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         Illinois Department of Revenue
                                                                                Use for tax year ending on or after 
                                                                                December 31, 2023, and before 
                                                                                December 31, 2024.
         IL-990-T Instructions                                                                                                 2023

                   What’s New?                                                      Table of Contents

  The address change checkbox has been removed from Step 1,            What’s New? ........................................................ 1
    Line B, of the Form IL-990-T.
  Income Tax Credits -- Information about all the credits can be       General Information ............................................ 1
    found in Schedule 1299-I.
The following credits have updated expiration dates:                 Specific Instructions ........................................... 5
     Historic Preservation tax credit (Credit Code 1030) - ending 
         on or before December 31, 2028
                                                                         Appendix A - Estimated Payment  
     New Markets Development tax credit (Credit Code 5500) - 
                                                                         Worksheets ........................................................ 12
         ending on or before June 30, 2031
 No new credits will be issued for the:
                                                                         Appendix B - Extension Payment 
     Agritourism Liability Insurance income tax credit (Credit 
         Code 5440) for tax years ending after December 31, 2023         Worksheet .......................................................... 14
     Invest in Kids credit (Credit Code 5660) for tax years ending 
         after December 31, 2023
 Illinois business payment vouchers are no longer year specific. 
    To avoid processing delays, taxpayers submitting paper business 
    vouchers to the Illinois Department of Revenue should ensure 
    that the month and year of their filing period are entered on each 
    voucher. Do not enter your estimated payment due date.

                                           General Information

Who must file Form IL-990-T?                                             How do I register my business?
You must file Form IL-990-T if you are an organization exempt from       If you are required to file Form IL-990-T, you should register with 
federal income tax under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue          IDOR. Registering with IDOR prior to  filing your return ensures 
Code (IRC) with unrelated business taxable income under IRC              that your tax returns are accurately  processed. You may register
  Section 512, and                                                       online with MyTax Illinois, our free online account management 
   have net income as defined under the Illinois Income Tax Act          program for taxpayers; 
     (IITA); or                                                          by completing Form REG-1, Illinois Business Registration 
   are a resident or qualified to do business in the state of Illinois   Application, and mailing it to the address on the form; or
     and are required to file U.S. Form 990-T, Exempt Organization       by visiting a regional office.
     Business Income Tax Return (regardless of net income or loss).      Visit our website at tax.illinois.gov for more information.
What forms must I use?                                                   Registering with IDOR prior to filing your return ensures that your 
                                                                         tax returns are accurately processed.
In general, you must use forms prescribed by the Illinois Department 
of Revenue (IDOR). Separate statements not on forms provided             Your identification numbers as an Illinois business taxpayer are 
or approved by IDOR will not be accepted and you will be asked           your federal employer identification number (FEIN) and your Illinois 
for appropriate documentation. Failure to comply with this               account number.
requirement may result in failure to file penalties, a delay in          When should I file?
the processing of your return, or a delay in the generation              Your Illinois filing due date is the same as your federal filing due 
of any overpayment. Additionally, failure to submit appropriate          date. In general, Form IL-990-T is due on or before the 15th day 
documentation when requested may result in a referral to our Audit       of the 5th month  following the close of the tax year. If you are an 
Bureau for compliance action.                                            employee trust as described in IRC  Section 401(a), you must file 
Exempt organizations must complete Form IL-990-T. Do not                 Form IL-990-T on or before the 15th day of the 4th month following 
send a computer printout with line numbers and dollar amounts            the close of the tax year.
attached to a blank copy of the return. Computer generated printouts 
are not acceptable, even if they are in the same format as IDOR’s        Automatic extension — 
forms. Computer generated forms from an IDOR-approved software           If you are classified federally as a
developer are acceptable.                                                corporation, we grant you an automatic extension of time to file 
          Form IL-990-T (R-12/23) is for tax year ending on or             your annual return of seven months. 
after December 31, 2023, and before December 31, 2024. For 
tax year ending on or after December 31, 2022 and before                   trust, we grant you an automatic extension of time to file your 
                                                                           annual return of six months.
December 31, 2023, use the 2022 form. Using the wrong form will 
delay the processing of your return.                                     See 86 Ill. Adm. Code 100.5020 for more information.

IL-990-T Instructions (R-12/23)             Printed by the authority of the state of Illinois. - electronic only - one copy.        Page 1 of 14

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The automatic extension of time to file is granted whether or not         payments electronically. Unless you are required to make electronic 
you request it. You are not required to file a form in order to obtain    payments, you also have the option to mail your payment, along with 
this automatic extension. If you expect tax to be due, you must use       Form IL-990-T-V to IDOR using the address on the payment voucher.
Form IL-990-T-V, Payment Voucher for Exempt Organization Income           You may also be assessed a bad check penalty if your remittance 
and Replacement Tax, to pay any tentative tax due by the original         is not honored by your financial institution.
due date of the return in order to avoid interest and penalty on tax 
not paid by that date. To pay any tax due by the original due date of     Who should sign the return?
your return:                                                              If you are a corporation, your Form IL-990-T must be signed by 
•   visit tax.illinois.gov, for information about ACH credit,             the president, vice  president, treasurer, or any other officer duly 
  pay using mytax.illinois.gov, or                                      authorized to sign the return. In the case of a bankruptcy, a receiver, 
 mail Form IL-990-T-V, Payment Voucher for Exempt                      trustee, or assignee must sign any return that is  required to be filed 
    Organization Income and Replacement Tax, using the address            on behalf of the corporation. If you are a trust, Form IL-990-T must 
    on the form.                                                          be signed by a fiduciary of the trust. If there are two or more joint 
                                                                          fiduciaries, the signature of one will comply with the requirements 
If an unpaid liability is disclosed when you file your return, then you   of the IITA. The signature verifies by written declaration (and under 
may owe penalty and interest charges in addition to the tax. See the      penalties of perjury) that the signing individual has personally 
“What are the penalties and interest?” section below.  An extension       examined the return and the return is true, correct, and complete. 
of time to file your Form IL-990-T is not an  extension of time for       The fact that an  individual’s name is signed to a return is prima facie 
payment of Illinois tax.                                                  evidence that the individual is authorized to sign the return on behalf 
Additional extensions beyond the automatic extension period —             of the corporation or trust.
We will grant an additional extension only if an extension is granted 
                                                                          Any person paid to prepare the return (other than an authorized 
by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) beyond the date of the Illinois 
                                                                          officer, fiduciary, or a person who is a regular employee of the 
automatic extension. If you are classified federally as a 
                                                                          taxpayer, such as a clerk, secretary, or bookkeeper) must provide 
  corporation, your additional extension will be equal to the           a signature, date the return, enter the preparer tax identification 
    federal extension, plus one month.                                    number (PTIN) issued to them by the IRS, and provide their firm’s 
  trust, your additional Illinois extension will be for the length of   name, FEIN, address, and phone number.
    time approved by the IRS.                                                     If your return is not signed, any overpayment of tax is 
You must attach a copy of the approved federal  extension to your         considered forfeited if, after notice and  demand for signature, you fail 
Form IL-990-T.                                                            to provide a signature within three years from the date your return 
When should I pay?                                                        was filed.
Payment of tax — You must pay your Illinois Income and                    What are the penalties and interest?
Replacement Tax in full on or before the original due date of the         Penalties — You will owe 
return. This payment date applies even though an automatic 
extension for filing your return has been granted.                        a late-filing penalty if you do not file a processable return by the 
                                                                            extended due date;
Estimated tax payments — If you are a corporation and you 
                                                                          a late-payment penalty if you do not pay the tax you owe by the 
reasonably expect your Illinois Income and Replacement tax and 
                                                                            original due date of the return;
surcharge liability to be more than $400 for the tax year, you are 
required to make quarterly payments of estimated tax.                     •    a late-payment penalty for underpayment of estimated tax if 
                                                                            you were required to make estimated tax payments and failed to 
You should complete the Estimated Payment Worksheets in                     do so, or failed to pay the required amount by the payment due 
Appendix A to figure your estimated tax and to determine if you are         date; 
required to make estimated tax payments. Taxpayers with short 
tax years must make estimated payments. See 86 Ill. Adm. Code             a bad check penalty if your remittance is not honored by your 
Section 100.8010(f).                                                        financial institution;
The due dates for filing your estimated payments are the 15th day of         cost of collection fee if you do not pay the amount you owe 
                                                                            within 30 days of the date printed on your bill.
the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of your tax year. 
                                                                          Interest — Interest is calculated on tax from the day after the original 
If you do not pay the required estimated tax payments on time, 
                                                                          due date of your return through the date you pay the tax. 
you may be assessed a late-payment penalty. We will apply each 
payment to the earliest due date until that liability is paid, unless you We will bill you for penalties and interest. For more information about 
provide specific instructions to apply it to another period.              penalties and interest, see Publication 103, Penalties and Interest for 
                                                                          Illinois Taxes, available at tax.illinois.gov.
            Trusts are not required to make estimated payments, 
however, they can make voluntary prepayments of their own tax             What if I am discontinuing my business?
liability.                                                                Liquidation, withdrawal from Illinois, loss of charter or 
Extension Payments - If you expect tax to be due, you must pay            termination — If you are a corporation that is liquidated, withdraws 
any tentative tax due by the original due date of the return. See         either  voluntarily or involuntarily from Illinois, or in any manner 
Appendix B, Extension Payment Worksheet, for more information.            surrenders or loses its charter, or if you are a trust that is terminated, 
We encourage you to make your payments electronically using               you are still required to file tax returns. We will pursue the 
MyTax Illinois or Modernized E-File (MeF) systems, or you may             assessment and collection of taxes if you are liable for income and 
use Form EFT-1, Authorization Agreement for Certain Electronic            replacement tax for this year or any previous tax period. 
Payments, to set up an ACH credit or phone debit transaction. These 
options can be found on our website at tax.illinois.gov. If you make 
your payments using MyTax Illinois, MeF, or EFT, do not mail us 
your Form IL-990-T-V. You must use one of our electronic payment 
options if IDOR has notified you that you are required to make 

