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                    DRAFT FORM 

Note: The draft you are looking for begins on the next page. 


This is an early release draft of an Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) tax form or instructions, which 
IDOR is providing for substitute forms providers. Do not file draft forms and do not rely on draft forms 
and instructions for filing. We incorporate all significant changes to forms posted with this coversheet. 
However, unexpected issues occasionally arise, or legislation is passed—in this case, we will post a new 
draft of the form to alert users that changes were made to the previously posted draft.  

All forms and instructions have a page on our website at Tax Forms (illinois.gov) where you may see the 
final versions once they are released. Year-end income tax forms are usually released towards the end 
of January. 

If you wish, you can submit comments and questions to IDOR about draft or final forms and instructions 
at REV.VendorForms@illinois.gov. We will forward this information to the Office of Publications 
Management, where forms and publications are administered. 

IDR-1-DIS (N-08/23)          Printed by authority of State of Illinois, web only – one copy. 

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                    Illinois Department of Revenue                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                             *33012221V*                                                      Year ending
                   Schedule K-1-P                                              _____  _____
                  Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, and Recapture Month      Year                                                                                              
                            To be completed by partnerships filing Form IL-1065 or S corporations filing Form IL-1120-ST.                                                         IL Attachment No. 12
                             Partners and Shareholders receiving Schedule K-1-P should attach this to their Illinois tax return. 

Step 1:  Identify your partnership or S corporation 
  1      Check your business type          partnership      S corporation                                3  ____   ____   -   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____ 
                                                                                                           Enter your federal employer identification number (FEIN).
 2  ___________________________________________________  4                                                 Enter the apportionment factor from Form IL-1065 or Form
         Enter your name as shown on your Form IL-1065 or Form IL-1120-ST.                                   IL-1120-ST, Line 42. Otherwise, enter “1.” _________________ 

Step 2:  Identify your partner or shareholder 
  5   ___________________________________________________                                                9a  Check the appropriate box. See instructions.
         NameTENTATIVE           individual                 corporation                                                                                               FINAL       trust
 6  ___________________________________________________                                                       partnership               S corporation             estate
         Mailing address                                                                                                             
   ___________________________________________________                                                   9b                       To be completed by the recipient on Line 5 only.    
         City                                                                     State              ZIP
                                                                                                           I am a:         grantor trust              disregarded entity
  7  ___________________________________________________                                                     and the amounts on this schedule will be reported by:
         Social Security number or FEIN                                                                    Name:_______________________________________________
 8  _________________________                                                                                SSN or FEIN:   ________________________________________
         Share (%)

Step 3:  Figure your partner’s or shareholder’s share of your nonbusiness income or loss 
                                                                                                                                         A                                            B
                                                                                                                 Member’s share                                               Member’s share 
                                                                                                                 (See instructions.)                                          allocable to Illinois
 10  Interest                                                                                            10  _________________________                               _________________________
 11  Dividends                                                                                           11  _________________________                               _________________________
 12  Rental income                                                                                       12  _________________________                               _________________________ 
 13      Patent royalties                                                                                13  _________________________                               _________________________
 14  Copyright royalties                                                                                 14  _________________________                               _________________________
 15  Other royalty income                                                                                15  _________________________                               _________________________
 16  Capital gain or loss from real property                                                             16  _________________________                               _________________________
 17  Capital gain or loss from tangible personal property                                                17  _________________________                               _________________________
 18  Capital gain or loss from intangible personal property                                              18  _________________________                               _________________________
 19  Other income and expense ____________________________                                               19  _________________________                               _________________________
Step 4:  Figure your partner’s or shareholder’s share of your business income or loss
                                                                                                                                         A                                            B
                                                                                                                 Member’s share 
                                                                                                              from U.S. Schedule K-1,                                         Member’s share 
                                                                                                             less nonbusiness income                                       apportioned to Illinois
 20  Ordinary income or loss from trade or business activity                                             20  _________________________                               _________________________
 21  Net income or loss from rental real estate activities                                               21  _________________________                               _________________________
 22  Net income or loss from other rental activities                                                     22  _________________________                               _________________________
 23  Interest                                                                                            23  _________________________                               _________________________
 24  Dividends                                                                                           24  _________________________                               _________________________
 25  Royalties                                                                                           25  _________________________                               _________________________
 26  Net short-term capital gain or loss                                                                 26  _________________________                               _________________________ 
 27  Net long-term capital gain or loss. Total for year.                                                 27  _________________________                               _________________________
 28  Unrecaptured Section 1250 gain                                                                      28  _________________________                               _________________________
 29  Guaranteed payments to partner (U.S. Form 1065 only)                                                29  _________________________                               _________________________
 30  Net Section 1231 gain or loss (other than casualty or theft).
     Total for year.                                                                                     30  _________________________                               _________________________
 31  Other income and expense ____________________________                                               31  _________________________                               _________________________
                                                                                                           This form is authorized as outlined by the Illinois Income Tax Act. Disclosure of this    
         Schedule K-1-P Front (R-12/22)                                                                    information is REQUIRED. Failure to provide this information could result in a penalty.     

