steps 1 and 6.
If you are fi ling a claim for an overpayment on your account, you must complete Steps 2 and 3. 
If you have been issued a credit memorandum and you are requesting a transfer or a cash refund, you must complete Steps 4 and 5.  

Step 1: Identify your business                                                 

1 Account ID no.  ________________________________________                 2  Business name _____________________________________
Step 2: Tell us why are you fi ling this claim for overpayment
Check one of the following reasons.  
3  _____ I have an overpayment that I want to have                         4  _____ I have an overpayment that I want to have                                                
         converted to a credit memorandum and transferred                     converted to a credit memorandum. 
         to another Illinois account ID number.
         That account ID  number is __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __.             5  _____ I have an overpayment that I want to have converted to                                   

Step 3: Tell us the amount of the overpayment 
6  What is the total amount of overpayment you are claiming in Step 2?    $______________________________

Step 4: Tell us what action you are requesting for this credit memorandum
Check one of the following reasons.
7  _____ I have a  credit memorandum that I want to have                   8  _____ I have a credit memorandum that I want to have                                           
         transferred to another Illinois account ID number.                   converted to cash.
         That account ID number is __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __.                 
Step 5: Tell us the amount of the credit memorandum
   9 What is the total amount of credit memorandum on which you are requesting action in Step 4? $______________________________

Step 6: Sign below
Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this claim or request for action on a credit memorandum and, to the best of my 
knowledge, it is true, correct, and complete.

                                                                             (             ) -
Owner, partner, or offi cer’s signature       Title and company affi liation    Phone                                                                                     Date

                                                                             (             ) -
Paid preparer’s signature                                                     Phone                                                                                     Date
Mail to:
PO BOX 19013
SPRINGFIELD IL  62794-9013

                                       This form has been authorized by the Illinois Retailers’ Occupation Tax Act. Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED. Failure 
ST-6 front (R-10/10)                   to provide information could result in a penalty. This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center.      IL-492-2734
                                                     Reset                    Print

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                   ST-6 Claim for Sales and Use Tax Overpayment /
                   Request for Action on a Credit Memorandum

                                           General Instructions
When do I need to fi le Form ST-6?                                How do I get forms?
You should fi le Form ST-6, Claim for Sales and Use Tax           If you need additional forms, you may photocopy a blank form, or 
Overpayment/Request for Action on a Credit Memorandum, if you  visit our web site at tax.illinois.gov, or call our 24-hour Forms 
are a registered retailer who has                                Order Line at 1 800 356-6302.
•  a sales and use tax overpayment on fi le and you want to 
  -  convert this overpayment to a credit memorandum, or         How do I get help? 
  -  convert it to a credit memorandum and transfer ownership    Visit our web site at tax.illinois.gov or call weekdays between 
    of  the credit to another registered retailer, or            8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336. The 
  -  convert it to a cash refund; or                             number for our TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf) is 
•  been issued a credit memorandum and you want to 
                                                                 1 800 544-5304. If you have a specifi c question about a claim you 
  -  transfer ownership of this credit to another registered 
    retailer, or                                                 have already fi led, call us at 217 782-7517 or write us at
  -  convert it to a cash refund. 
                                                                 SALES TAX PROCESSING DIVISION
                                                                 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
What is the deadline for fi ling a claim?                         PO BOX 19013
The deadline for fi ling a claim changes semiannually on          SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9013
January 1 and July 1. If you fi le a claim between January 1 and 
June 30 of this year, you may fi le for a credit that was created To what address do I mail my completed return?
during the current year and the previous 36 months. Beginning    Mail your completed return to:
July 1, you may fi le for a credit that was created during the    ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
current year and the previous 30 months.                         PO BOX 19013
                                                                 SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9013

                                                      Specifi c Instructions
Step 1: Identify your business                                   Step 4: Tell us what action you are requesting  
1-2 Write your Illinois account ID number as it appears on your    for this credit memorandum
    original tax return. Next, write the name of your business.  7 Check this item if you have been issued a credit 
                                                                   memorandum that you want transferred to another Illinois 
Step 2: Tell us why you are fi ling this claim for                  account ID number. Write the account ID  number on the line 
    an overpayment                                                 provided. 
3   Check this item if you have an overpayment that you want     8 Check this item if you have a balance of credit memorandum 
    converted to a credit memorandum and transferred to            on fi le that you want converted to cash.
    another Illinois account ID number. Write the account ID  
    number on the line provided.                                 Step 5: Tell us the amount of the credit                   
4   Check this item if you have an overpayment  on fi le that you   memorandum
    want converted to a credit memorandum.                       9 Write the total amount of credit memorandum you are claiming.
5   Check this item if you have an overpayment on fi le that you 
    want to have converted to cash.                              Step 6: Sign below
                                                                 This form cannot be processed unless it is signed by the owner, 
Step 3: Tell us the amount of the overpayment                    offi cer, or other person authorized to sign the original return.
6   Write the total amount of overpayment you are claiming.

ST-6 back (R-10/10)

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