IL-990-T Instructions (R-12/23)                                                                                                          Page 2 of 14

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Sales or transfers — If, outside the usual course of business, you        the computation of your federal unrelated business taxable 
sell or transfer the major part of any one or more of                         income, as reported for federal income tax purposes, if the 
  the stock of goods which you are in the business of selling,            change  affects any item entering into the computation of net 
                                                                            income, net loss, or any credit for any year under the IITA. 
•   the furniture or fixtures of your business, 
                                                                        You must file Form IL-990-T-X no later than 120 days after the 
•   the machinery and equipment of your business, or 
                                                                        changes have been agreed to or finally determined to avoid a 
•   the real property of your business,                                 late-payment penalty. 
you or the purchaser must complete and send us Form CBS-1,              If your federal change decreases the tax due to Illinois and you are 
Notice of Sale, Purchase, or Transfer of Business Assets, no later      entitled to an overpayment, you must file Form IL-990-T-X within two 
than 10 business days prior to the date the sale takes place. Send      years plus 120 days of federal finalization.
this form, along with copies of the sales contract and financing 
agreement, to:                                                          Attach a copy of federal finalization or proof of acceptance from the 
                                                                        IRS along with a copy of your amended federal form, if applicable, to 
    ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                      your Form IL-990-T-X. Examples of federal finalization include a copy 
    PO BOX 19035                                                        of one or more of the following items:
    SPRINGFIELD IL  62794-9035                                            your federal refund check
or                                                                        your audit report from the IRS
    REV.BulkSales@illinois.gov                                            your federal transcript verifying your federal taxable income
Request for prompt determination — You may make a                              For amended tax returns filed on or after January 1, 2024, 
request for prompt determination of liability, in accordance with       a late payment penalty will be assessed for any amended return not 
IITA 35 ILCS 5/905(i), if you are a corporation in the process of       filed and the resulting liability not paid within 120 days of the federal 
dissolution. A completed tax return must be on file with us before      change. See 35 ILCS 735/3-3(b-25) for more information.
you can submit a request for prompt determination. Do not submit 
your return and request at the same time. Mail your initial return to   What attachments do I need?
the address on the form. You should allow 12 weeks for processing.      When filing your return there are certain types of income items and 
If your request is properly made, the expiration of the statute of      modifications that require the attachment of Illinois or federal forms 
limitations (absent fraud) will not extend beyond 18 months from the    and schedules. Breakdowns, statements, and other documentation 
date of your request. Mail your request and a copy of your previously   may also be required. Instructions for these attachments appear 
submitted return to:                                                    throughout the specific instructions for completing your return.
    ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                             All Illinois forms and schedules include an 
    PO BOX 19044                                                        “IL Attachment No.” in the upper right corner of the form. Required 
    SPRINGFIELD IL  62794-9044                                          attachments should be ordered numerically behind the tax return, 
        The procedure described above does not apply to                 as indicated by the IL Attachment No. Failure to attach forms and 
11 U.S.C. Section 505 Determination of Tax Liability requests.          schedules in the proper order may result in processing delays. 
                                                                        Required copies of documentation from your federal return or other 
What if I need to correct or change my return?
                                                                        sources should be attached behind the completed Illinois return.
Do not file another Form IL-990-T with “amended” figures to change 
your originally filed Form IL-990-T. If you need to correct or change   All taxpayers must attach a copy of your U.S. Form 990-T to 
your return after it has been filed, you must file Form IL-990-T-X,     your Illinois return.
Amended Exempt Organization Income and Replacement Tax                         When filing your Form IL-990-T include only forms and 
Return. Returns filed before the extended due date of the return are    schedules required to support your return. Send correspondence 
treated as your original return for all purposes. For more information, separately to: 
see Form IL-990-T-X Instructions.                                           ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
You should file Form IL-990-T-X only after you have filed a                 TAXPAYER CORRESPONDENCE
processable Illinois Income Tax return. You must file a separate            PO BOX 19044
Form IL-990-T-X for each tax year you wish to change.                       SPRINGFIELD IL  62794-9044
State changes only — You must file Form IL-990-T-X promptly if          What records must I keep?
you discover an error on your Illinois return that does not relate to   You must maintain books and records to substantiate any information 
any error on your federal return but rather was caused by               reported on Form IL-990-T. Your books and records must be 
  a mistake in transferring information from your federal return to   available for inspection by our authorized agents and employees.
    your Illinois return, 
                                                                        Do IDOR and the IRS exchange income tax 
  failing to report to Illinois an item that has no effect on your 
    federal return, or 
                                                                        IDOR and the IRS exchange income tax information for the  purpose 
  a mistake in another state’s tax return that affects the 
                                                                        of verifying the accuracy of information reported on federal and 
      computation of your Illinois tax liability.
                                                                        Illinois tax returns. All amounts you report on Form IL-990-T are 
If you are filing Form IL-990-T-X to claim an overpayment, it must      subject to verification and audit.
be filed within three years after the extended due date or date the 
return was filed, or within one year after the tax giving rise to the   Should I round?
overpayment was paid, whichever is latest.                              You must round the dollar amounts on Form IL-990-T and 
Federal changes only — If you have filed an amended federal             accompanying schedules to whole-dollar amounts. To do this, you 
return or if you have been notified by the IRS that they have made      should drop any amount less than 50 cents and increase any amount 
changes to your return, you must file Form IL-990-T-X. This includes    of 50 cents or more to the next higher dollar.
any change in 
  your federal income tax liability; 
  your tax credit; or 
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What if I participated in a reportable transaction?                          All residents and pass-through entities must file their own annual 
If you participated in a reportable transaction, including a “listed         Illinois Income Tax return and claim a credit for any pass-through 
transaction” during this tax year and were required to disclose              withholding reported to them.
that transaction to the IRS, you are also required to disclose that                Beginning with tax years ending on or after December 31, 
information to Illinois.                                                     2023, investment partnerships are required to withhold an amount 
You must send us two copies of the form used to disclose the                 for their nonresident partners. Investment partnerships will use the 
transaction to the IRS.                                                      pass-through withholding line of Schedule K-1-P (Step 7, Line 55) 
                                                                             to report investment partnership withholding credit. Partners in an 
Mail the first copy of the federal disclosure statement to:                investment partnership must determine how they are treating the 
  ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                             income passed to them from the investment partnership to determine 
  PO BOX 19029                                                               if they are eligible to use the investment partnership withholding 
  SPRINGFIELD IL  62794-9029                                                 credit. Eligible partners will treat the investment partnership 
Attach the second copy to your Illinois Income Tax return for the          withholding credit the same as the pass-through withholding credit. 
  tax year that the IRS disclosure was required. Mail the second             See Schedule K-1-P(2) for more information.
  copy and your Illinois Income Tax return to the address shown              PTE tax is an amount equal to 4.95 percent (.0495) of the taxpayer’s 
  on your return. Do not mail the second copy and your Illinois              calculated net income for the taxable year paid by a partnership 
  Income Tax return to the address listed above.                             (other than a publicly traded partnership under Section 7704 of the 
What are Illinois Schedules K-1-T and K-1-P?                                 Internal Revenue Code) or subchapter S corporation who elects to 
Illinois Schedule K-1-T, Beneficiary’s Share of Income and                   pay the tax for taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2021, 
Deductions, is provided for trusts and estates to supply each                and beginning prior to January 1, 2026.
beneficiary with income amounts that are taxable to Illinois and             PTE tax credit is the distributive share of the credit allowed as a 
pass-through withholding made on the beneficiary’s behalf. If you are        result of a partnership or S corporation having elected to pay the 
a beneficiary of a trust or an estate, you should receive a completed        PTE tax. 
Illinois Schedule K-1-T and a copy of Illinois Schedule K-1-T(2),            PTE tax credit is
Beneficiary’s Instructions, from that trust or estate.
                                                                             •  reported to you on Schedule(s) K-1-P and K-1-T, and
Illinois Schedule K-1-P, Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of 
                                                                             •  reported by you on Form IL-990-T, Line 29d.
Income, Deductions, Credits, and Recapture, is for partnerships and 
S corporations to supply each partner or shareholder with income             What if I need additional assistance or forms?
amounts that are taxable to Illinois, the partner’s or shareholder’s         For assistance, forms, or schedules, visit our website at 
share of Illinois credits, and pass-through withholding (including             tax.illinois.gov or scan the QR code provided.
investment partnership withholding) made on the partner’s or 
shareholder’s behalf. If you are a partner in a partnership or a 
shareholder in an S corporation, you should receive a completed 
Illinois Schedule K-1-P and a copy of Illinois Schedule K-1-P(2), 
Partner’s or Shareholder’s Instructions, from that partnership or 
S corporation.
What is pass-through withholding and PTE tax 
Apass-through entity (PTE) is any entity treated as a partnership, 
subchapter S corporation, or trust for federal income tax purposes.
                                                                             Write us at: 
Pass-through entity income is the income that any partnership,                 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
subchapter S corporation, or trust passes through to its partners,             PO BOX 19001
shareholders, or beneficiaries.                                                SPRINGFIELD IL  62794-9001
Pass-through withholding is the amount required to be reported               Call 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336 (TTY at 1 800 544-5304), 
and paid by the pass-through entity on behalf of its nonresident               or 
partners, shareholders, and beneficiaries                                    Visit a taxpayer assistance office - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
who have not submitted Form IL-1000-E, Certificate of                        (Springfield office) and 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (all other offices), 
  Exemption for Pass-through Withholding, to the pass-through                  Monday through Friday. 
  entity, and
who receive business and nonbusiness income from the                       Where should I file?
  pass-through entity.                                                       If a payment is enclosed with your return, mail your Form IL-990-T to:
Exempt organizations can receive pass-through withholding.                     ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
Pass-through withholding reported to you is credit you receive                 PO BOX 19053
on Schedules K-1-P and K-1-T as a partner, shareholder, or                     SPRINGFIELD IL  62794-9053
beneficiary of a pass-through entity. This amount will be reported on        If a payment is not enclosed, mail your Form IL-990-T to: 
Form IL-990-T, Line 29c.                                                       ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 
If you are a nonresident and the pass-through withholding reported to          PO BOX 19009
you satisfies your Illinois Income Tax liability, you are not required to      SPRINGFIELD IL  62794-9009
file an Illinois Income Tax return. If you had Illinois income from other 
sources and the pass-through withholding made on your behalf does 
not cover your liability, you must file a return to report the tax on all of 
your Illinois income and claim a credit for pass-through withholding 
made on your behalf. 

