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                    DRAFT FORM 

Note: The draft you are looking for begins on the next page. 


This is an early release draft of an Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) tax form or instructions, which 
IDOR is providing for substitute forms providers. Do not file draft forms and do not rely on draft forms 
and instructions for filing. We incorporate all significant changes to forms posted with this coversheet. 
However, unexpected issues occasionally arise, or legislation is passed—in this case, we will post a new 
draft of the form to alert users that changes were made to the previously posted draft.  

All forms and instructions have a page on our website at      Tax Forms (illinois.gov) where you may see the 
final versions once they are released. Year-end income tax forms are usually released towards the end 
of January. 

If you wish, you can submit comments and questions to IDOR about draft or final forms and instructions 
at REV.VendorForms@illinois.gov. We will forward this information to the Office of Publications 
Management, where forms and publications are administered. 

IDR-1-DIS (N-08/23)          Printed by authority of State of Illinois, web only  –one copy. 

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                                                                                   Illinois Department of Revenue
                                                                                   2023 Form IL-1040
                                                                                   Individual Income Tax Return                                                                                  or for fiscal year ending                            /

                                                                 Step 1: Personal Information                      Enter personal information and Social Security numbers (SSN).  You must provide the entire SSN(s) - no partial SSN.
 A                                                                Your first name and middle initial               Your last name                                      Year of birth                                            Your social security number
                                                                  Spouse’s   first name   and middle initial       Spouse’s last name                                  Spouse’s        year of birth Spouse’s social security number
                                                                  Mailing address (See inst. if foreign address)                      Apartment number       City                                State                                       Zip or postal code

                                                                  Foreign nation if not US (do not abbreviate)                        County (Illinois only)       Email address
                                                                    TENTATIVE FINAL
 B  Filing status:                                                                       Single         Married filing jointly          Married filing separately       Widowed            Head of household
 C  Check If someone can claim you, or your spouse if filing jointly, as a dependent. See instructions.                                                                                   You                                   Spouse
 D  Check                                                                   the box if this applies to you during 2023:                Nonresident - Attach Sch. NR     Part-year resident - Attach Sch. NR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Whole dollars only)
                                                                 Step 2: Income 
                                                                 1    Federal adjusted gross income from your federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, Line 11.                                                                            1                              .00
                                                                 2    Federally tax-exempt interest and dividend income from your federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, Line 2a.                                                          2                            .00 
                                                                 3    Other additions. Attach Schedule M.                                                                                                                       3                              .00
                                                                 4    Total income. Add Lines 1 through 3.                                                                                                                      4                              .00
                                                                 Step 3: Base Income 
                                                                 5    Social Security benefits and certain retirement plan income received if included  
                                                                      in Line 1. Attach Page 1 of federal return.                                                                   5                                                   .00 
  6                                                                   Illinois Income Tax overpayment included in federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
                                                                      Schedule 1, Ln. 1.                                                                                          6                                                     .00
  7                                                                   Other subtractions. Attach Schedule M.                                                                       7                                                    .00
  8                                                                   Add Lines 5, 6, and 7. This is the total of your subtractions.                                                                                            8                              .00
  9                                                                   Illinois base income. Subtract Line 8 from Line 4.                                                                                                        9                              .00
  Step 4: Exemptions - See instructions for income limitations
                                                                 10  a    Enter the exemption amount for yourself and your spouse.  See instructions.                             a                                             .00 
                                                                      b  Check if 65 or older:                     You +                Spouse    # of checkboxes  x   $1,000      = b                                          .00  
                                                                      c    Check    if legally blind:              You +                Spouse # of checkboxes  x   $1,000      = c                                             .00
                                                                      d    If you are claiming dependents, enter the amount from Schedule IL-E/EIC, Step 2, Line 1. 
                                                                           Attach Schedule IL-E/EIC.                                                                              d                                             .00
                                                                      Exemption allowance. Add Lines 10a through 10d.                                                                                                           10                             .00
                                  Staple W-2 and 1099 forms here
                                                                 Step 5: Net Income and Tax
                                                                 11   Residents: Net income. Subtract Line 10 from Line 9. 
                                                                      Nonresidents and part-year residents: Enter the Illinois net income from Schedule NR. Attach Schedule NR. 11                                                                             .00
                                                                 12   Residents: Multiply Line 11 by 4.95% (.0495). Cannot be less than zero. 
                                                                      Nonresidents and part-year residents: Enter the tax from Schedule NR.                                                                                     12                             .00 
                                                                 13  Recapture of investment tax credits. Attach Schedule 4255.                                                                `                                13                             .00 
                                                                 14  Income tax. Add Lines 12 and 13. Cannot be less than zero.                                                                                                 14                             .00
  Step 6: Tax After Nonrefundable Credits 
                                                                 15  Income tax paid to another state while an Illinois resident. Attach Schedule CR.                               15                                                  .00
                                                                 16  Property tax, K-12 education expense, and volunteer emergency worker credit amount 
                                                                      from Schedule ICR. Attach Schedule ICR.                                                                       16                                                  .00
  17 and                                                            IL-1040-VCredit amount from Schedule 1299-C. Attach Schedule 1299-C.                                         17                                                     .00
                                                                 18  Add Lines 15, 16, and 17. This is the total of your credits. Cannot exceed the tax amount on Line 14.                                                       18                            .00
                                                                 19   Tax after nonrefundable credits. Subtract Line 18 from Line 14.                                                                                           19                             .00
  Step 7: Other Taxes 
                                                                 20   Household employment tax. See instructions.                                                                                                               20                             .00
                                                                 21   Use tax on internet, mail order, or other out-of-state purchases from UT Worksheet or UT Table 
                                                                      in the instructions. Do not leave blank.                                                                                                                  21                             .00
                 Staple your check
                                                                 22   Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act and sale of assets by gaming licensee surcharges.                                                       22                             .00
  23                                                                  Total Tax. Add Lines 19, 20, 21, and 22.                                                                                                                  23                             .00

