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Form IL-8453 Instructions
Note: To initiate a payment or refund transaction, the information in
General Information this Step must be included within the electronic transmission.
Form IL-8453 is for electronic return originators' (EROs) use Illinois does not support international ACH transactions. IDOR will
only. Taxpayers who file Form IL-1040, Illinois Individual Income only perform direct transactions (e.g. , debit, deposit) with financial
Tax Return, using the Tax-Prep Software method must not use institutions located within the United States or those not funded by
Form IL-8453. international funds. Electronic payments will not be accepted and
EROs are required to retain all original IL-8453 forms and supporting refunds will be via paper check.
documents at their site for a three-year period. These records may be
maintained electronically. The Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) IDOR is not responsible if a financial institution rejects a direct
will request selected IL-8453 forms for inspection. Do not send any deposit or electronic funds withdrawal transaction.
IL-8453 forms unless requested. Some financial institutions
•may not allow a refund to be deposited into an account if
Where do I mail Form IL-8453 if requested for review? the names on the account are not the same names that
If we send you a letter requesting Form IL-8453 and any supporting appear on the refund. If a direct deposit fails, a paper
documentation, we will provide our mailing address on the letter. check will be automatically issued.
What if I have questions? •do not allow electronic funds withdrawals from some types of
If you have questions, call us weekdays at 217 524-4767 between savings accounts. If an electronic funds withdrawal fails, the
8 a.m. and 4 p.m. taxpayer will receive a notice from IDOR that may include
penalty and interest.
Step -by-Step Instructions
Step 4: Taxpayer declaration and signature
Submission ID The taxpayer must check one of the boxes in Step 4, and sign
The submission ID is a 20-character number assigned to each Form IL-8453.
electronic return by the software. If we request the Form IL-8453, you
must enter the submission ID at the top of the form. If the ERO changes the electronic Form IL-1040 after the taxpayer
has signed Form IL-8453, and the electronic Form IL-1040 has not
Step 1: Provide taxpayer information been transmitted, the taxpayer must sign a corrected Form IL-8453 if
Print or type the taxpayer's name, mailing address, Social Security either of the following applies:
number (SSN) and daytime telephone number. Also, include the • the net income on Form IL-8453, Step 2, Line 1, differs more
spouse's information (if applicable). Enter the SSN(s) in the same
order as on the transmitted electronic Form IL-1040. than $50 from the amount on the electronic Form IL-1040, or
Note: All information on Form IL-8453 must be identical to the • the tax on Form IL-8453, Step 2, Line 2, the tax withheld
information on the transmitted electronic Form IL-1040. on Step 2, Line 3, the overpayment on Step 2, Line 4, or the
total amount due on Step 2, Line 5, differ from the corresponding
Step 2: Complete information from tax return amount on the electronic Form IL-1040 by more than $14.
(whole dollars only)
1 Net income – Amount from Form IL-1040, Line 11, or Step 5: Electronic return originator (ERO) and paid
Schedule NR, Nonresident and Part-Year Resident preparer declaration and signature
Computation of Illinois Tax, Step 5, Line 51. Form IL-8453 must be completed and signed by the ERO. If the
ERO and the paid preparer are the same entity, the paid preparer
2 Tax – Amount from Form IL-1040, Line 13. box must be checked. When the ERO and paid preparer are different,
3 Illinois Income Tax withheld – Amount from Form IL-1040, a copy of Form IL-1040 must be signed by the preparer and attached
Line 26. If the amount is zero or blank, enter zero.Do not to the back of Form IL-8453.
include amounts from Lines 16, 17, 18, 27, 28, or 29.
Collector: If for the purpose of electronic filing, you collected but did
4 Overpayment – Amount from Form IL-1040, Line 36.
not prepare the return, sign as the ERO and date the declaration.
5 Total amount due – Amount from Form IL-1040, Line 40. Complete the business’ information, including the FEIN and
6 Filing status – Indicate the same filing status as transmitted on telephone number. In this case, no Preparer Tax Identification
the electronic Form IL-1040. Number (PTIN) is required.
Step 3: Complete direct deposit of refund or Step 6: Attach required documents
electronic funds withdrawal information Attach to the front of Form IL-8453:
The taxpayer can choose to directly deposit a refund or have the • "Copy 2" of all W-2 and 1099 forms (W-2, W-2G, 1099-DIV,
amount of tax due automatically withdrawn from their checking or 1099-G, 1099-INT, 1099-K, 1099-MISC, 1099-OID, and 1099-R).
savings account.
7 The routing number (RN) must be nine digits. The first two numbers Attach to the back of Form IL-8453:
must be 01 through 12 or 21 through 32. • Form IL-1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a
8 The account number (AN) may contain up to 17 alphanumeric Deceased Taxpayer, if filing a Form IL-1040 on behalf of a
characters. Include hyphens, but omit spaces and special deceased taxpayer.
symbols. Write the AN from the left, leaving any blank spaces at Note: Substitute wage and tax statement forms (federal Form 4852
the right end.
9 Check the type of account. or Illinois Form IL-4852) cannot be attached to Form IL-8453 or
10 Date the taxpayer authorizes the payment to be electronically submitted later instead of W-2, W-2G, 1099-G, and 1099-R forms.
withdrawn. Form IL-1040 returns that include 4852 forms must be filed on a
11 Amount of payment the taxpayer authorizes to be paper Form IL-1040.
electronically withdrawn.
12 Name on the checking or savings account. *ZZZZZZZZZ*
This form is authorized as outlined under the Illinois Income Tax Act. Disclosure of
IL‑8453 (R‑12/17) this information is required. Failure to provide information could result in a penalty.