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                  Illinois Department of Revenue                                                             
                                                                            *33212231W*                                                 Carry year ending
                  2023 Schedule NLD
               Illinois Net Loss Deduction                                                                                              Month                          Year 
                    For Illinois net losses arising in tax years ending on or after December 31, 1986.                                                                 
                      Attach to your Form IL-1120, IL-1120-ST, IL-1041, IL-1065, or corresponding amended return.                                            IL Attachment No. 6

Enter your name as shown on your return.                                                               Enter your federal employer identification number (FEIN).

Step 1:  Figure your Illinois net loss deduction (NLD)
Read the instructions before completing this schedule.
    “Carry year” is the year to which the loss is being carried.
    Enter all amounts as positive figures.
                                       Loss year     A                                   B                                  C
                                       that expires                       Loss year                          Loss year
                                       first                              ending                             ending                                     
                                                     Month Year                          Month    Year                      Month Year
 1    Enter your reported Illinois 
      net loss. See instructions.                                                                                                                        

 2a  Enter the carry year and 2a
      the amount of Illinois net        Month   Year   Loss carried       Month   Year   Loss carried        Month   Year   Loss carried
      loss previously carried    2b
      back or forward.                  Month   Year   Loss carried       Month   Year   Loss carried        Month   Year   Loss carried
      See instructions.             2c     
                                        Month   Year   Loss carried       Month   Year   Loss carried        Month   Year   Loss carried
 2d  Add Lines 2a through 2c.
      This is your total amount
      of loss previously carried.  2d                                                                         
   3  Subtract Line 2d from 
      Line 1. This is your                  
      remaining Illinois net loss.                                                                                                                        
   4  Enter the Illinois base 
      income for this carry year.      
      See instructions.                                                                                                                                   
                                                                           Enter Line 8 from previous column          Enter Line 8 from previous column
    5 Column A:
      See instructions. 
      Columns B and C: See
                                                                           Enter Line 9 from previous column          Enter Line 9 from previous column
   6  Write the lesser of Line 4
      or Line 5. This is your
      maximum NLD allowed.                                                                               
   7  Write the lesser of Line 3
      or Line 6. This is your NLD.                                                                       
  8   Subtract Line 7 from Line 4.                                                                                                                        Enter the total of 
                                                                                                                                                          Line 7, Columns A, B, 
      This is your remaining                                                                                                                              and C in this box.
      income after NLD.                                                                                  

 9    Subtract Line 7 from Line 6.
      This is your remaining NLD
      allowed this carry year.                                                                                                                           

 10   Subtract Line 7 from Line 3.
      This is your remaining NLD
      for subsequent years.                                                                              

                                                                                         This form is authorized as outlined by the Illinois Income Tax Act. Disclosure of this 
       Schedule NLD Front (R-12/23)                                                       information is REQUIRED. Failure to provide information could result in a penalty. 

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Step 2:  Identify the loss year company
Complete this part only if the loss shown on Step 1, Line 1, originated from a company other than the one filing this return. 
Enter the FEIN of the company, the reason (e.g., merger) you are allowed to use that company’s losses, and the date you 
acquired the loss.
                       A                                               B                                                         C
11   FEIN:___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 12 FEIN:___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___      13 FEIN:___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
  Reason: __________________________               Reason: __________________________               Reason:  __________________________
   _________________________________             _________________________________                  _________________________________
   _________________________________             _________________________________                  _________________________________
   Enter the date you                              Enter the date you                                 Enter the date you
   acquired this loss:                             acquired this loss:                                acquired this loss:   
                        Month   Day     Year                           Month   Day  Year                                         Month   Day     Year
                                              Discharge of Indebtedness Worksheet
     1  Enter the amount of the reduction to your federal net operating losses                                                                        
       that was carried over to the tax year of the discharge (See federal Form 982).                                        1 _________________ 
     2  Multiply the amount on Line 1 by your income allocation ratio.                                                       2 _________________ 
     3  Enter the total amount of Illinois net loss carryovers from all loss years                                                                    
       available to be carried to the taxable year of the discharge.                                                         3 _________________ 
     4  Enter the lesser of Line 2 or Line 3. This is the amount of your loss carryover reduction.                           4  _________________

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          Schedule NLD Back (R-12/23)         Printed by the authority of the state of Illinois - electronic only - one copy.

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