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Illinois Department of Revenue

                                                                                                            January 2024
Publication 131

Withholding Income Tax Payment and Filing Requirements

   The information in this publication          About this publication
   is current as of the date of the             This publication guides an employer or payer in paying and reporting Illinois 
   publication. Please visit our website at     Withholding Income Tax. You need to know this information if you are an employer or 
   tax.illinois.gov to verify you have the      withholding agent. 
   most current revision.                       The objectives of this publication are to explain
   This publication is written in the plain     when and how to make your payments and file your returns, and
   English style so the tax information is      the different payment schedules.
   easier to understand. As a result, we 
   do not directly quote Illinois statutes      Related publications: 
   and the Illinois Administrative Code.        •  Publication 121, Illinois Income Tax Withholding for Household Employees. 
   The contents of this publication are         •  Publication 130, Who is Required to Withhold Illinois Income Tax. 
   informational only and do not take           •  Booklet IL-700-T, Illinois Withholding Income Tax Tables
   the place of statutes, rules, and court      •  Publication 131-D, Withholding Income Tax Payment and Return Due Dates
                                                Who must file Form IL-941? .........................................................................................2
                                                When am I required to file Form IL-941? ......................................................................2
                                                What if I am filing my first IL-941 return? ......................................................................2
                                                When am I required to pay?  ........................................................................................2
  For information or forms                      How is my payment frequency determined? ................................................................2
•  Visit our website at tax.illinois.gov        How do I pay and file? ..................................................................................................2
                                                How do I calculate how much my IL-501 payments should be?...................................3
•  Call 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336
                                                Where do I report the amount of Illinois Income Tax I
•  Call TTY at 1 800 544-5304                         withheld from my employees’ or others’ pay? .........................................................3
                                                What if my business name or address has changed? ..................................................                      4
                                                What if I no longer have employees or my business has closed? ................................                           4
                                                What if I registered for Withholding Income Tax in error? .............................................                  4
                                                What if my due date falls on a weekend or state recognized holiday? .........................                            4
Printed by authority of the state of Illinois - 
web only, 1 copy PUB-131 (R-01/24).             Where do I get help? ....................................................................................................4
                                                Descriptions of the payment and return schedules ......................................................                  4

   Taxpayer Bill of Rights
   •    You have the right to call the Illinois Department of              Independent Tax Tribunal, or by filing a complaint in 
        Revenue (IDOR) for help in resolving tax problems.                 circuit court.
        You have the right to privacy and confidentiality under     •    If you have overpaid your taxes, you have the right, 
        most tax laws.                                                     within specified time periods, to a credit (or, in some 
                                                                           cases, a refund) of that overpayment.
        You have the right to respond, within specified time 
        periods, to IDOR notices by asking questions, paying          For more information about these rights and other IDOR 
        the amount due, or providing proof to refute IDOR’s           procedures, you may write us at the following address:
        findings.                                                     Problems Resolution Office                               
   •    You have the right to appeal IDOR decisions, in many          Illinois Department of Revenue                           
        instances, within specified time periods, by asking for       PO Box 19014
        department review, by filing a petition with the Illinois     Springfield, IL  62794-9014

                  Get forms and other information at tax.illinois.gov

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                                                                                Withholding Income Tax Payment and Filing Requirements

