Enlarge image | Use your 'Mouse' or the 'Tab key' to move through the fields and 'Mouse' or 'Space bar' to enable the checkboxes. Illinois Department of Revenue REV 09 FORM 002 E S ___/___/___ NS CA RC ST-1 Sales and Use Tax and E911 Surcharge Return Account ID _________________________ This form is for: ____________________________________ (Reporting period) You must round your figures to whole dollars. (See instructions.) Step 1: Alcoholic Liquor Purchases (See instructions.) Step 5: Tax on Purchases If you are not required to report your purchases, go to Step 2. General merchandise Note: Distributors will also report your total purchases to us. 12a ______________|_____ x .0625 = 12b ______________|_____ A Total dollar amount of alcoholic liquor purchased Food, drugs, and medical appliances (invoiced and delivered) ____________|____ 13a ______________|_____ x .01 = 13b ______________|_____ Purchases at other rates Step 2: Taxable Receipts ______________|_____ 14b ______________|_____ 14a 1 Total receipts (Include tax.) 1 ______________|_____ 15 Tax due on purchases 2 Deductions - include tax collected (Add Lines 12b, 13b, and 14b.) 15 ______________|_____ (From Schedule A, Line 32.) 2 ______________|_____ 3 Taxable receipts Step 6: Net Tax Due (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.) 3 ______________|_____ 16 Tax due from receipts and purchases (Add Lines 11 and 15.) 16 ______________|_____ Step 3: Tax on Receipts Sales from locations within Illinois 16a Manufacturer’s Purchase Credit (See instructions.) General merchandise 16a ______________|_____ 4a ______________|_____ x _____ = 4b ______________|_____ 17 Prepaid sales tax (Attach PST-2 copy A.) Food, drugs, and medical appliances(rate) 17 ______________|_____ 5a ______________|_____ x _____ = 5b ______________|_____ 18 Quarter-monthly (accelerated) (rate) payments 18 ______________|_____ Sales from locations outside Illinois 19 Total prepayments (Add Lines 16a, 17, and 18.) General merchandise 19 ______________|_____ 6a ______________|_____ x .0625 = 6b ______________|_____ 20 Net tax due (Subtract Line 19 from Line 16.) Food, drugs, and medical appliances 20 ______________|_____ 7a ______________|_____ x .01 = 7b ______________|_____ Step 7: Payment Due 21 E911 Surcharge and ITAC Assessment Sales at prior rates (From Schedule B, Line 10.) 21 ______________|_____ Receipts taxed at other rates 22 Excess tax, surcharge, and 8a ______________|_____ x _____ = 8b ______________|_____ assessment collected (See instructions.) 22 ______________|_____ 9 Tax due on receipts (rate) 23 Total tax, surcharge, and assessment (Add Lines 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b, and 8b.) 9 ______________|_____ due (Add Lines 20, 21, and 22.) 23 ______________|_____ 24 Credit amount Step 4: Retailer’s Discount and Net Tax on Receipts (See instructions.) 10 Retailer’s discount - If qualified, 24 ______________|_____ multiply Line 9 by the applicable rate. 25 Payment due (Subtract Line 24 from Line 23.) (See instructions.) 10 ______________|_____ 25 ______________|_____ 11 Net tax due on receipts Step 8: Sign Below (Subtract Line 10 from Line 9.) 11 ______________|_____ Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this return, and to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct, and complete. The information in this return is taken from the records of the business for which it is filed. _______________________________________ ____/____/____ Taxpayer Phone Date _______________________________________ ____/____/____ Preparer Phone Date ST-1 (R-01/24) Mailing address _________________________________________ Owner’s name __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Business name __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Make your payment to Business address ________________________________________ ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE _______________________________________________________ RETAILERS’ OCCUPATION TAX SPRINGFIELD IL 62736-0001 Printed by the authority of the state of Illinois — Web only, One copy IDOR ST-1 |
