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Illinois Department of Revenue REV 3 Form 168
E S ___/___/___
RT-2-X Amended Telecommunications Tax Return NS DP CA
Do not write above this line.
Identify your business Station no. 052
Complete the information to indicate the tax period
Account ID: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for which you are filing this amended return:
Month of __ __/__ __ __ __
License no.: ___ T - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Quarter ending __ __/__ __ __ __
Year __ __ __ __
Taxpayer’s name:____________________________________________________
Check here if your address has changed.
Business’ name: _____________________________________________________
Business’ address: ____________________________________________________ Is this a final (you are no longer in business)
Number and street return? yes no
City State ZIP
Step 1: Figure your net gross charges subject to tax - Figures as they should have been filed
1 Gross charges (defined on instructions) billed during the period for which you are filing this return. 1 ___________|___
2 Total amount you received during the period for which you are filing this return on credit previously extended. 2 ___________|___
3 Add Lines 1 and 2. This amount is your gross charges subject to tax. 3 ___________|___
4 Deductions. Write the following amounts you included in Line 1.
a Gross charges billed to the federal government 4a ___________|___
b Gross charges billed to the state of Illinois 4b ___________|___
c Tax-free sales billed to resellers 4c ___________|___
d Other. Explain:____________________________________________________ 4d ___________|___
5 Add Lines 4a through 4d. This amount is your total deduction. 5 ___________|___
6 Subtract Line 5 from Line 3. This amount is your net gross charges subject to tax. 6 ___________|___
Step 2: Figure your tax due - Figures as they should have been filed
7a Amount of Line 6 subject to the current state and municipal tax rate 7a ___________|___
7b Tax due at the current state and municipal rates 7b ___________|___
8a Amount of Line 6 subject to tax at rates other than the current rates 8a ___________|___
8b Tax due at rates other than the current tax rates 8b ___________|___
9 Add line 7b and Line 8b. This is your total tax due. 9 ___________|___
10 Credit for tax you paid to other states or to telecommunication retailers. See instructions. 10 ___________|___
11 Subtract Line 10 from Line 9. This is the total Telecommunications Tax due. 11 ___________|___
12 If you file this return and pay the amount due by the due date, multiply Line 11 by 1% (.01). 12 ___________|___
13 Subtract Line 12 from Line 11. This is your tax due after the discount. 13 ___________|___
14 If you pay on a quarter-monthly basis, write the amount you paid in estimated payments. If not, write “0.” 14 ___________|___
15 If Line 14 is greater than Line 13, figure your overpayment by subtracting Line 13 from Line 14. Go to Step 3. 15 ___________|___
16 If Line 14 is less than Line 13, figure your underpayment by subtracting Line 14 from Line 13. 16 ___________|___
17 Total credit you wish to apply. 17 ___________|___
18 Subtract Line 17 from Line 16. This is your net tax due. 18 ___________|___
19 Total amount you paid for the reporting period for which you are filing this amended return. 19 ___________|___
20 If Line 19 is greater than Line 18, figure your overpayment by subtracting Line 18 from Line 19. 20 ___________|___
21 If Line 19 is less than Line 18, figure your underpayment by subtracting Line 19 from Line 18. Pay this amount. 21 ___________|___
Step 3: Check the reason you are filing this amended return
❑ I received a Notice of Possible Overpayment or made a computation error that resulted in an overpayment of tax.
• If you checked this box, did you collect the overpaid tax from your customer? yes no
• If you checked “yes,” did you unconditionally refund the overpaid tax? yes no
❑ I made a computation error that resulted in underpayment of tax.
❑ I made an error on a schedule or attachment.
❑ I should have taken a deduction for ________________________________________________________________________________
❑ The original License no. was incorrect. The incorrect License no. is T - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
❑ The original reporting period was incorrect. The incorrect reporting period is ___________________________.
❑ Other. Please explain. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Step 4: Sign below
Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this return and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct, and complete.
_____________________________ Title: ________________________ (____)____-___________ ____/____/________
Owner or officer’s signature and title (state if individual owner, member of firm, or corporate officer title) Telephone number (include area code) Date
_____________________________ Title: ________________________ (____)____-___________ ____/____/________
Preparer’s signature and title (state if individual owner, member of firm, or corporate officer title) Telephone number (include area code) Date
Note: You can file Form RT-2-X electronically using MyTax Illinois at tax.illinois.gov.
RT-2-X (R-11/12) *216801110*
This form is authorized as outlined under the tax or fee Act imposing the tax or fee for which this form is filed. Disclosure of this
information is required. Failure to provide information may result in this form not being processed and may result in a penalty.
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