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General Information
Who should file Form ART-2-X? What if I need help?
You should file Form ART-2-X, Amended Multiple Site Form, if If you need help, visit our Taxpayer Answer Center, available
you need to change information or figures that you previously on our website at tax.illinois.gov. If you cannot find the
reported on your original Form ART-2. answer to your question, you can email the Department from
the Taxpayer Answer Center. You can also call the Illinois
How do I amend information previously reported? Department of Revenue at 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336
Only list the locations that require a change to information or or call our TDD-telecommunications device for the deaf at
figures you previously reported. For those locations with no 1 800 544-5304.
changes, the most recent figures filed will be used.
How do I round figures to the nearest dollar?
Drop amounts of less than 50 cents, and increase amounts of
50 cents or more to the next higher dollar.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Site where the taxable rentals were made or site for which Line 11a Complete the following worksheet for each site you
Automobile Renting Use Tax is being paid. are changing that is located in Cook County.
Enter your Illinois account ID, business name, and the reporting 1 Enter your Cook County receipts. _________
period you are amending.
2 Enter your livery and taxi receipts
Identify the location code, site name, site address, city, state,
included in Line 1. _________
and ZIP Code of the site(s) that require a change.
3 Subtract Line 2 from Line 1
For all Lines 4a through 11b: If you are reducing the amount
originally reported to zero, enter zero on the line. Leaving the and enter that amount here and
line blank may delay the processing of your return. on Line 11a of the ART-2-X. _________
Enter the appropriate tax rate for your location on the lines Line 11b Multiply Line 11a by the rate of Metropolitan Pier
provided. and Exposition Authority (MPEA) Tax for that
Figure the tax due for each site
Line 4a Only list the site you are amending. Enter the
amount of receipts subject to state Automobile
Renting Occupation and Use Tax.
Line 4b Multiply Line 4a by the state rate for that location.
Line 9 Multiply Line 4a by the rate of local tax for each site.
Line 10 If applicable, multiply Line 4a by the rate of mass
transit tax for each site.
ART-2-X (R-03/14)