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        Enter identification number from Line 7.
        _______________________________                                                    *33012222V*
Step 5:    Figure your partner’s or shareholder’s share of Illinois additions and subtractions
K-1-P Recipient: Before using the information provided in Step 5, you must read 
Schedule K-1-P(2) to correctly report the amounts listed in Columns A and B.                       A                                                    B
                                                                                            Member’s share from                  Member’s share apportioned or
       Additions                                                                           Form IL-1065 or IL-1120-ST            allocated to Illinois 
 32  Federally tax-exempt interest income                                                32_________________________               _________________________
   33  Illinois taxes and surcharge deducted. See instructions.                     33     _________________________       _________________________
 34  Illinois Special Depreciation addition                                   34           _________________________               _________________________
 35  Related-Party Expenses addition                                          35  _________________________                        _________________________
 36  Distributive share of additions                                          36  _________________________                        _________________________
 37  Other additions (from Illinois Schedule M for businesses)                37  _________________________                        _________________________
 38  a   Interest from U.S. Treasury obligations (business income)            38a _________________________                        _________________________
     b  Interest from U.S. Treasury obligations (nonbusiness income)  38b _________________________                                _________________________
 39  RiverTENTATIVEEdge Redevelopment Zone Dividend subtraction               39  _________________________                        _________________________FINAL
 40    High Impact Business Dividend subtraction                              40  _________________________                        _________________________
 41  Contribution subtraction (Form IL-1120-ST filers only)                   41  _________________________                        _________________________
 42    River Edge Redevelopment Zone Interest subtraction
     (Form IL-1120-ST financial organizations only)                           42  _________________________                        _________________________
 43      High Impact Business within a Foreign Trade Zone Interest 
     subtraction (Form IL-1120-ST financial organizations only)               43  _________________________                        _________________________
 44  Illinois Special Depreciation subtraction                                44  _________________________                        _________________________
 45  Related-Party Expenses subtraction                                       45  _________________________                        _________________________
 46  Distributive share of subtractions                                       46  _________________________                        _________________________
 47  Other subtractions (from Illinois Schedule M for businesses)             47  _________________________                        _________________________
Step 6:  Figure your partner’s or shareholder’s (except a corporate partner or shareholder)                                                                           
            share of your Illinois August 1, 1969, appreciation amounts 
                                                                                                   A                                                    B             
                                                                                           Member’s share from Illinois          Member’s share apportioned or 
                                                                               Schedule F (Form IL-1065 or IL-1120-ST)           allocated to Illinois 
 48    Section 1245 and 1250 gain                                             48  _________________________                      _________________________ 
 49    Section 1231 gain                                                      49  _________________________                      _________________________ 
 50  Section 1231 gain less casualty and theft gain. See instructions.        50  _________________________                      _________________________
 51  Capital gain                                                             51  _________________________                      _________________________

Step 7:  Figure your partner’s or shareholder’s share of your Illinois credits, recapture,                                                                            
                pass-through withholding, pass-through entity tax credit, and federal income subject to  
                surcharge                                               Member’s share                                                                  Member’s                 share
                                                  Credit                 from Illinois tax                                                              from                           Illinois tax 
52 Illinois Income Tax Credits                    Code                   return                                                                             return  
a Film Production Services                        5000    52a  _____________               53 Other credits
b Enterprise Zone Investment                      5080    52b           _____________       a  Pass-through Entity (PTE) Tax Credit                                   
c  Enterprise Zone Construction Jobs              5120    52c           _____________          See instructions.                                  53a _____________
d  High Impact Business Construction Jobs 5160            52d           _____________      b   Replacement Tax Investment Credits                                     
e Affordable Housing Donations                    5260    52e           ____________           See instructions.                                  53b _____________
f  EDGE                                           5300    52f           _____________      54 Recapture                                              
g  New Construction EDGE                          5320    52g           _____________      a   Enterprise Zone or River Edge 
                                                                                               Redevelopment Zone 
h  Research and Development                       5340    52h           _____________          Investment Credit recapture                        54a _____________
i  Wages Paid to Ex-Felons                        5380    52i           _____________      b   REV Illinois Investment Credit
j  Student-Assistance Contributions               5420    52j           _____________          recapture                                          54b _____________
k Angel Investment                                5460    52k           _____________      c   Replacement Tax Investment Credit
l New Markets Development                         5500    52l           _____________          recapture                                          54c _____________
mRiver Edge Historic Preservation                 5540    52m  _____________               d   Additional income tax credit 
n River Edge Construction Jobs                    5560    52n  _____________                   recapture                                          54d _____________
o Live Theater Production                         5580    52o           _____________      55 Pass-through withholding
                                                                                               See instructions.                                  55 _____________
p Hospital                                        5620    52p           _____________      56 Federal income attributable to
q  Invest in Kids                                 5660    52q           _____________          transactions subject to the 
r  Data Center Construction Employment  5820              52r  _____________                   Compassionate Use of Medical 
s  Apprenticeship Education Expense               0160    52s  _____________                   Cannabis Program Act surcharge.  
t Historic Preservation                           1030    52t  _____________                   See instructions.                                  56 _____________
u  REV Illinois Investment                        5230    52u  _____________               57 Federal income attributable to the 
v  Agritourism Liability Insurance                5440    52v  _____________                   sale or exchange of assets by a 
w Recovery and Mental Health                      0180    52w  _____________                   gaming licensee surcharge.
                                                                                               See instructions.                                  57 _____________
x  Other income tax credits __________________            52x  _____________
        Schedule K-1-P Back (R-12/22)             Printed by the authority of the state of Illinois - electronic only - one copy.

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