 General Information 
                                                                                            reported on returns filed, that was withheld 
Who must file Form IL-941?                     What if I am filing my first 
You must file Form IL-941 if you paid                                                       during the “look-back” period. The “look-
amounts subject to Illinois withholding        IL-941 return?                               back” period is the one-year period ending 
income tax (either required or by voluntary    If you are filing your first return, check   on June 30 of the immediately preceding 
agreement), such as:                           the appropriate box on Form IL-941,          calendar year. For calendar year 2024, the 
                                               Step 1, or sign up for our online filing     “look-back” period is July 1, 2022, through 
  Wages and other employee                                                                June 30, 2023. At the end of the annual 
    compensation including bonus,              program, MyTax Illinois, on our website at 
                                               mytax.illinois.gov.                          review, we notify you if your payment 
    overtime, and commission pay,                                                           frequency changes. 
    usually reported to the recipient on a 
    Form W-2.                                  When am I required to pay?                   Monthly
  Non-wage income such as pensions,          Payments are made electronically or with       First-time taxpayers and taxpayers 
    annuities, unemployment income, and        Form IL-501.  There are two different            who have reported $12,000 or less 
    sick pay for which you have agreed         payment schedules — monthly and semi-            in withholding during the “look-back” 
    to voluntarily withhold Illinois Income    weekly.                                          period, are assigned to the monthly 
    Tax, usually reported to a recipient on a                                                   payment and quarterly return 
                                               Monthly IL-501 payments are due by 
    Form 1099.                                                                                  schedule.
                                                 the 15th day of the month following the 
  Lottery winnings of $1,000 or more;          month in which the tax was withheld.       Semi-weekly
    or gambling, pari-mutuel wagering, or 
    sports wagering winnings subject to        Semi-weekly IL-501 payments are              •  If you reported more than $12,000 
    federal withholding (more than $5,000)       due by Wednesday for amounts                   in withholding during the “look-back” 
    usually reported to a recipient on a         withheld on the preceding Wednesday,           period, you are assigned to the semi-
    Form W-2G.                                   Thursday, or Friday, and by Friday for         weekly payment schedule.
  Amounts paid to purchase rights to           amounts withheld on the preceding            •  If you exceed $12,000 in withholding 
    Illinois lottery winnings reported on a      Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or                   during a quarter, it is your responsibility 
    Form 1099-MISC.                              Tuesday.                                       to begin to pay your Illinois withholding 
                                               Electronic mandates for Illinois                 income tax semi-weekly in the 
Note: Form IL-941 is the only form used        withholding income tax: You must make            following quarter, the remainder of the 
to report Illinois Income Tax withholding      withholding tax payments electronically          year, and the subsequent year.
with the exception of household employee       if you are assigned to the semi-weekly 
withholding, which can be reported on 
                                               payment schedule. These payments are         How do I pay and file?
Form IL-1040, Individual Income Tax 
return. If you have household employees,       generally due three to seven days after      All Forms IL-941 must be filed 
see Publication 121, Illinois Income Tax       each payroll or other payment subject to     electronically.  If you are unable to file 
Withholding for Household Employees.           withholding.                                 electronically, you may request Form 
For more information, see Publication          Note: You will owe a late-payment penalty    IL-900-EW, Waiver Request, through our 
                                               if you do not pay the tax you owe by each    Taxpayer Assistance Division. The Waiver 
130, Who is Required to Withhold Illinois 
                                               payment due date.                            Request must be completed and submitted 
Income Tax. 
                                               For additional information, see Publication  back to IDOR.  You will be notified if the 
You must file Form IL-941 even if no           131-D, Withholding Income Tax Payment        Waiver Request is approved or denied.
tax was withheld during the reporting 
period (e.g., employees who are seasonal       and Return Due Dates.                        The forms used to pay and file withholding 
workers). If you permanently discontinue                                                    income tax are:
having Illinois employees, complete Step 2,    How is my payment                              Form IL-501, Payment Coupon 
Line B, for your final reporting period.       frequency determined?                            and Instructions (used to make 
                                               Payment due dates are determined by              withholding payments to IDOR), 
When am I required to file                     the payment schedule we assign to you          Form IL-941, Illinois Withholding 
Form IL-941?                                   based on your liability during the look-back     Income Tax Return (used to file 
All Forms IL-941 must be filed                 period, and the day you pay your payees          quarterly to report Illinois withholding 
electronically. Your Form IL-941 return is     from whom tax is withheld, or if you reach       tax amounts to IDOR), 
due quarterly.  The Form IL-941 is due by      the $12,000 threshold during a quarter.        Schedules WC, Withholding Income 
the last day of the month that follows         Annually, we review the total amount, as         Tax Credits, and WC-I, Withholding 
the end of the quarter - refer to the                                                           Income Tax Credits Information, 
“Quarterly Filer” table.  See the Form 
IL-941 Instructions for more information.  
                                                                                2024 Quarterly Filer
Unlike the federal government, Illinois 
does not have an annual reconciliation          Your Form IL-941 is due by the last day of the month that follows the end of the quarter.
                                                The quarter includes...          Quarter ends   Form IL-941 is due
  If the return due date falls on a 
    weekend or holiday, Form IL-941 is due      1.  January, February, March    March 31        April 30, 2024
    on the next business day.                   2.  April, May, June            June 30         July 31, 2024
  All filers will be assigned to make either  3.  July, August, September     September 30    October 31, 2024
    monthly payments, or semi-weekly            4.  October, November, December December 31     January 31, 2025
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                                                                             Withholding Income Tax Payment and Filing Requirements