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                                                                          Line 3 — This is your base income or loss. Follow the instructions 
                Specific Instructions                                     on the form and check a box on Line A or B. You must check one of 
                                                                          these boxes and follow the instructions for that line.
Specific instructions for most of the lines are provided on the           Check the box on Line A if
following pages. If a specific line is not referenced, follow the 
instructions on the form.                                                 •  all of your base income or loss is derived inside Illinois or you are 
                                                                          an Illinois resident trust; and
          You must complete an IDOR-issued or previously 
                                                                          •  you do not have any income or loss to report on Lines 4 or 10.
approved Form IL-990-T and corresponding schedules. Do not 
send a computer printout or spreadsheets with line numbers and            If you check the box on Line A, do not complete Step 3. All of 
dollar amounts attached to a blank copy of the return.                    your base income or loss is allocable to Illinois. Skip Step 3, enter 
                                                                          the amount from Step 2, Line 3 on Step 4, Line 12, and complete the 
You must use the same accounting method (e.g., cash or accrual) 
                                                                          remainder of the return.
and tax year that you used for federal income tax purposes.
                                                                          Check the box on Line B if any of the following apply:
Step 1— Identify your exempt organization                                 •  your base income or loss is derived inside and outside Illinois; 
A — All taxpayers: Type or print your legal business name. If you         •  all of your base income or loss is derived outside Illinois; or
have a name change from last year, check the corresponding box.
                                                                          •  you have income or loss to report on Lines 4 or 10.
B — Type or print your mailing address.
                                                                          If you check the box on Line B, you must complete all lines 
          Any related correspondence issued by IDOR will be               of Step 3. Submitting Form IL-990-T with an incomplete Step 3, 
mailed to the address entered on Step 1, Line B.                          including Lines 6, 7, and 8 may result in a delay in processing your 
C — If this is your first or final return, check the appropriate box and  return, further correspondence, and you may be required to submit 
the box on Line 32 if you have a credit carryforward on your final        further information to support your filing. See the specific instructions 
return.                                                                   for Step 3 for more information.
D — Enter your entire federal employer identification number (FEIN).      Step 3 — Figure your income allocable to Illinois
A partial FEIN will delay processing of your return.                      You must check the box on Line B and complete all lines of Step 3 if 
E — Corporation — If you are taxed as a corporation, check the            any portion of Line 3, base income or loss, is derived outside Illinois, 
box.                                                                      or you have income or loss to report on Lines 4 or 10. 
F — Trust — If you are taxed as a trust, check the box.                   If you do not complete all of Step 3, Lines 4 through 11, we may 
G — Provide the nature of your unrelated trade or business in the         issue a notice and demand proposing 100 percent of business 
space provided.                                                           income as being apportioned to Illinois, or in the case of a loss 
                                                                          return, a notice indicating none of your loss as being allocated to 
H — If you earned or can carryforward credits on Illinois Schedule 
1299-D, Income Tax Credits, you must check the box and attach 
Illinois Schedule 1299-D to your tax return, even if you are unable to    Line 4 — Enter the amount of all business income or loss included in 
use any of the credits in this tax year.                                  base income received from any non-unitary partnership, partnership 
                                                                          included on a Schedule UB, S corporation, trust, or estate, of which 
I — Enter your North American Industry Classification System 
                                                                          you are a partner or a beneficiary. See Illinois Schedules K-1-P(2) 
(NAICS) Code. If you are unsure of your code, you can research the 
                                                                          or K-1-T(2) for more information. 
information at www.census.gov/naics or www.irs.gov.                                                         Attach a copy of all Illinois 
                                                                          Schedules K-1-P and K-1-T you received to your Form IL-990-T. 
J — Check this box if you are a 52/53-week filer. A 52/53-week            If you do not have an amount to report on this line, enter zero.
filer is a fiscal filer with a tax year that varies from 52 to 53 weeks 
                                                                                     A partnership is required to send you an Illinois 
because their tax year ends on the same day of the week instead of 
                                                                          Schedule K-1-P and Schedule K-1-P(2), and a trust or an 
the last day of the month. 
                                                                          estate is required to send you an Illinois Schedule K-1-T, and 
Step 2 — Figure your base income or loss                                  Schedule K-1-T(2), specifically identifying your share of income.
Line 1 — Enter the amount of unrelated business taxable income                        If you are a partner engaged in a unitary business 
from Part 1 of the U.S. Form 990-T by entering the total of Line 7        with your partnership, you must include your distributable share of 
minus Line 10 (this number may be negative). Attach a copy of your        the partnership’s business income in your business income. Do not 
U.S. Form 990-T. This entry is the unrelated business taxable income      subtract this business income on Line 4.
or loss after deducting income exempt from tax by reason of the           Lines 6 through 8 — 
United States or Illinois Constitutions, or by reason of law, statute, 
                                                                          You must complete Lines 6 through 8 if any of the following apply:
or treaties of the United States. Attach a worksheet explaining the 
source and amount of any such deduction.                                  •  your business income or loss is derived inside and outside Illinois;
           Under federal law, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)           •  all of your business income or loss is derived from outside 
loan forgiveness is not considered taxable income and the business        Illinois; or
expenses covered by the PPP loan proceeds are deductible                  •  you have income or loss to report on Lines 4 or 10.
business expenses. Currently, Illinois tax law has no addition            Follow the specific instructions below for Lines 6 through 8.
modification to change this; therefore, the same treatment flows                    If you are a partner engaged in a unitary business with 
through to the Illinois return and is included as part of federal taxable 
                                                                          your partnership, you must include your distributive share of the 
                                                                          “everywhere” and “Illinois” sales factors from the partnership in your 
Line 2 — You must add back any amount of Illinois Income and              “everywhere” and “Illinois” sales factors. For more information, see 
Replacement taxes and surcharge that you deducted on your                 86 Ill. Adm. Code Section 100.3380(d).
U.S. Form 990-T to arrive at your federal unrelated business taxable 
                                                                          Line 6 — Enter your total sales everywhere.
                                                                          Line 7 — Enter your total sales inside Illinois.

