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Illinois Department of Revenue
ART-1-X Instructions
General Information
Who must file Form ART-1-X? penalty you will owe. For more information about penalties and
You must file Form ART-1-X if you filed Form ART-1, Automobile interest, see Publication 103, Penalties and Interest for Illinois Taxes,
Renting Occupation and Use Tax Return, and you need to which is available on our website at tax.illinois.gov.
• correct your Form ART-1 to pay more tax; How do I get forms?
• request a credit for tax you overpaid; If you need additional amended returns, visit our website
• make corrections to financial information in response to a notice at tax.illinois.gov, or call our 24-hour Forms Order Line at
or bill; or
1 800 356-6302.
• make corrections to nonfinancial information on your return
without changing the amount of tax due. How do I get help?
Do not file Form ART-1-X for amounts of less than $1, unless you are If you need help, visit our Taxpayer Answer Center, available on
making corrections to nonfinancial information. our website at tax.illinois.gov. If you cannot find the answer to
If you are requesting a credit, do not use the credit until we notify you your question, you can email the Department from the Taxpayer
that your credit has been approved. Answer Center. You can also call weekdays between 8:00 a.m.
You must file one Form ART-1-X for each reporting period you want and 5:00 p.m. at 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336 or call our
to amend. For example, if you file Form ART-1 monthly, you must file TDD-telecommunications device for the deaf at 1 800 544-5304.
one Form ART-1-X for each month you are amending. You cannot If you have a specific question about an amended return you have
file one ART-1-X to amend several months. Likewise, if you file filed, call us at 217 782-7897 or write us at
Form ART-1 on an annual basis, you must file one amended return SALES TAX PROCESSING DIVISION
for each year that you want to amend. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
If you originally filed Form ART-2, Multiple Site Form, you must file PO BOX 19013
Form ART-2-X, Amended Multiple Site Form, for the locations whose SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9013
figures need to be amended and attach it to Form ART-1-X. For
Where do I mail my completed return?
those locations with no change, we will use the most recent figures
filed. Failure to file Form ART-2-X will delay the processing of your Mail your completed return to:
Form ART-1-X or your changes will not be accepted. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
Note: If you received a notice from us that your original return is PO BOX 19034
unprocessable, we cannot process an amended return (claim for SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9034
credit) until you respond to the notice. How can I file and pay electronically?
What is the deadline for filing this form? We encourage all taxpayers to file returns electronically. If you filed
The period for which you can claim a credit for an overpayment of your original Form ART-1 for the reporting period you are amending
Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax depends on when through MyTax Illinois at tax.illinois.gov, you can also file your
you file your Form ART-1-X. If you file this amended return between Form ART-1-X using that system. You can also make your payments
January 1 and June 30 of this year, you may file a claim for credit through MyTax Illinois. This is a free, online program designed to be
for amounts you overpaid during the current year and the previous an easy, convenient, and fast way for you to electronically submit
36 months. Beginning July 1, you may file a claim for credit for the your return and payment any time. No software is required, and it is
amounts you overpaid during the current year and previous 30 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Note: We use the U.S. Postal Service postmark date as the filing
date of a properly signed amended return (claim for credit).
There is no deadline for making additional payments; however,
the longer you wait to pay, the more interest and, when applicable,
Specific Instructions
Everyone must complete Steps 1, 2, and 4. You must also complete Note: The organization’s tax-exempt number must have been in
Step 3 if you are changing financial information. effect on the day you rented the automobile.
Step 1: Identify your business If you checked Reason 2g (another reason), please explain the
reason for the tax exemption on the lines provided. Attach additional
Enter your Illinois account ID as it appears on your original
sheets if necessary.
Form ART-1. Also, enter the reporting period for which you are filing
the amended return. Next, enter the name of your business as it If you checked Reason 6, you must enter the correct account ID.
appears on your original return. If you checked Reason 7, you must enter the correct reporting period.
Step 2: Mark the reason you are filing an amended return Mark Reason 8 only if Reasons 1 through 7 do not apply. On the
lines provided, please explain why you are correcting your return.
Mark the reason that best explains why you are filing Form ART-1-X. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
If you checked Reason 2a (rentals made to an exempt organization),
you must enter the tax-exempt “E” number we issued on the line
provided. If you rented automobiles to more than one organization,
enter each organization’s tax-exempt number on a separate sheet,
and attach it to your return. ART-1-X Instructions front (R-03/14)