    provide detailed information about the    Monday, September 30, 2024, and the        Payroll total =   $18,000.00 
    withholding income tax credits, how       other half of your employees on Tuesday,   IL withholding total =        $2,000.00
    to calculate them and where to report     October 1, 2024, both payments are due     Credits =                  -          0.00
    them, and                                 on Friday, October 4, 2024. However, the   IL-501 payment =             $2,000.00
  Schedule P, Illinois Withholding          payday of September 30, 2024, is in the    Example 4: Semi-weekly payment 
    Schedule, is required to be completed     third quarter and the payday of October 1, schedule (with credits)
    with your Form IL-941 to verify Illinois  2024, is in the fourth quarter. Therefore, Your January 1 - January 7 payroll totaled 
    income and withholding records.  You      two separate payments are required.        $20,000; you withheld Illinois Income Tax 
    are required to complete a Schedule       Note:  Withholding income tax is a         totaling $4,000 from your employees’ pay; 
    P-X, Amended Illinois Withholding         “trust” tax and may be subject to penalty  and you received a DCEO credit of $500 
    Schedule with your Form IL-941-X.         and interest if not reported correctly or  that was available for use.  Your IL-501 
    Taxpayers assigned to the semi-           paid timely.  For more information about   payment should be $3,500.  
    weekly payment schedule must              penalties and interest, see Publication    Payroll total =   $20,000.00 
    make all payments electronically.         103, Penalties and Interest for Illinois   IL withholding total =   $4,000.00
                                              Taxes.                                     Credits =                     -      500.00
To file — You may use                                                                    IL-501 payment =              $3,500.00
  •  MyTax Illinois,                          How do I calculate how                     Please plan your payments accordingly so 
                                                                                         that your account remains in balance.
  Federal/State Employment Taxes (FSET)     much my IL-501 payments 
    program, which uses IDOR-approved                                                    Note: See Booklet IL-700-T for the exact 
    Tax-Prep software programs (software      should be?
                                                                                         amount to withhold from your employee’s/ 
    you develop or purchase off-the-shelf) to The IL-501 payments you make should        or payee’s income. 
    file electronically.                      be the exact amount you withheld from 
To pay — You may use                          your payee minus any credits you may       Where do I report the 
  MyTax Illinois,                           have available. For example:
                                                                                         amount of Illinois Income 
  •  an IDOR-approved Tax-Prep software       Example 1: Monthly payment schedule 
    program, or                               (no credits)                               Tax I withheld from my 
  •  ACH Credit payment option.               Your January 1 - January 31 payroll        employees’ or others’ pay?
                                              totaled $15,000; you withheld Illinois     You must report the amount of Illinois 
MyTax Illinois is our online account filing   Income Tax totaling $600 from your         Income Tax you withheld, based upon the 
and management program that is available      employees’ pay; and you have no            date you issued payroll, on Step 4 of your 
to you, free of charge, to file, pay, and     available credits on your account.  Your   Form IL-941.  Note: If you withheld no 
monitor your Illinois tax accounts.           IL-501 payment should be $600.             Illinois Income Tax from your employees or 
For detailed information, go to our website                                              payees during a given month, make sure to 
                                              Payroll total =   $15,000.00 
at tax.illinois.gov.                          IL withholding total =        $600.00      enter “0” in the total line for that month.
                                              Credits =                -       0.00      For example:
Electronic mandates for Illinois              IL-501 payment =           $600.00         You withheld no Illinois Income Tax 
withholding income tax: 
  •  You must make withholding tax            Example 2: Monthly payment schedule          from your payroll on January 15 and 
    payments electronically if you are        (with credits) -                             January 30. On the first month of 
    assigned to the semi-weekly payment       Your January 1 - January 31 payroll          the quarter, enter the total of “$0” for 
    schedule.                                 totaled $15,000; you withheld Illinois       your January payroll on Line 2a and 
                                              Income Tax totaling $600 from your           Line 2b. 
  •  You are required to electronically       employees’ pay; and you calculated a       You withheld Illinois Income Tax from 
    submit Forms W-2, W-2c, W-2G, and         minimum wage credit of $250. Your IL-501     your payroll on February 15 of $225 
    1099-K to Illinois. See Publication       payment should be $350.                      and February 28 of $300. On the 
    110, Forms W-2, W-2c, W-2G, 
                                              Payroll total =   $15,000.00                 second month of the quarter, enter 
    and 1099 Filing and Storage               IL withholding total =        $600.00        $225 on the 15th and $300 on the 
    Requirements for Employers and            Credits =                -   250.00          28th. Then enter the total of $525 on 
    Payers, including 1099-K Electronic       IL-501 payment =           $350.00           Line 2c.
    Filing Requirements. 
                                              Please plan your payments accordingly so   You withheld Illinois Income Tax from 
      Make separate payments if your          that your account remains in balance.        your payroll on March 15 and March 30 
liability is for two separate quarters.                                                    of $300 each. On the third month of 
Be sure to identify the reporting period to   Example 3: Semi-weekly payment 
which each payment applies.  Otherwise, a     schedule (no credits)                        the quarter, enter $300 on the 15th and 
penalty could result for the payment being    Your January 1 - January 7 payroll totaled   $300 on the 30th. Then, enter the total 
applied to the incorrect period.              $18,000; you withheld Illinois Income Tax    of $600 on Line 2d.
                                              totaling $2,000 from your employees’ pay;  Add Lines 2b, 2c, and 2d.
For example:  If you are assigned to the      and you have no available credits on your  On your Form IL-941 submitted by April 
semi-weekly payment and quarterly return      account.  Your IL-501 payment should be      30 for the first quarter  of2024, you 
schedule, and your tax withheld is from       $2,000.                                      would report $1,125 on Line 2.
two different quarters, then send us two 
separate payments to reflect the tax being                                               For more information, see the Form IL-941 
reported on two different returns (IL-941).                                              Instructions.
If you pay one half of your employees on 
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                                                                                     Withholding Income Tax Payment and Filing Requirements