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   Lines 6 and 7 cannot be less than zero. The amount on                            If you cannot determine from your books and records in 
Line 7 cannot exceed the amount on Line 6.                                which state an item is used, do not include the gross receipts from 
If you checked the box on Line B and do not complete Lines 6 and 7        that item in the numerator or denominator of the sales factor. 
we may issue a notice and demand proposing 100 percent of income          For sales of telecommunications services, the following sales are in 
as being allocated to Illinois, or in the case of a loss return, a notice Illinois:
indicating none of your loss as being allocated to Illinois.              •  sales of telecommunications service sold on a call-by-call basis, 
Include gross receipts from the license, sale, or other disposition       where the call both originates and terminates in Illinois, or the 
of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and similar items of intangible       call either originates or terminates in Illinois and the customer’s 
personal property in the numerator and denominator of your sales          service address is in Illinois;
factor only if the gross receipts are more than 50 percent of the total   •  retail sales of postpaid telecommunications service if the point of 
gross receipts included in gross income for this tax year and each of     origination of the signal is in Illinois;
the two immediately preceding tax years. 
                                                                          •  retail sales of prepaid telecommunications service where 
Do not include the following items of income in the numerator or          the purchaser receives the prepaid card or other means of 
denominator of your sales factor:                                         conveyance at a location in Illinois;
•  dividends,                                                             •  charges imposed at a channel termination point in Illinois;
•  amounts included under IRC Section 78,
                                                                          •  charges for channel mileage between two channel termination 
•  subpart F income as defined in IRC Section 952, and                    points in Illinois;
•  any item of income excluded or deducted from base income.              •  charges for channel mileage between one or more channel 
For more information on what should be included in the numerator          termination points in Illinois and one or more channel termination 
or denominator of your sales factor, see 86 Ill. Adm. Code                points outside Illinois, times the number of channel termination 
Sections 100.3370 and 100.3380.                                           points in Illinois divided by total termination channels;
Sales of tangible personal property are in Illinois if                    •  charges for services ancillary to sales of services in Illinois. If you 
•  the property is delivered or shipped from anywhere to a purchaser      provide ancillary services, but cannot determine where the sales 
  in Illinois, other than the United States government, regardless of     of the related services are located, your sales are in Illinois if your 
  the Free on Board (f.o.b.) point or other conditions of the sale;       customer is in Illinois;
•  the property is shipped from Illinois to any place and the             •  access fees charged to a reseller of telecommunication for a call 
  purchaser is the United States government;                              that both originates and terminates in Illinois;
•  the property is shipped from Illinois to another state and you are     •  50 percent of access fees charged to a reseller of 
  not taxable in the state of the purchaser; or                           telecommunications services for an interstate call that originates 
•  your salesperson operates out of an office in Illinois, and the        or terminates in Illinois; and
  property sold by the salesperson is shipped from a state in which       •  end user access line charges, if the customer’s service address is 
  you are not taxable, to a state in which you are not taxable.           in Illinois.
For radio and television broadcasting (including cable and satellite      For more information see 86 Ill. Adm. Code Section 100.3371.
broadcasting), the following sales are in Illinois:                       Illinois lottery winnings and proceeds from sales or other transfers of 
advertising revenue received from an advertiser whose                   rights to lottery winnings are in Illinois.
  headquarters is in Illinois.                                            For taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2019, gross 
fees received by a broadcaster from its viewers or listeners in         receipts from winnings from pari-mutuel wagering conducted at a 
  Illinois.                                                               wagering facility licensed under the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975 
in the case of fees received by a broadcaster from the production       or from winnings from gambling games conducted on a riverboat 
  or other owner of the contents of a program, the percentage of          or in a casino or organization gaming facility licensed under the 
  the fees equal to the percentage of the broadcast’s viewing or          Illinois Gambling Act are Illinois sales and must be included in the 
  listening audience located in Illinois.                                 numerator of the sales factor. 
•  in the case of a person who owns the contents of a program and         For taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2021, payments 
  who provides the contents to a broadcaster for a fee or other           from Illinois sources of wagering and winnings conducted in 
  charge, the percentage of the fees received for that program from       accordance with the Sports Wagering Act are allocable to Illinois.
  a broadcaster located in Illinois.                                      Sales, other than sales of tangible personal property or 
                                                                          telecommunications service, and gross receipts from broadcasting, 
If the “sales everywhere” amount includes gross receipts from 
                                                                          or the licensing, sale, or other disposition of patents, copyrights, 
the licensing, sale, or other disposition of patents, copyrights, 
                                                                          trademarks, and similar items of intangible personal property, or 
trademarks, and other similar items of intangible personal property 
                                                                          Illinois lottery winnings or sales proceeds, are in Illinois as follows:
and the receipts are not covered by the broadcasting rules, then 
these receipts should be allocated to Illinois to the extent the item     •  sales or leases of real property in Illinois;
is used in Illinois during the year the gross receipts are included in    •  leases or rentals of tangible personal property, to the extent it is 
gross income. An item is used in Illinois if                              located in Illinois during the rental period;
•  a patent is employed in production, fabrication, manufacturing, or     •  interest, net gains, and other items of income from intangible 
  other processing in Illinois or if the patented product is produced     personal property received by a taxpayer who is a dealer in 
  in Illinois.                                                            that property from a customer who is a resident of Illinois (for 
•  copyrighted material is printed or other publications originated in    individuals) or who is commercially domiciled in Illinois (for all 
  Illinois.                                                               other customers). A taxpayer without actual knowledge of the 
                                                                          residence or commercial domicile of a customer may use the 
•  the commercial domicile of the licensee or purchaser of a              customer’s billing address.
  trademark or other item of intangible personal property is in 