                                                                           IL-1040 Front (R-12/23)  Printed by authority of the state This form is authorized as outlined under the Illinois Income Tax Act.  Disclosure of 
                                                                           of Illinois. Electronic only, one copy.                    this information is required.  Failure to provide information could result in a penalty.

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  24    Total tax from Page 1, Line 23.                                                                                    24                      .00
  Step 8: Payments and Refundable Credit 
  25   Illinois Income Tax withheld. Attach Schedule IL-WIT.                                 25                           .00
  26  Estimated payments from Forms IL-1040-ES and IL-505-I,  
         including any overpayment applied from a prior year return.                         26                            .00
  27   Pass-through withholding. Attach Schedule K-1-P or K-1-T.                             27                           .00
  28   Pass-through entity tax credit.Attach Schedule K-1-P or K-1-T.                                                     .0028  
  29  Earned Income Credit from Schedule IL-E/EIC, Step 4, Line 9.AttachSchedule IL-E/EIC.                               29.00
  30   Total payments and refundable credit. Add Lines 25 through 29.                                                      30       .00 
  Step 9: Total 
  31   If Line 30 is greater than Line 24, subtract Line 24 from Line 30.                                                  31       .00
  32   IfTENTATIVELine 24 is greater than Line 30, subtract Line 30 from Line 24.                                      FINAL 32     .00
     Step 10: Underpayment of Estimated Tax Penalty and Donations 
  33   Late-payment penalty for underpayment of estimated tax.                               33                           .00
         a      Check if at least two-thirds of your federal gross income is from farming.
       b        Check if you or your spouse are 65 or older and permanently living in a nursing home.          
       c        Check if your income was not received evenly during the year and you annualized your income on Form IL-2210.  
                  Attach Form IL-2210.      
       d       Check if you were not required to file an Illinois Individual Income Tax return in the previous tax year.   
  34   Voluntary charitable donations. Attach Schedule G.                                     34                           .00
  35  Total penalty and donations. Add Lines 33 and 34.                                                                     35      .00
  Step 11: Refund or Amount you owe 
  36   If you have an amount on Line 31 and this amount is greater than Line 35, subtract Line 35 from Line 31. 
       This is your overpayment.                                                                                            36      .00
  37   Amount from Line 36 you want refunded to you. Check one box on Line 38. See instructions.                           37       .00
  38  I choose to receive my refund by  
       a       direct deposit - Complete the information below if you check this box. 
                  You may also  contribute Routing number                                                     Checking or   Savings
                  to college savings funds 
                  here. See instructions!  Account number 

       b       paper check.
  39   Amount to be credited forward. Subtract Line 37 from Line 36. See instructions.                                     39       .00
  40   If you have an amount on Line 32, add Lines 32 and 35. If you have an amount on Line 31, and this amount 
       is less than Line 35, subtract Line 31 from Line 35. If Lines 31 and 32 are blank (zero), enter the amount 
       from Line 35. This is the amount you owe. See instructions.                                                         40       .00
  Step 12:  Health Insurance Checkbox and Signature   
           Check this box and include your email address in Step 1 if IDOR may share your income information with other Illinois state  
               agencies in order to determine your eligibility for health insurance benefits. See instructions for more information.

  Signature - Note: If this is a joint return, both you and your spouse must sign below.
  Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this return, and to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct, and complete. 

  Sign        Your signature                   Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Spouse’s signature         Date (mm/dd/yyyy)  Daytime phone number
  Here                                                                                                         (      )
              Print/Type paid preparer’s name                    Paid preparer’s signature  Date (mm/dd/yyyy)         Check if    Paid Preparer’s PTIN
  Paid                                                                                                          self-employed
              Firm’s name                                                                   Firm’s FEIN
  Use Only
              Firm’s address                                                                Firm’s phone        (      )
  Third       Designee’s name (please print)                               Designee’s phone number                  Check if the Department may 
  Party                                                                                                        discuss this return with the third 
  Designee                                                                  (      )                           party designee shown in this step.
                  Refer to the 2023 IL-1040 Instructions for the address to mail your return.
                  IL-1040 Back (R-12/23)                                                                                         .
                                            DR           AP                        RR      DC      IR      ID

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