What if my business name                         If your business has permanently stopped 
                                                                                                   What if my due date falls 
                                                 withholding because 1) it has closed or 2) 
or address has changed?                          you no longer pay wages, check the box            on a weekend or state 
If your business name or address has             on Form IL-941, Step 2, Line B, and write         recognized holiday? 
changed from your last return, check             the date you stopped paying wages. Do 
the appropriate box on Form IL-941,              not forget to file a final return.  You may       Any time a due date falls on a weekend or 
Step 1. You also can make changes to             also cease your account through MyTax             state recognized holiday, we adjust the due 
your business name by completing and             Illinois, our online account management           date to the next business day.
submitting Form REG-3-C, Business                program, available on our website at 
Information Update, and updates to your          tax.illinois.gov.                                 Where do I get help?
                                                                                                    • Visit our website at tax.illinois.gov
address on MyTax Illinois. 
                                                 What if I registered for                           • Call us at 1 800 732-8866 or 
What if I no longer have                         Withholding Income Tax in                           217 782-3336
                                                                                                    • Call TTY at 1 800 544-5304
employees or my business                         error?
                                                                                                    • Write to                
                                                 To cancel your registration, call the 
                                                                                                     ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
has closed?                                      Central Registration Division of the Illinois 
                                                                                                     PO BOX 19001 
If you are a seasonal business and will be       Department of Revenue at 217 785-3707.
opening back up during the next season,                                                              SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9001
continue to file your returns. Even if you do        Withholding income tax is not 
not pay any wages or withhold any tax, you           considered withheld until the date 
must still file a return.                                     you pay your employees.