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 •  interest, net gains, and other items of income from intangible      Line 16  — Enter the amount from Form IL-477, Step 1, Line 13. 
  personal property received by a taxpayer who is not a dealer          Attach Form IL-477 and any other required support listed on 
  in that property, if the income-producing activity is performed in    Form IL-477 to your Form IL-990-T.
  Illinois or if the income-producing activity is performed inside and  You may claim a replacement tax investment credit of up to 
  outside Illinois, and a greater proportion of the income-producing    .5 percent (.005) of the basis of qualified property placed in service in 
  activity is performed inside Illinois rather than outside Illinois,   Illinois during the tax year. 
  based on performance costs;
                                                                        An additional credit of up to .5 percent (.005) of the basis of qualified 
 •  in all other cases, if the services are received in Illinois.       property is available if your Illinois base employment increased over 
For more information, see 86 Ill. Adm. Code Section 100.3370.           the preceding year or if your business is new to Illinois. Excess credit 
Line 8 — Divide Line 7 by Line 6 and enter the result, rounded to six   may be carried forward for five years following the excess credit year. 
decimal places. The result cannot be greater than one or less than      For further information, refer to Form IL-477 Instructions.
                                                                        Step 5 — Figure your net income tax 
          If you checked the box on Line B and do not complete 
Line 8 we may issue a notice and demand proposing 100 percent           Line 19  — The income tax rate is 7 percent (.07) for corporations 
                                                                        and 4.95 percent (.0495) for trusts. Multiply the amount on Line 18 
of your income as being allocated to Illinois, or in the case of a loss 
                                                                        by 7 percent (.07) if you are organized as a corporation or by 
return, a notice indicating none of your loss as being allocated to 
                                                                        4.95 percent (.0495) if you are organized as a trust and enter the 
                                                                        amount on Line 19. 
Line 9 — Follow the instructions on the form. If you checked the box 
on Line B and did not complete Lines 6, 7, or 8 we may                  Line 20 — Enter the total of your recapture of investment credits 
                                                                        from Illinois Schedule 4255, Step 5, Columns A, B, and C, Line 
•  propose 100 percent of your income as being allocable to Illinois    20 and Step 6, Line 27. See Schedule 4255 Instructions for more 
•  propose none of your loss as being allocable to Illinois.            information regarding the recapture of investment credits.
Line 10 — Enter the amount of business income or loss reported          If you claimed an Enterprise Zone, River Edge Redevelopment Zone, 
on Step 3, Line 4 that is apportionable to Illinois as reported by the  High Impact Business Investment Credit, or Angel Investment Credit 
partnership, partnership included on a Schedule UB, S corporation,      in a prior year on Illinois Schedule 1299-D, Income Tax Credits, 
trust, or estate, on Illinois Schedules K-1-P or K-1-T. See Illinois    and any of the property becomes disqualified, you must use Illinois 
Schedules K-1-P(2) or K-1-T(2) for more information. Attach a copy      Schedule 4255 to compute the amount of recapture. Credit must be 
of all Illinois Schedules K-1-P and K-1-T you received to your          recaptured in the year in which the property became disqualified. For 
Form IL-990-T. If you do not have an amount to report on this line,     more information, see Illinois Schedule 4255. 
enter zero.                                                             Line 22 — Enter the amount from Illinois Schedule 1299-D, 
                                                                        Step 2, Line 10. The total of all credits is limited to the total income 
Step 4 — Figure your net replacement tax
                                                                        tax shown on Form IL-990-T, Step 5, Line 21. Attach Illinois 
Line 14 — Enter your recapture of investment credits from Illinois      Schedule 1299-D and any other required support listed on 
Schedule 4255, Recapture of Investment Tax Credits, Step 5,             Schedules 1299-D or 1299-I to your Form IL-990-T. For more 
Column D, Line 20.                                                      information, see Illinois Schedule 1299-D Instructions, and Schedule 
If you claimed an Illinois investment tax credit in a prior year on     1299-I, Income Tax Credits Information and Worksheets.
Form IL-477, Replacement Tax Investment Credits, and any of 
the property was disqualified within 48 months of being placed          Step 6 — Figure your refund or balance due
in service, you must use Illinois Schedule 4255 to compute the          Line 26 — Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act 
amount of recapture. Credit must be recaptured in the year the          surcharge. 
property became disqualified. For more information, see Illinois 
Schedule 4255. 

                                Surcharge Worksheet for IL-990-T
Instructions:  Complete the appropriate column for the surcharge(s)                        A                               B
you are claiming.                                                                  Compassionate Use                  Sale of assets
                                                                                   of Medical Cannabis                by gaming
                                                                                   Program Act                        licensee

 1   Enter your federal income tax liability for the taxable year.                 1  ______________              1  ______________
 2  Enter your federal income tax liability for the taxable year computed 
     as if “transactions subject to the surcharge” made in that year had not 
     been made by the organization registrant in Column A or a gaming 
     licensee in Column B.                                                         2  ______________              2  ______________
 3  Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. Enter the result here.  
     Enter the Column A total on Form IL-990-T, Step 6, Line 26 and the 
     Column B total on Form IL-990-T, Step 6, Line 27.                             3  ______________             3  ______________

