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Illinois Department of Revenue
2022 Form IL-W-6
Certificate of Days Worked in Illinois for Non-Residents
To employers: Step 1: Employer’s information (completed by employer)
Complete Step 1 and maintain a copy of this form on file for each
employee who is not an Illinois resident if ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Federal employer identification number
• they are expected to work in the state of Illinois during the taxable
year; and
• youdo not maintain a time and attendance system where ______________________________________________________
• the employee is required to record the work location for every Name
day worked outside of the state where the employment
duties are primarily performed; and ______________________________________________________
• it allows the employer to allocate the employee’s Mailing address
wages for income tax purposes among all states in which the
employee performs services.
City State ZIP
Under Public Act 101-0585, wages earned in Illinois are subject to
Illinois income tax withholding. You must also have your employee
complete Form IL-W-4, Employee’s and other Payee’s Illinois
Withholding Allowance Certificate and Instructions, so you can Where do I get help?
withhold the correct amount of Illinois Income Tax from their pay, along • Visit our website at tax.illinois.gov
with Form IL-W-6-WS, Worksheet to Report Days Worked in Illinois • Call our Taxpayer Assistance Division at1 800 732-8866 or
for Non-Residents. You must send us this information if we request it. 217 782-3336
• Call our TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf) at
1 800 544-5304
• Write to
PO BOX 19044
To employees: Step 2: Employee information (completed by employee)
If requested by your employer, complete Step 2 of this form prior to your Complete and submit this form to your employer prior to your first
first workday performing services in Illinois, or as soon as practicable workday performing services in Illinois, or as soon as practicable after
after being requested, if being requested.
• you are not an Illinois resident; and
• you are expecting to perform non-incidental services for more than By signing below, I certify that I am expecting to perform services on my
30 working days within Illinois on your employer’s behalf during the employer’s behalf for _______ working days in Illinois for the calendar
calendar year. year. I understand I must report the dates and address of locations
worked in Illinois on Form IL-W-6-WS throughout the calendar year.
A working day is spent within Illinois if: ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
• you perform service on behalf of the employer and a greater amount Social Security number
of time on that day is spent by the individual performing duties on
behalf of the employer within Illinois, without regard to time spent
traveling, than is spent performing duties on behalf of the employer Name
outside of Illinois; or
• the only service you perform on behalf of your employer on that day
is traveling to a destination within Illinois, and you arrive on that day. _______________________________________________________
Mailing address
In addition, you must also complete and submit Form IL-W-6-WS,
Worksheet to Report Days Worked in Illinois for Non-Residents to _______________________________________________________
your employer, to report the dates and address of locations worked in City State ZIP
Employee’s signature Date
IL-W-6 (R-12/21) This form is authorized under the Illinois Income Tax Act. Disclosure of this information is required.
Printed by the authority of the State of Illinois - web only, 1 copy Failure to provide information may result in this form not being processed and may result in a penalty.