                     Descriptions of the payment and return schedules 

Semi-weekly Payment / Quarterly Return 
 •  Taxpayers who, during the “look-back” period, reported more than $12,000 in withholding,            Semi-weekly Payment and 
    are assigned to the semi-weekly payment and quarterly return schedule.                              Quarterly Return Schedule
 •  Taxpayers who, during the quarter, reported more than $12,000 in withholding, must begin                                File your return    
    making semi-weekly payments in the following quarter, the remainder of the year and the       Pay electronically by      electronically     
    subsequent year.                                                                                                                 by 
Semi-weekly payments are required to be made electronically. Generally, payments are             Wednesday for amounts     April 30, 2024
due three to seven days after every payroll. For payment due dates, see Publication 131-D,       withheld on the preceding July 31, 2024
Withholding Income Tax Payment and Return Due Dates.                                             Wednesday, Thursday, or   October 31, 2024
                                                                                                 Friday, and 
A return is due each quarter even if there is no tax withheld (for example, seasonal businesses                            January 31, 2025
will file a Form IL-941 reporting $0 tax during the quarter no income is paid). On the return,   Friday for amounts with-
                                                                                                 held on the preceding 
total all information for the quarter and be sure to sign it. Do not file an annual return.      Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 
      Illinois follows the federal rule that allows you at least three banking days to make your or Tuesday. 
payments after you withhold tax. For example, if you withhold tax on a Friday and Monday is a 
holiday, your payment is due on Thursday rather than Wednesday.

Monthly Payment / Quarterly Return                                                                             Monthly Payment and 
First-time taxpayers and taxpayers who have reported $12,000 or less in withholding during                Quarterly      Return Schedule
the “look-back” period, are assigned to the monthly payment and quarterly return schedule.           Pay electronically      File your return   
You must pay all amounts withheld during the month by the 15th day of the following month.         or use Form IL-501 by    electronically by
We encourage you to use an electronic method to make your payments.                              15th of each month        April 30, 2024
A return is due each quarter even if there is no tax withheld (for example, seasonal businesses  for amounts   withheld in July 31, 2024
                                                                                                 the preceding month.
will file a Form IL-941 reporting $0 tax during the quarter no income is paid). On the return,                             October 31, 2024
total all information for the quarter and be sure to sign it. Do not file an annual return.                                January 31, 2025

                                                      Warning! Penalty information
            Failure to comply with your required payment due dates may result in assessment of late-payment penalties. See 
         Publication 103, Penalties and Interest for Illinois Taxes.

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                                                                     Withholding Income Tax Payment and Filing Requirements

Office Locations

                                     Suburban North Regional Building 
                                     9511 Harrison Street FA 203
                                     Des Plaines, Illinois 60016-1563

200 South Wyman Street
Rockford, Illinois 61101-1237                                            555 West Monroe Street
                                                                         Suite 1100
                                                                         Chicago, Illinois 60661-3605

                                                                         Willard Ice Building
                                                                         101 West Jefferson
                                                                         Springfield, Illinois 62702-5145

15 Executive Drive
Business Center One, Suite 2
Fairview Heights, Illinois 62208-1331

                    2309 W. Main, Suite 114
                    Marion, Illinois 62959-1196

Contact Information Visit our website at tax.illinois.gov. For specific phone number and email contacts, see our 
                    Contact Us page. 
                    Call us at 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336.
                    Call TTY at 1 800 544-5304.
                    Write us at Illinois Department of Revenue, PO Box 19001, Springfield, IL  62794-9001.
                    Call our 24-hour Forms Order Line at 1 800 356-6302. 

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