Enlarge image | Account ID: _________________________ This form is for: ____________________________________ Schedule A — Deductions Section 1: Taxes and miscellaneous deductions - If no Section 1 deductions, go to Section 2. 1 Taxes collected on general merchandise sales and service 1 ______________|_____ 2 Taxes collected on food, drugs, and medical appliances sales and service 2 ______________|_____ 3 E911 Surcharge and ITAC Assessment collected 3 ______________|_____ 4 Resale 4 ______________|_____ 5 Interstate commerce 5 ______________|_____ 6 Manufacturing machinery and equipment (MM&E) - Do not include deduction for graphic arts. 6 ______________|_____ 7 Farm machinery and equipment 7 ______________|_____ 8 Graphic arts machinery and equipment - Do not combine with deduction for MM&E on Line 6. 8 ______________|_____ 9 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP - formerly called food stamps) 9 ______________|_____ 10 Enterprise zone a Sales of building materials 10a ______________|_____ b Sales of items other than building materials 10b ______________|_____ 11 High impact business a Sales of building materials 11a ______________|_____ b Sales of items other than building materials 11b ______________|_____ 12 River edge redevelopment zone building materials 12 ______________|_____ 13 Exempt organizations 13 ______________|_____ 14 Uncollectible debt on which tax was previously paid 14 ______________|_____ 15 Sales of service - Identify here: ____________________ 15 ______________|_____ 16 Other - Identify. (See instructions.) _________________________________________________ 16 ______________|_____ 17 Total Section 1 deductions. Add Lines 1 through 16. 17 ______________|_____ Section 2: Motor fuel deductions - If no Section 2 deductions, go to Section 3. State motor fuel tax (See instructions.) Number of gallons/DGEs/GGEs Rate 18 Gasoline 18a ____________________ x ________ = 18b ______________|_____ 19 Gasohol, mid-range ethanol blends, and majority blended ethanol 19a ____________________ x ________ = 19b ______________|_____ 20 Diesel (including biodiesel and biodiesel blends) 20a ____________________ x ________ = 20b ______________|_____ 21 Dieselhol and other fuels at diesel rate 21a ____________________ x ________ = 21b ______________|_____ 22 Liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas 22a ____________________ x ________ = 22b ______________|_____ 23 Compressed natural gas and other fuels at gasoline rate 23a ____________________ x ________ = 23b ______________|_____ Specific fuels sales tax exemption Receipts Percentage 24 Biodiesel blend (no less than 1% but no more than 10% biodiesel) 24a ______________|_____ x --% (.--) = 24b ______________|_____ 25 Diesel fuel >10% bio/renewable diesel (see ST-1 instructions) 25a ______________|_____ x 100% (1.00) = 25b ______________|_____ 26 100 percent biodiesel or renewable diesel 26a ______________|_____ x 100% (1.00) = 26b ______________|_____ 27 Gasohol (E15, not E10) 27a ______________|_____ x 10% (.10) = 27b ______________|_____ 28 Mid-range ethanol blends 28a ______________|_____ x 20% (.20) = 28b ______________|_____ 29 Majority blended ethanol fuel 29a ______________|_____ x 100% (1.00) = 29b ______________|_____ 30 Other motor fuel deductions ________________________________ 30 ______________|_____ 31 Total Section 2 deductions. Add Lines 18b through 30. 31 ______________|_____ Section 3: Total deductions 32 Add Lines 17 and 31. Enter this amount on Step 2, Line 2 on the front page of this return. 32 ______________|_____ Schedule B — E911 Surcharge and ITAC Assessment Receipts from retail transactions of prepaid wireless telecommunications service 1 Enter receipts subject to E911 Surcharge and ITAC Assessment. 1 ______________|_____ Figure your breakdown of retail transactions for Chicago locations 2 For Chicago locations 2a ______________|_____ x ______ = 2b ______________|_____ 3 For Chicago locations at prior rates 3a ______________|_____ x ______ = 3b ______________|_____ 4 Total for Chicago locations. Add Lines 2b and 3b. 4 ______________|_____ Figure your breakdown of retail transactions for non-Chicago locations 5 For non-Chicago locations 5a ______________|_____ x ______ = 5b ______________|_____ 6 For non-Chicago locations at prior rates 6a ______________|_____ x ______ = 6b ______________|_____ 7 Total for non-Chicago locations. Add Lines 5b and 6b. 7 ______________|_____ Figure your net E911 Surcharge and ITAC Assessment 8 Total E911 Surcharge and ITAC Assessment. Add Lines 4 and 7. 8 ______________|_____ 9 Discount - If you qualify, multiply Line 8 by the applicable rate. See instructions. 9 ______________|_____ 10 Subtract Line 9 from Line 8. Enter this amount on Step 7, Line 21. 10 ______________|_____ This form is authorized as outlined under the tax or fee Act imposing the tax or fee for which this form is filed. Disclosure of this ST-1 (R-01/24) information is required. Failure to provide information may result in this form not being processed and may result in a penalty. IDOR ST-1 Reset Print |