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                                Definitions                                             To whom does the surcharge apply?
Organization registrant means a corporation, partnership, trust,           The surcharge is imposed on any taxpayer who incurs a federal 
limited liability company (LLC), or other organization, that holds         income tax liability on the income realized on a “transaction subject 
either a medical cannabis cultivation center registration issued by the    to the surcharge,” including individuals and other taxpayers who 
Illinois Department of Agriculture or a medical cannabis dispensary        are not themselves the “gaming licensee” that engaged in the 
registration issued by the Illinois Department of Financial and            transaction.
Professional Regulation.                                                   The surcharge imposed shall not apply if 
Transactions subject to the surchargemeans sales and                       the organization gaming license, organization license, or racetrack 
exchanges of                                                                 property is transferred as a result of any of the following:
           capital assets;                                                   bankruptcy, a receivership, or a debt adjustment initiated by 
           depreciable business property;                                      or against the initial licensee or the substantial owners of 
           real property used in the trade or business; and                    the initial licensee;
           Section 197 intangibles of an organization registrant.            cancellation, revocation, or termination of any such license 
What is the surcharge?                                                           by the Illinois Gaming Board or the Illinois Racing Board;
For each taxable year beginning or ending during the Compassionate             a determination by the Illinois Gaming Board that transfer of 
Use of Medical Cannabis Program, a surcharge is imposed on all                   the license is in the best interests of Illinois gaming;
taxpayers on income arising from the transactions subject to the               the death of an owner of the equity interest in a licensee;
surcharge of an organization registrant under the Compassionate                acquisition of a controlling interest in the stock or 
Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act.                                             substantially all of the assets of a publicly traded company;
The amount of the surcharge is equal to the amount of federal                  a transfer by a parent company to a wholly owned 
income tax liability for the taxable year attributable to the transactions       subsidiary; 
subject to the surcharge.                                                      the transfer or sale to or by one person to another person 
To whom does the surcharge apply?                                                where both persons were initial owners of the license when 
                                                                                 the license was issued; or
The surcharge is imposed on any taxpayer who incurs a federal 
income tax liability on the income realized on a “transaction subject      the controlling interest in the organization gaming license, 
to the surcharge,” including individuals and other taxpayers who             organization license, or racetrack property is transferred in a 
are not themselves the “organization registrant” that engaged in the         transaction to lineal descendants in which no gain or loss is 
transaction.                                                                 recognized or as a result of a transaction in accordance with 
                                                                             Section 351 of the Internal Revenue Code in which no gain or 
A line has been included on Schedules K-1-P and K-1-T to identify 
                                                                             loss is recognized; or 
the amount of federal income attributable to transactions subject 
to the surcharge that was passed through to you on federal                 live horse racing was not conducted in 2010 at a racetrack located 
Schedule K-1.                                                                within 3 miles of the Mississippi River under a license issued 
                                                                             pursuant to the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975.
    Although a unitary business group filing combined Illinois 
returns is treated as a single taxpayer and its members are jointly        The transfer of an organization gaming license, organization license, 
and severally liable for any surcharge imposed on the group, the           or racetrack property by a person other than the initial licensee to 
group itself is not an organization registrant and transactions of any     receive the organization gaming license is not subject to a surcharge. 
member that is not itself an organization registrant are not subject to    A line has been included on Schedule K-1-P and Schedule K-1-T 
the surcharge.                                                             to identify the amount of federal income attributable to transactions 
How do I figure the surcharge?                                             subject to the surcharge that was passed through to you on federal 
If the surcharge applies to you, complete the Surcharge Worksheet          Schedule K-1.
on Page 7.                                                                        Although a unitary business group filing combined Illinois 
For more information, see 86 Ill. Adm. Code Section 100.2060.              returns is treated as a single taxpayer and its members are jointly 
                                                                           and severally liable for any surcharge imposed on the group, the 
Line 27  — Sale of Assets by Gaming Licensee surcharge                     group itself is not a gaming licensee and transactions of any member 
                                Definitions                                that is not itself a gaming licensee are not subject to the surcharge.
Gaming licensee is an organization licensee under the Illinois Horse                     How do I figure the surcharge?
Racing Act of 1975 and/or an organization gaming licensee under the        If the surcharge applies to you, complete a separate Surcharge 
Illinois Gambling Act.                                                     Worksheet on Page 7.
Transactions subject to the surchargemeans sales and                       Line 28  Add Lines 24, 25, 26, and 27 and enter the total on 
exchanges of                                                               this line. This is your total net income and replacement taxes and 
           capital assets;                                               surcharge.
            depreciable business property;                                Line 29a — Enter the sum of any overpayment from your prior year 
           real property used in the trade or business; and              tax returns that you requested to be applied to this year’s tax return. 
                                                                           Take into account any correspondence we may have sent you that 
           Section 197 intangibles of a gaming licensee.
                                                                           changed the amount of your credit carryforward from the previous 
                       What is the surcharge?                              year.
For each taxable year 2019 through 2027, a surcharge is imposed on         Line 29b — Enter the sum of any
all taxpayers on income arising from the transactions subject to the       estimated payments made during the tax year
surcharge of a gaming licensee. 
                                                                           extension payments and other voluntary prepayments made 
The amount of the surcharge is equal to the amount of federal                before the original due date of the return, and
income tax liability for the taxable year attributable to the transactions 
subject to the surcharge.                                                  other payments made before the date this return is filed. 
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Line 29c — Enter the amount you wish to claim as Illinois                  Example 2: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on 
pass-through withholding (including any eligible investment                August 5, 2024, requesting to receive your overpayment 
partnership withholding) reported to you by partnerships,                  as a credit. August 5, 2024, is after the original filing and 
S corporations, or trusts on Schedule(s) K-1-P or K-1-T. If you            payment due date of the 2023 tax year (May 15, 2024, for 
received more than one Schedule K-1-P or K-1-T, add the amounts            calendar-year filers), but is before the original filing and 
you wish to claim from all the schedules and enter the total on            payment due date of the 2024 tax year (May 15, 2025, for 
Line 29c. Attach copies of the Schedules K-1-P and K-1-T you               calendar-year filers). Your credit will be applied against your 
received from the pass-through entities to your Form IL-990-T.             2024 tax year liability.
Schedules K-1-P and K-1-T, Step 1, Line 3, must be completed               Example 3: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on 
or the pass-through withholding reported on this line may not be           May 29, 2025, requesting to receive your overpayment 
credited to your return.                                                   as a credit. May 29, 2025, is after the original filing and 
See “What is pass-through withholding?” under “General Information”        payment due date of the 2024 tax year (May 15, 2025, for 
in these instructions for more information.                                calendar-year filers), but is before the original filing and 
         Partners in an investment partnership may not be eligible to      payment due date of the 2025 tax year (May 15, 2026, for 
claim a Schedule K-1-P, Step 7, Line 55 amount reported to them by         calendar-year filers). Your credit will be applied against your 
the investment partnership. See Schedule K-1-P(2) for information          2025 tax year liability.
about when a partner may claim investment partnership withholding          If you are filing your return after the extended due date, you 
credit.                                                                  may only elect to claim an overpayment credit for payments received 
Line 29d — Enter the total amount of pass-through entity (PTE)           on or before the date you filed your return. Any payments made after 
tax credit reported to you on Schedule(s) K-1-P, Line 53a, and           the date you filed that return can only be claimed as an overpayment 
Schedule(s) K-1-T, Line 50. Attach copies of the Schedules K-1-P         credit on a subsequent amended return.
and K-1-T you received from the pass-through entities to your 
Form IL-990-T.                                                                       401(a) trusts only
Line 29e — Enter the total amount of Illinois gambling withholding                (To which tax year will my credit apply?)
and the total amount of Illinois withholding from sports wagering        If your 2023 return was filed
winnings. Attach Forms W-2G.
                                                                         ‰ on or before the original filing and payment due date of your 
Line 32 — Enter the amount of overpayment you elect to be credited         return, your credit will be applied to the next full tax year, unless 
forward. Check the box on this line if this is your final return and any   you elect to apply the credit to a different tax year.
remaining carryforward is being transferred to another entity. Attach 
a detailed statement to your return listing the FEIN of the entity         Example 1: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on 
receiving the credit carryforward, the date the credit was transferred,    March 1, 2024, requesting to receive your overpayment as 
and the reason for the transfer.                                           a credit. March 1, 2024, falls before the original filing and 
                                                                           payment due date of the 2023 tax year (April 15, 2024, for 
         Step 1, Line C, must also be completed if you are                 calendar-year filers). Your credit will be applied against your 
transferring an overpayment to another entity.                             2024 tax year liability.
Your credit carryforward will not be applied if you do not file a        ‰ after the original filing and payment due date of your return, 
processable return.                                                        your credit will be applied to the next full tax year in which timely 
         Your credit carryforward may be reduced by us due to              payments can be made as of the date you are filing this return, 
corrections we make to your return, or to satisfy any unpaid tax,          unless you elect to apply the credit to a different tax year. 
penalty, and interest due for this year or any other year. If we reduce    Example 2: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on 
your credit carryforward, it may result in a late-payment penalty in a     August 5, 2024, requesting to receive your overpayment 
subsequent year.                                                           as a credit. August 5, 2024, is after the original filing and 
To which tax year will my credit apply?                                    payment due date of the 2023 tax year (April 15, 2024, for 
         Different dates apply to the examples given below                 calendar-year filers), but is before the original filing and 
depending on if you file as a corporation or trust. Only read the          payment due date of the 2024 tax year (April 15, 2025, for 
section of the following instructions that apply to your filing type.      calendar-year filers). Your credit will be applied against your 
                                                                           2024 tax year liability.
                                                                           Example 3: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on 
           Corporations and 501(c) trusts only 
                                                                           April 23, 2025, requesting to receive your overpayment 
           (To which tax year will my credit apply?)
                                                                           as a credit. April 23, 2025, is after the original filing and 
If your 2023 return was filed                                              payment due date of the 2024 tax year (April 15, 2025, for 
‰ on or before the original filing and payment due date of your            calendar-year filers), but is before the original filing and 
  return, your credit will be applied to the next full tax year, unless    payment due date of the 2025 tax year (April 15, 2026, for 
  you elect to apply the credit to a different tax year.                   calendar-year filers). Your credit will be applied against your 
        Example 1: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on              2025 tax year liability.
        March 1, 2024, requesting to receive your overpayment as           If you are filing your return after the extended due date, you 
        a credit. March 1, 2024, falls before the original filing and    may only elect to claim an overpayment credit for payments received 
        payment due date of the 2023 tax year (May 15, 2024 for          on or before the date you filed your return. Any payments made after 
        calendar-year filers). Your credit will be applied against your  the date you filed that return can only be claimed as an overpayment 
        2024 tax year liability.                                         credit on a subsequent amended return.
‰ after the original filing and payment due date of your return,         With what date will my credit apply against my tax liability?
  your credit will be applied to the next full tax year in which timely     Different dates apply to the examples given below 
  payments can be made as of the date you are filing this return,        depending on if you file as a corporation or trust. Only read the 
  unless you elect to apply the credit to a different tax year.          section of the following instructions that apply to your filing type.

