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Form IL-8453 Instructions
General Information Illinois does not support international ACH transactions. IDOR will
only perform direct transactions (e.g. , debit, deposit) with financial
Form IL-8453 is for electronic return originators' (EROs) use institutions located within the United States or those not funded by
only. Taxpayers who file Form IL-1040, Illinois Individual Income international funds. Electronic payments will not be accepted and
Tax Return, using the Tax-Prep Software method must not use
Form IL-8453. refunds will be via paper check.
EROs are required to retain all original IL-8453 forms and supporting IDOR is not responsible if a financial institution rejects a direct
documents at their site for a three-year period. These records may be deposit or electronic funds withdrawal transaction.
maintained electronically. The Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) Some financial institutions
will request selected IL-8453 forms for inspection.Do not send any •may not allow a refund to be deposited into an account if
IL-8453 forms unless requested. the names on the account are not the same names that
appear on the refund. If a direct deposit fails, a paper
Where do I mail Form IL-8453 if requested for review? check will be automatically issued.
If we send you a letter requesting Form IL-8453 and any supporting
documentation, we will provide our mailing address on the letter. •do not allow electronic funds withdrawals from some types of
savings accounts. If an electronic funds withdrawal fails, the
What if I have questions? taxpayer will receive a notice from IDOR that may include
If you have questions, call us weekdays at 217 524-4767 between penalty and interest.
8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Step 4: Taxpayer declaration and signature
Step -by-Step Instructions The taxpayer must check one of the boxes in Step 4, and sign
Submission ID Form IL-8453.
The submission ID is a 20-character number assigned to each If the ERO changes the electronic Form IL-1040 after the taxpayer
electronic return by the software. If we request the Form IL-8453, you has signed Form IL-8453, and the electronic Form IL-1040 has not
must enter the submission ID at the top of the form. been transmitted, the taxpayer must sign a corrected Form IL-8453 if
Step 1: Provide taxpayer information either of the following applies:
Print or type the taxpayer's name, mailing address, Social Security • the net income on Form IL-8453, Step 2, Line 1, differs more
number (SSN) and daytime telephone number. Also, include the than $50 from the amount on the electronic Form IL-1040, or
spouse's information (if applicable). Enter the SSN(s) in the same • the tax on Form IL-8453, Step 2, Line 2, the tax withheld
order as on the transmitted electronic Form IL-1040.
on Step 2, Line 3, the overpayment on Step 2, Line 4, or the
Note: All information on Form IL-8453 must be identical to the total amount due on Step 2, Line 5, differ from the corresponding
information on the transmitted electronic Form IL-1040. amount on the electronic Form IL-1040 by more than $14.
Step 2: Complete information from tax return Step 5: Electronic return originator (ERO) and paid
(whole dollars only) preparer declaration and signature
1 Net income – Amount from Form IL-1040, Line 11. Form IL-8453 must be completed and signed by the ERO. If the
2 Tax – Amount from Form IL-1040, Line 12. ERO and the paid preparer are the same entity, the paid preparer
3 Illinois Income Tax withheld – Amount from Form IL-1040, box must be checked. When the ERO and paid preparer are different,
Line 25. If the amount is zero or blank, enter zero.Do not a copy of Form IL-1040 must be signed by the preparer and attached
include amounts from Lines 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, or 28. to the back of Form IL-8453.
4 Overpayment – Amount from Form IL-1040, Line 35. Collector: If for the purpose of electronic filing, you collected but did
5 Total amount due – Amount from Form IL-1040, Line 39. not prepare the return, sign as the ERO and date the declaration.
Complete the business’ information, including the FEIN and
6 Filing status – Indicate the same filing status as transmitted on telephone number. In this case, no Preparer Tax Identification
the electronic Form IL-1040. Number (PTIN) is required.
Step 3: Complete direct deposit of refund or
electronic funds withdrawal information Step 6: Attach required documents
The taxpayer can choose to directly deposit a refund or have the Attach to the front of Form IL-8453:
amount of tax due automatically withdrawn from their checking or • "Copy 2" of all W-2 and 1099 forms (W-2, W-2G, 1099-DIV,
savings account. 1099-G, 1099-INT, 1099-K, 1099-MISC, 1099-OID, and 1099-R).
7 The routing number (RN) must be nine digits. The first two numbers Attach to the back of Form IL-8453:
must be 01 through 12 or 21 through 32. • Form IL-1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a
8 The account number (AN) may contain up to 17 alphanumeric Deceased Taxpayer, if filing a Form IL-1040 on behalf of a
characters. Include hyphens, but omit spaces and special deceased taxpayer.
symbols. Write the AN from the left, leaving any blank spaces at
the right end. Note: Substitute wage and tax statement forms (federal Form 4852
9 Check the type of account. or Illinois Form IL-4852) cannot be attached to Form IL-8453 or
10 Date the taxpayer authorizes the payment to be electronically submitted later instead of W-2, W-2G, 1099-G, and 1099-R forms.
withdrawn. Form IL-1040 returns that include 4852 forms must be filed on a
11 Amount of payment the taxpayer authorizes to be paper Form IL-1040.
electronically withdrawn.
12 Name on the checking or savings account.
Note: To initiate a payment or refund transaction, the information in
this Step must be included within the electronic transmission. *ZZZZZZZZZ*
This form is authorized as outlined under the Illinois Income Tax Act. Disclosure of
IL‑8453 (R‑12/18) this information is required. Failure to provide information could result in a penalty.