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How do I apply for a Building Materials How will a retailer know when a purchaser
Exemption Certificate? has a valid exemption certificate?
• Construction contractors, sub-contractors, or other When a certificate holder purchases tax exempt building
entities may obtain an Applicant ID through the Illinois materials, the certificate holder must submit a signed
Department of Revenue (IDOR) website to expedite statement to the retailer that contains the certificate number,
the Building Materials Exemption Certificate application the zone, the project, and the qualified materials being
process. IDOR will provide an Applicant ID by email, purchased. Form EZ-1, Building Materials Exemption
which the applicant can bring to the Zone Administrator Certification, contains all necessary information and will
or High Impact Business project manager to complete the be provided to certificate holders when they receive their
application. Select the “Proceed to the BMEC application” certificates. Form EZ-1 is also available for download at
link on the “Business Incentives” page to get started. tax.illinois.gov.
• Construction contractors, sub-contractors, or other Note: It is the seller’s responsibility to verify that the
entities are required to set up an account on IDOR’s certificate holder’s building materials exemption certificate
website. To begin the process, click on the link in the number is valid and active. You can confirm this by visiting our
Applicant ID email that was sent to you. You will be website at tax.illinois.gov. Select the “Business Incentives
prompted to enter the Social Security Number or Federal Reporting ” link under the “Businesses” drop-down on our
Employer Identification Number that you used to obtain homepage and then select “Verify the validity of a Building
your Applicant ID. Next it will require you to create a Materials Exemption Certificate” link.
password and security questions for easy access in the
future. Once your account has been set up, you will only
Are there reporting requirements if I have
need to enter the Applicant ID and your password to have
been issued an exemption certificate?
access to all exemption certificates associated with your
If you obtained a sales tax exemption certificate issued
Applicant ID.
by IDOR, you are required to file a report with IDOR. You
• Construction contractors, sub-contractors, or other
are required to report the dollar amount of exempt building
entities must request exemption certificates from the
materials that you purchased. Each contractor, sub-
Zone Administrator of the zone where the project
contractor, or other entity that is issued a certificate is liable
is located or from the High Impact Business project
to file, including filing a zero report when no purchases
manager. The Zone Administrator will then submit an
were made. For information on reporting requirements,
application on behalf of the construction contractor, sub-
see Publication 140, Reporting Requirements for Business
contractor, or other entity for an exemption certificate
from IDOR.
• IDOR will issue an exemption certificate within 72 hours
of receiving an application.
For more information:
Find the most up-to-date information on the Illinois
How long is a certificate valid?
Department of Revenue’s website at tax.illinois.gov.
Zone Administrators determine the length of time that an
exemption certificate is valid with a maximum of two years. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages have been
However, exemption certificates may be renewed by the Zone developed to provide more specific detail about each
Administrator upon request. Renewals can be submitted 30 reporting type. Look for the “Business Incentives
days prior to expiration date. Contact your Zone Administrator Reporting” link under the “Businesses” drop-down on
or High Impact Business project manager for more details. our homepage to get started.
What are the penalties for misuse of an
exemption certificate?
Certificate holders are responsible for ensuring that their
certificates are used only to make qualified purchases. A
certificate holder who uses the certificate or allows it to be
used to improperly avoid tax will be assessed taxes and
penalties on the purchase, an additional monetary penalty
equal to the state and local sales taxes on the purchase, and
may be barred from securing certificates for other projects.
Each contractor, sub-contractor, or other entity that
purchases qualified building materials for a project must
have their own exemption certificate. Contractors or
sub-contractors may not use other contractors’ or other
entities’ exemption certificates.
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Page 2 of 2 PUB-139 (R-06/19)