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                                                                      Example 3: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on 
                                Corporations only                     November 19, 2024, requesting $500 be applied as a 
 (With what date will my credit apply against my tax liability?)      credit. Your credit of $500 will be considered to be paid on 
                                                                      November 19, 2024, because you filed your return after the 
If your 2023 return was filed                                         extended due date of your 2023 calendar-year return.
‰  on or before the extended due date of your return 
   (December 16, 2024, for calendar-year filers), your credit is 
   considered to be paid on the original due date of this return                       401(a) trusts only
   (May 15, 2024, for calendar-year filers).                         (With what date will my credit apply against my tax liability?)
   However, if all or a portion of your overpayment results from   If your 2023 return was filed
   payments made after the original due date of this return, that  ‰  on or before the extended due date of your return 
   portion of your credit is considered to be paid on the date you    (October 15, 2024, for calendar-year filers), your credit is 
   made the payment.                                                  considered to be paid on the original due date of this return 
   Example 1: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on or           (April 15, 2024, for calendar-year filers). 
   before the extended due date of your return requesting $500        However, if all or a portion of your overpayment results from 
   be applied as a credit. All of your payments are made before       payments made after the original due date of this return, that 
   the original due date of your return. Your credit of $500 will     portion of your credit is considered to be paid on the date you 
   be considered to be paid on May 15, 2024.                          made the payment.
   Example 2: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on or           Example 1: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on or 
   before the extended due date of your return requesting $500        before the extended due date of your return requesting $500 
   be applied as a credit. Your overpayment includes payments         be applied as a credit. All of your payments are made before 
   of $400 you made before the original due date of your return,      the original due date of your return. Your credit of $500 will 
   and a $100 payment you made on June 3, 2024. Your credit           be considered to be paid on April 15, 2024. 
   of $400 will be considered to be paid on May 15, 2024.             Example 2: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on or 
   The remaining $100 credit will be considered to be paid on         before the extended due date of your return requesting $500 
   June 3, 2024.                                                      be applied as a credit. Your overpayment includes payments 
‰  after the extended due date of your return, your credit is         of $400 you made before the original due date of your return, 
   considered to be paid on the date you filed the return on which    and a $100 payment you made on June 3, 2024. Your credit 
   you made the election.                                             of $400 will be considered to be paid on April 15, 2024. 
   Example 3: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on              The remaining $100 credit will be considered to be paid on 
   December 19, 2024, requesting $500 be applied as a                 June 3, 2024. 
   credit. Your credit of $500 will be considered to be paid on    ‰  after the extended due date of your return, your credit is 
   December 19, 2024, because you filed your return after the         considered to be paid on the date you filed the return on which 
   extended due date of your 2023 calendar-year return.               you made the election.
                                                                      Example 3: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on 
                                501(c) trusts only                    December 2, 2024, requesting $500 be applied as a 
 (With what date will my credit apply against my tax liability?)      credit. Your credit of $500 will be considered to be paid on 
                                                                      December 2, 2024, because you filed your return after the 
If your 2023 return was filed                                         extended due date of your 2023 calendar-year return.
‰  on or before the extended due date of your return               May I apply my credit to a different tax year? 
   (November 15, 2024, for calendar-year filers), your credit is 
   considered to be paid on the original due date of this return   Yes. If you wish to apply your credit to a tax year other than the one 
   (May 15, 2024, for calendar-year filers).                       during which you file this return, you must submit a separate request 
                                                                   in writing to: 
   However, if all or a portion of your overpayment results from 
   payments made after the original due date of this return, that  ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
   portion of your credit is considered to be paid on the date you PO BOX 19004
   made the payment.                                               SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9004
   Example 1: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on or            Submit your request at the time you file your return. Do not 
   before the extended due date of your return requesting $500     submit your return to this address.
   be applied as a credit. All of your payments are made before    Your request must include 
   the original due date of your return. Your credit of $500 will  your name, 
   be considered to be paid on May 15, 2024. 
                                                                   your FEIN, 
   Example 2: You file your 2023 calendar-year return on or 
   before the extended due date of your return requesting $500     the tax year of the return creating the overpayment, and
   be applied as a credit. Your overpayment includes payments      the tax year you wish to have the credit apply.
   of $400 you made before the original due date of your return,   If you do not follow these instructions, your election will be 
   and a $100 payment you made on June 3, 2024. Your credit        considered invalid and we will not apply your credit as you requested.
   of $400 will be considered to be paid on May 15, 2024. 
                                                                   If you submit a valid request, we will apply your credit as you 
   The remaining $100 credit will be considered to be paid on 
                                                                   requested and notify you. Once made, your election to change the 
   June 3, 2024. 
                                                                   tax year to which your credit will apply is irrevocable. Requests will 
‰  after the extended due date of your return, your credit is      be worked in the order we receive them.
   considered to be paid on the date you filed the return on which 
   you made the election.

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         You may only apply your credit to tax years occurring after       If you are paying electronically do not complete and attach 
the year of the return creating the overpayment. If you request to        a payment voucher.
apply more credit than our records show you have available, we            You should also enter the amount you are paying in the box 
will apply the maximum amount available and notify you of the             located on the top of Page 1 of the Form IL-990-T.
                                                                          We encourage you to let us figure your penalties and interest and 
Line 33 — Follow the instructions on the form. Your refund will not       send you a bill instead of determining these amounts yourself. We 
be issued if you do not file a processable return.                        will compute any penalty or interest due and notify you (see General 
          Your refund may be reduced by us to satisfy any unpaid          Information, “What are the penalties and interest?”).
tax, penalty, and interest due for this year or any other year. 
                                                                          Step 7 — Signature, date, and paid preparer’s 
Line 34 — Direct deposit information.                                     information
If you choose to deposit your refund directly into your checking or       You must sign and date your return. If you do not sign your return, 
savings account, you must                                                 it will not be considered filed and you may be subject to a non-filer 
•  Enter your routing number.                                             penalty.
    For a checking account, your routing number must be nine             If you pay someone to prepare your return, the income tax return 
     digits and the first two digits must be 01 through 12 or 21          preparer must also sign and date the return, enter the preparer tax 
     through 32.                                                          identification number (PTIN) issued to them by the Internal Revenue 
     The sample check following these instructions has an example         Service, and provide their firm’s name, FEIN, address, and phone 
     of a routing number.                                                 number.
   •  For a savings account, you must contact your financial              If you want to allow the paid preparer listed in this step to discuss 
     institution for your routing number.                                 this return with IDOR, check the box. This authorization will allow 
                                                                          your paid preparer to answer any questions that arise during the 
•  Check the appropriate box to indicate whether you want your            processing of your return, call us with questions about your return, 
   refund deposited into your checking or savings account.                and receive or respond to notices we send. The authorization will 
•  Enter your account number.                                             automatically end no later than the due date for filing your next year’s 
   •  For a checking account, your account number may be up to 17         tax return (excluding extensions). You may revoke the authorization 
     digits.                                                              at any time by calling or writing us.
     The sample check following these instructions has an example  
     of an account number. 
   •  For a savings account, you must contact your financial    
     institution for your account number. 
Do not use your account and routing numbers from your checking 
or savings account deposit slip.Do not  include your check number. 
Include hyphens, but omit spaces and special symbols. You may 
have unused boxes. 

         If your financial institution does not honor your request for 
direct deposit, we will send you a check instead.
         We do not support international ACH transactions. We will 
only deposit refunds into accounts located within the United States. 
If your financial institution is located outside the United States, we 
will send you a check instead of depositing your refund into your 
Line 35 — Follow the instructions on the form. This is your amount 
of tax due that must be paid in full if $1 or more. If you are not paying 
electronically, complete a payment voucher, Form IL-990-T-V, make 
your check or money order payable to “Illinois Department of 
Revenue” and attach them to the front of the return. 

IL-990-T Instructions (R-12/23)                                                                                                       Page 11 of 14

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                                 Appendix A - Estimated Payment Worksheets

Corporations: If you reasonably expect your income and replacement tax liability to exceed $400 after Illinois tax credits and withholding 
payments made on your behalf, complete this worksheet to compute your next tax year’s estimated tax. Keep this record for your files. 

       If your income changes during the year, complete the amended worksheet on the next page.

  1  Enter the amount of Illinois net income expected in the next tax year.                                     1 
  2  Multiply Line 1 by 9.5 percent (.095) and enter the result.                                                2 
  3  Enter the amount of recapture of investment credits from Schedule 4255 expected in your next tax year.     3 
  4  Enter the amount of the surcharges from the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act 
    and the sale of assets by gaming licensee expected in your next tax year. 
    See the Form IL-990-T Instructions for more information.                                                    4 

  5  Add Lines 2 through 4 and enter the result.                                                                5 
  6  Enter the amount of Illinois tax credits expected in your next tax year as calculated on the corresponding 
    Form IL-477 or Schedule 1299-D.                                                                             6 
  7  Enter the amount of pass-through withholding (including any eligible investment partnership withholding)  
    expected to be made on your behalf or PTE tax credit expected in the next tax year on any Schedule K-1-P  
    or Schedule K-1-T you receive.                                                                              7 
  8  Enter the amount of any Illinois gambling withholding and sports wagering winnings withholding from 
    Illinois sources shown on any Form W-2G you expect to receive.                                              8 
  9  Add Lines 6 through 8 and enter the result.                                                                9 
  10 Subtract Line 9 from Line 5 and enter the result. If $400 or less, stop. You do not have to make 
    estimated tax payments. If more than  $400, continue to Line 11.                                            10 
11   Subtract Line 6 from Line 5 and enter the result.                                                          11 
12   Divide Line 11 by 4. This is the amount of each of your estimated tax payments.                            12 
       You may use pass-through withholding (including any eligible investment partnership withholding) made on your behalf or PTE tax credit 
       received and reported to you on any Schedule K-1-P or K-1-T to reduce the estimated tax payment for the quarter in which the tax year 
       shown on the Schedule K-1-P or K-1-T falls and any subsequent tax payment until the entire credit is used.
       You may use Illinois gambling withholding or sports wagering winnings withholding shown on any Form W-2G you receive to reduce the 
       estimated tax payment for the quarter in which the gambling winnings were received and any subsequent tax payment until the entire 
       credit is used.
       If you made the election to credit a prior year overpayment to your next tax year and
                the election was made on or before the extended due date of that prior year return, use the credit to reduce the first estimated  
                  tax payment and any subsequent tax payments until the entire credit is used. 
                                 If all or a portion of the credit results from payments made after the due date of your first estimated tax installment of that  
                  prior year return, that portion of your credit is considered to be paid on the date you made the payment. If that payment date is  
                  on or before an estimated payment due date, you may use that portion of the credit to reduce that estimated tax payment and  
                  any subsequent tax payments until the entire credit is used.
                the election was made after the extended due date of that prior year return, the credit will be treated as paid on the date you  
                  submitted the election. If that payment date is on or before an estimated payment due date, you may use the credit to reduce that  
                  estimated tax payment and any subsequent tax payments until the entire credit is used.

       Pay electronically at tax.illinois.gov or use Form IL-990-T-V to mail your payment. 
Failure to use the correct voucher for your estimated payments may result in your payment being misapplied, penalties and interest, a delay 
in the processing of your return, or a delay in the generation of any overpayment. 
Trusts are not required to make estimated payments. However, trusts may voluntarily prepay their tax liability at any time prior to the original 
due date of the return.

IL-990-T Instructions (R-12/23)                                                                                    Page 12 of 14

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Appendix A - continued

Complete this amended worksheet if a change occurs in your original estimated tax.

  1  Enter the amount of Illinois net income expected in your next tax year.                                     1 
  2  Multiply Line 1 by 9.5 percent (.095) and enter the result.                                                 2 
  3  Enter the amount of recapture of investment credits expected in your next tax year.                         3 
  4  Enter the amount of the surcharges from the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act 
    and the sale of assets by gaming licensee expected in your next tax year.                                    4 
  5  Add Lines 2 through 4 and enter the result.                                                                 5 
  6  Enter the amount of Illinois tax credits expected in your next tax year as calculated on the corresponding
    Form IL-477 or Schedule 1299-D.                                                                              6 
  7  Enter the amount of pass-through withholding (including any eligible investment partnership withholding)  
    expected to be made on your behalf or PTE tax credit expected in the next tax year on any  
    Schedule K-1-P or Schedule K-1-T you receive.                                                                7 
  8  Enter the amount of any Illinois gambling withholding and sports wagering winnings withholding from 
    Illinois sources shown on any Form W-2G you expect to receive.                                               8 
  9  Add Lines 6 through 8 and enter the result.                                                                 9 
  10  Subtract Line 9 from Line 5 and enter the result. If $400 or less, stop. You do not have to make 
    estimated tax payments. If more than $400, continue to Line 11.                                             10 
  11 Subtract Line 6 from Line 5 and enter the result.                                                          11 
  12 Divide Line 11 by 4.                                                                                       12 
  13 Multiply Line 12 by the number of previously due estimated payments.                                       13 
  14 Enter the amount of any estimated tax payments, timely prior year overpayments, timely pass-through 
    withholding (including any eligible investment partnership withholding) made on your behalf, timely PTE tax  
    credit received, or timely Illinois gambling/sports wagering winnings withholding shown on Form W-2G  
    you received. See the information under Line 12 on the previous page to determine if your credit for a  
    prior year overpayment or withholding amount is considered timely.                                          14 
  15 Subtract Line 14 from Line 13 and enter the result. This amount may be negative.                           15 
  16 Add Lines 12 and 15 and enter the result. 
    If positive, this is the amount due on your next payment due date. 
     If zero or negative, the amount due on your next payment due date is zero.
    If Line 16 is negative, continue to Line 17. Otherwise, stop here.                                          16 
  17 If Line 16 is negative, enter that amount as a positive number.                                            17 
  18 Subtract Line 17 from Line 12 and enter the result. 
    This is the amount due on the following due date, if applicable.                                            18 
IL-990-T Instructions (R-12/23)                                                                                    Page 13 of 14

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                                Appendix B - Extension Payment Worksheet

Use this worksheet if all of the following apply to you:
  you are required to file Form IL-990-T,
  you cannot file your annual tax return by the due date, and
  you complete this worksheet and determine you owe a tentative tax. 
If Line 10 of the worksheet shows you owe tentative tax, pay the full amount due either by filing and paying with Form IL-990-T-V or by 
making your payment electronically. An extension of time to file does not extend the amount of time you have to make your payment. 

Extension Payment Worksheet (for your records)
  1 Enter the total income and replacement taxes you expect to owe this tax year.                     1                                              
  2  Enter the amount of recapture of investment credits expected in this tax year.                   2 
  3 Enter the amount of the surcharges from the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act 
     and the sale of assets by gaming licensee expected in this tax year.                             3
  4 Add Lines 1 through 3 and enter the result here.                                                  4
  5  Enter the estimated replacement tax investment credits you expect in this year.                  5 
  6  Enter the estimated income tax credits you expect in this year.                                  6 
  7  Enter any estimated payments and prepayments you made and any overpayment you elected to be 
     credited to this tax year.                                                                       7 
   8  Enter any withholding reported to you and any pass-through withholding (including any eligible  
     investment partnership withholding) made on your behalf or PTE tax credit received this year.    8 
   9  Add Lines 5 through 8 and enter the result here.                                                9 
  10  Subtract Line 9 from Line 4. This is your tentative tax due. Enter the result here and on 
     Form IL-990-T-V.                                                                                 10 

Extension Payment Worksheet Instructions
Line 1 —  Enter the total amount of income and replacement taxes you expect to owe for this tax year. 
Line 2 —  Enter the amount of recapture of investment tax credit that you expect to report on Schedule 4255, Recapture of Investment Tax   
Line 3 —  Enter the amount of the surcharges from the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act and the sale of assets by  
        gaming licensee you expect to owe for this tax year.  See the Form IL-990-T Instructions for more information.
Line 4 —   Add Lines 1 through 3 and enter the result. This is the net income and replacement tax, recapture, and surcharge you expect  
        to owe this year. 
Line 5 —   Enter the total amount of any estimated replacement tax investment credits from Form IL-477, Replacement Tax Investment Credit.
Line 6 —   Enter the amount of any estimated income tax credits from Schedule 1299-D, Income Tax Credits (for corporations and fiduciaries).
Line 7 —   Enter the total amount of estimated payments and prepayments you made and any overpayment you elected to be credited to this tax  
Line 8 —   Enter the total amount of Illinois income tax withheld on Form W-2G, and the amount of pass-through withholding (including any  
        eligible investment partnership withholding) made on your behalf or PTE tax credit received and reported to you on Illinois      
        Schedule(s) K-1-P, Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, and Recapture, or Illinois Schedule(s) K-1-T,  
        Beneficiary’s Share of Income and Deductions.
Line 9 —   Add Lines 5 through 8.  This is your tax payments and credits.
Line 10 — Subtract Line 9 from Line 4. This is your tentative tax due. If Line 10 is $1 or more, you must pay the amount due. If Line 10 is less  
        than $1, you do not have to pay. Do not attach federal Form 7004 to your Form IL-990-T-V.

        Pay electronically at tax.illinois.gov or use Form IL-990-T-V, Payment Voucher for Exempt Organization Income 
and Replacement Tax. 

Failure to use the correct voucher for your payments may result in your payment being misapplied, penalties and interest, a delay in the 
processing of your return, or a delay in the generation of any overpayment.
IL-990-T Instructions (R-12/23)                                                                                       Page 14 of 14

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